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1 AnswerFacebook7 years agoI used to enjoy a lot of things while I smoked weed, now that I am quitting, I can't do a thing. Will it last?
I am an avid gamer, been for most of my life, but I always smoked a joint when I did that. Same with movies. I have to quit, I have become severely dependent on it. I definitely want to keep playing games. After smoking almost every day for almost 20 years, I have a few days under my belt, and I'm not going to change my mind(I really can't, I have a wife and kids riding on it), so I'm having a hard time focusing on anything at the moment, but in a week or two, will I feel "normal" enough again to enjoy the things I used to?
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years agoI was bullied quite severly in high school, and almost 20 years later, I'm still really angry. How to let go?
My younger sister married a guy who is casual friends with some of these guys, and I've been at a few social functions where they also attended. Small talk was made, but no acknowledgment of the past from either party. I was kinda talked talked down to still from one of them, he seems like a grade "A" Jack@%^ still. I know it shouldn't bother me, but these guys almost ruined my high school memories, I luckily found some true friends that treated me with respect. I see these guys doing well in life, when I have dealt with depression and low self esteem ever since, which isn't fair and it just makes me even more angry. I'm not expecting any apologies, as I don;t think that would ever happen. What can I do on my end to make things better?
1 AnswerMental Health7 years agoA Greek myth consisting of a immortal giant in a castle, and a hero?
It's about a hero that goes to a castle, and a giant tests his bravery by letting him attempt to behead him, but he turns out to be immortal. Then, a year later, the hero is to return, and then it's the giant's turn to behead him...but he chooses not to, because the hero actually shows up, knowing that he is going to die. Help please! Thanks!
1 AnswerMythology & Folklore7 years agoDoes anyone know how to fix the "an error has occurred" problem on Playstation store?
I'm pretty sure it's a problem on Sony's end, I have a stable connection(I can download demos, np) but it won't allow a transaction to take place. It has happened to me before, and it seemed that I just had to wait and it fixed itself(probably Sony did a fix on their end). I know it's not my end, so please don't suggest checking my payment info, connection etc. Wondering if anyone was able to fix this themselves somehow. thanks!
1 AnswerPlayStation8 years agoWhich ps3 game should I buy?
I'm going to grab Madden 13 instead of Madden 25, and save myself $30, which I'm going to use to buy either Burnout Paradise or Need For Speed: Most Wanted. , ooooorrrrr maybe Dishonored. Someone that has played all these let me know what you'd do/what i should do? Thanks!
4 AnswersPlayStation8 years agoShould I be paranoid about going over to a gay co-worker's house?
I have been at a new job for a few months, and have become pretty good friends with a co worker. We eat lunch together, and although they have never come right out and said it, I'm pretty sure they are gay. Just mannerisms, and having kind of other sex interests, how they talk, dress etc. They know I am married, with kids. I talk abut them often,and have shown them pics of my kids etc. Anyways, we made plans to have a drink together on Fri night, at her place. Should I be paranoid that they are going to try something?. I don't want to judge, or sound like a jerk, but I've had a few random experiences with overly aggressive homosexuals. I'm also not assuming that all gay people are like that, just asking a question.
9 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoI failed a couple of classes this semester, and my friends all took off. What really gives?
I made the deans list first semester, they didn't, but we were all study buddies. This semester(2nd) I had some deaths in the family, too much stress, and I ended up failing a couple of my classes, which I'll have to retake. They have pretty much all stopped talking to me, except when I talk to them first. I understand that we won;t be continuing on together, and that I'll be behind, but, I don;t think that's cool. How should I feel about it? I don't need them to be successful at college, but I would like some people to chill with on breaks and in between classes and stuff. Time to make new friends?
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)8 years agoHow do I delete an app, and all it's data from my ipad mini?
So, I know how to delete an app, but when I reinstall it, it starts my game off from where I was, hence, the games data or save isn;t being deleted. How do I start an app or game back to it's initial settings, like I never played it before?
1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years agoShould I thank my teacher for doing something they probably shouldn't have done?
I ran out of time today on an exam worth 20% of my final mark. I haven't been doing the last chapter of work, and I'm pretty sure I didn't do so well. That's my fault. She gave me and 2 other students a few more minutes to finish, which could be construed as "unfair" by some. I may have only gotten 10% of that final grade on it(a 50), but it means a lot to me. Should I send her a thank you email, or just drop it?
1 AnswerTeaching8 years agoWhy not drop all unwanted gear in Demon's Souls?
I am fairly new to Demon's Souls. I was watching a video, and the player was hesitant to drop unused gear when he became overburdened. I'm wondering why. I haven't been able to find anyone that will buy said gear, so beyond giving all your unused/unwanted gear to Stockpile Thomas, why keep it?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years agoIs expresso supposed be of extremely small volume?
I bought some expresso t-discs for my Tassimo, and it runs for maybe 3-5 seconds, barely just covers the bottom of a coffee mug. Is it supposed to be so little? Is it intended to be drank in a shot?
1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years agoWould my GPA get rounded up?
I just finished my first semester of college, and you need a 85% GPA to make the Dean's List. I ended up with 84.94. Will I get bumped up? Or I just barely missed it?
3 AnswersOther - Education8 years agoWhen beer is imported from Canada to the U.S. is it the same beer?
My wife went to the states shopping, and we are from Canada. It's so crazy how much cheaper a case of beer costs(about half), so she got me one. It's funny, but it's a import from Canada. The cans don't list the alcohol content like they do here. I was just wondering if it's the exact same beer, or if the alcohol content has been reduced etc. I know US tend to measure alcohol by weight in beer, apposed to by volume(percentage) like here in Canada.
1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years agoIs it time to cut ties?
My brother and I have had a somewhat severed relationship since he got married. We are only 2 years apart in age, and grew up more as friends than as brothers. When he got married, his wife made it very clear that his job was to be at home working around the house, rather than with me on Sunday afternoons, hanging out, being brothers. We don;t talk at all anymore, except at family birthdays, holidays etc. he never asks or shows interest in me, or what's going on in my life. I'm going to college as a muture student, and neither him nor his wife ask how it's going etc. We celebrated me, my father, and brother in laws birthday last night. I was very uncomfortable when the present were all finished, and they had not gotten me anything. My wife encouraged me to ask my brother quietly if maybe a card had been misplaced etc. he said no, they didn't get me anything because he thought we weren't buying for each other anymore(although they had gotten my wife a bday gift in June, and we had gotten him a bday gift in May). Last night, I also asked my family members if they could help me with a Marketing project, by filling out a quick survey relating to a new yogurt flavor. My brother answered "what new flavor would you be interested in trying?" with "beer". I can't submit that obviously, and am upset that he can;t even respect me enough to help me with a school project. I really don;lt want to confront him on this, I'm so angry and hurt right now, but what SHOULD I do?
2 AnswersFamily9 years agoShould I be upset that my parents spent more money on my Brother in laws bday gift, than mine?
It sounds petty, but I have always been treated like crap by them, a lot of the time. Our birthdays are 2 days apart, so usually we celebrate them together.
2 AnswersFamily9 years agoNexus 7 vs Apple iPad mini? Which one should I buy, and WHY?
I'm a casual gamer and will do some gaming, more of a console guy though, so that's secondary, but my wife will watch movies and read books on whichever device I decide to get. Which one would you get and why? I need good reasons!
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years agoDoes the Ipad mini have a memory card slot? Ive read reviews and can;t seem to find this.?
Id probably get the 16gb version, but only if it does have an expandable memory card slot. Im also considering just getting a Google Nexus 7 instead. Does IT have expandable memory? Anyone have an opinion on this dilema?
4 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds9 years agoWhat is "Shut the front door!" a replacement for?
Im pretty sure its "shut the ?#%& up", as in get out of here, but is it just generally meaning "get out f here, no way etc
8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago