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Placatamus babies from nowhere?
I have one Placatamus ... all of a sudden there are babay Placatamus all over my aquarium ... there are only a few Mollies and neons Tetras in there with it ... WTF? There are like 30-50 lil babies! Are they ASEXUAL or did one of the other 1/10th it's size fish do her?
3 AnswersFish1 decade agoBack up generator reverse power warning and correction?
If this means power factor, harmonics, or some sort of backfeed is keeping a newly installed generator from staying running ... what should we try to do first to correct the problem? We turn building power off ... generator kicks on ... runs for approx 6 seconds and turns itself off ... with reverse power error message ... PLease help!
3 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago1995 E350 FORD van transmission problem?
there is linkage that comes from steering column to trans. It has fallen of the trans .. but when I put it back it actually shifts worse ... right now it shifts just a lil off in low but with the linkage replaced it shifts worse, y might this be, what can i do? PS It still goes into park, nuetral and reverse just fine even without the linkage hooked up?
2 AnswersFord1 decade agoTalking to a child when they ask recurrent questions ...?
My wifes step sister had a child and after 2 weeks the father was shot and killed. Now she is a single mother and we have to babysit here and there. This little girl gets thrown from babysitter to babysitter ... she is now about 4+ and was told her father is in heaven ... but she keeps asking me (a 45 year old childlesss man) what happened to her daddy while we are watching her ... I finally (being an overly honest and straight forward type) told her a bad man shot her dad and I said it in a soft and caring voice. Well, months later she tells her mom that her dad was shot and that I told her ... her mother is now furious with me ... should she be? The baby is a result of "revenge sex" where the mother was in a fight with her alchoholic boyfriend and went to a bar and found an old friend (who I hear was a drug dealer) and had sex with him and then 2 weeks later he is mysteriously shot to death ... and now she is mad at me for telling her little girl ... what is your opinion please?
6 AnswersFamily1 decade agoWeekend warrior recovery?
I am 44 and in decent shape and slightly overwieght (6ft 210lbs) on July 4th holiday I played 3 hours of intense basketball with my athletic cousins ranging from 18- 55 in age. I was so sore and tired afterwords and had to lay down while the rest of them seemed to recover much quickly, what can I do ... I jog 3x a week about 2 miles but that only seems to make me more sore.
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoHome boiler heat? Enough H2O in system?
how do I know if my system has enough water in the boiler? I have 1 story with basement. I know how to open "cocks" but at night I hear "gurgling" in the pipes and the heating bill was too high for sure, please help!
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoCannon bjc-2000 and HP scanjet 3200c conflict?
The scanjet 3200c has 2 parallel ports on the back ... one to plug it into the computer and one to pass on to the printer ... it is all hooked up correctly and the printer will NOT respond when hooked through the scanner ... if I take the cables off the scanner and hook them together then the printer will work ... but not when both are hooked through the scanner , what can i do?
1 AnswerPrinters1 decade agoVenting shower steam into the attic?
I would like to vent my shower into the attic with a fan I bought. The house is brick and difficult to vent through the wall and also the turn up in the attic to vent into the soffit outside is difficult plus I would have to get a good vent cover to close as to not let the cold air back into the bathroom. I was wondering if anyone else has just vented thier bath right into the attic with no negative results like mold or moisture build up? Thanks!
14 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoDoes a stutterer stutter while talking in their sleep?
..and would this help us explain the mystery of the disability? I am curious if the wife or hubby of a stutterer has ever heard them talk in their sleep and how does it go?
3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoI need fireplace help! INSERT variety!?
I have an existing normal household fireplace that burns logs, it has no door or cover, we just have a screen we sit in front of it ... is there a cover or door that you can buy that will fit into the opening or over it and also blow the arm air into the room more? Where can i get one? Will I neeed electric to plug it into for the fan?
3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoTitan tankless water heater question?
Finished installing Titan tankless water tonight and it seems to work fine in all my sinks etc , but in the shower it doesn't seem to be able to keep up? Is there something I can do that anyone knows of or is it just that the water flow is greater in the shower? I have it turned up on high right now and it is drawing the stated 56 AMPS on high ... all sinks run great and HOT, but not the shower? HELP!
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoPrinter problem please help!?
Everything about the printer is working perfectly but nothing prints out on the paper. Printer goes through it's whole process but prints nothing. All new ink etc, what could be the problem?
3 AnswersPrinters1 decade agoHeat bill help in OHIO for low income family?
are there any programs in OHIO to help a family with a job but low income and 3 kids. The utility company DUKE ENERGY shut their gas off and they are all living in one bedroom huddled together. ANY IDEAS?
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoFurnace running too much?
1909 house 2 floors plus basment and the furnace burners (6) kick on almost after only shutting down for 1 minute or less and the fan never stops blowing. Outside TEMP of about 25 degrees at the time and themostat set at about 75 (new and digital) is their an adjustment or can the house possibly need that much running to keep it warm? Any guesses appreciated!
5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoRental house furnace 1909 house?
Can an Old house possibly be so drafty that the furnace fan never stops and all 6 burners kick on after only shutting down for a minute or less? Almost continuous running and the fan never kicks off? What might be wrong or might I do? Already changed the filter, adjusted the flame. In flame adjustment, what am I shooting for also?
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoAny G.E big cheeses here?
I have a question for you about how you maintain your facilities and lock out tag out etc. I have important information i would ike to share, please help ....!
2 AnswersCorporations1 decade agoScrewed over by G.E at work!?
working as an electrician as an outside contractor at a G.E plant for over 10 years taking care of everything electrical and doing it well. After they taught me all their lock out tag out procedures they threw me out of the building in the blink of an eye for pointing out an electrically unsafe situation! Do you think that is fair? If any of you are corporate types please explain to me why I was thrown out with no explanations!
3 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade agoBushes in front of small 1 story ranch?
When I moved into small 1 story ranch house there were those typical cheap bushes all along the front, they seem to hide the house and since it is so small and there is some fancy brickwork on the front should I rip them out for something different?
4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoTitan tankless water heater?
Has anyoen out there bought one and how has it performed for you?
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoSigns of a bad gas regulator in home boiler?
My household boiler for small 2 bedroom home with basement comes on to a "whoosh" that seems louder than it should be, is this the gas regulator problem or some other thing?
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago