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Lv 614,760 points

Rev. TomCat

Favorite Answers8%

Hi Everyone.You may write to me with your questions.I acknowledge your right to believe or not. I have formed opinions.This does not make me right. Unless you have experienced something first hand, you are accepting your beliefs based on what you have learned from others,because man told it or wrote it. I am an Ordained Interfaith / Spiritual /Christian based Minister so my answers may not agree with Fundimentalist Christian doctrine or legalistic church brain washing. I wish not to be converted to your doctrine and I only wish to teach and share, not argue. I was ordained in 2004 and certified in the order of Melchizedek. Jesus is my Lord and Master and High Priest of the Order . I study other beliefs for their conceptual value. Love to me is the Word of God, I teach as well as the words and works of Yeshua Ben Joseph written in many writings. I am a Published Visionary Artist and if you would like to see my work please write! I wish you Love, Light, and Peace. Rev. Tom

  • What answer do you have. When someone is dying and you pray in the name of Jesus that they be well?

    I am interested in knowing what you would tell someone why your prayer did not work to save someones life when they are dying of cancer or another disease.

    We are supposed to believe that our prayers will be answered if we pray in the name of Jesus.

    Or when two or more agree it shall be done in the name of Jesus.

    What would you tell the surviving spouse why your and her prayers did not cure the person to full recovery. Yet they died instead. I know some answers but I would like to hear yours.

    Please only serious answer to this serious question.

    Thanks, Rev. TomCat

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Microsoft Word Question?


    [1] Suppose I am creating a document in Microsoft Works Word.

    [2] The document contains 30 proper names, in no particular order.

    [3] How do I put them in alphabetical order?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Question For those who believe in continious life times as humans - Reincarnation?

    If you died and you could find a way to communicate with a loved one who is still living, say through a medium or perhaps a sign or a channeled voice. What sign or way could you give your loved one still living that would guarantee that living person it was you communicating with them.

    Seriously no stupid answers please.

    Rev. TomCat.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What Animated Movie is this?

    Please see this You Tube Video.

    Thanks - Rev. TomCat

    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Question for a Jew about your faith?

    In the Hebrew Religion the name of God is unspeakable. When the word "God" is written it is written like this G-d.

    The Name YWHA is abbreviated for Yahweh or Yahaweh. Why is God's Name not supposed to be spoken. What is the true meaning of His name. If you cannot say, I understand. Please only Jewish people answer this.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I constantly get unwanted marketing e-mail. I have tried blocking the e-mail sender and bounced the e-mail.?

    The problem is that the person sending the e-mail just sends another market e-mail using a different address. Does anyone know of a way to stop this from happening? How can I block a person who sends unwanted mail, and uses a different sending address each time? I asked the person to stop but they continue. Any help out there?

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Isaiah 45:7 - Please - Christians and Jews only please.?

    I'm having trouble with this verse and it seems to me that the writer of Isaiah may have colored it to express his own limited thoughts. I understand that God allows evil for a time but create it? This seems so imature in it's logic and teaching.

    My Question is How could a Pure Loving God who is so above creation and creates from nothing ever stoop so low to create Evil.

    I would appreciate only serious answers please. If you are not a believer, then please refrain from expressing your thoughts.

    Thanks all fo your help!

    Rev. TomCat

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Call Of Duty 4 for PC ~ error ~ Vetex is 1.1 Pixel is 1.4 Requires 2.0 Any suggestions.?

    I have all the requirements 2 gig Ram memory/3.0 gig Pen 4/200gig hard drive. Is there a way around this without buying another video card.

    Rev. TomCat

    1 AnswerOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • For Muslims only - The Qur'an says you except Jesus as a messenger.?

    Your Qur'an, The Bible, The Book of Abraham and the Torah are the four books you accept and follow to my understanding. The Qur'an says, Jesus is accepted as a messenger and Prophet,

    but not as the Son of God because there is only one God, Allah.

    If you except him, then why do you not except his message?

    He said , " My Father and I are One " . He also said that the Spirit of God is within us all, and the Kingdom of God is within. So in those statements, we share God in oneness. God is all that is, so why cannot God be in everything.

    It does not take away from the one and only God who is one in all that is. Rev. TomCat

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago