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  • Am I wrong to Get mad?

    My daughter is 5 yrs old and goes to a martial art school. Every two month they have a belt test. She practice everything and knows it well she is a straight A student. Now today she was testing during the test she was ask to do a kick combination however she was taught a different kick for the last two month. So she get all A except for the kick. THe master then says in front of the crowd she need to practice her kick. After the test I waited after all the picture taking and I told him that she was not taught kicking he the Said she must have been absent, I sad no she was at every class, Then he said oh I, Taught it to her once or twice not this month but the month before. and That was it. I know he did not teach it. We are at every class and we home school so going to martial art class is a big deal at our house. I realize he was not going to change his mind about her grade or take responsibility for her not knowing it. I am so mad don't get me wrong had she failed cause she made mistake, I would have been ok with that but I feel she was cheated. I would have been ok if he said wow sorry i did not realize we taught her the wrong thing but she has to know it and I can't give her a

    Higher grade cause that is the regulation, I would be ok mistakes happen. Am I wrong to get mad !

    1 AnswerMartial Arts4 years ago
  • Do you know where i can get a nexus 7 in davao city philippines?

    Do you know where i can get a nexus 7 in davao city?

    2 AnswersPhilippines9 years ago
  • Are Samal island resorts making money?

    i notice there are lots of resorts that has been built and being built. I wonder are they making any money? Every time i visit Samal it always seems dead, don't get me wrong i like that about Samal. Have things change since the last time i went feb 2011? Also i don't see to many foreigners around either has this changed too?

    2 AnswersPhilippines9 years ago
  • How much can i make with a multi cab?

    I thinking of buying a multi cab, i want to know how much i can make per day or per month. I will not be driving it.

    3 AnswersPhilippines9 years ago
  • How much can i make with a jeepny?

    i want to buy a jeepny, but want to know how much can i make per day or per month?

    5 AnswersPhilippines9 years ago
  • To Filipinos Does it bother you to see a foreigner with a filipina?

    This is a 3 part question, 1) Does it bother you when you see a filipina with a foreigner? 2) Does it matter if the foreigner is white, black, Arabic, Asian, 3) Does it bother you when the Filipina is young and the foreigner is super old?

    34 AnswersPhilippines9 years ago
  • Why are land owners asking so much for their land in Samal Philippines?

    I have been looking at land prices in Samal at first glance i said yeah it should be high, the beach is right there. then i looked closer and saw that the roads or terrible, part of the island floods, habal habal (taxi) guys are very crooked and unregulated, NPA rebles are across the island (and yes they have attacked samal in the past), you can't legally own the land your self if your not filipino, people stare at you alot which is somewhat scary, i even heard of a case where a guy bought a land, beach front but could not get the squaters people off his land then the judge gave the land to the squaters, but when i look online at properties in davao area the samal land or asking lots of money, i started asking why? is this is a bubble market, a bunch of people buying the land for investment hoping to sale it later for more money (this is what happen in US that cause market to go down), one reason i think this is look at oceanview or aplaya no one is building anything yet, the one house at oceanview has been for sale for years, so here is my question are the land in samal selling? are they selling for the asking price? why are the prices so high if there not selling? is it only investor that are buying?

    3 AnswersPhilippines9 years ago
  • Should i do my own roof ?

    I am trying to figure out if i should do my own roof, the roof is about 30 by 25, i have put shingles and role roofing before on other homes, i have always laid over. Here i am trying to do rubber roof. How much do you think it will cost in materials, is it much harder then the other roofing i mentioned.

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Rubber roofing Question?

    I have a roof it is about 30 by 25, small pitch, in fact we want to put rubber roof on it. I wanted ask how much do you think this would cost. I live central New York

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How much does customer service rep in the philippines get paid?

    I have a business here in USA, it's not a fast moving business actually it is slow very laid back. I own a few properties and rent them out. Maybe about 6 times a month maybe more maybe less we get phone calls from tenants. I wanted to hire someone in the philippines that speak english, and has a computer at home with internet to pick up those calls. The person job would be to hang around there home just in case some one calls for maybe 8 hours a day. I don't think it's that demanding so i said that PHP 100 per day would be fine, but my wife think it is too little. I tried explain the fact that the person is not picking up calls all day and night just when or if someone does call. What do you think is 100 PHp to small or right ?

    7 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • How come there are no dark Filipino Stars on Filipino TV?

    I have been learning Tagalog and to help me i decided to watch T.V. shows from the PH, then i notice all the stars where of mixed race (filipino and some other white race). As a photographer i also notice that the photos and the shows are generally overexposed to a achieve a even lighter look, fine i get that most filipino want to be lighter. White envy! since they where colonized by the spaniard and then the American, then the Japanese. Going back to the show, i was watching this show Banana Split, a comedy, and a girl, light skinned asian, who was in the shower comes out, she pulls out a soap another asian girl, darker in comparison, however her skin color looks like most Filipino's i have met, and trust me i met a lot during my visits. Any way the light skin girl pulls out a white soap, the darker girl says what kind of soap is that? The lighter girl answers it is a skin whitener, the darker skin girl quickly says we have the same soap, light skin girl then asked if it worked for her too, the darker skin girl then pulls out her soap (a black soap) and said not really (the joke is her dark skin turned her soap black, maybe saying dark skin is dirty). I must say i was shock. Then i started looking around the net at all the celebrities in Philippines all of them were light skin. How come filipino don't fight to have more variation of Filipino actors? How do the darker Filipino people feel about this? Don't they care that they are being called ugly only because they have darker skin? Don't they want to see a darker asian stars?

    17 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • Where do penny Auction site get their items?

    I want to start a penny auction site but i was wondering where do the items come from, or how they get the items. I know the some are marked up prices i can see that. But here is a situation you bid on a $10 gift card you spent 7 buck on bid you click the buy now button you pay $3 your $7 buck bid gets added toward your card then you pay lets say $2 for shipping. I wonder here how do they make money if every one hit the buy now?

    3 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • How come Filipinos seem ashamed of their race?

    When in the Ph Malls the women put white powder on their faces it clearly doesn't match their skin but they do it anyway, many will jump at the chance of having a baby or marrying a white person no matter how gross, or nasty the person looks, even if the person is rude it is still ok as long as they are white, they make constant joke about darker races, and curly hair, On tv 95% of the actors don't look like Filipinos, guess what most are not many are born from other places and are half filipino, Ann curtus, bea, sam. We all know about the get white skin products, every where. The crazy thing is in america most people think dark skinned Filipinos (south east asians) are hot. So why don't Philippines?

    8 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • We need health insurance?

    I work for my self as landlord my wife and i have no health insurance, in our business we spend more then we make, i am sure it will change after a year, we don't qualify for medicaid. Do anyone know a good health insurance that's good but at the same time not so expensive?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • how much does it cost to become seaman in the philippines?

    I want to pay for my brother in law to become a seaman he lives in Davao, i want to know how much it will cost

    3 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • I want to start a pig farm in haiti !?

    how much are pigs in Haiti, would a pig farm make money in haiti?

    1 AnswerOther - Caribbean1 decade ago
  • Is a pig farm a good business in the Philippines?

    I am trying to open a business in the Philippine, Davao. Then i thought what a pig farm and chicken? What do you think?

    18 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago