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Shakti Svātantrya Isa

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Just a quick and short summary: MARRIED, husband in the u.s army, has a 15 month old son and is pagan. anything else is on a need to know basis - and you don't need to know. and remember: married doesn't mean single or looking.

  • 19 month-old son has little red bumps that come and go.?

    A couple nights ago I noticed my son had two blister-like bites on the top of his left foot. It looked red and almost as though caused by ant bites or chiggars. Later that night, two hours after putting him to bed, he woke up crying and rubbing his feet together as though they itched, so I ended up putting him in bed with the hubby and I. Course I checked him over again, and the effected area looked bigger and I also noticed a few bite marks, not in clumps, up his leg and around the diaper area. The next day . . . they were gone.

    Last night he was fine and I didn't see any other bite marks, so I figured everything was a green go, so I put him in bed and awaited the morning. Course he was a bit whinier than normal, but when I got him ready for the day, I noticed the blister-bites were back. This time he had them on the inner calf area and a few spots here and there up his leg and diaper area.

    I have, however, changed and washed all of his bedding just in case. He's never been allergic to anything as far as detergent goes. We do have ants in our house that we've been battling with, however, I've not seen any in my son's room for the last month. Spiders are pretty much the same as well.

    There has been no new food that he has tried for that matter, so I could rule that out. As far as being with other children, he has only but one child he plays with and that is my charge as I babysit and nothing has come up to mind that my charge has anything of the like wrong with him.

    As far as everything else goes, nothing has changed over the many months here at the house we live in - no chemicals put on the carpet or anything for that matter.

    The effect area looks, as I mentioned before, like small blisters. They are red and the skin around it obviously irritated and warm to the touch. There was only two areas in which they were clumped together - the side of his calf and on the top of his foot, but no other areas like that. All the other blister-like bites were just single and up the leg and diaper area.

    I'm just trying to get any information as far as what it could be and any home treatment that I could do. His pediatrician is 30 minutes or more away so in order to save time and gas, I would like to ask here first before attempting to take him to the doc.

    Thanks so much!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • 19 month-old son has little red bumps that come and go.?

    A couple nights ago I noticed my son had two blister-like bites on the top of his left foot. It looked red and almost as though caused by ant bites or chiggars. Later that night, two hours after putting him to bed, he woke up crying and rubbing his feet together as though they itched, so I ended up putting him in bed with the hubby and I. Course I checked him over again, and the effected area looked bigger and I also noticed a few bite marks, not in clumps, up his leg and around the diaper area. The next day . . . they were gone.

    Last night he was fine and I didn't see any other bite marks, so I figured everything was a green go, so I put him in bed and awaited the morning. Course he was a bit whinier than normal, but when I got him ready for the day, I noticed the blister-bites were back. This time he had them on the inner calf area and a few spots here and there up his leg and diaper area.

    I have, however, changed and washed all of his bedding just in case. He's never been allergic to anything as far as detergent goes. We do have ants in our house that we've been battling with, however, I've not seen any in my son's room for the last month. Spiders are pretty much the same as well.

    There has been no new food that he has tried for that matter, so I could rule that out. As far as being with other children, he has only but one child he plays with and that is my charge as I babysit and nothing has come up to mind that my charge has anything of the like wrong with him.

    As far as everything else goes, nothing has changed over the many months here at the house we live in - no chemicals put on the carpet or anything for that matter.

    The effect area looks, as I mentioned before, like small blisters. They are red and the skin around it obviously irritated and warm to the touch. There was only two areas in which they were clumped together - the side of his calf and on the top of his foot, but no other areas like that. All the other blister-like bites were just single and up the leg and diaper area.

    I'm just trying to get any information as far as what it could be and any home treatment that I could do. His pediatrician is 30 minutes or more away so in order to save time and gas, I would like to ask here first before attempting to take him to the doc.

    Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Religious Naturalism . . . Can you explain.?

    Okay, since I'm not a complete follower of Wikipedia and have no patience today to research what this is, could someone please explain to me what Religious Naturalism is implying?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Perhaps we can learn something from the animal world?

    Many would say that the creatures in the world are lower than human beings perhaps because they don't create things such as televisions, radios, ipods, etc, but one thing that has come to my mind is this:

    Though animals suffer much as humans do, do they suffer from war? death? killing? Creatures in the wild are in survival mode, I understand. Their "purpose", if you wish to call it that, is to maintain living as well as those in their families, however - observing their calm nature, can we also learn to do the same.

    Animals don't usually kill for property, religion, greed or even JUST TO KILL as humans do. So why are those in the animal kingdom often looked down upon as lowly, soulless beings?

    I'm not saying that their world is much different from ours - we both have death and life, however it is in the way they handle these things that I find most facinating.

    So, perhaps we can learn something from the animal world; survival and the lessening want of petty things that don't do anything for us other than supply us with greed and whatnot.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • drunken spirituality?

    i know that many have posted on this and that it's "because when drunk or under the influence of something, we numb out what's bothering us . . . " is it a good thing to continue or try to shift to "sober" thinking and HOW?????

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • hair dye causing greasiness?

    has anyone ever had the problem after dyeing their hair and for weeks upon weeks, the roots are greasy? i don't have greasy hair so i'm not sure how this happened. i'm almost convinced that it could be the brand - nice and easy. any suggestions?

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Dementia and pregnancy?

    i'm in an odd position. my husband is overseas in iraq (military) while i'm living with his parents in arizona - my folks live in kansas. i'm about 23 weeks pregnant and plan on having the baby here in arizona and staying with my in-laws until my husband comes back and we move to texas where he's based from. my mother-in-law is suffering from dementa and lives here in the house. my question is, since i'm going to be living here for a few more months after the baby is born, what are the potential risks involved when there's someone in the house that has dementia. i've heard that those who have dementia do not take well with crying babies and such.

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy and dementia?

    i'm in an odd position. my husband is overseas in iraq (military) while i'm living with his parents in arizona - my folks live in kansas. i'm about 23 weeks pregnant and plan on having the baby here in arizona and staying with my in-laws until my husband comes back and we move to texas where he's based from. my mother-in-law is suffering from dementa and lives here in the house. my question is, since i'm going to be living here for a few more months after the baby is born, what are the potential risks involved when there's someone in the house that has dementia. i've heard that those who have dementia do not take well with crying babies and such.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • itchy belly, itchy boobs, itchy itchy itchy!!?

    i'm currently 17 weeks pregnant with my first child and in the last two weeks i've been experiencing an itchy belly and itchy breasts - ONLY when wearing a bra and pants. i am currently not wearing new clothes nor have any irritation or allergic reaction to anything washed in the clothes. i'm wondering, however, if it may be that i'm due for some maternity clothes and that perhaps the itchiness is being caused by the tightness. and just to add, i'm not sweating in these areas nor am i dry skinned. everything's pretty normal. i've used lotions too but they don't really help the situation. any suggestions and most importantly, reasons why this may be happening? i'm sure one of you will tell me that an itchy belly is normal, but i'm not showing just yet.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • baby movements and more - opinions if you have em?

    just random "blogging". i am feeling some major movement here! i'm only 16 weeks and have felt the first flutters during my 14the week of pregnancy and it was pretty "quiet" during the 15th week. but now . . . these movements are a bit stronger now. it's odd. really odd. it makes me laugh honestly cuz it just feels so odd - this little being inside me is letting me know it's there! along with that comes the dizziness, i know it's normal. i just hate it. it happens usually every now and then but mostly at night. so i drink water. but they don't go away. and what is up with eating a whole box of scalloped potatoes??? yeah, that was what i had for dinner. a whole box of that. by myself. all mine. and my doctor still says i need to gain more weight. garrrrrr. yes yes. healthy food, i know. i just can't get away from potatoes. or pasta. since this is my first pregnancy, i must say that this experience is something to write about. very odd, very funny, and very beautiful! okay, i'm done.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • pregnant, cranky, tired and can't sleep?

    i don't drink milk very often, in fact, i hate the taste of it, however i know that the "warm milk" treatment helps with being able to sleep - look at how babies are. but i'm trying to figure out what else i can do to get myself to sleep. i have had a hard time before with insomnia (normally have it every two or three months) and have used sleeping pills to help out, but because i'm pregnant (no complaints there) i am unable to use them. so . . . do any of you fine people have any suggestions? and no, sex will not be one of them as my husband is deployed in iraq and would be unable to attend the pseudo baby-making party here in the states with me. :) i know what you're thinking. sex. sex. sex. sex. SEX!! humor me, i'm tired.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • between 14 and 15 weeks preggers?

    okay, i know this is going to be a stupid question, but bear with me. i'm between 14 and 15 weeks pregnant and from my reading, they say that the baby will be between the top of the pubic line and the navel. i know all women are different and babies develope at different speeds (in most cases), but i'm just trying to figure out where this lil guy is at. okay, so i'm ready for the "you're stupid" comments. hahahaha. shoot.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • baby names, what do you think?

    i've been getting a lot of lip about these names, but one is a family name. i'll explain.

    Damien Orion - Damien is a name that everyone thinks is either a black name or the name of the little boy from The Omen. now, i don't want my child being known as little satan, however, i love the name Damien because it is a beautifully expressive name. now, orion is a name i picked because i have a fondness for the constellation Orion.

    Elizabeth Borden - yes, call her Lizzy Borden. that's what most people think i named my child after, but Borden is a family name of my husband's great grandfather. Elizabeth is a strong name, a royal name. i'm into history and love learning about queen elizabeth I.

    so, is there truly wrong with these names? is that what everyone will think of when they hear these names being called? will my husband and i be looked at because they think we're into satan worship or murder? please, enlighten me and tell me your opinions.

    12 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • sex of the baby?

    i recently went to a doc's appointment for a standard testing to see if my baby had down syndrome or some other chromosomal problem. luckily everything turned out well. when i had the ultrasound going, i asked the doc if there was any way to see the sex of the baby. i am currently 14 weeks (not sure if i'm in the beginning, middle or end). she was able to get a pic of the baby's genitalia and what looked like a little penis. honestly, if that's not a penis, then it's . . . i don't even want to know. ahaha. but she said it's not 100% postive, but from what other female friends who have had children recently say it's a def. it is a boy, but i'm just wondering if anyone else has any ideas. i know that checking the sex of the baby isn't usualy done this early on, but i'm just curious.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • rh factor blood?

    i had my second doctors visit about a month ago and everything was fine, however, because my blood type is b neg and my husband's is b pos and there were blood tests done, my doc said that i have something dealing with no rh something-or-other. yeah. i don't know exactly what it's called, sorry, but my doc has a very very strong russian accent. basically, if there was any leak from the baby that got into my blood (our blood is different), my body would attack the whole pregnancy thinking as though it was a foreign thing. anyways, but from what i read, i'd have to have three shots throughout my pregnancy. but of course, i haven't had this confirmed just yet with my doc which i plan on doing next wednesday. still, do any of you have any ideas what i'm talking about and whatever this procedure is as well as any information. sorry for the retarded way i described it. it is late and i'm pregnant. so sue me. hehehe.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • INFP and ENTP question?

    wondering if anyone knows a lot about these two personality types. i'm an INFP and i'm just wondering what the total differences are between theses two.

    1 AnswerOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • military blues: take 2?

    husband is in iraq and i'm living with my in-laws. i am attending college as of next week with 13 hours of classes towards my degree in psychology. i don't want to see a therapist for depression or insomnia issues. i pretty much don't want to leave the house at all or hang out with anyone - let alone talk to anyone but my husband. are there any other ways of coping with loneliness that don't require friends distracting the truth - that my husband is not here? yes, it sounds needy, but we have been married for a year now and have had separations due to him going to a new duty station and all. i'm nowhere near where the wives of his unit are - based in ft hood, so that option is out. i don't want distractions nor do i want a replacement. i'm quite a private person naturally and i tend to keep to myself, but i'm not sleeping well at night and i become frustrated so easily when people are around me wanting to hang out. please, don't be idiots and answer that i need a boy toy.

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • any cloud readers?

    yes, this may sound silly, but i just recently saw a cloud this evening that was in the shape of a dragon. the head was very clear, i could see it's eyes and it's nose had a point to it - hard to describe but it wasn't like a beak of a bird but was verticle, not horozontal. anyways, the neck was in an "s" shape and i could see only part of the body. it had something that looked like wings but i couldn't see them very clearly. on an added note, as the cloud was moving, as crazy as this was, it looked as though there would have been smoke coming from it's mouth. very odd, but interested in anyone who may have an idea on the meaning behind it.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • any dark pagans out there in the world of yahoo?

    just wanting some info on some good reading as i am in short supply of stuff that's not "fluffy".

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • voices in my head at night?

    yes, you may think that it's nothing to really worry about. i'm not. i'm curious as to why these things happen. as i'm falling asleep - in between awake and asleep - i hear voices. these voices are very much like if you were in a crowded room. these voices aren't always speaking english. there's usually a mix with english, arabic, german, french and i believe chinese. i only know a tiny bit of german and none of the others. i don't understand what the other voices are saying, but i can feel what they are trying to say - if that makes any sense.

    in the last four months, i've been having these problems to where i'm hearing these voices. however - there is always a few voices i can detect as a person who i know. these people are my mother, mother-in-law, my brother, my husband and the last voice is the sound of my own voice in my head. when i hear these voices, they either call out my name, whisper "i love you", laugh, or sing to me. if any of you have suggestions, please let me know.

    24 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago