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lisa l

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I am interested in surviving the destruction that we are doing to our planet. Also, in continuing discorse that is not censored. On a personal level, I am in the medical industry and there is just too much that intriques me there. I believe very much in alternative medicine, and I bleieve, with all of my heart in holistic living. I believe that everyone deserves a chance and that we should help those that need help when we can. I believ in disiplining my children and rewarding them as well. I would be interested in going to Scotland, as there is quite a lure on me to go there. I would love to be able to trace my family back to the very beginning if that were possible. I love animals, especially cats. I love Harley's and men that ride them. I would be real interested in finding my equal and spending life with him. I hope beyond hope that I am providing enough options and alternatives that my children will have lots to make theor decsions from. I believe it's all about love.

  • How can another computer?

    How can another computer sharing the same wireless network as you affect your computer? I am on a pc that is plugged into a wireless router that is plugged into a modem. We have high speed internet and any time any other device is using the network there is no indication that they are even there outside from the light on the router. All except one. I can tell immediately when this particular laptop goes online every time. It also affects every other device or computer working online at the time as well. Some of the things that happen are; Computers and devices freeze. Computers and devices slow. Can not connect without difficulty when changing sites. Shockwave always crashing. In regards to the Kindle Fire, it will not return to either the vertical option if it's in horizontal and visa versa. In efforts to troubleshoot possible problems I have run anti malware, anti virus, cleaned the disk, defragmented and have closed apps and then reopened to see if any change. I can tell you that there is never indication of malware, spyware, virus, or any vital updates being neglected. Could another computer affect every other device on the same network so catastrophically? If yes, how/why? Thank you

    4 AnswersComputer Networking7 years ago
  • What is it called when.....?

    What would you call it if an average person, on a very typical day, turned around to face the person she was talking to and at that moment everything went pixilated, i.e. like when the tv isn't quite dialed in for a few seconds and you see a bunch of squares until it dials in completely. Then at the first awareness that something unusual was happening, she felt like she was being sucked out of her body at the location just above the lowest bone on the back of your head. She did struggle to hold on to her reality but it slipped away. She was standing at the time and went to lay down, which was several steps away and on a pedestal. She was on automatic pilot and can not recall doing this at all. In fact she was quite expressive in her body language and didn't just lye there. From her point of view she thought to spit out words for her friend to write down hoping that it was enough to jog her memory later on, when her reality returned. From her friend's point of view, she was talking faster than he had ever heard her talk before and it was something he didn't comprehend. (She felt like she was in slow motion just laboring to get out one syllable words. He said she was talking a different language faster than anything.)

    The experience went on for a good long time, like, a couple of hours, during which time she was not here in this reality but active in another. Beings were communicating with her telepathically, but more than that, it was like every cell in her body, having a brain on it's own, heard/felt this communication and that provided this person with that many ways of looking at the message. It was complete, no chance of misunderstanding anything at all, pure communication.

    A very important message was revealed to her, and the part she was to play/was playing, seemed far beyond her known capabilities. She thought this was a mistake, after all she was not the virgin Mary or the pope or anything special and the task given her was momentous. The communication came through again and in a split second tons of information was given her as to this mission and everything that has been lived through during other lives and this one. It was clear as crystal that this was no mistake!

    Nothing has changed in her life as far as lifestyle goes, and yet since 2004, when this happened to her, she has tried to make contact with these being again to no avail. Time has made some of it fuzzy but for the most part, it remains sharp in her mind 9 1/2 years later. She wants to know what is it that happened on that fall afternoon. Can anyone help?

    P.S. of coarse this is just a fraction of what took place that day, and perhaps it would be easier helping to sort this out if you knew all the details, but it is explainable to her and she just wants to know what to call this experience to begin with. Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities8 years ago
  • If you are selling a home........?

    are you subjected to "Capital Gain," taxes? If so, at what percent does that tax run?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • I'm looking for the name of a female author. She was also a pastor or preacher?

    I thiught her first name was Catherine but I can't be sure. She wrote a book that was new aged thinking in the 70's and 80's. She talked about if a person were to continue to have certain negative emotions, that before too long that person would begin to develope physical conditions as the result. For example, if a person always feels the emotions associated with stress, they will develope a heart condition. She also talked about speaking with one's angels and the angel's surrounding people we know. I wish I could remember more but I can't. Any help at all will be great

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How can I get rid of........?

    how can I get rid of a person that has been sleeping on my couch for the last month? Originally I let him stay because it was cold and I thought I would like to help. This person does nothing all day everyday except watch TV. I have told him Several times in the last week to go, and today I told him point blank to get up and find some where to go, three times! I just went downstairs and he is playing games on his laptop. He has done not one thing to compensate for all that I have done even though I wasn't looking for that to begin with, but he eats here and everything. I want him gone! P.S. This is a 52 year old man we are talking about here.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • My mom has a toshiba 1415-2173 laptop and I am trying to connect her to our network , (wireless) and can not.?

    I guess it is old enough that it probably needs a wireless card is that right? If yes, what kind should I get and where? ( My first experience with laptops at large.) I have hooked up other computers to the network and everything works, but this computer, do you think a wireless card will solve the problem?

    2 AnswersComputer Networking9 years ago
  • Something Henry W. Longfellow said about family?

    On "Criminal Minds," tonight on television, Henry Longfellow was quoted. It was in regards to Family and that is how our loyalty is decided, or, achieved or something like that. Can anyone give me the quote?

    1 AnswerQuotations1 decade ago
  • What purpose does a sociopathic personality serve....?

    What, in your wildest imagination, purpose is fulfilled by a sociopath at this stage of human evolution? It is hard to wrap my brain around something that seems such an oxymoron as the sociopaths among us. In a nut shell, they lack the very Essenes of what it is to be human, so what are they?

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Is there a disorder for someone like this?

    He claims to be in love with me, does everything right, but still checks out other women online. He talks nasty to them, and calls them Baby just like me.

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • I got my LG tracfone wet yesterday?

    I sat in the river with my cell phone in my back pocket. Everything seems to be working, by the sounds I hear, however, I can not get anything on my screen. It's just black. Is there a way to take it apart to see if it is still wet inside, or is that a bad idea?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Who sang, or what is the name of this song?

    It was a song where the person singing it was under the sea. One line went like this, "Someone called the Cods just for the Halibut." He mentions Snapper, Mackerel, and a variety of other kinds of fish. It is a funny song, done in the late 70s or 80s.

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have a funny booger story?

    I think boogers is a funny subject most of he time. They are usually a great source of embarrassment but funny as hell to remember later. Anyway, that's what I think.

    I dated this guy a long time ago that told me when he was really little, he use to pick his little brothers nose and then give the booger to him. Can't you just see little kids doing something like that? It cracks me up.

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Driver's License Question?

    Is there such a thing as a "Freemans' Driver's License?"

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What are my options?

    I live in an old house that has been converted into 3 apartments. I live in the front-upstairs, having an apartment behind me, and below me. The people behind me arerecent arrivales, and they are, I'm sure of it, dealing drugs. The people below me are somehow mixed up in all of this as well. I am scared, because I have already been threatened if I call someone. I am not afraid myself, but I have two little boys. I really don't know what to do, having 2 different apartments involved, if one got arrested and the others didn't, what would that mean to me? See my perdicamint. Help, as I don't have any money to move, which is what I really want to do.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why would someone ask a question and then delete it?

    There was a question on here that I answered 2 hours ago asking "Why do we need book censorship?" I was about to show one of my friends my response when it bacame apparent the question had been deleted. Why would someone do that? Do you feel it was because of the nature of the question, or do questions and answers fall under censorship at yahoo Q&A.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Think you are psychic?

    I'm curious to see if anyone can tell me what has been annoying me for the last four years. It is not a concept, it is an actual something irratating me physically. Care to try?

    8 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • By what means would one go about selling their delicious clam chowder to the public?

    If that is all you wanted to sell, how would you get people to stop and buy it? I thought of one of those vendors stands, but I just dont know if that is all that convenient for customers. What makes this whole idea more appealing to the public? How would you go about it?

    7 AnswersFast Food1 decade ago
  • What happens if you squish a cockroach?

    Someone told me that if you squish a cockroach that you are basicaslly replacing the one for 100 because they are loaded with live larvae that upon being suished, spreads all over. I have been looking on the internet to see if this is true but I have not found anything that tells yes or no. Can anyone help?

    18 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Is there anyone else out there that is waiting for someone that is in prison?

    how is it for you? Do you wonder if it is the right thing to do?

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago