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  • Where would I look to find a little post office van to fix up for camping?

    I want one of the little mail delivery vans to fix up. I want to my own customized version of a something like a teardrop camper where it is just a tiny upgrade from tent camping. I have looked on Craigslist and on ebay motors ...searched some other sites too. Where do ya go to buy such things? Is there a government auction to buy these? I am stumped.

    2 AnswersCamping8 years ago
  • Cahiers being too familiar by using my first name found on debit card?

    While visiting a local restaurant I used my debit card to pay for a meal. I rarely carry cash, (like the majority of people today), and usually do use my debit card to pay.

    While handling the transaction the cashier looks down at my card, sees my name on the card and proceeds to call me by my first name. This struck me as very rude.

    This is not the first time this has happened.

    Here are my gripes about this particular situation:

    1. The cashier had a choice, why not use my last name instead of being so familiar with me? What happened to the days when people would not use your first name unless invited to do so?

    2. Also, giving this person access to my bank account is a pretty financially intimate thing to do. Is it too high an expectation to hope that some level of professionalism would be maintained?

    3. What are the managers who train the cashiers being taught, and is their own level of basic manners so low that they do not catch these thing as they hear them happening in their store?

    What do you all think about this issue?

    6 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • Have you ever dealt with a sociopathic personality in either your circle of friends or family?

    My family and I have dealt with a person with a severe sociopathic personality. We came it through it with eyes wide and mouths gaped open at what the person was capable of doing.

    We believe, if left unchecked, that this person was capable of murder. This was a huge realization that we collectively came to as we took a moment to sit back and examine what this person had been 'up to'.

    It started out that this person was allowed into our family. We each, personally and slowly, extended trust to them. After much time had passed, each of us had noticed subtle things that just made us question this person. These small things were not mentioned because each thing alone was not really 'that big of a deal'. Collectively, once we all compared notes, these things were overwhelming and a bit shocking.

    Luckily, we took action and prevented anymore access to our family from this person.

    Ours was a VERY happy ending.

    Since then I have heard other stories of families that did not fare so well.

    My question to this group is ....

    What are your experiences with people who have this disorder?

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Bleach spill on carpet in my car... Can I re-color the carpet?...Is there any hope?

    I bought some cleaner with bleach because it was on sale. It was in the back of the car...the lid came loose and I now have a huge bleached spot on my tan apolostery. It is not the seat... it is the carpeting in the trunk space.

    Do I have to cut it out and replace it?... or ... Can I re-color it?

    5 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Have you been watching Jon & Kate + 8 ...and will you still continue to watch it now that they are seperated?

    I don't like to admit to it but yes, I look at car wrecks, I don't turn my head when couples fight in public, and I do look when the bratty neighbor kid gets yelled at by his mother on the front porch.

    Of course people are going to watch! People are addicted to reality TV and it does not get more real than what is happening on Jon and Kate + Eight.

    I have watched the show from the beginning. Those two as a couple NEVER seemed right. Not from day one... so ... basically divorce is probably the best thing that could have happened.

    It was painful, week after week, to watch Jon being emotionally and psychologically manipulated as Kate used his love for the kids against him. Maybe, now, he will finally get to have a private moment with HIS children.

    I definitely will watch. I want to see when guy #2 enters the home... How will Jon react to another man being around his kids?... Will the kids like the new step daddy?... Will Kate treat him like dirt too?...

    How will Kate react if Jon remarries? Will she go to the wedding?

    And the kids...

    When are the older two going to ask the tough questions...

    Why doesn't Daddy live here anymore?

    Who is that woman with Daddy?

    Mommy, why is that man kissing you? Daddy is going to get mad.

    Bottom line... 50% of marriages end up in divorce. This IS reality TV. America, be careful what you ask for. This time... we got it.

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Real Housewives of New York City----> What the heck is up with these people???!!!!?

    Real Housewives of New York City------>

    What the heck is wrong with that model Kelly on RHNYC? She is so elitist and dismissive to everyone. Why does she think she is so hot? She has NO class,is way too old to be a model, and DOES look her age. The way she has been speaking to Bethany is just inexusable and intolerable. Also, Jill should UN-invite her to be apart of her daughters charitable organization because she is too low class to be involved with special needs children.

    I feel that she was a very bad choice for the show. She is NOT a housewife, she is not pretty, and her personality makes me ill. I wish I could forget that I ever knew about her. She leaves a bad aftertaste like a big swig of spoiled milk.

    I will say that Simon and Alex have grown on me a little more this season. They are now less like warts and more like a pleasant little mole. I am wondering if it will be a beauty mark or something I will have to have burned off....? I guess it remains to be seen.

    Ramona still grates on my nerves. Her blinky eyes and fast talking tornoado of senseless chatter only serves to further reveal how unintelligent she is, and it gets old quick. Her daughter obviously is a spoiled brat with zero manners. The scene with her and 'mommy' in the audition place was painful to watch. Her husband seems very childlike with no sense of boundaries established for his family that he takes out and unleashes on the world.

    Why do these people have such a sense of entitlement?

    Oh... and have NO manners, so stop trying to pass your philisophical gems on to everyone. Anyone who comes to you for advice on manners has mental problems and should be evaluated immediately.

    Jill and Bethany are the only good reason to watch this show. Jill seems to be a good hearted person. Even though she gets a little over the top with spending habits at times and can be a busy body, she is still down to earth in many ways. I really enjoy the scenes with her beautiful, smart, and obviously loving daughter. We need to see more of her and less of those other clowns. We also need to see more of Jill's husband. I get a kick out of the things he says. You can tell that he thinks this whole mess is a bunch of non-sense and that all he wants to do is sell his I like that guy. He's alot of fun to watch.

    Bethany is also a breath of fresh air and seems to have a good head on her shoulders. One thing for sure, Bethany is way too pretty and has too much to offer to be alone much longer. I hope she finds some smokin' hottie to rock her world and heat things up in her life in the next season.

    5 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Terrance Howard: What was the contract dispute with him involving Gwyneth Paltrow and Robert Downey (Jr.) ?

    I happen to love Terrance Howard in anything and everything I have ever seen him in. He was AMAZING in Hustle and Flow AND in Crash . Two blockbuster hits in one year and I loved both of them. He does not seem like the kind of guy who would get his feathers ruffled for no good reason.

    I think that he is going to be a legend in the movie industry.

    If I see his name on the box I KNOW it is going to be a good movie. He just brings an intensity to it that seems to be contagious to all the other actors. I really appreciate his artistic contribution.

    I would like to tell him:

    Don't worry about it if they did you wrong, we know your great and your fans have your back! Make your own damn movie, (produce direct and star)......then we know there won't be any drama, except on screen where it is supposed to be!

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Fiesta Mexican Themed Graduation Party Ideas?

    My son just graduated and we are planning his graduation party. He wants a Fiesta theme. We would like to budget most of our money on food. The party will be at a park under a pavillion.

    I need suggestions for cool food to set it up...what to include.

    Also....we need suggestions for decorations.

    Thank you!

    8 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • What spring cleaning suggestions do you have for others who are drowning in clutter or just havea messy house?

    I have recently discovered the Yahoo Group called Freecycle (TM) and give away lots of stuff on there. Just go to the Yahoo! home page and click on groups. Then type in the largest town/city closest to you and the name Freecycle to search for the closest one to you.

    If your not looking to give stuff away... and would prefer to sell it instead... try On this, you can sell your items and have someone come directly to your home to pick it up. No yard sale needed. Isn't technology WONDERFUL?!

    This way things are saved from the landfills and people who need your disgarded items benefit from your generosity. Most importantly, you get a an un-cluttered cleaner house out of the deal!

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Changing plugs and wires in a 2000 Kia Sportage 4x4 seems to be a huge ordeal ...?

    I have tons of people who have looked under the hood and have all said that changing the plugs and wires is pretty complicated. Anyone here know the proper way to do this without messing something up?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • PROJECT RUNWAY.... What did you think of the fourth season/ last nights finale'?

    I could talk for hours about this show....but to sum it all up in one statement....

    ~~~I preffered the last three seasons to this fourth season.~~~

    This season just lacked something. I don't think the designers were 'hungry' enough. They were all well established in the fashion world already. They didn't take enough risks. They just didn't connect with me the way the other designers on the other shows did.

    I loved Chris, Romey, and Christian.... but the rest of them seemed like they lacked strong personalities, were a bit whiney, spoiled, and came from privilaged backgrounds, it seemed as if they were trying to ham it up for the camera too much.

    . I like thinking that if they win it will be a great thing for them.

    I also didn't appreciate when they would try to talk over Tim Gunn. He is just about the coolest person on the planet and they just would talk over him and discount his opinions most times without even hearing what he had to say.

    Your thoughts???

    6 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • To shoot or not to Missouri. If an unarmed burgaler enters can we shoot him?

    ~or~ will that be murder? What is the law regarding this?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • To shoot or not to Missouri. If an unarmed burgaler enters can we shoot him?

    ~or~ will that be murder? What is the law regarding this?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I am an independant other IC's .....who are you leaning toward voting for and why?

    Which candidates are for/against National Healthcare? Also...I am very impressed with John McCains war record...but am not sure that he has what it takes to be the next President....anyone taking him seriously as a candidate?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • So... What did you guys think of the Project Runway 4's first show?

    Who do you think is going take it this season? What did you think of that waterfall dress with all the rags hanging off the back? Did you agree with who they picked as the winner? Were you surprised at what kind of designs the designers came up with? Why or why not? ( I am a huge fan of the show )

    9 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • What causes women to lose the hair on their head? How can it be prevented?

    I am very young and have noticed hair loss in the front of my head. What causes this and how can I make this stop while I am young and still have much of my hair?

    7 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Do you tire of poems about death? I like upbeat poems that make me feel good about life... know any?

    The Night Party

    Here is one of mine.....

    The music is good

    The air is warm

    People all around

    Dancing in the moonlight

    How I love to sit and watch them loving, living, and laughing.

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Do you floss, brush, and use mouth wash twice a day like we are supposed to do, or do you skip a day or two?

    People I have asked always have mixed answers on this. So I wonder what the honest truth is. Do people really follow what the dentists say to do, or do you just brush and floss really well just before you go to the dentist?

    Do you hate smelling other peoples bad breath, and do you tell them it stinks?

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago