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Tonya Sizemore
Major question that needs answered...PLZ HELP!!! :)?
K so my boyfriend has a droid 4 phone. and he wants my voicemail password to see who all i been talking to on my fone.. will it just show the txt msgs from that day... or also texts and calls from the past??? Plz answer if u know the right answer..
1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years agowhat could i do too get him back? Plz help me?
I been talking to this guy for awhile, We started by texting everyday and i guess we fell in love .. We got together he texted me every morning saying he loves me and every night. And everytime i would act like im having 2nd thoughts he would blow my phone up asking why. But now i guess he gave up on me he wont even really text me anymore. He went 2days without texting than he said he was just playin hard. Than maybe few days later he texted i dont think this is going to work out between me and you. He said he was for real bout lettin me go this time and i asked if he would ever change his mind and he said he dont know.. I text him like everyday telling him i really love him and miss him texting, He really dont text back.. What do i do too get him back???
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat should i do ? Guy problem plz give me answers.?
Okayy so heres the story... I been talking to my brothers best friend and we texted like everyday and he told me he thought i was beautiful and that he was starting to like me. We hung out 2times with my brother and both times hes kissed me. But like a few days ago i found out he had a girlfriend and they just got together. And he said hes sorry and all that, And ive asked him if he wanted us to stop talking and he said no i dont.. And when i said so do u want to hangout this weekend he said yea and i said well if you dont feel like it cause u have a girlfriend than i understand and he said no its kool.. So anyway i asked him yesterday if him and that girl are getting serious and he said not really. I said do you really like her he said kinda but not really sure yet... So what does it sound like too you? And if we do hang than of course were going to end up kissing again right? What should i do.... Should i stop txting him till this weekend because i been txting him everyday...NEED ANSWERS!! 5pts.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoGuy problem...Need answers! Plzz help...?
Okk... so i been talking to my brothers bestfriend and i hung out with him with my brother 2times and both times we hung he kissed me i dont know how many time.. We txted like everyday and he seem like a good guy. He said i was beautiful and everything but he ended up getting a girlfriend... And so i asked him bout it, he said yeah that hes sorry. i asked him if he wanted me too stop talking to him and he said no i dont.. And soo on and i said so we can still hang as friends right and he said yea we can, Soo anyway like if we hangout alone how should i act? Dont you think he would end up kissing me because he has already and he said he liked me? what should i do...need answers!!?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoIt's a guy problem...Plz help?
Ok so i started talking to my brothers bestfriend and hes been cheated on and done wrong in the past.. He seems like a sweet guy, We txted like every day and i hung out with him with my brother like 2times already and he has kissed me both times we hung out.. He said i have a nice body pretty face and beautiful eyes to match my great personality... But we havnt really talked that much this week he says he dont txt much when hes busy.. And when i txted him lastnight and said so when are we going too mess around he said whenever you come over........What do u think does it sound like hes just wanting one thing or hes just too busy to really talk to me right now?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agodoes this boy like me?
i like this boy that i've known for a while cuz its my best friend's brother, well his dating one of my ex best friends. but me and him are close, we pass notes, we talk all the time, he even walked me home from the game cuz i was to scared to.... and at the game his brother said that ricky liked me and i said no cuz his got a girl he said so he still likes u... and in class he bumps into me sometimes so does he like me yes or no
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agore does he like me?
theres this boy i met at da game, its my friend's ex boyfriend. when he saw me he held out his hand then later on he asked for a hug... then the next game when he was there i asked him how old was he then he asked me the same, then my best said will u date her he said i dont know, witch he was dateing someone at the time.. but at the game he just kept saying everything i said ya know so does he like me?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agodoes my ex boyfriend still likes me?
me and my ex have been apart for a year.and i dont see him that much anymore cuz he skips school alott for like 3 months, well one time he said he liked me but he stopped cuz he found a gf well thier not dateing now and like last weekend i saw him at spare time with his cuz and my friend well i ran out and i said i just got kicked out and he said shut up ***** i said ok kevin what the hell did i do to u he said being a ***** and smiled then left, well he was on my bus today and he looked at me a few times but he was so busy acting crazy, well he was acting crazy then looked at me and i gave him a evil look at me shock his head at me, then when i was about ready to get off the bus he said something but idk what he said but he said something and i said who u talking about he said u then he said im going to sew u, then i got off the bus but i guess he was just acting crazy cuz i dident do anything to him and he cant sew me cuz im 13 but anyways does he like me or doesent like me? plzhelp
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoif your ex boyfriend bothers u that means??
me and my ex bf been a part for a year i think but well his not at school that much but i saw him at spare time and i said i got kicked out he said shut up ***** i said what the hell did i do to u and he said being a ***** and left, well today on the bus was the first time ive saw him on there for along time and he kept acting crazy like always and looked at me and started acting crazy and i shock my head then he turned and shock his, then he looked at me and said something and i said who are u talking about he said u then said blah blah blah idk then said ill sew u and i got off the bus lol... whys he doing this.. he cant sew me im only 13 he just acts crazy around friends but does he still like me or nott
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agodoes he like me? "ex bf"?
my ex talks to me than stoped cuz he was with this girl... and now for like 3 days his been talking to me, witch ive heard they broke up and he broke up with her, we was on the bus his like ya its been 7 days seens i broke up with robbi i said u got back with her his like no i dident and i said u going to spare time he said when he said ya and he was reading my shirt and stuff witch i weared green cuz its and his like u weared alot of green today, so anyway earlyer he was in the office doing homework and i was right by the office with my friends and he kept turning around and lookling at me every few mins and witch i was looking at him to. so anyway does he like me or not if not than whats going on!?? well have a great st.pat. day!!!
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoboy problum?<DOES HE LIKE ME??
its me and my ex bf, we used to be really close like we was gonna get back together. than he found a note that said i luv tyler than he started calling me names, it was like thurday on the bus he called me fatass and some boy told me than that boy also said he called me a ***** than i passed a pen to my friend heather and kevin was like stop passing stuff and i looked back at him and said its hers, GOSH, and he just looked at me, but before i got on the bus kevin's friend asked me if i still liked kev and i said no than i saw him go up the steps and was talking to kev, so anyway friday in the gym my friend said he was looking at me afew times and theres some girl that kevin talked about on the bus that she was hot well she asked him out and he said no, than on the bus he said gosh i dont like robbie to some boy than later on he said something to me but i turned around i dident lesson to what he was saying, i kept talking about TLYER/ but im trying to make him mad cause i like him.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoex bf problum please help me???
my ex used to call me alot and told me he liked me than he stoped and and he found a note that said i love someone witch the note was a joke to make him jealous but after he found the note he started a rommer saying he liked me for my body and that he really dident like me, and he talks about me on the bus when im there setting lessoning, but he does look at me in gym when im there setting and talking, and looks when i get up and get of the bus, and i think he called sunday but i hung up as soon as he said hey he called like 5 times. i hung up, than now his talking about me again,and stuff witch i talk about him also, saying i hate him his ugly can't stand him. but i dont know what do do so tell me what should i do now? and does he like me or not? whats he trying to do, cause his pissing me of
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agodoes he like me?
me and my ex talked alot and got along so well, and he called sometimes, than he said he was with someone and move on he needs somone who gives him expections. and than like a week later his friend said he said he liked me still, and now it has been like a week seens his friend said that and kev was looking at me alot in the gym, i was standing up and he was setting down with som boy and he was looking at me and when someone got in hjis way he stand up and looked at me, even in the hall by the gym, and than on the bus some boy is like i can get u together with someone and he said alright, than that boy took my notes witch said i liked kevin and kevin is like what notes, and what do they say he sadi ill give them to u later,than he looked at me a few times on the bus seeing what i was writeing on my hand. does my ex bf like me??????????????????????
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agodoes he like me or not?
my ex talks to me on the bus alot, and he calls sometimes, and he called last week saying he needs someone who gives him expections, whats does he mean by that?? then he says he met someone and he might go out with her cause there isent any good looking girls at school, and i told him he hurt me and he kept saying why he said to move on then he said im gonna go see u tomorrow at school, witch this week when kevin wasent there his best friend that i known for allong time and were friends said that he asked kevin if he liked me LAST WEEK if he likes me and he said no then he said ya i guess, and i asked him if he talks about me he said ya he talks about u alot, we start talking about something and it ends talking about you, and idk how,..... thats what he said and kevin called last week and + his friend asked him if he liked me last week and he said no then he said ya i guess.. and on the bus he was like acting crazy and doing stuff when ever i turned my head . does he like me?HELP????
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoits a ex bf problum????
me and my ex talks like all the time, he calls sometimes, and like last week he called and he said he needs soemone who gives him expections, what does that mean? so anyway he said he met someone and told me to move on, and so anway when he wasent at school his friend stoped me and started talking to me saying his trying to get us back together and he asked kevin last week if he likes me he said no then he said yeah i guess,AND he was dateing someone but his not now, and my only chance is to ask him to the dance with me, do u think the answer will be yes? last day i was him was yesterday, no body wasent setting by him or me, we dident talk, he dident talk to anyway and idident, but he was setting there acting funny and crazy, but he wasent talking to anyway, i set across of him, and i was setting there laughing, why was he acting funny and crazy! its really funny and i love it when he does that, he always acts funny when im around. does he like me and should i ask him to the dance??
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agodoes my ex likes me if he tells his friend he does?? help?
me and my ex bf talks like all the time, and he calls sometimes,like last week he called and said he met someone and said i g2g i need someone who gives me respect.. then like today. kevin well he hasent been at school for two days, but this week, on the bus some boy said do u like her and my ex said she was on my top 3 before i dated her., anyway today me and his friend was talking and he said that his trying to get me and my ex together and he said he asked kevin if he likes me and he said no then he said ya i guess, and he said he talks about me all the time when his around him. and he was dateing someone but broke up with her, DOES HE LIKE ME???
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agowhat does it mean when and ex bf talks to his ex gf???
i have a ex, he broke up with me about 9 months ago cause i was really mad at him, and i told him idk if im in love with him and he said ok its over, and this school year came and we did not get along we both kept telling each that i hate u, but now we've been talking for like a few months now, he calls sometimes, he talks to me on the bus sometimes and stuff, why would he be talking to me? he called before and said he liked me and only says he doesent to make me mad, then like last week he called and said i need someone who gives me responsable,respectable,peaceful & safe and then he said i met some girl i might go out with her and he told me to move onand stuff, i told him he hurt me, and yesterday on the bus some boy said do u like her he said she was on my top 3 before i dated her, he really dident answer yes or no, but does he like me or not and what did he mean by this, and why would he be talking to me for im an ex, does he wont me back but doesent wont me to know or something?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoif my ex calls me???
if my ex calls me sometimes. and talks to me at school on the bus alot, and he looks at me sometimes in the hall way but i never stop to talk to him , but he calls sometimes, and once he said he liked me and only says he doesent to make me mad, then like last week he called and said ya i met a girl and i might go out with her cause there isent any good looking girls at our school and i need someone who gives me responsable,respectable,peaceful, and safe, what did he mean by that, and + some boy on the bus kept asking kevin if he liked me, he dident answer, he just said she was on my top 3 before i dated her, whats that mean, then the next day he told that boy that im wanting to sleep with him, its going around school, some boy told him, and kevin knows i like him,,,, but why would and ex bf talk to his ex gf, i mean were close now, he broke up with me about 9 months ago, and he talks me to. calls me, does he like me? but
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoex bf trouble???
this year me and my ex dident get along to well, then we started talking, he calls me sometimes and he told me before that he likes me but says he doesent to amke me mad, then like a week ago he called talking about he met this girl and might go out with her cause there isent any good looking girls at our school! PAINFUL. and i told him he hurt me he said why, i told him cause his with someone he said im not with anyone yet, he said move on and find someone, and said im gonnna go, witch alot of people is telling me he was trying to make me jealous. its worked, he hurt me, nad now on the bus some boy is like do u like her, then i heard him say she was on my top 3 before i dated her, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN, on the phone last week he said he need someone responsable,respectable,peaceful,safe, witch he dident say it in that way he said i need some to give me that so im gonna go, but like yesterday he told this boy im wanting to sleep with him and 2 thumbs up, does he like me, what should i do
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago