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Lv 55,049 points

Theresa M

Favorite Answers7%

I work in the Health Care Field and find it really amazing how different people are. I live in KY and enjoy being outside when the weather is nice.

  • Loosing Weight & Exercise?

    Does anyone have information on the weight watchers plan with out joining? I also walk 4 miles a day. But I am not where I want ot be in weight loss. I only drink water and coffee

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Birth Certificates & Passports?

    If you don't have to show a birth certificate to be The President why do you have to show one to get a Passport??

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Deceased being processed from death until burial?

    Funeral Director, please explain the process from the time someone arrives at teh funeral home until they are buried..

    2 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • Dressing the deceased, how difficult is this?

    I have always heard that SOME funeral directors will slit down the back of the clothing so it is easier to put on the deceased, I dont think this is true??

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Will the STATE pay for a funeral?Funeral Home Directors ONLY Please?

    I live in KY & I have never seen so many people who think the State will pay for their funeral expenses because they have not looked out for their future need. I dont think the state will even pay for a cremation let alone on a actual funeral amd I right & why do people think this

    3 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Palin Manikin hanging from a rope?

    Why is the Republicans not raising cain with the Media over the manikin hanging by a rope of Palin??

    If this where Barack Hussein Obama we would have a riot in some town somewhere. I cannot believe no one is causing a media out break over Palin

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Obama assassination, Threat today?

    What does everyone think of the Obama assassination attemp.

    I think it will happen if he gets elected, so if I where people I dont think that would vote for him....I am voting for Mccain

    McCain, McCain, McCain,McCain,

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How Can Barak Obama ?

    How can Obama think he can tell parents how to teach their children when he cannot figure out how many states there are , he needs to know that is he is going to be elected, maybe we the American people will pay for him to have Hooked on Phoenix and he may learn how to run this country...

    McCain 2008

    8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why doesn't someone else step up to the plate?

    With all the people who are saying they do not want to vote for either one McCain/ Obama then why dont the people who think they can do a better job and tell the people EXACTLY what it will take to make the world perfect step up to the plate and run for the Seat at the White House....There is not anyone on thsi earth that can tell you the american people how to fix everything they must take it one thing at a time, I just feel we have to vote for the lesser of the two evils and KEEP AMERICA FREE..........McCain-----KY

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Stay in the past or Look to the Future?

    The Democrats are staying hung up in the past like my 83 yr old mother with her dis functional family, instead of being like the Republicans and looking to the future for a solution....That is why I am voting for McCain / Palin

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • McCain & Obama Facts?

    Obama might talk the talk but he will NEVER be able to WALK the WALK, he is only saying what people want to hear he is not telling you the facts.. I heard in the News where he is getting money from other countries to pay for his campaign, can people not hear that or do they choose not to? They choose not to & the younge people they do not know what change is, they are not old enough they have not been threw what anyone over 30 has...face it people on Nov. 4th you need to know who the real person is... I wish the democrats on here would quit making fun of McCain for being beaten while a prisoner of war...

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why has no one looked into Obama?

    Subject: Recommended Article

    Where Are Your Transcripts, Mr. Obama?

    From The New York Sun:

    Obama’s Years at Columbia Are a Mystery

    He Graduated Without Honors

    By ROSS GOLDBERG, Special to the Sun | September 2, 2008

    Senator Obama’s life story, from his humble roots, to his rise to Harvard Law School, to his passion as a community organizer in Chicago, has been at the center of his presidential campaign. But one chapter of the tale remains a blank — his education at Columbia College, a place he rarely speaks about and where few people seem to remember him.

    Contributing to the mystery is the fact that nobody knows just how well Mr. Obama, unlike Senator McCain and most other major candidates for the past two elections, performed as a student.

    The Obama campaign has refused to release his college transcript, despite an academic career that led him to Harvard Law School and, later, to a lecturing position at the University of Chicago. The shroud surrounding his experience at Columbia contrasts with that of other major party nominees since 2000, all whom have eventually released information about their college performance or seen it leaked to the public.

    For better or worse, voters have taken an interest in candidates’ grades since 1999, when the New Yorker published President Bush’s transcript at Yale and disclosed that he was a C student. Mr. Bush had never portrayed himself as a brain, but many were surprised to learn the next year that his opponent, Vice President Gore, did not do much better at Harvard despite his intellectual image. When Senator Kerry’s transcript surfaced, reporters found that he actually had a slightly lower average at Yale than Mr. Bush did…

    The Obama campaign declined to comment for this article and did not offer an explanation for why his transcript has not been released. But observers speculated that one reason might be the racially charged nature of the election. Mr. Obama has acknowledged benefiting from affirmative action in the past, and details about his academic performance might open him up to critics eager to accuse him, probably unfairly, of receiving a free ride, Mr. Kabaservice said…

    In contrast with the rest of Mr. Obama’s life story, little is known about his college experience. He attended Occidental College in Los Angeles for two years before transferring to Columbia in 1981. The move receives only a mention in Mr. Obama’s 1995 memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” which instead devotes that chapter to his impressions of race and class struggles in New York.

    An article in a Columbia University publication, Columbia College Today, reported that Mr. Obama has portrayed Columbia as a period of buckling down following a troubled adolescence. He did not socialize much, he has said, instead spending a lot of time in the library, “like a monk.” He has also stated that he was involved to some extent with the Black Students Organization.

    Federal law limits the information that Columbia can release about Mr. Obama’s time there. A spokesman for the university, Brian Connolly, confirmed that Mr. Obama spent two years at Columbia College and graduated in 1983 with a major in political science. He did not receive honors, Mr. Connolly said, though specific information on his grades is sealed. A program from the 1983 graduation ceremony lists him as a graduate…

    This otherwise commendable article fails to note numerous other questions about Mr. Obama’s academic record. Questions we have repeatedly raised.

    For instance, we do not know for certain what Mr. Obama studied in his undergraduate days. He claims he majored in “international affairs,” which seems a bit unlikely for an undergraduate.

    And, as the article states, his degree from Columbia is in political science — not international affairs.

    Moreover, we do not know why he was accepted into these schools in the first place. Obama himself has suggested he did not have the grades to meet their requirements.

    By his own admission, Obama spent his final two years in high school skipping classes, playing basketball, doing cocaine and getting drunk.

    Similarly, his admission to Harvard Law school is highly questionable. Where are his LSAT scores? And how does one graduate from Columbia without honors and yet get accepted at Harvard Law?

    Lastly, his ascendency to the Presidency of the Harvard Law school would appear to have also been a case of blatant affirmative action, since the student Obama had only written one legal paper — and that was quite short and remarkably undistinguished.

    So where are his grade transcripts? So where is the honest and open leadership that Mr. Obama has promised us?

    Article taken from Sweetness & Light -

    URL to article:

    Why is no one saying anything about him and his life....

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Obama Campaigned in 57 states?

    Obama said himself in may before the primary election in KY that he had been in 57 states and only had two more to go & then they show his youngest daughter on tv & him on sattle light tv in one of the states and the his little girl is yelling "what city are you in daddy" how does he know what state he is in if he has been in 57 & has 2 more to go??

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How can I find a Decimal point Chart?

    I am looking for a decimal point chart that would look like this

    $1.00 one dollar

    $10.00 Ten dollars

    $100.00 hundred dollars

    $1,000.00 thousand dollars

    and so on it shows how it looks with the zeros & decimal and then the amount written out.. So you learn how it looks in money form and can read across to see what how high a figure it is if you are not aware of figures that high ...Can anyone help me to find a website that I can print this off of?? Thanks

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Understanding who pays for the funeral?

    I cannot believe how many people who do not have some kind of plan for when they pass.. I live in N.KY and some people I know where talking about funeral expenses tonite, there are many people who believe the state will pay for their funeral I emailed a funeral home and this is simply not true....We are all responsable for our own way out in this world...It is better to have pre funeral arangments and if possible make them your self and pay as you can once paid inful the price does not go up...I bought my grave 12yrs $125.00 now they are $400.00 prices are not getting cheaper................This is something we should all take a look at and not leave our Burden on someone else. Funeral Homes do not write anything off...

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Our next President has to Keep America Free?

    Our we AMERICANS going to KEEP OUR COUNTRY FREE by not letting Obahma IN THE WHITE HOUSE, his wife would not even stand up when he introduced her the other nite, and she said in Home Journal magazine " That she wanted NOTHING to do with POLITICS, WE DO NOT NEED THEM IN THE WHITE HOUSE............

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Longest Yard sale Anyone Going

    Does anyone live near the longest yard sale & if so will anyone be going?? I think I will go close to where I live here in ky this yr, never been

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Tattoos what do you think ??

    How do YOU feel about all the BODY ART?? I seen an older lady in a store the other day in KY and she had a wolf tattoo on her arm and feathers hanging down from it, BUT it is fading and her arms are sagging....

    Do you think people have went to extremes with the Tattooing over the yrs. And do you think that there is just to much of it anymore??

    6 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Life Experience.................?

    If you are getiing close to 40 or 45 start making your funeral plans do not leave this burden on someone esle....Since the first of the yr. I have experienced people (family) also that have not gotten any ins. does not know what to do and then here they are....I know a lady that has 7 other siblings mom passed not one of them will help her split the cost.. So write things make pre funeral arrangments and DO NOT LEAVE your burden on someone else....My mother is 83 and made her arrangements 3 yrs ago this Dec. and paid for it...So I am glad she got to be apart of the arrangments and now it is all done and paid for and all they are waiting on is the body when she passes....So my point is take care of things yourself get your life in order and do not expect someone else to be burden with something you should have taken care of..................KY

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • KY Grave Plot Dimensions?

    Can some one from KY WHO KNOWS what a grave plot size is.

    Thank You, trying to solve a disagreement

    3 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago