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  • Puppy with possible kidney disease...Should I keep him?

    Me and my husband got a mini schnauzer 4 month old pup from a rescue group about a month ago. This has come to be the worst nightmare of our lives so far...Since the day we brought him home we noticed that he drinks a lot of water...we were told by the vet that it was probably stress from the house change...we waited and he still drank lots of water (he's about 11 pounds and drinks about 1L of water everyday)...the vet did some blood tests and urinalysis and found his BUN, Phosphorous and Calcium levels a little elevated and his urine very dilute...nothing big, but still not normal...he said it was a probable UTI infection and put him on antibiotics...10 days later we took him back, the values were a little higher now...he advised of probable kidney disease, possibly congenital...the vet put him on k/d food and gave him more antibiotics. I decided to go to another vet for a second opinion and again the new vet advised that since his Creatinine values were within normal range, it could just be a bad infection and gave him stronger antibiotics for 14 more days. Yesterday I took him back for his recheck and now his values are all within normal although his urine is still very dilute (1.008 and this was his first urine of the day). The vet is not sure if his values are lower because the antibiotics are working or if it's just because of the food he's been eating have lowered the values (low protein, low calcium, phosphorus, etc) so she wanted to do an ultrasound to confirm if it's indeed kidney disease...the ultrasound is about $300 but my husband and I cannot afford this. The vet suggested I just keep the dog b/c she does think it might be some kidney problem and leave him on the diet and just let him live whatever time he's supossed to live...basically just keep him on diet and dont worry about testing and stuff....our dilemma is, should we return the puppy to the rescue group and let them deal with him? (they said they would put him up for readoption but I dont really believe them and i dont think anyone would adopt a sick puppy) or should we just keep him and let him be happy and give him love until God decides to take him away? By the way, the puppy is the happiest creature ever...he's not in pain, with appetite, not lethargic or fact, he's VERY active...My heart is broken because I love him with all my heart and I dont want him to be put to sleep or to be given to somebody that wont take care of him the way we I need advise...should I keep him????????? HELP!!!

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What's the scientific term to define a person that's literally obsessed with order and perfectionism?

    Is there a scientific or even medical word to define this type of person? I believe I've married one of those people and I'm trying to find a book to read or something to help me out cope with him because he's making me crazy! I just don't know what to look for and the word "perfectionism" and "anal" don't give me a lot of good choices...THANKS!!

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Has God ever shown you something or done something literally "AMAZING" that reassures you He, in fact, exists?

    This is probably going 2 sound unbelievable but it was true and althought I've told the story to a few people I've never written it on the Internet. I hope this way more people know about the wonders of God and that He really exists. When I was about 9 years old, on a Christmas eve night, me and my family were leaving my grandma's house for the night. As we were walking down the stairs from her house to go to our car, we looked up to the sky and there was a nativity scene formed in the clouds. It was perfect; Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus in the middle with His arms open and everything; exactly the same way you would see it portrayed in common plastic or clay figurines. Even a mule and an ox were on the sides. It was there for a couple of minutes and then it vanished. It was definitely the MOST amazing thing I've ever seen in my whole life. Bringing this memory back to my mind reassures me He exists, and makes my faith stronger in times of doubt.Has anything like this occurred to anyone?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Canadians! Help! Travelling to Canmore in January!?

    I am going there for my honeymoon in Jan. and I was wondering, if anyone that lives there, or close by, or that has been in the Alberta area (around Calgary), can help me. My fiancee and I would really like to see the northern lights while we are there so we were wondering, what is the closest area to Calgary, or Canmore in Alberta where we could drive up to to try to see the lights? Also, is it easy to drive around the area, with all the snow, in that month of the year?

    5 AnswersOther - Canada1 decade ago
  • Do you think a honeymoon in Alberta, Canada (Canmore to be specific) in the month of January will be fun?

    I want my honeymoon to be romantic and fun; we were thinking about Cancun but we cannot find a room in January through an exchange with my parent's timeshare. We found a very nice resort in Canmore, Alberta and it looks really cool and fun but I'm not completely sure if it will be a good idea to go there in January...Has anyone been there anytime close to the winter months? Is there stuff to do even in those months???? I just don't want to get there and be trapped in a hotel room because there's nothing to do.


    5 AnswersOther - Canada1 decade ago
  • Would it be OK if I only have girls, the oldest being 13 years old, in my bridal party?

    My wedding will be taking place in the U.S and my 2 best girlfriends live out of the country and they won't be coming; I have two good friends that live in the U.S that I've asked to be my bridesmaids and I was planning to have the two of them walk in the bridal party, plus the ringbearer boy and also some girls (about 5) including my sister, who is 13 years old. The problem is that I've been having a very hard time with my chosen bridesmaids in matters of choosing their bridesmaids dresses, in other words I can't seem to have them agree with each other, and then when one finds a dress, the other one doesn't like it. It's getting to a point where it's very annoying and it's making me loose a lot of time. So I was thinking, would it be OK and would it look nice if I only have the ringbearer, and then just girls, the oldest being 13 years old, walking in my bridal party?

    13 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • UCF Molecular Cell Biology Syllabus? HELP!?

    I know this is probably a waste of time and that the odds of anyone being able to help me with this question are 99% negative... but I'll ask anyway. Does anyone that went to Univ. of Central Florida and took Molecular Cell Biology (PCB 3255) with professor Robert Shetlar still have that class' syllabus? I need the syllabus of that class to get a promotion at work and I'm going crazy trying to look for it since I threw it away b/c I never thought I would ever need that thing again! I e-mailed the teacher already but he's on summer vacation!! HEEELPPPPP!!!

  • How do you call the group of people that walk down the isle before the bride in the ceremony?

    I know it's a dumb question but I need to know how to organize them. I want the general name for the's not Bridesmaids cuz there's the bridesmaids and more people. There's my girlfriends, the bestman, and some kids that are walking and I'm trying to look it up on the Internet but don't know the name....can anyone tell me? PLEASEEE

    14 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How do you cope with the feeling that you will die one day?

    How do you cope with thoughts of death? I am 24 years old and I have never been so aware of the feeling that I will die one day since after I had abdominal surgery to remove a pancreatic cyst 6 months ago. I am now constantly thinking about death and about how and when will it be for me and about how I am going to cope if somebody in my family or a friend is suddenly taken away from me. I don't want to be thinking about this all the time but I can't help it. I know death is certain and that no one can escape from it but how do you think I should look at it so I am not as scared and worried about it all the time?

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In which era would you like to have lived??

    If you could go back in time, before you were born, in which past era would you like to have lived and why? Which past world events would you like to have witnessed??

    11 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • RSVP on Save the Dates?

    Since my wedding is really close to Christmas (Dec 22/2007) and it might be a hard-to-attend-date for many people, I would like to get an approximation of the number of people that would be attending. I'll be sending out Save the Date cards very soon and I'll be sinding invitatons my question is....should I ask people to do like a tentative RSVP on the save the date cards just to have a ballpark figure of how many guests will be attending? Is this usually done? Or should I just go ahead and wait for them to RSVP when I send out the real invitations?

    15 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How many have had their spleen removed?

    I recently had my spleen removed for pancreatic surgery and I know many people have theirs removed for different reasons. So! I would like to know about how many of you are SPLEENLESS! :o)

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago