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  • Converting Indian chicken dishes to vegetarian dishes.?

    Hello! I am pregnant and CRAVE Indian food. Unfortunately, I can't drive to my go-to Indian restaurant very often, so I'm trying to add more Indian recipes to our at-home menu.

    I found lots of great chicken curry recipes in my Indian cookbook, but we are vegetarian. Do you know of any good substitutions for these recipient. I'm thinking maybe potato, chickpeas, peppers, peas, ect. I'm not really interested in meat substitutes or tofu.


    7 AnswersEthnic Cuisine7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    What should I put in this corner?

    I'm not sure what to put in this corner. It is between our living area and our dining room and is right now holding our blankets. Each wall is about 28" long and 78" tall and forms a perfect corner. There is also an outlet near the floor that is operated by an wall switch.

    We have two small dogs, no children, a lot of books and a lot of knick-knacks. We would like to do something that involves storage and a spot for our dogs to hang out or store their toys (like a small cave). We are open to small DIY projects, like painting, hand-sawing and putting up shelves, but we are no carpenters! We are looking to spend under $200 and are very willing to buy things 2nd hand.

    We already have an office, so we don't need a place for a desk. It's not clear from the photo, but there is not enough room for something like a chair to stick out of the corner.

    I can't wait to hear your thoughts!

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling7 years ago
  • Thoughts on if I was molested as a child.?

    I've thought for years that I was sexually molested as a child, but never remembered any details. I just want your thoughts. By the way, some parts are kind of sexual.


    1: I masturbated very young. I started around 4 and would do it daily until I was about 18 years old.

    2: When I was younger, I would read stories of abuse and sexual assault while I masturbated. I know that sounds REALLY weird. I remember reading a story about a father molesting is daughter in a magazine and would always "use" that story.

    3: I remember very distinctly my female neighbor "J", who was about 8 years older than I am, telling me "if you tell anyone, I'll kill your mom" and threats like that. I'm not sure what they were regarding, but I am CERTAIN that she would say things like that fairly often.

    4: My mom told me a few years ago that when I was about 5, my aunt (who was my doctor) found something "wrong down there" and told my mom she would call CPS if she kept letting me hang out with the older kids in my neighborhood. My mom said she doesn't remember all the details...

    5: Apparently in lower elementary school, I told my playground attendant that "J" left me alone in a tent with 2 neighbor boys and "people" were sent to the house to investigate" I don't remember that happening, but my mom told me.

    6:Whenever I think about sex, read erotica or picture a sex scene, I ALWAYS picture "J"'s house. I'm a 25 year old, married woman and haven't been there since I was 10 years old.

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Foster dog aggressive toward non-family members?


    I have been fostering dogs for about a year now, and we often get the "harder to handle" dogs. The current dog we have is a terrier mix and she is about 15 pounds. She is very sweet with me and my husband and loves to play and cuddle. The problem is around other people. We have taken her on two home visits (at the rescue's request) and to an adoption event. She's awful. She will bark, growl, bite and try to attack all other people. She has bit 6 people (one hard enough to break the skin a little bit). I don't think she is being defensive of me or my husband, because her actions are the same whether we are her at the time or not. She is okay when we are on walks and someone is in their yard or walking across the street.

    We've had other dogs who showed signs of aggression (mostly fear aggression), but this a trickier situation to work with because she shows no signs of aggression with us; it's hard to fix something that we don't experience regularly. The rescue suggested taking her to populated places, like PetSmart and downtown, to desensitize her. I feel like this is not a good idea. I can't control EVERYONE who just thinks they can pet her, no matter how vigilant. I don't want a curious three year old to be attacked by this dog, and I also don't want to be held liable for this dog since she would be in my possession when we are "out and about".

    Any suggestions on how to work with a dog who is is bitey toward basically everybody?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerDogs7 years ago
  • How do I print this document?

    I'm normally pretty decent with computers, but I can't figure out how to do this.

    Background: I created a Monopoly board using Presentations in my Google Drive (I don't have powerpoint or anything else to use). I can zoom in on the document to make it much bigger than I'll need it printed and it does not blur the image. I've exported it to pdf, jpeg and png.

    Problem #1: When I export the picture to a different format, it loses all of it's clarity when I zoom in. I'm not sure how to keep it's original crispness. I think if I can solve this problem, my other problem would be solved, which is...

    Problem #2: When I export the document to a printing service, the resolution is obviously to poor to print on a large paper. I'm trying to print on a 18x18 or 24x24 (or a rectangle which I could then trim to the appropriate size.).

    Solutions?: Does anyone know how I could keep my original resolution when exporting? Alternatively, does anyone know of a place I could go (preferably a nation-wide store or one in Southeast Michigan) that allows you to print directly from a computer. I'm thinking if I can print directly from Google Drive without saving it, my resolution may be salvaged.

    I would just try to redo this on a different computer (one with a photoshop or at least power point), but I worked really hard on this and, quite frankly, it looks pretty good =)

    1 AnswerOther - Computers7 years ago
  • Husband has no moral compass?

    This is a long one. Sorry guys! First two paragraphs has the main points...

    Without getting in to the gory details, my now-husband has emotionally hurt me in the past. He has lied to me and, while we were friends, simply didn't treat me on the caliber as other people. The most recent "thing" is that he stole money to pay for our wedding. He never told me and I discovered it while we were purchasing a house. Obviously, these things have really hurt me. We have been going to therapy for a few months.

    We got in an emotionally charged fight (on my end anyway). Skipping the details, I asked him if he ever felt "bad". You know, when you do something wrong and you FEEL bad. Not because of the law or consequences, but because you don't feel good doing something. He said no. He said he knows if something is right or wrong. He won't do a specific thing because either he is afraid he will get caught or he has no urge to do so or he doesn't want the consequence (like someone would be hurt or yell at him) but no interal thing saying "this is wrong. I would feel bad"

    He gave the example of if he were to leave a ring on the table at his parents house. If his mom questioned everyone and then proceeded to spend a half hour scrubbing it out. He said he honestly wouldn't feel bad and he probably wouldn't even think about it while he sat there watching his mom struggle.

    Even the things he has done to me. He says he is sorry he did them because they caused me pain and hurt, but he doesn't feel a burden by them. He said if I told him tomorrow EVERYTHING is totally forgiven, he would probably never thing of the things again.

    To redeem him, he said all of this crying. He said he was crying because he thought I would hate him or leave him. He also does "good things" because he doesn't want to hurt me by lying to me (although I think he would have no problem lying to others).

    For example, that night we went out to dinner. He came out of the bathroom and he told me he piped on the toilet (it was longer and funnier than that). I asked if he cleaned it and he said "yes, because I knew you would ask and I didn't want to lie to you". I would never know, so that must be something, right!??

    He's always kinda been like this, but I never put all the pieces together. His mom self proclaims she doesn't feel empathy and his brother is, well, a dick who never takes people into consideration. My therapist says have have a "very strong moral compass", so maybe there are a lot of people like my husband? Maybe he's a "normal guy" and I'm just too emotional?

    Please give me your thoughts.

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Husband stole. Could I be punished?

    Basically, my husband stole money to pay for a trip and our honeymoon. I found out a few months later when we bought a house. It's been 6 months and we haven't told anyone. If this comes to light, can I be punished as well? To my knowledge, he did not steal after I found out.


    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • First Trimester and Doctor won't test Thydroid (I have sub clinical hypothyroid)?

    Here's the backstory: I've had two unexplained early miscarriages in the past 6 months. The doctor ran all the tests and the only thing that came back abnormal was my thyroid test, so I went to a GP to have them put me on meds. My TSH numbers were 4.81 and 6.41 and she diagnosed me with subclinical hypothyroid and put me on 25mg of Synthroid in late December 2013. She said that the most common reason for early miscarriages were thyroid problems, but she said that I could start trying to get pregnant ASAP and they would test me again in the beginning of February 2014.

    My husband and I were very carful NOT to get pregnant because I wanted to wait until they retested my thyroid levels in February, but we (happily!) fell pregnant that same month (conceived around 30th of December and missed my period on January 12th, so I'm just shy of 5 weeks). I saw my doctor yesterday regarding my thyroid dosage and she said they wouldn't up it until the 2nd trimester and that they wouldn't retest me until February as planned.

    It seems to me that if I had two miscarriages and the only possible cause (besides just nature) is my slightly underactive thyroid, why wouldn't we check to MAKE SURE the dosage is okay? What if for some reason my TSH rose or just stayed steady at the 3-5 levels?

    I KNOW that yahoo answers is not a place for medical advice, but I tried looking online and can't find anything. I thought maybe someone knew the proper protocol based off of their own experience and could maybe help me out. I don't want to go through the process of switching doctors just to find out that this is normal procedure, so I want to be armed with as much information as possible.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • How do I get over my husband lying to me?

    Essentially, my husband stole about three thousand dollars to help pay for our wedding and honeymoon. I found out about this a few months later while going through is bank statements (we were buying a house and I was making sure everything was in order. I wasn't sneaking around or anything.). He put our financial lives at risk, not o mention our future incase he went to jail.

    He's done other stuff in our past like promising to do something REALLY important, and then just never doing it (among MANY other things). When we were friends, he would get me to buy him things and help him but would never return the favor. I wouldn't have gotten engaged and married him if I knew that he was still like that.

    What I hate the most is he looked at me on our wedding day and essentially lied. He said that he saved the money for our wedding and honeymoon but he didn't. I feel like what should have been one of the most special days if my life is ruined because I only look back and see the lies.

    A few days after I found out about the money, I ended up miscarrying. We also had to be out of the apartment that day. I ended up having to help him move everything out, despite the physical and emotional pain I was going through. My husband wouldn't ask anyone to help him, so I had to do it. And this is a man who would help ANYONE else in a heartbeat. It reminds me of when we were just friends and he put himself first, then everyone else and then me.

    We are in counseling, but I don't know if it is helping. I feel like I am angrier. Any advice? Books that someone may have read?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago