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Life is a garden...Dig it !

  • WHAT exactly IS "Sensa" ? The weight loss powder.?

    A family member has asked what is in it, if it appears to have nothing harmful AND is recognized as SAFE by the FDA. I have reservations on its claims to aide in weight loss but for those over weight, I understand the desire to find that miracle solution. However I am against weight loss aides other than exercise & reduced intake.

    What are the ingredients ? I do NOT have bottle to compare the ingredients with researching. Any info you can pass on would be most appreciated. :)

    32 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Please share your opinions & experiences with Food Processor Brands. ANY good ones ?

    I have not found a brand that lasts over a few months. I have had : Hamilton Beach, Regel, Oster & numerous others, all failing miserably in my kitchen. I should be their product tester, IF it survives ME then it can go to the public. UG !

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • I am looking for a hand/body lotion recipe or more specifically the Uni-base for the start of it.?

    I found 1 recipe but it calls for "Uni-base" & I do NOT want to use a Uni-base someone else made. I would like the recipe for the Uni-base itself. I tried numerous search engines with no further luck. ANY direction you can provide will be greatly appreciated !! : )

    Thanks !!

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Have any of you went to the sight : finallyfast . com ?

    It is supposedly a sight that can make your computer (even a new one) faster by downloading & of course PAYING.

    I am not the sharpest tack in the box when it comes to computers, I would simply like HONEST help which seems to be far & few between these days whether online or in a store. I have tried some similar sights only to be disappointed & out money.

    Any advice & opinions from those of you WHO KNOW would be greatly appreciated ~: )

    Thanks soooooo much !

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • What do Electricians charge in your area ?

    I am interested in knowing what electricians charge in all the different states even other countries in comparison to ours. Be sure to state whether you are metro, suburb, small town, or country living.

    Thanks and happy November : )

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I want your opinions on a surprise gift I am getting my parents ?

    I am buying my parents a scooter. If it were YOU getting this gift, do you feel you would want to pick out the color and test drive it yourself or would you simply be happy with the gift given as a surprise ? I like the surprise aspect of it but have been getting some opinions that they really should test drive it first for fit... let me hear your opinions

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Mini Cooper owners... Are you happy with your mini ?? What are your likes / dislikes with it ?

    I am considering buying a Mini Cooper and want your opinions on what is right and wrong with the car. I am 5'9" and also want to make sure there is enough leg & head room.

    What is the pricing for new versus used ? Any special options I should consider ?

    My next step will be test driving but haven't found one close by yet to test out. Any info / opinions you can share will be greatly appreciated !

    Thanks for your time !

    1 AnswerOther - Car Makes1 decade ago
  • I am looking for an EXCELLENT bread recipe for the bread machine ?

    I have gone to ALL the "online" recipe sites and baked dozens of their recipes only to be disappointed. I know I might be expecting too much when I simply want a light airy bread (from a bread machine) but some of the recipes have produced actual bricks of bread.... uuuug ! ALL of the recipes made claims of them being the best too so perhaps bread machine bread just isn't for me.

    Any advice towards a lighter, airier(<is that a word? ha ha) bread from this stupid machine would be soooooooo appreciated. I don't need advice on experimenting with different flours, grains, yeasts etc... I have done ALL that over a 17 year period of owning this darn machine... A recipe would be great, one that YOU have tried and never failed. Hard to believe I have been a chef for 26 years and can't get a decent loaf of bread from a machine, good grief !!!

    HELP !!

    : )

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • We are installing a 95 HD motor into a 89 Harley Davidson.....?

    On an 95 evo motor, what is the oil pump port identification ?

    What is the oil scematics from oil pump to the oil tank, oil filter, and other components ?

    2 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Can we turn in our "Tootsie Pop" wrappers with the Indian & star on them for a free sucker like years ago ?

    I think I saw this question a long time ago but didn't take note of the answers.

    I have numerous "Tootsie Pop" wrappers with the Indain & star on them and years ago (30 years) we use to exchange these wrappers for a sucker at the 5 & dime stores.

    Is this still possible ?

    What stores would be doing this now a days ?

    OR will I need to contact "Tootsie" headquarters?

    : )

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • I want your ideas in naming a new business. Be creative !~.?

    The business is "Professional Massage Therapy". This business will offer everything massage related from Swedish to sport, from hot stones to Pregnancy massage.

    I don't want anything to long. Long business names tend to bore me. I have numerous ones already but want to cover all my basis and what better place for vast opinions than HERE !

    Ok everyone, let me have all you ideas !

    : )

    9 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • It's week #2 after the total hysterectomy, tell me what to expect now ?

    First of all I want to thank all you gals who answered my Pre-hysterectomy questions a few weeks earlier and shared your stories with me!! I need you to share again....

    It is now week 2 post-op. Had the full open surgery and am healing fine. I took my own staples out (the day before the doc was going to remove them) for they were driving me nuts, poking me from different angles. Went to the checkup a week after and my doc was surprised I hadn't had any hotflashes yet . I have had no hot flashes but have been warm on a few occasions but nothing like the horror stories of sweating I have been told.

    I feel tired way to much in my opinion and yet do not sleep well at night. Is this normal ? Will this be life from now on ?

    I am sore, achy, headachy & pale and wondering how long this is suppose to go on. The doc. says, of course, 6 weeks is recovery. I just want you gals to share with me your post experience now to sort of calm my anxieties of what is going on.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • So many gals here asking what sweet thing they can do for their boyfriends for valentines....?

    Does everyone really believe guys really care about valentines ??

    I have not met one guy who has feelings for valentines but simply goes with it due to the women in their lives stressing its importance.

    I say its a huge waste of money... If you are a dipshit who only shows the one you care about, that you care about them on that particular day then you are more of an idiot than first thought.

    If you care for someone, you should show them everyday and it doesn't mean by spending money you don't have, on worthless teddybear / chocolate crap. Sometimes I wonder if any one actually hugs the one they love and simply says " I love you , thanks for being here with me."

    Oh well, as long as I keep doing things everyday for the man I love, he will not have to deal with sweet little valentines crap.

    Anything you would like to add ??

    : ) Happy Valentines !

    3 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Is there an easier way to put your dog to sleep than taking to the vet ??

    Our very old dog will need to be put to sleep soon and it is killing me thinking of taking him to the vet. Is there med out there that will put him to sleep peacefully, that I could administer myself ? I hate even thinking of this and the pain of losing him gets to be very strong at times.

    All those years of fun and love have to come to this, everytime we have pets.... makes me want to simply not have any more for this is very painful.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What are some of your favorite sounds ?

    I love hearing the wind blow through the tops of the trees in autumn.

    I love hearing the footsteps of my son coming home.

    I love hearing my cat purr.

    and last but not least, I love hearing my husband snoring, for it tells me he is right there next to me.

    Share yours...

    : )

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • My son is traveling to the Philippines, any advice for him or words from the wise ???

    He will spend a week around Maasin. We have been told of corrupt police, thieves, and unhealthy drinking water...

    Any of you have anything to add, that might prove helpful from your own experiences there ??

    14 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • For you gals who have had hysterectomies....?

    How was your recovery time and how long did you spend in the hospital ?

    Are you back to normal with no decrease in sex drive ?

    Any tips you feel compelled to shared since you went through it ?

    I was hoping for the less abrasive surgery but was told since I have never had a normal birth (c-sec. only) that I will be needing the full incision. I am not looking forward to 4 to 6 weeks of recovery and have informed the doc that I will stay over night ONLY then I am out of there. Hospitals are such a pain... they wake you up to ask if you were resting, that makes no sense to me so my stay will be short !

    Anything you can share with me will be appreciated !

    Thanks ! : )

    9 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • For you Country Folk to answer about your property / acreage.?

    Do any of you who live on farms or in rural areas have any trouble with dipshits driving right up into your property and hunting ?

    Also snowmobilers and 4-wheelers running through your property not caring what they damage or kill ?

    Good grief, these idiots don't ask permission and then have the balls to give me a dirty look when I tell them to take hike, as if they own the land and I don't. Its crazy... I was raised to NEVER trespass or damage anyone's property. Being law abidding was pounded into our heads and life is good because of it but there are still those out there who have no clue what "respect" means. Just wondering if anyone else has to deal with these disrespectful a$$es ??


    : )

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is it just me or do any of you find the music too freaking loud at wedding and shower dances ???

    GOOD GAWD !! I must be getting old ! The music was loud at a recent shower dance we attended ! Not even possible to talk among guests. Of course the kiddies didn't have a problem with it. Our drinks damn near vibrated right off the tables and we were at the back tables expecting it to be loud up front. The base banged so hard that there is no way anyone could have died due to heart failure, hell the beat alone would of pounded the heart along.

    We did not find it enjoyable one bit. The hosts asked to the band to tone it down but were basically laughed at. Is this the norm ? Do the bands simply laugh it off ?

    I will be looking into investing in "hearing aides" stocks in the future. All those young people will certainly have hearing loss !!!

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is there an American Embassy in the Philippines ?

    If so, what is the address or how do you go about finding an address & phone # ??

    Also when traveling in the Philippines, if your passport is stolen do you go to an Embassy for help ? If not, who would you go to for help with so many corrupt law enforcements ???

    2 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates1 decade ago