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im a 51 yr.old southern female, im fairly knowledgeable, and always willing to learn more!! i have lived in several states through out my life time, & ran up on many situations, with in my 51 yrs, & ive always heard, life is the best teacher! so, with all that we all should be able to help each other out , with the help of yahoo answers.
what kind of car was trevor bayne driving when he won?
3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago93 ford ranger 5 speed cuts off?
we can smell a gas odor in the cab, & when you slow down for a light or stop sign or make a turn, it will cut off, looked for a gas leak under the hood didn't see one, what causes this truck to cut off? runs good other than that.
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agocomfortis flea pill once a month dose?
Im just trying this pill for the first time, i have a 17 yr old Chihuahua & a 7 yr old min-pin, i gave the pill on the 14th of june, now my older dog is throwing up, like all day today, and i read up on the pill, it says not to use on dogs who have seizures, she has them every once in a while, and shes real lethargic, if she makes it thru this i will not use this again! i asked the vet if this was safe, & she assured me it was! anyone else have any problems like this? & does anyone know if my dog will be ok?.....thanks
2 AnswersDogs1 decade agocheck engine light on, on a 1979 lincoln?
i don't drive the car much, it has a 400 engine, the engine light came on, & it ran rough, acted like it was gonna cut off, i was told to disconnect the battery, so it would "set" its self well that worked, until the car was turned off , then restarted, then the problem was back, so i had new plugs & wires put on, & changed the oil, the mechanic said everything looked good, so now, she runs like a swiss watch, but...........the engine light came back on!!... but this time even with the light on it still runs good, but i don't want it on, ....something must be wrong, what should i check on it now?
7 AnswersLincoln1 decade ago1979 lincoln not running good?
has a 400 engine, was running fine, i don't drive to much, but the last few times i drove, the engine light came on, and the engine started cutting back, at stop lights it acted like it was going to cut off, some one told me to disconect the battery for a few minutes, and it would reset its self.......ok, so that worked, now every time i drive it, it will do fine, then if i cut it off, like say i go in a store or something, and start it back up, the engine light comes on, and it starts running bad again, i dont want to keep disconnecting the battery, how or what do i do to fix this problem?
3 AnswersLincoln1 decade agotransmission fluid is mixing with the engine oil!?
ok, everyone ive talked to says that these 2 fluids can not mix, but they are!! tranny fluid is in my oil, & it keeps over flowing my oil, ive had it drained 4 times, & replaced with oil, the transmission keeps getting low, to the point it wont pull, & i have to keep putting it in, & YES,YES,YES,i KNOW where & how to put in tranny fluid!! now, this all started when i had a new radiator put on, its a 94 ford explorer any body got any ideas on what im dealing with???
10 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoidentical twins?
if identical twins (women) married identical twins (men) wouldnt the children they have look alike? & also have the same dna? technecally wouldnt the kids be like brothers or sisters? im just curious, maybe some one has had this happen in their family.
6 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agomy friend is at work, & she wants me to call in with an excuse to get her off,?
what can i say that will get her out of work, i dont want to say anyone died or is sick, any other sugestions??
2 AnswersFriends1 decade agoam i a polar bear?
a baby bear goes to his mother, mom am i a polar bear?yes son you are a polar bear!! are you sure im a polar bear? yes, go ask your father, dad, am i a polar bear? yes son you are a polar bear, are you sure im a polar bear? yes!! my parents were polar bears, your moms parents were polar bears, their parents were polar bears, why? what are you getting at?? the little bear said, ........cuz im !@#$%^&^% freezing!!!
5 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agowhat if paternity tests come out like 80% 90% or 95 %?
you always hear 99.9% but what if its lower or higher??what would that mean? like maybe someone in the family, brother, cousin, uncle or such? nothing has happened, im just curious, because ive never heard of it before.
1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agodoes anyone remember the drinks hertfords cow, & t.j. swan, they were from the 70s?
hertfords cow was a liqour that came in flavors like chocolate strawberry, & bananna, almost like the drink mudslide, & t.j.swan was a wine it had a few different names, but the only one i remember is the one called easy nights, im just curious to know if the are still around.
2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoi need a name for my new rottweiler puppy its a girl!!!?
please help, i cant think of any thing, maybe something german?? shes beautiful!!........thanks!!!
18 AnswersDogs1 decade agobought a car with no title, is there any way to get one?
we got this car 7 yrs. ago, tracked the preveous owner down, she is very old and uncooperative, she said she sold it to a salvage yard, in n.j., some how we got it, with no title, we are in n.c. is there any thing we can do?? if it matters, its a 80s jag.
10 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agohow do i get pictures & attachments to come up on my computer?
when people send me pictures, they are always pixeled up & never come through, also when i get an attachment ill click on it , but never comes through, i have a yr.old dell dimension 3000, is there something i need to down load?? im very computer
1 AnswerAttachments and Photos1 decade agohow do i pull up on the internet, free, property tax listings,?
ive done it before, but i cant remember how i did it, its in north carolina where i need it, it will show who owns what properties, & tax value.
1 AnswerUnited States1 decade agousing a credit or debit card?
is it safe to use a credit or debit card online? if you give your account number to someone online for a puchase, cant they use your number again, if they wanted too??(without your permission) how can you make sure this doesnt happen? i recently bought something online,(a sample ) & the person said they were going to bill my card again for the intire purchase, but i wrote & told them i wasnt interested in that, now im worried....what should i do........
9 AnswersCredit1 decade agohow come there are so many drugs in the u.s.a?
since the 911 tragity, home security is supposed to be "watching" everything, yet we cant even get on a plane with a baby bottle!!..but there are drugs in every state, on every corner in every town, mainly cocaine (crack) its not from here, so how does that get past everyone so easily? i hope someone has an answer.
4 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade agoquaker has self mutilated him self!?
hi last month i woke to find my 11 yr.old quaker had mutilated his self, i was in shock!! i called both vets in my town, no one would see him, not familiar with birds, so i called several out of state vets, they helped me greatly, hes coming around, but not yet 100%what else can i do?? the vets told me to bath him with very mild soap that i got from a health food store, & spray him with diluted aloe juice, that really helped him, what he had done was plucked all his feathers out, till he was bleeding,now hes doing much better, he eats very good, takes his baths, but doesnt make too much noise like he used too, & he doesnt look very healthy, so is there anything else i can do for him, like food or vitamins or any thing, i do give him vitamins in his water, just any help woild be appreciated.........thank you!!!
8 AnswersBirds1 decade ago