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Lv 617,927 points

Sir Adam the Strange

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  • This is a really awkward question, but please don't judge. (Intensely bad cramping)?

    Let me get this out in the open first. I was going to ask "for a friend" to make it less weird but I'm not going to, but I'm asking on behalf of myself. I don't like being too open about it now, but I'm FTM transgender. I haven't started hormone replacement therapy yet and I've been on birth control since last summer to try to keep "shark week" out of my way because it isn't good for my dysphoria.

    Prior to this (and up to this point) for some time I've had intense cramping that feels like I'm being kicked (which hasn't happened before for me) and it's way more painful than I remember. Recently, the cramping has gotten to the point where I can't stand up much of the time. I've been taking some pain relievers for it and it only really does so much, providing some temporary relief. It wouldn't be so bad...if it went away once in a while. The cramping pain is pretty much on the daily now and the part when it gets so intense that I need to sit down is rather worrisome for me.

    I called the office for a gyno I've seen and the response I got regarding it getting that bad was "OH" when I said I've considered going in for the depo shot. I'm just wondering if I'm overreacting about this and if the depo is something I should consider going after because the daily reminder to take birth control is rather depressing and I don't know when I'm going to see an endocrinologist to take the first steps for hormone therapy.

    Thanks if anyone can help. I'd deeply appreciate it.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Issues with nighttime anxiety?

    Anxiety has always been an issue for me, but I find that it's usually at it's peak at night.

    Does anyone have advice on how I can lower that? I'm planning on calling someone in a week (I say a week since they told me that's when they should have my insurance verified) to see if I can get an appointment, but I'm looking for some minor fixings to help in the mean time.

    Thanks if you can help!

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Youtube has Captcha codes now?

    I was on for a bit today and it said because they're getting a lot of requests for me, I need to enter a Captcha code of sorts. Not for commenting, just using the site.

    Is anyone else getting this today? I use Firefox if it helps.

    1 AnswerYouTube7 years ago
  • Did Youtube update again? [Video Player Huge]?

    I went on to youtube again today and the video player was just huge, like 2/3s of the screen huge. I thought I clicked something on the thing to adjust the screen size, but I didn't.

    I've only noticed this on Firefox, and Chrome seems to be fine. Did the site do another update or am I going crazy?

    1 AnswerYouTube7 years ago
  • Notifications not working?

    For some reason, the notification system isn't working. They were working just fine about an hour ago, now I'm not getting notifications on posts I'm apart of that are ongoing. What gives? Is anyone else having this problem right now?

    I use Firefox, but even on Chrome I'm getting nothing.

    1 AnswerFacebook7 years ago
  • Why is Netflix in widescreen on Wii?

    I had a hard time getting onto my Wii app yesterday (some sort of issue with switching to my profile) and now everything is in widescreen? Is this just a thing everyone is going through? My fiance has a kindle and says stuff is in widescreen too, but I'm wondering if it could be on my end as well.

    1 AnswerNintendo Wii7 years ago
  • Looking for the name of a show from NBC?

    I think it was on NBC or still is. I remember previews for it when an old season of the Biggest Loser was in circulation. If I remember correctly it mainly set up a plot about two friends. One of them grows up to be a crime scene investigator and eventually has to investigate a crime scene where her friend is found dead.

    I'm sure I butchered that summary up. But does anyone remember the name?

    1 AnswerDrama7 years ago
  • My ears won't stop popping. Help?

    Ever since yesterday, my ears have been popping. It's not like the popping where your ears feel like they clear up. It's weird to describe, but it sounds like an underwater kind of pop. I'm not sure what it could be. I've always had problems with my ears, and more recently (within the past 18 months) I was sent back and forth between an ENT and an allergist to pin-point why I had chronic blockage.

    I'm going to try to get an opinion soon from my doctor, but I was wondering if anyone had ideas. It's been happening nearly non-stop and it's starting to drive me crazy.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • Super embarrassing question--help?

    Okay...I feel weird posting this and I'm sure the answer will be obvious. Please try not to judge.

    First, I need to state that this is regarding me and not someone I know--and that I'm a transgender male. It's super embarrassing, but here it goes.

    My body dysphoria has always given me trouble (making my anxiety and depression harder to cope with), mainly when "the curse" comes around. Sometime in the summer I saw a gyno who helped me out and I was put on Cryselle (I think it was 0.03 or something with the green pills for the fourth week) and was pretty much told to disgard the placebos. That was in July or August. I had no major problems aside from cramps, no bleeding or anything. December comes around and it sticks around for about two weeks. It was triggering, but I survived.

    However, January 20th or so comes by and it happens again...but it hasn't gone away. I consulted my doc earlier this month and he gave me something else (Balziva 0.4) and I started taking that on Monday the 17th. Everything was fine for about 4-6 days, when it stopped again. But then it started again on Saturday the 22nd. A relative said I need to give it about a month or two to really work, whereas my fiance and my mother-in law said I should see a doctor as soon as I can (In law mentioned the ER).

    I have no idea what to do. Help?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Trying to recall the name of a very weird/macabre Children's book. Help?

    I feel like I might have been imagining things since I'm coming up short, but I hope someone remembers this and can help me out. I really wished I remembered more about it than what I'm going to list to be more resourceful, but I can't. I hope it will be enough though.

    I remember finding this weird book when I was a kid, so this was sometime in the 90s to early 2000s. I sandwich it between the weirdness of the "Black Lagoon" series by Mike Thaler and the macabe "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" in my 'mental index'. Sadly, I can't remember a single written word from it. But what I do remember were two...weird images from the book.

    One was of a kid getting caught or pulled through an escalator (by their shoe laces I think) and another of a kid getting sucked down the drain of a bath tub.

    My memory wants to say the illustrations were similar to that of the Black Lagoon series, but I don't know for certain. Does anyone else have an idea as to what I might be thinking of? It's been an annoyance on my mind for several years and I'm hoping I haven't lost my mind and made the damn thing up.

    Thanks if you can help lead me in the right direction.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Questions for Vegans?

    I'm sorry if I sound uneducated or stupid, but why are vegans opposed to animal bi-products like dairy, honey and eggs? Are all vegans opposed to leather and wool?

    Also, what are some tips you'd recommend to someone who would possibly consider veganism? I say consider (at least for me) because it seems like it would be overly difficult to distance myself from dairy (not so much eggs) and making sure my products are safe.


    9 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years ago
  • What are some good editing softwares?

    I'm wondering what are some good editing softwares to use for video editing. I have Windows 7, so I'm stuck with Live Movie Maker and it's a mess for me. I never had many problems with WMM and AVS was okay, despite being stuck in a trial mode that gave me a weird watermarker.

    Can you throw out some names of editing softwares I should look into? While I can take the time to learn how something "complex" works, as long as it's the "bare bones" like WMM, I don't really mind or care. If you throw out names, how much am I likely to pay?


    1 AnswerSoftware7 years ago
  • Uncertain about a translated copy of the qu'ran. Help?

    A few years ago, I picked up a Qu'ran from a Borders in my city that was closing. I've been wanting to add one to my library so I have more to research in the future. However, I'm not knowledgeable in the field of Arabic so I'm uncertain if the copy I have is accurate. This is the first one I ever picked up so I don't know if there are differences in other translations or not, and my understanding of Arabic isn't very good at all, so that doesn't help much.

    The one I picked up includes an English translation and commentary by Maulana Muhammad Ali.

    If there are better translations out there, what would you recommend?


    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Red and Blotchy Skin?

    For a while I've noticed that my skin is weird and blotchy, and it's sometimes red (which doesn't help with me being paler than usual). I remember my dermatologist saying a name for the condition, but I forgot the name. My skin doesn't feel dry or itchy or anything, it's

    Any ideas as to what this could be?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • Aches and pains all over?

    First off, I know what the first words will be. See your doctor. I know. I'm just asking for someone's two cents so I have an idea to go with until I can see mine.

    This seemed to have started earlier this year. I first noticed that I'd get these pains and aches in my toes that would spread to my feet when I was in the shower. After a while I thought it went away, but it came back. Now it seems whenever it hits me hard in my toes, it will hit me in my fingers right away. It's not a tingling feeling, but a sensation that ranges from an ache to pain that could be dull or sharp.

    But it doesn't stop there. I've also been getting feelings in my right arm that spread from my shoulder down. It's not so much a pain, but a cramping and a heaviness. I've also been having weird feelings with my ankle and knee (right). I used to have bad BAD aches and pains in my lower back that would radiate into my neck, but those seem to have passed.

    A day doesn't go by where I don't feel pain or aches somewhere. As I'm writing this, I'm having this ache in my left lower arm, mainly in my hand. Even when I wear a wrist brace for my hand, it doesn't do anything. When I was in the hospital (three times for reasons I won't go into), I never had aches or pains at all. Thinking it over, I thought it would be diabetes, but my bloodwork always came up normal so that I guess isn't a possibility. I have hypothyroidism (or some thyroid condition) and I'm doing what I can to get on top of my medication again, since I've been very forgetful and the last time I remember being on a stable schedule was back in July.

    I'm 20 and my health seems pretty normal for the most part. I'm a bit overweight for my height, but that's about it.

    Any ideas as to what it could be until I see my doctor next month?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Can't watch a video on Youtube?

    I went to go finish watching a video I was meaning to wrap up. When I went there it just jumped to where I left off, but it wouldn't play. I'f tried bringing it back to tbe beginning of the video, but that didn't work. I tried playing it on another browser and the video wouldn't start at all. I'm only having the problem with this lone video.

    Any ideas as to how I can resolve this (unless it's just Youtube being fussy)?

    2 AnswersYouTube8 years ago
  • Tremors while on medication?

    Let me give some back story first:

    I was hospitalized for ten days and was put on a different medication(s). Those being Geodon, Effexor, Exffexor XR and Klonopin for my anxiety and depression. I won't go into the reason why I was hospitalized because it doesn't matter. While I was in the hospital, I noticed my hand would shake or tremble while I was on the phone. Now that I'm home, I'm just starting to notice it again.

    Should I be worried about this because I know my medications have lots of side effects that should wear off soon. If I should be concerned, I'll be seeing someone in a few weeks who manages my medication. I should have mentioned this to the person who prescribed my medication in the first place, but it slipped my mind.

    Thanks if you can help.

    2 AnswersMedicine8 years ago
  • Having trouble sleeping?

    I've been on Abilify (5mg) for about four weeks and I'm still plauged by one of the more annoying side effects which is sleep related. I'm having trouble faling asleep and staying asleep (I toss and turn) and for the first two weeks I was almost zombie like and I was nearly falling asleep all over the place. I'm feeling somewhat better now (not feeling so drowsy) but I'm still having a problem with staying asleep and falling asleep.

    Does anyone have advice for what I can do or take so I can wake up feeling refreshed? Thank you.

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Dull pains on my left and right sides?

    I've been having some dull pains on my left and right sides for a while now. The best way to describe the location of the pains is it seems to spread from my side areas to near my stomach; maybe a few inches from my belly button.

    Do you have any ideas as to what this can be? Someone in my house thinks it's how I'm sleeping.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Getting inbox errors?

    When I'm at my inbox or doing something like clearing my spam, I get something like "page cannot be found" or something. What's up with that?

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors8 years ago