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  • ive been married for over 20yrs should I accept that my husband has another women?

    my husband hasent neglected his resposabity as far as money,bills,and family obligations.hes just hardly ever here.all the kids are grown up and earthier in collage or in another state.i want to cheat but don't know if I can.

    11 AnswersPersonal Finance5 years ago
  • Do you guys think there will ever be an agreement on religion?

    Do you think there will ever be a time when people respect each other enough to keep their religious preferances to themselves?For intance do you think its right for us to pass judgement on each other?How easy is it to talk bad about God?How easy is it to put the bible down?How easy is it not to open yourself up to lisen to others point of veiw on religion?Im not being a critic of people Im just curious

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • If you were a chistian lawyer would you take this case?

    Im a juvinille lawyer and dont judge my spelling is screwed.Anyway im facing a high profile case involveing the death of an 80yr old man who was beaten to death by 2 juvinilles.My boss wants me to take this case as a defender.I feel like I would be going aganist my lord if I take this case.What do you guys think?Have you heard it on the news?I feel like this is a very high profile case and I dont know if I could stand being shunned by my comunity.

    5 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • Is anyone out there conplusive shoppers?

    Ive noticed lately that since im going into a real steady income because of retirement I have a tendentcy to be conplusive in my spending habits.For intance im the lady in the store who has the calculater adding every idem up.Im good at knowing whats needed in the house and I get that stuff off the top.But it seems like if ive got money left over I just get whatever I see that I can invision in my house in a certain spot.I also fall bad for those buys they have close to checkout.Is it a buy when they have dvds 3 for 20 or some other thing 2 for 5 or whatever?My hubby points out to me that I dont have to buy everything that says 2for this or 10 for 10.How do you save anything when you actully spend more conplusively and could be spending more because you buy an excessive amount thinking your getting a good deal? Help me please im depleting my money

    2 AnswersOther - Local Businesses8 years ago
  • Why doesnt people aknowledge that there is evedence of Jesus exsitance?

    Why do Athiests belive there is no evedence of the history of the bible?Why dont they reserch historic evedence like the Hebrew scrolls and evedence of Noahs ark etc?Does Saten have that much power to make these historic things unfeazable to them?When we were taught history in school we didnt have the physical evedence sitting at the frount of the class but we belived what the history book seid.But yet we try to dispute the most important history book written.Do we realize were playing right into Satens trap?Do we realize that Satens time is short lived and we could possably die at his hands?I agree that a person has a right to tell the way they feel but we dont have the same right to tell others how or what to belive.Why cant everyone back off and leave them to decide?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How many people out there truly love God?

    How many people do you think love God on average?If you stood out on a random corner and asked people how many would even stop to give you an answer?How many of these people whould be young people 18 to 23 yrs old?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why is God being more and more denied faith in him?

    Why do young people more and more go towards athiets?Why dont they fear God or the results of not having faith?Why are parents not helping make them understand God?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • This is a family question about my dad?

    My question is this if youve got a good dad whos been there thoughout your life picking you up no matter how many times you fall should you owe him money for the rest of your life?Im a grown women whos has issues with some bad chioces in my life.Ive went to jail ive been stuck out of state ive had to attend drug treatment why, because IVE tried to figure that out because my dad raised me good by himself.He never exposed me to drugs or anything damaging as a matter of fact hes been there though collage and paid my expences though school after I left his house to go into collage.I finished at the top of my class became a lawyer and was doing well.I fell off when an unplanned pregantcy ended tragicly with my baby dieing at 4mo with crib death.Once agan daddy came though and paid my rent until I got off my pitypot.Anyway though this trmatic 2yrs my dad came though for me with bail and expence after I hit bottem and got out of the streets where I was by choice because I couldnt face myself let alone my family.

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • How many people belive that structure makes them better people?

    If you had say billions of dollors and no responabitys how would you handle it?Would you just float though life being whatever you wanted without having no repercusion for your actions?Or even care or have a consious about who you hurt in the process?You could do drugs and fry your brains out and no one would care enough to say stop.How would you handle everyone around you going along with it because of money?Would you forget about morels and respect and strucsure or would it matter?Would you care about others and God?Would you worry about going to hell because of you not having a care in the world?etc

    1 AnswerOther - Social Science8 years ago
  • Jehovah witness only can you bring demonic spirts into your house?

    By watching demonic movies or violence on tv or super natural stuff?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why do people screw themselves in buesness and than want other people to bail them out?

    I only ask this because im in a situation with a tight landlord.Im sure when he bought these apts he knew there were stipulations and expence when running a property.We pay the utilitys and rent like 800.per month for rent and all the eletric he pays water and garbage and repairs.My problem with him is he calls me and complains about the water bill.Weve built a repore he has 5 tenents and his water bill runs about 400 to 500 every two months.How is that to high when 5 couples live here and he pays for cold not hot water?And why do we have to hear it when it was his choice to go into property ownership?all answers would be accepted with happyness

    1 AnswerSociology8 years ago
  • Do all landlords tell you to take 5min showers and check your water use?

    I once lived in a house where everyone shared the bills.It was cheap but nerve racking when one or two people would use the utilitys to much.Like leaving lights on or taking half hr showers etc.I decided to move into a rent to own townhouse,I pay eletric and gas and the land owner pays the water.Now mind you theres two townhouses here and the guy who lives nxt to me waters his garden.Not a problem but my landlord complains when the bill goes over a certain amount.Im getting irritated because we both pay close to 3000 for the property and how much is charged for cold water and garbage?We pay the eletric so hot water has to be run by eletric right?Is he just tight?He charges 2 00 for laundry and his machines are not the best.400 is alot for one load of clothes.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Noisy nabiors how to tell them to cut the crap?

    I know that there is a certain respect that should be exersized when in close property.I trust my nabiors not to steal or call the police at random but they are so disrespectful.They play music and argue continuously.I have one on one side that walks around half naked and plays music while singing opera.I have on the other side a couple who argue loadly and fight violently all though the day.I get so irritated because im respectful by not saying to much.I try to be nice and leave it alone but recently my picture my daddy bought me that was very expensive fell off the wall because she threw somthing at her man and hit the wall so violently that it knocked an ancored picture off the wall.They seid they would replace it but how do you replace a picture youve had for at least 20yrs from a realtive.My dad bought it because im into ancent art and its of a mythogy picture of a loin and sculpture of a man.Symbolizing how when we go to paridise we will be in such harmony with wild animals that we can get close to them

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • I know that its personal but why are so many young people focused on body type and looks?

    Does any of you know that genetics have alot to do with the way you look and grow?Also do you know that youth is tempory and that when you become an adult and start to fend for yourself people dont judge you on looks alone.You are judged on how you carry yourself.You are judged on what kind of person you are(Kind,Outgoing etc).Men will draw to you when you are successful in the things of the heart and mind.Education and sucess are more important to who you are than the way you look.Looks come from within you and it glows to your outside.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Why are people jelous?

    I have a freind who lives nxt door who is a pretty cool lady.But she made a commet yesturday that upset me.She seid my front porch looked hick because I hang my veggies outside in a hanging basket.I have one of those three basket hanging veggie baskets and I live in a studio apt so my frige is to small to hold all my veggies.So I hang them outside from my porch wall that protects my mini garden.And she seid it looks country back woods.The reason I do that is because it keeps veggies fresher to be outside.She also made a comment about how she wishes she could find a good man like mine who would help her with her bills.I told her when you live with somone their posto help you with bills duh

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Im asking Jehovah Witness?

    Im in conflict with whether I should put a cross in my house.And if I do will it bring dishonor to Jehovah?Is there such thing as bringing demons in your house by watching demonic movies?Ive been taught to not premit voilant movies or demonic television shows into my house in fear of inviting demons in.Im very serious about not bringing demons in because I belive it takes the peace away in your relationships as far as it starts aguement and strife.Am I over reacting?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why do husbands insist on watching sports only to fall asleep watching them?

    Every Sunday I give my hubby the t.v downstairs in the family room and make the kids that dont watch sports the t.v in the livingroom for vidio games or t.v.Than when I bring lunch and snacks or just go down there hes got his head back with his mouth open sleep him and my sons.He gets all excided about having the downstairs to himself for his space time and he sleeps it away.He also wakes up if you shut it off or change the channel.Me and the girls often tease them down there.By throwing popcorn in his mouth trying to hit his mouth and its funny

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • How far should a women let a man go?

    How far should a women let a man go on not helping with exspences?When you hook up with a man should you let him move in and not help with bills?How much is to much?I have a freind who thinks im being a peice of meat because I dont belive in working my butt off to have a nice place and nice things to give it to a man.I told her no one rides for free in my house.And she says I sound like a gold digger because ill not date men who dont have anything to bring to the Table.Im not going to cater to a man not saying I dont have feelings its just that to make it now a days both people have to contribute.Me and my boyfreind live together with full understanding that love dont pay nothing gas,supplies,Food etc costs money and if he dont work and I dont work we dont eat.Am I being superficial because I dont pick up bumms in the bar and bring them home and support them?