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I'm a Christian and i love music. I play gitar, drums, sing, go to rock concerts, run cc, take theology and philosophy classes.
How does the process of evolution get around the 2nd law of thermodynamics?
Let me explain...
The 2nd law of thermodynamics (entropy) states that everything decays from an orderly to a disorderly fashion over time
Evolution is a process from simple to complex over time, whether geological, biological, or astronomical evolution. How can the THEORY of evolution combat the LAW of thermodynamics?
13 AnswersBiology1 decade agoBurden of Proof.......?
the Christian has made a claim, "There is a God."
The atheist has made a claim, "There is no God." Yet, the burden of proof is on the Christian. That makes no sense. Both people have made a claim, therefore each one is required to prove his own claim and one must be right. Now you say scientifically you cannot prove a negative (There is no God). But in proving a positive (There is a God) you would be disproving the negative (There is no God). And in disproving the positive, you would be PROVING the negative.
Because the atheist cant say there is no God and then just sit back and watch the Christian try to disprove it because they're the negative. I'm not too clear on this burden of proof thing
20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAtheists: would you beleive that God is real if....?
what the Bible predicts about the future is true and that all of the Christians are caught up in the clouds or disappear and leave everything behind and you're left as well, would you believe?
i know u dont believe this will happen, but just pretend IF it did
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoI have a story?
Note: this isnt exactly an R&S question but since you ppl are the smartest here then ya....
there was this watch factory. It didnt make good business and it was very disfunctional and unstable. One day it blew up....all of the parts of the factory went way high up in the flew this way and that like shrapnel it was insane it was a huge explosion. Fumes of gas pipes lit things on fire it was terrible.....but when the smoke cleared all of the watch parts and gadgets that came from the factory all fell to the ground in a perfectlly formed way that made a giant watch......then the watch started ticking...the time was exactly right on the dot...a perfect watch
No that story isnt true, its impossible for that to happen! I made the whole thing was the Big Bang theory
catch my drift?
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoI dont get it....?
why do atheists keep saying how delusional Christians are? lets think say an atheist tells a christian how stupid and delusional he is, then the christian is convinced, and he converts to what? nothing happens! he just doesnt believe in a god now. he gets nothing in return, no promise or reward or anything, just a different way of thinking that he lives his short life with then its over i dont get trying to convince christians into anything that doesnt really change them except that they have no religion now. its almost pointless. And so what if its true? You dont really find out if you were right or not when you die if atheism is true, so again whats the point? you're already outnumbered 9 to 1= theist to atheist in the U.S, so why try?
and so you say u get ticked off when a christian tries to convince you; i understand i feel the same way when an atheist tells me how stupid i am. But what gain does atheism get when someone becomes an atheist?
i just dont get it
17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agohow do you put songs on your myspace band page player?
1 AnswerMySpace1 decade agoWhat do atheists think?
about C.S. LEWIS? wasnt he one of the most logical thinking men according to the atheists (so ive heard what some atheists in the past said)? then he set out to disprove Christianity but found that it was actually true to him, and then became a christian himself. what does that say to you? that a man who hated the belief of an actual God that actually love you and that you can go somewhere thats a paradise by doing the simple task of accepting Jesus Christ as God's son and your Savior, can go try to disprove it all, end up being changed to believe it all, then writing a book called "mere christianity" to encourage christians saying "this is why christianity is true".
what do you think about that? please give sensible answers
36 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy is it that the Bible is the world's bestselling book?
rather than the Qur'an, The Humanist Manifesto, Communist Manifesto, The Book of Shadows, or any other "Holy Writings"....or even any other novel?
34 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDo ANY atheists have HARD evidence that God is NOT real?
now PLEASE do not give me junk about "if there was a God there wouldnt be war, ppl dying, sick, famine, abortion, evil practicing, terrorism, etc" because thats NOT the answer. And do NOT give me the other junk about "carbon-dating disproves creation" b/c carbon dating doesnt disprove anything its not even a reliable source and evolutionists know that.
I'm not saying that there is SUPER hard evidence of Christianity's reality because as far as i know theres not.
Heres what i do know according to history: Jesus son of Joseph the Carpenter was a real man; he DID perform miracles; he WAS crucified; 3 days after his tomb was EMPTY; he was confirmed dead on the cross; he WAS sentenced to death by pontius pilate; and he claimed to be the son of God; he Also (according to history) fulfilled every prophecy made about him from the prophet Isiah (who was a real person also).
Can any1 tell me ANYTHING worth telling to disprove the existence of God and his Son Jesus? i dont think so
29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoThe Shroud of Turin?
It seems real.....a form of a man who looked like jesus is bloodstained on a sheet used to wrap ppl in tombs of that day. there are signs of whipping and scourging with a flagram and a cat o ninetails (traditional torture weapons of the romans) and nail marks in the hands and feet.......what can anyone say? its completely accurate to how jesus was could be proof.
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIsn't it that socialism is basically a brother to communism?
And is it true that democrats try to enforce more of a socialist government in the U.S? thats certainly how it seems i could be wrong
16 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhat is so wrong?
with christianity? i mean they teach about a God who loves you and will do anything for you even become a man and die for you.....then he will rise from the dead and offer you an eternity with him in the best place u can ever that so hard to believe? is it really that bad? i just dont understand that some ppl (not all) bash and tear down christianity because of the good that it talks about?
i dont know i just dont know
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoCan you tell me this?
Why is it so bad to think about God who came down to earth and left his glory to become a man and then get beat up and whipped and stabbed and nailed to a peice of wood with splinters sticking into his wounds and rusty nine inch nails thrusted into hands all because he loved his ppl?
and some ppl hate that? i just dont get it
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSomeone tell me what evidence there is of Christ on this earth?
I know there's evidence, but do you? share your knowledge with me
21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSomeone explain to me the music video for "never too late" from 3DG?
u know three days grace?
i figured the song was about suicide but the video goes against that
2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoyou know wat ticks me off?
the denominations of the church....
i mean im glad that martin luther did the whole protestant reformation and all, cuz i do hav some problems with catholocism (im not bashing it its just my opinion), but all the denominations hav sorta turned into different "little religions" of christianity and some of these denominations actually FIGHT over whos all right
i mean theres ONE God, why do ppl think theres a one RIGHT way to worship him?
ive grown up in a babtist church all my life....just so u know
17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoThis is a serious question......for guys (or girls if u know the answer) to answer?
Does your dick really get smaller when u have sex a lot or materbate a lot?
32 AnswersMen's Health1 decade agoThis is a serious question......for guys (or girls if u know the answer) to answer?
Does your dick really get smaller when u have sex a lot or materbate a lot?
4 AnswersMen's Health1 decade agowat is evrybody's fav song???
17 AnswersMusic1 decade ago