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I am a 27 year old Christian. I love God and people. I also love learning more about God's Word and fulfilling His plan for my life.

  • Cause of chronic dizziness?

    I am a 29 year old female. For more than 2 months now, I have been having chronic dizziness throughout the day each day, either a lingering dizziness or multiple episodes of it. The dizziness is where I feel my head spinning inside rather than my surroundings spinning. And I feel it on both sides of my head. It is accompanied by a constant headache (usually mild and usually on both sides of my head), lack of appetite, fatigue/body weakness, body aches, episodes of a racing/pounding heart that causes the dizziness to worsen, muscle twitches in upper arms and legs where I can actually see my whole upper arm twitch for ex., and I fall at least once almost everyday, sometimes I'll fall up to 5 to 10 times in a day because I am so unsteady because of the dizziness. In a day, whether I fall at least once or not, I have at least a few episodes of almost falling and then catching myself or grabbing onto a counter or something to help me be more steady before falling.

    When the dizziness increases and I get more unsteady and fall, my legs get weaker and I have 'tunnel' vision when I fall. I have also been told by friends who are with me before, during and after one of my many falls, that shortly before I fall, they see me go really pale and the colour in my face returns shortly after I fall and after I sit down for a few minutes. I also have uncontrollable shaking and a racing/pounding heart more than usual after I fall (usually) for a bit.

    If I don't fall but still have a worse episode of dizziness, my heart races/pounds-I notice the dizziness also increases the more my heart pounds/races. When the dizziness gets really bad, I feel like I might faint and feel nauseous. I also have bouts of chest pain, chest discomfort/strange sensations in my chest.

    My stress and anxiety is a lot less than it used to be and I never had any dizziness when my stress and anxiety was a lot worse last year and other previous years. I never smoke, drink alcohol or do drugs. None of those substances whatsoever. I drink plenty of fluids. I notice that whenver I've been lying down for an hour or more that is when I have no dizziness, no headache, no racing heart and I noticed the last time in the ER, that my blood pressure was 119 over 69 (optimal) but when I stand, walk or even just sit up, that is when my blood pressure goes from optimal to high (eg. 155 over 100 or 146 over 113-though even those numbers don't seem high enough to cause any real symptoms as I've known people with blood pressure higher than me and they don't have chronic dizziness and the other symptoms) and it will stay high as long as my head is raised. When I am sitting, that is when I have a few symptoms but when I stand up, stand still or walk, that is when I have the most symptoms. The more I stand still (like waiting for the light to change before crossing the road), the worse the dizziness gets more so than when I walk. I've gotten a little hurt different times when I did fall (soreness on the back of my head, sore back, knees, wrists, or hips, scratches, scrapes).

    I've been to the doctor, to the ER (3 times in 2 months since this first started) and had multiple tests done. The bloodwork was normal, at least most of it-didn't hear back yet about my B12, iron or thyroid levels. The CAT scan was normal. The chest x-ray was normal. The ECG was normal. I've yet to hear back about what the results of the Holter monitor showed.

    Sometimes I feel it coming on, like the dizziness increasing and then I know I need to sit down right away or else I'll fall. Other times I'll feel mostly fine with only a mild headache and dizziness one second and the next second the dizziness will greatly increase and cause me to fall right away where I can't even grab onto something in time.

    My friends who have seen me fall a number of times are more worried about me than I am. Partly because I live alone and if I fell in my place and went unconscious, no one would know. I'm pretty sure this is not the result of an inner ear problem because of all the other symptoms I have, which I think is why my family doctor and the one doctor in the ER ordered more tests to do with my heart (like the Holter monitor) than any other kind of test.

    I just wonder what it could be that is causing this as it is really affecting my life, making me feel so limited in what I can do. I feel like a medical mystery partly because the doctors haven't yet figured it out and seem just as puzzled as me.

    4 AnswersHeart Diseases9 years ago
  • How should I handle this emotional abuse from brother in law?

    My brother-in-law has been emotionally abusive to me, my sister (his wife) and our mom and whoever else for a few years now. He yells at my sister and puts her down, saying people in his family do things better than her. Also says his family is better than her family. Well, it was one of his relatives who murdered a police officer and tried to murder another one a couple years ago. No one in her family ever killed anyone, let alone a police officer.

    With me, I have to be very, very careful what I say to him or else he'll misconstrue/misinterpret what I say, distort what I say and use his misinterpretations of what I say against me, never letting me forget how 'bad' I am because of what he misinterprets me to say. He laughs at me, even tells his 2 year old daughter to say to me "Daddy is better than you". I've heard so many insults from him. I've heard him say that I shouldn't ever get married and have kids because of how bad a Mom I would be. He asks all these inappropriate and personal questions (such as do I have dreams about having sex or sexual fantasies with whoever-it's none of his business no matter what the answer is) to me and no matter what I say or if I remain silent (and I don't know how to respond to such questions), so even if I ignore it, he takes it as a yes and talks about how bad I am, never letting me forget it. If he sees me doing whatever he misconstrues it and calls me bad words. What he says to me (and others like my sister and our mom) is not teasing, it is degrading, insulting, and humiliating.

    In front of other people (besides my sister and our parents), he is a different person. He won't insult, humiliate, yell or criticize. So to me, he has enough control to be one way in front of other people and a completely different way when it's just my sister, me and our parents.

    My sister will speak up from time to time and tell him not to say such things to me because it's mean. But she doesn't always speak up because I think she feels a bit intimidated by him and she lives with him. He provides very well for her and their children (physically) and is intellectually bright when it comes to computers, math and trading. But the way he treats her (at least emotionally and at least some of the time) is horrible.

    He has convinced himself that he can do no wrong and it is everyone else (especially her and me) who does wrong, and anything he thinks I or her do wrong, he makes it sound worse than it really is. He often checks up on her when she spends time with her side of the family (and gets mad if she is later than he thinks she should be) and limits her use of their finances. He also has caused her to lose every friend she had from high school and decides who they should be friends with which is very few people.

    The way he acts, it is like he is desperate to win at everything (game or otherwise) and if he does win in a game, he will spend the next half an hour or more telling whoever lost (usually me) how much better he is than them which has caused me to not want to play anymore computer, card or other games with him if he is going to be like that. It is also a good thing that he and my sister gave their 2 cats to my parents before since he physically hurt their one cat.

    When he does insult/criticize or humiliate me, he laughs and seems to really enjoying hurting me emotionally. Before I used to get visibly upset, now I try not to show it because I know if I cry or whatever, he feeds off that and it gives him satisfaction. And even though I know at least a lot of what he says isn't true, I still feel so abused by him and of course I'm worried about him getting progressively worse over time, especially when it comes to my sister and their children since they live with him. Now I have seen some good in him, like how well he provides physically for my sister and how if my parents need something fixed, he will go and fix it (since he is so good at fixing different machines or whatever), it is just all this emotional/verbal abuse that is so hard to deal with.

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • can I talk to the police chief about this?

    After almost a year of being stalked, I finally got the police really involved more than before. The signs were him constantly giving me unwanted gifts (whether in my mailbox or at the community lunch I attended each week) , watching me from outside my balcony including at almost midnight, following me every time he saw me walking in town, calling me almost every hour during the day and evening and at least once in the middle of the night and leaving many messages, harassing me at the community lunch I attended weekly, yelling at me a couple times when he followed me and late at night when he was watching me from outside my balcony, that kind of thing. The things I did were making an urgent request for the door downstairs of the apartment building I live in to have a lock put on to prevent anyone coming up unless they had a key, getting my phone number as a changed, unlisted number a few months after all those hundreds of calls in 3 months, getting a trespass order put in place and calling the police which I did a couple times last year.

    I dealt with him mostly on my own except for the volunteers at the community lunch who also did what they could by telling him to stay away from me and not give me any unwanted gifts, telling him to sit at the opposite end of the room from me, offering to walk out with me or drive me home, etc...

    Anyway, in May this year, the stalker had gotten much worse-I noticed and the people at the community lunch noticed. He was trespassing on the property yet again (he did many, many times just like the calling) and calling up to me from outside my balcony during the late afternoon (he trespassed on the property where I live many different hours during the day and night so many days). I called the police again and informed the dispatcher that I was very scared because of the stalker being just outside and that I couldn't go outside when he was there even if I wanted to because I didn't know what he might do. At the lunch it was different with the safety of other people being around. At my apartment building, I would be basically alone with him if I went outside. The dispatcher asked me if I wanted the police to come over. I said yes. A sergeant from the police station came over and I gave him a brief description what was going on. He went and warned the stalker to stay away from me and then came back and told me that the stalker had been warned by him to stay away from me. I thought its one thing for the stalker to not listen to me or the volunteers at the community lunch but if he doesn't listen to the sergeant, that is a whole lot more serious. I thought, good, maybe it just takes a warning from the sergeant for him to understand that he has to stay away from me.

    A couple days after that, I found out that the stalker would not listen to the sergeant as he came to the community lunch again and caused the worst disturbance of all disturbances he caused at the community lunch all because of his dangerous obsession with me. I was a lot more afraid for my safety and the safety of those at the community lunch because of that disturbance. That was also when he threatened to kill one of the volunteers who tried to help me and told him to leave. The volunteers at the community lunch realized during that disturbance which was the very worst one and the other ones were bad enough, that the police had to get involved. So the police were called. One police officer came and he was the best police officer I ever talked to. He did everything that could be done without wasting any time: interviewing me, interviewing the eyewitnesses (people at the community lunch), arresting the stalker and charging him with criminal harassment (legal term for stalking) and taking him into custody, (the stalker was arrested again a couple days after he was released from custody and sent to jail for 22 days after he threatened someone else again), informing me what was going on in the investigation like when the stalker was found guilty on all charges (there were 3 charges including criminal harassment). Anyway, not only did he do everything that could be done but he also treated me with a lot of compassion, respect, was sympathetic, understanding, etc. I just felt like he had a good balance of acting both professionally and being compassionate, understanding, respecting me and really listening to me and taking my concerns seriously. My question is, since I am very impressed and grateful to the investigating police officer (I also really thanked him a few times) who really helped me with a very bad situation where it could have turned out a lot worse than it did but didn't because of him and doing what he could when it came to the stalker, does anyone know if I can talk to or email the police chief and tell her that I was impressed with his work and tell her that I think he deserves a bonus or something like that? I know he was just doing his job but I feel he deserves something good for what he

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago
  • What do you think of this?

    Here is the situation. There is a group of people who are willing and wanting to give an appreciation dinner for a couple who did some good and are giving the dinner to show the couple thanks. One person in the group has suffered abuse by the couple (more so the husband) for years and is uncomfortable and not wanting to go because she felt why go and show appreciation when any good they did to her was quickly outdone by all the abuse. Where there was more abuse than good. So, one of the other people in the group informs the wife person of the couple about this person not wanting to go because of such and such, saying the person (who was abused) likes them but is uncomfortable and not going to the dinner. There are close to 10 other people who are wanting to put on this dinner. And only 1 (the one abused) who is unwilling to attend. The wife goes home and informs her husband about the one person not wanting to go. The husband being the one who abused the girl much more than the wife. The husband decides, that even after all the other people did to get the planning arranged, money spent on the hall for the dinner, money spent on the dinner, that he and his family (who are not to give any money just come and enjoy the food and fellowship and hear the words of appreciation), are not going to go just because of the one person who didn't want to go, when close to 10 people are wanting to show appreciation and have already spent all this time and money to get it all arranged. What do you all think about such a situation?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What to do about bizarre gifts from stalker?

    Since the past summer, I have been dealing with someone who shows the signs of a typical stalker. He used to be a friend but he wanted more than that. When he started getting jealous, overly obsessive and possessive, I began to see the signs that he was not who I thought, I gradually ended the friendship.

    Before I did, he gradually increased his phone calls to me so that it eventually became several calls almost every hour day and night. At first I told him nicely not to call me so often, then more firmly. He would respond that he would respect my wishes but an hour or day later, he would be back to calling many, many times in one day. I finally ended the friendship but he still kept trying to win me back. He still continued to call and call and call even after I told him many times (more firmer as it continued and increased) not to call me. Eventually, I stopped answering. I had call display so if I knew a number that he was calling from, I wouldn't answer. I also started to pick up and quickly hang up in case that might work. Most of the time he called, he left messages and they were long. One day it would be "I'm sorry for what you did. Please forgive me", and the next day it would be "I didn't do anything wrong. You just "misunderstood" me". Back and forth it went between the two.

    If I walked in the street and he saw me, he would run up to me and talk to me. I told him firmly to leave me alone. Other times I said nothing in case he lost interest. Many times I told him to leave me alone, stop bothering me, I am not your friend anymore, the like. Other times I wouldn't say anything in case saying something "encouraged" him to pursue me. Different times if I saw him but he didn't see me, I would quickly turn a corner or something so he couldn't come after me. The same time he was after me in the street and calling me, he was leaving different kinds of gifts in my mailbox or coming up to me at a certain function with gifts or inviting me to go out for supper. He also called up to my apt. late at night a few times.

    One time when he was really upset because I kept hanging up on him, he apparently had a breakdown (because I didn't give him another chance which he wanted) and admitted taking many pills because he "lost me and couldn't take it because I was his whole world to him". I knew whether he did and got really sick or not but probably was a lie as he would have been so sick and died or at least need to be admitted to the hospital, that it was manipulation and even if he took enough pills to get sick without being severely sick, it was his problem, not mine nor my responsibility and I refused to give in to manipulation.

    Many, many times he twisted my words (the times I did say anything) to make it sound like I said what he wanted me to say rather than what I actually said. Also, many, many times he would not ever take no for an answer. It was like he thought he knew what was best for me rather than me and that I "needed" his gifts even if I said no, but that was only because he wanted to be with me, because he was only looking out for himself and wasn't respecting my wishes. When he did call, it was usually from one number but he also called from different places. He also tried to get a couple of the few friends he had to intervene and "convince" me that I had to go back to him because he "needed" me so bad and was suffering so badly because of me that I would not be his friend. His kind of personality or person is that he is a loner, has above-average intelligence except for when it comes to people-socially he is very "incompetent" and not knowing how to deal with people appropriately, very low self-esteem yet believes that he can do no wrong and it is everyone else who does wrong. He believes firmly that I am in love with him no matter how much I tell him I am not. If I say no or if others stand up for me and tell him not to bother me, he hears "yes", or "just give it time and she will come back to you", at least that is what I sense based on his behaviour and knowing the typical mindset/beliefs of a stalker based on research. He never threatened me although one time he came up behind me in the street and was yelling loud enough for people in the next street to hear his yelling. When he yelled it was because he was mad that I wouldn't be friends with him (he also wanted children with me when I told him clearly and firmly no). He didn't abuse me physically but he did emotionally.

    I already had my phone number changed because of his constant calls. I already had a trespass order put in place (which he violated more than once). I've called the police two times but the second time the policeman said that unless I have a peace bond (which doesn't cost money but if it was taken to court, I would have to pay which I can't afford) or he ra

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • To the Jehovah's Witnesses: how do you explain this? Read below and be honest...?

    I am going to use your translation (the New World Translation) and no other translation to point out some (what it looks like to me and the Scriptures I post below from the NWT are what I have read just so you know) contradictions about foundational beliefs you hold onto all from the NWT (which you can read to make sure it really is from your translation). Read the verses of your translation that I will put down with an open mind and read why I think its a contradiction (which I will state) and then try to explain how it fits with your theology without there being any errors or contradictions in the NWT:

    Genesis 18:1 Afterward Jehovah appeared to him among the big trees of Mam´re, while he was sitting at the entrance of the tent about the heat of the day. 2 When he raised his eyes, then he looked and there three men were standing some distance from him. When he caught sight of them he began running to meet them from the entrance of the tent and proceeded to bow down to the earth. 3 Then he said: “Jehovah, if, now, I have found favor in your eyes, please do not pass by your servant. 4 Let a little water be taken, please, and YOU must have YOUR feet washed. Then recline under the tree. 5 And let me get a piece of bread, and refresh YOUR hearts. Following that, YOU can pass on, because that is why YOU have passed this way to YOUR servant.” At this they said: “All right. You may do just as you have spoken.”

    6 So Abraham went hurrying to the tent to Sarah and said: “Hurry! Get three seah measures of fine flour, knead the dough and make round cakes.” 7 Next Abraham ran to the herd and proceeded to get a tender and good young bull and to give it to the attendant, and he went hurrying to get it ready. 8 He then took butter and milk and the young bull that he had got ready and set it before them. Then he himself kept standing by them under the tree as they were eating.

    9 They now said to him: “Where is Sarah your wife?” To this he said: “Here in the tent!” 10 So he continued: “I am surely going to return to you next year at this time, and, look! Sarah your wife will have a son.” Now Sarah was listening at the tent entrance, and it was behind the man. 11 And Abraham and Sarah were old, being advanced in years. Sarah had stopped having menstruation. 12 Hence Sarah began to laugh inside herself, saying: “After I am worn out, shall I really have pleasure, my lord being old besides?” 13 Then Jehovah said to Abraham: “Why was it that Sarah laughed, saying, ‘Shall I really and truly give birth although I have become old?’ 14 Is anything too extraordinary for Jehovah? At the appointed time I shall return to you, next year at this time, and Sarah will have a son.” 15 But Sarah began to deny it, saying: “I did not laugh!” For she was afraid. At this he said: “No! but you did laugh.”

    16 Later the men got up from there and looked down toward Sod´om, and Abraham was walking with them to escort them. 17 And Jehovah said: “Am I keeping covered from Abraham what I am doing? 18 Why, Abraham is surely going to become a nation great and mighty, and all the nations of the earth must bless themselves by means of him. 19 For I have become acquainted with him in order that he may command his sons and his household after him so that they shall keep Jehovah’s way to do righteousness and judgment; in order that Jehovah may certainly bring upon Abraham what he has spoken about him.”

    20 Consequently Jehovah said: “The cry of complaint about Sod´om and Go·mor´rah, yes, it is loud, and their sin, yes, it is very heavy. 21 I am quite determined to go down that I may see whether they act altogether according to the outcry over it that has come to me, and, if not, I can get to know it.”

    22 At this point the men turned from there and got on their way to Sod´om; but as for Jehovah, he was still standing before Abraham. 23 Then Abraham approached and began to say: “Will you really sweep away the righteous with the wicked? 24 Suppose there are fifty righteous men in the midst of the city. Will you, then, sweep them away and not pardon the place for the sake of the fifty righteous who are inside it? 25 It is unthinkable of you that you are acting in this manner to put to death the righteous man with the wicked one so that it has to occur with the righteous man as it does with the wicked! It is unthinkable of you. Is the Judge of all the earth not going to do what is right?” 26 Then Jehovah said: “If I shall find in Sod´om fifty righteous men in the midst of the city I will pardon the whole place on their account.” 27 But Abraham went on to answer and say: “Please, here I have taken upon myself to speak to Jehovah, whereas I am dust and ashes. 28 Suppose the fifty righteous should be lacking five. Will you for the five bring the whole city to ruin?” To this he said: “I shall not bring it to ruin if I find there forty-five.”

    29 But yet again he spoke further to him and said: “Suppose forty are found there.” In turn he said: “I shall

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For Christians, if you could sum up the main theme of the Bible using one or two words what would it be?

    I have found the answer and am curious to see how many people in the Church also have the right understanding of what the Bible is all about.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • To the atheists: why is the Bible wrong when...?

    For example it speaks about the Earth being a round sphere and hanging over nothing:

    Isaiah 40:22:

    "He (meaning God) sits enthroned above the circle of the Earth and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the Heavens like a canopy and spreads them out like a tent to live in."

    Job 26:7:

    "He (meaning God) spreads out the northern skies over empty space; He suspends the Earth over nothing."

    Now, since no man went into Outer Space until the 1900's, how could Isaiah know the Earth is a circle or sphere? Isaiah didn't go into Outer Space centuries before Christ came into this world. How could Job know that the Earth is suspended over nothing? Especially when everyone else (Job existed before Abraham but after Noah) believed that giants or giant elephants hung up the Earth on their shoulders. That's not just a coincidence or lucky guess either. And those are just two examples.

    Also consider that a lot of skeptics through the Centuries have said the Bible is wrong because it speaks about something (like the Hittite people) that hasn't been discovered by Archeology. But then later Archeology discovers something that is what the Bible said all along. Like Archeology discovering a clay jar or something that was built by the Hittites for example and having a description about what happened to them or how they lived. Or for example the Gospel of John describing the five covered colonnades by the pool called Bethesda. And then it's later discovered by Archeology that there are 5 covered colonnades under (underground) the site where the pool called Bethesda would have been.

    How can such things be explained if the Bible is false or just a fairy tale? It's too incredible considering all the evidence that keeps being discovered that proves what the Bible said was right all along.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How many Christians agree with this?

    The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (especially the book) is a dangerous, dangerous teaching that draws people away from God. It may have some good things but the majority is cruel, anti-Christian, heretical, insensitive. Especially when it talks about all of us mere people being perfect (only God is), God in the flesh (only Jesus can fit that), all intelligent (only God is), masters of the universe (only God is), and everything else like that. That's just arrogance and egoistic to the extreme. It's also idolatry of the self (probably the worst kind of idolatry) or narcissistic. I didn't know anything about it until I heard about it and decided to get a glimpse to confirm my deep concerns. Sure enough my concerns were validated, and not just in the spiritual sense, in the physical as well. I can't believe any sound, rational person would believe such delusional thinking or any Christian believing anti-Christian material for that matter.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How many Bibles do you have?

    If you have a collection of Bibles (2 or more-especially if you have a large collection like 10, 20, or more), how many do you have and which one do you use the most and why?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Contentment?

    The book of Philippians has the secret of contentment. I was wondering how many are content (true contentment) or know the secret of living with contentment, including in times of trouble/hardship, or what works for them-to be content in good or bad times.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Anyone know some good websites or books about Revelation that do a good study on it? I'm studying it.?

    I know of some. And of course I'm studying Revelation for myself and linking at least some of its message to Daniel, Ezekiel and other connected Scriptures and learning the symbols in it. Also, is there anything you learned about its message that you never knew before? That helped explained or provided new insight for you.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How many have memorized whole books of the Bible?

    I am not talking about a verse here and there or even a chapter, but a whole book of the Bible word-for-word. Especially if you have memorized multiple books of the Bible or the complete Bible (even better). Yes, some, though very few, have memorized the complete Bible. As for myself, I have memorized multiple books (12 and a half books to be exact since June 2005) of the Bible word-for-word, several chapters and some verses here and there and I plan to memorize the whole Bible word-for-word as long as I live. Also, what are your reasons, do you do it to get closer to God, what do you do to make memorizing easier, does it give you such a great feeling and is so rewarding to actually do it as I have felt? It was God Who blessed me with such a great gift and the glory belongs to Him. Jesus also knew Scripture off by heart and that was how He taught people and stayed away from temptation by Satan. Or, if you haven't memorized a book or multiple books, what are your thoughts about it?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For Christians: Why do you believe/talk like the Church is a building when Jesus never died for buildings?

    Jesus died for people not buildings. There are no "buildings" in Heaven, only God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), good angels and those who have been saved. And the Bible teaches that the church is His body made up of believers with Him as the Head (not the pope or priest or pastor or anyone else). So, saying, "I'm going to church" or "Will you come to church with me?" even "This is my church-I own this church", is incorrect. A more correct way to say it is: "I am going to worship" or "I am going to worship with my brothers and sisters". The church does not belong to anyone besides Jesus.

    The Greek definition of church means "the called out". Meaning those who have answered God's call and have been saved. Each person who is a Christian are members of Jesus' body. Also, why is it that the money from the collection plate goes toward the building they worship in, rather than using it for those who are in need-which is what the early church did? The early Christians also met in homes.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Question for atheists: why do you obey the laws when they came from God in the first place?

    Do not murder, do not steal for example and quite a few other laws came from God in the first place (to prevent disorder and wrongdoing-overall sin-for example). Why would you obey them if you don't believe in the One Who first gave them to us? Isn't that contradictory to your beliefs of there being no God?

    Also, for more information, in Job 26:7: "He spreads out the northern skies over empty space; He suspends the earth over nothing." How could this be written by mere man when the common belief at the time was that giants held up the earth and since no one at the time had been to outer space. Science has since proved that the earth and all other planets do "suspend over nothing". Also, in Isaiah 40:22: "He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth..." How can mere man write this when no one had been to space at that time and seen the earth being a circle and when the common belief up to a few hundred years ago was that the earth was flat. It's not hard to see proof of His Creation

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago