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what could i do too get him back? Plz help me?

I been talking to this guy for awhile, We started by texting everyday and i guess we fell in love .. We got together he texted me every morning saying he loves me and every night. And everytime i would act like im having 2nd thoughts he would blow my phone up asking why. But now i guess he gave up on me he wont even really text me anymore. He went 2days without texting than he said he was just playin hard. Than maybe few days later he texted i dont think this is going to work out between me and you. He said he was for real bout lettin me go this time and i asked if he would ever change his mind and he said he dont know.. I text him like everyday telling him i really love him and miss him texting, He really dont text back.. What do i do too get him back???

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it would help some if we knew how u met him and if this is strictly just a txting thing or you actually know him on a face to face (go to school / work together) and a general idea of your ages.

    txting is ok if your just casually talking kind of thing . however its a poor excuse for not having a face to face convo. txting you can just stop and ignore the phone or turn it off. but face to face thats alittle hard to do unless the other person is extremely rude type individual.

    one thing is u can't get him back by texting . so the personal touch is required . to win someone you have to physically and verbialy state your love and concern.

    old saying the way to any mans heart is thru his stomach. hmmmm.... bake him some cup cakes /cookies and give them to him . envite him over for lunch/diner and coffee tea or me... whups... i didn't just put that there did i ..... hep... it looks like i did .

    now in stating what i did above i'm assumming your old enough too (18 or older)

    if your younger than 17 then if your on good speaking terms with your mom ask her for some pointers.

    if she's a normal mom and she's a girl (lol) she'll diffently have some ideas to swingyour way. most normal moms at times get a buzz(a bit giddy) when trying to help their daughters with a guy(it takes them back to their youth and things they did to get a guys attention and their hearts.)

    love is several things by txting your expressing a feeling you have that sometimes is not tangible. how ever when you tell someone you love them face to face and (hug or kiss them) thats a physical expression of love and more tangible and more readily believed by the reciperiant of said hug or kiss.

    have you expressed this love for him in the physical realm yet. if not then this may be one reason why he's drifting in and out of making any kind of discession concerning you.

    this is just my humble opinion take it for what its worth and a grain of salt. but it was my heart.

    Source(s): me myself and i and di di i just say that???
  • 1 decade ago

    Show him how much you love him and why you'll fell in love in the first place. Maybe if he remembers why, the way he used to feel about you might come into play. And if it doesn't then it's just not meant to be. And that's okay too because there's other fish in the sea.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    gurllll you won't get him backk it's too late!

    he doesn't love you it's obvious babe....i don't think you're in love one love a persong through texting!

    what the heck with you gurllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!

    miss him texting ? Gosh you're such a loser! go find yourself a real person!

  • 1 decade ago

    ok lets do this old school

    pick up the phone

    dial his number

    talk 2 him over the phone no texting **** (its pointless)

    plead ur heart out try and get him (almost lost my gf if i didnt do this)

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