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ACDC Rock or Bust Tour question?
I'm going to my first acdc concert Wednesday at the meadowlands. Two questions: will they have an opening act and what time will the gates open? Thank you
1 AnswerRock and Pop6 years agoHow Creative Do You Have To Be To Work As a Mechanical Engineer?
I'm heading into senior year and I'm a bit curious. Unfortunately, i see myself more as a book-smart individual than the other. I've participated in engineering class for the past two years in my high school and I fell behind often. However, we worked on very basic design tasks, that did not require math or physics ideals. Should I reconsider my dream of being a Mechanical Engineer?
3 AnswersEngineering6 years agoMy Chances Of Getting Into Georgia Tech?
Three weeks from now I'm going to visit Georgia Tech (I live in PA). Heading into senior year I have a 4.09 GPA, and a score of 29 on the ACT. Next year I am planning to take 4 APs, including AP Physics and AP Calc. I won't extensively go into extracurriculars because I do a lot, but I currently caddie, am a member of the Honor Society, and play volleyball (for the past two years; i played basketball freshman year). My goal is to be a mechanical engineer, and GT would be my jumpstart to reach that goal. Do i have any shot? I understand that GT is a reach, but hopefully it's doable.
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)6 years agoSprained Ankle/Fractured Fibula?
2 AnswersInjuries6 years agoNFL Playoff Flyovers?
I'm going to the Saints/Eagles game tonight and I was wondering if the NFL will do a flyover uniquely for the playoffs. Thank you
2 AnswersFootball (American)7 years agoNike Football Jersey Sizing?
I'm getting an XL OSU football jersey from nike, and I'm worried it might be too small. I'm 6'6" and weigh 200 lbs but will the jersey fit? Or would the XXL have been the better choice! Thank you!
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years agoBeats by Dre Solo Crackling Sound?
So today just happens to be my birthday, and last Saturday I got brand new beats Solos as a gift. Today I was just listening to some of my videos I recorded on my iPhone 4S and I noticed a slight crackling sound in the right ear cup. I'm extremely OCD about something like that happening to something THAT expensive. I haven't noticed any crackling while I play my iTunes music though. I tried on my apple earplugs and I didn't hear the type of crackling that it seemed my homemade videos were causing. Is it the type of video that is screwing up the sound on my solos? Or is there a bigger issue behind all of this regarding the beats? Thank you
2 AnswersOther - Electronics7 years agoWorried About School?
So I paid very little attention during middle school and now I'm heading into 9th grade. It's the summer and I'm stressing about school already. Im hoping to hear that not paying attention in middle school won't affect my future. I've promised to work hard next year but I'm worried things from 8th and 7th grade will arise on SATs or ACTs or just in general classes.. Do I have to be worried?
3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years agoStatic Sound coming from iPhone speaker when making calls?
So yesterday it started to rain and a little drop of water got near my iPhones speaker that you hold up to your ear when making calls. I was scared to death it got INTO the speaker which some probably did. It's a day later and last night I had a call and noticed that there was a very very faint static sound coming from the phones microphone.. Could this be a sign of water damage? The phone seems to be working fine
1 AnswerOther - Electronics9 years agoI got water on my iPhone 4s?
So I was recently at the beach and it started to rain.. I got inside pretty quickly but I noticed that there were some drops near my front camera and my ear microphone when making calls.. I have an Otterbox Defender case but I'm just worried water got into the microphone and screwed things up.. Please help
5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years agoCharging A Phone During a Storm?
Last night we had a big storm and I was charging my iPhone into the plug outlet... Will it have affected the phone in this situation??
5 AnswersLand Phones9 years agoCould I have gotten HIV?
I'm in the 8th grade and one of my friends came over and poked me with the end of someones earring.. I don't know whose, but I'm really scared that I could've caught something really bad not knowing whose it was. I'm not sure the needle of the earring went through my skin (it was right on the side of my arm) but it was pretty red. And this was an earring that was just lying around so obviously someone lost it. Please calm me down a little bit with good news haha
2 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years agoWill dropping an iPhone hurt its core components?
Ok so at least a month ago I got my long-awaited iPhone 4s.. I told my Dad I wouldn't even open the phones box unless I had a case. I happened to get the new Realtree Otterbox Defender for my phone. I'm one of those people who treats their phones well and barely ever drops it. Until yesterday.. So I was taking a nap and for some reason i fell asleep with my phone next to me and i rolled over and it fell and hit my dresser but it obviously didn't get any scratches what so ever. The very same night I was sitting on the side of my bed at night and my phone just slipped out of my hand and did the same dresser - hit as before.. And my floor is carpet just to let you know. No scratches either. My main concern is the inner core of the phone when it drops. Does it hurt the inside of the phone where everything powers the iPhone or no? Thanks for your help!
3 AnswersOther - Hardware9 years agoHow Tall Do You Think I'll Be?
I recently dislocated my patella in my knee and my orthopedist said he could feel in my growth plate in my knee that I had about 1 or 2 more inches of growing. Right now I'm 14 and I'm 6'4" and weigh 175 lbs. My Dad's 6'5" and Mom's roughly 6 foot. When I heard what my orthopedist said it kinda came to me as a shock. I've always wanted to be taller than my uncle who's 6'8" but with the news I got from my doctor it doesn't look like it. Is there any way I could be taller than him? Thanks for the help!
3 AnswersMen's Health9 years agoDoes Anyone Know What Happened to my Knee?
Yesterday I had a basketball game and when I went to box someone out on defense my knee collided somewhere on his leg, and it popped out, and as I fell it came back in (left knee). The pain was nothing like I've felt before. The coaches helped me off the court and I sat on the bench with ice on it and kept it up in the air. Last night I kept ice on it for a while and it was very hard for me to walk as I was limping. I woke up this morning and the pain was terrible, but not as bad when I hurt it. I'm still limping and I feel little support when I walk, and it kinda snaps here and there as well. The only time I feel some type of pain is when I put pressure on it when I walk, and when I keep it straight when I'm standing. There's really no one part of my knee where I can locate the pain it's just all over. There is a part on the right side of my knee where when I rub it, it kinda hurts, but it just might be a bruise from the impact I had with the kids leg. I'm only 14 and I've never had a lower-body injury before so I'm kinda new to this. My Mom is gonna schedule me an appointment for the orthopedic doctor sometime soon but I'm just trying to get a little imput on what he's probably gonna tell me tomorrow/sometime during this week.
2 AnswersInjuries9 years agoOakley Gascan Back Ordered?
I'm just wondering how long it'll probably take for my Oakley Gascans to come in. My aunt texted me and told me that they were on backorder and this is my first time getting Oakleys I really don't know how long it'll take... Thanks!!
6 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years agoBest seats at DAYTONA?
I was just wondering about some pretty good seats for the next time I go to DAYTONA.... We sat in Roberts Chair during this year's Coke Zero 400 (yeah it was two days ago) and there were about 30 empty seats (probably the emptiest section from what I saw, and I just moved up a couple rows so I could see the backstretch) and the only part I couldn't see was turn 4. My Mom got the tickets the day before the race and just asking in the future to where I should sit (and if you've been there if you wouldn't mind telling me what section you sat in).. Thanks!
7 AnswersNASCAR10 years agoHook stuck in Bass's mouth?
Just asking about what I should do in the future to get a hook stuck in a Bass's tongue out. I just had caught a pretty big Small Mouth Bass and the hook got stuck in it's tongue. I tried w/ my plyers to get it out but it just wouldn't budge. I had to let it back and felt pretty bad but I knew there was just nothing I could do (w/ the hook still in). What should I've done next time???
6 AnswersFishing10 years ago