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Favorite Answers14%
  • Will mailing in an explanation buy me time to pay my speeding ticket?

    Today, I received a speeding ticket for going 33 in a 25 (school zone). I was planning on paying the ticket, however, I don't make much money and would benefit from having a week or two more to pay it.

    I was wondering if I chose to admit responsibility with explanation, would this buy me time? The citation says I must mail in before or on the date on the front of the citation, and the court will mail me with it's decision on fines.

    The front of the citation has checked "Appearance on Date on or before 10 days". I assume "appear" means I can still mail in my explanation. (am i right in thinking this?)

    Basically, I just need like an extra week or two to get the money, and I want to know if mailing the citation in will get me this.

    (I live in michigan, 10th district, calhoun county)

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Atheists: What is the most convincing argument you have heard for theism?

    Theists: What is the most convincing argument you have for your belief?

    The most convincing argument I have heard is the complexity of the universe. This is not very convincing, because there are many explanations for this other than god. However, I can understand why this argument convinces some theists. It's not a great argument, but I cant think of a better one.


    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Question about Ultimate Spiderman?

    I'm a little confused about the numbering for Ultimate Spiderman.

    According to Wikipedia, Ultimate Spiderman was relaunched after Issue 133 as Ultimate Comics:Spiderman. Then, after 15 issues, it picked up the original numbering.

    But they say it picked up at issue 150. But according to my math, it should be issue 149. This is how I see it.

    Ultimate Spiderman #133

    v2 #1 (134)

    v2 #2 (135)

    v2 #3 (136)

    v2 #4 (137)

    v2 #5 (138)

    v2 #6 (139)

    v2 #7 (140)

    v2 #8 (141)

    v2 #9 (142)

    v2 #10 (143)

    v2 #11 (144)

    v2 #12 (145)

    v2 #13 (146)

    v2 #14 (147)

    v2 #15 (148)

    And after 15 comics of the new numbering, I'm told it picks up at 150....but what happened to 149?

    Is there a 134 that I'm unaware about?

    5 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • Blood-Starved in Skyrim, have a Invincible there anything I can do?

    I was in the middle of a quest, and Ralof started attacking me because I became a blood-starved vampire. I tried running away, but whenever I go in someones house he magically appears because he's my follower. Fast traveling, of course...brings Ralof right next to me.

    What do I do? I cant kill Ralof, and don't want to. Whenever I go inside someones house at night to feed, Ralof is there and ready to kill me. He wakes the person up immediately so I can't feed.

    I have is on PC, so I can use console commands..

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Using jdbc with mySQL, please help?

    I've never used a database with Java before. I looked up on some info on jdbc, and this is what I did

    1) Downloaded

    2) Copied Downloaded mysql-connector-java-5.1.17-bin.jar to

    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre\bin

    3) Added "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre\bin\mysql-connector-java-5.1.17-bin.jar"

    to classpath.

    Ran code. I keep getting an error (it fails the try).

    Through debugging, this is where I found it fails:




    I can provide a link to pastebin for the rest of my code, but now I have everything commented out. Yes I have "import java.sql.*;"...and I basically commented everything else out.

    So all I have is



    catch(Exception e){System.out.prinln("fail");}

    It fails every time. Can someone please help?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • If Alex Jones really believed the stuff he says....?

    Why does he sell his movies. I mean, if what he says is true, money won't be important anyway when the NWO takes he could just use his life savings to support his "campaign for truth".

    Also, if he was all about bringing the truth to people, he would want to do it for free.

    Rational thinking people 1

    Conspiracy theorist nut jobs 0

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Theists: Where is your evidence that there are no unicorns?

    *Note, if you believe in unicorns, then substitute anything you dont believe in ( like leprechauns, dragons, wizards, multiple gods,etc).*

    Where is your evidence that there are no unicorns? Or rather, why do you believe there are no unicorns?

    I've heard theists ask people all the time "How do you know there's no god?" "Where is your evidence that there is no god?" "Why don't you believe in god?"

    My guess is that theists dont believe in unicorns for the same reason atheists dont: there is no evidence that they exist. This is also why atheists don't believe in god.

    However, theists tend to act like this is not justification for disbelief in god. If this is the case either:

    A) You should have a reason other than lack of evidence for belief in unicorns. or

    B) You should be able to provide a reason why belief in god plays by different rules.

    And dont tell me there isnt lack of evidence. Theists usually claim personal experience is evidence, but I was a Christian for 16 years and I never once had an experience (although I prayed for one every night. god never "talked" to me and I never "sensed" him). So if personal experience is the only reason for belief...that means I am justified in my disbelief.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Partitioning harddisk on windows?

    I've done this on Linux before, but not windows.

    I just did a install using a recovery disc. I installed it on a new hard drive, since my old hard drive crashed.

    It's a 1 TB hard drive, but my C:\ only shows 100 GB. How can I partition it so the rest of the hard drive is allocated to C:\. Can I do this without re-installing?


    4 AnswersOther - Hardware10 years ago
  • Christians, Atheists, etc, why do you hate Slifer the Sky Dragon?

    Slifer the Sky Dragon died for your sins. He discarded every card in his hand, so he could be struck down by a celtic gaurdian. To all you Christians, Atheists, Muslims, and other non-Slifer followers, I understand your pain. You probably dont believe in Slifer because you saw some Slifer follower acting unholy. Or maybe you had a bad experience in your life that makes you not believe.

    But I am here to tell you the good news. Slifer does exist! And he loves you! Give your life to this magical beast, and you will forever be happy.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Eve Online: Does Server Downtime count against bonus mission rewards?

    So I was probably 2 mins from completing a mission with a substantial bonus reward. Eve shutdown it's servers for schedules maintenance. Will this count against the time required to get the bonus reward? Also, will the skills in my queue train while the servers down?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Do you have to retake the A+, or any other IT certifications?

    So basically I'm wondering if the A+, or any IT certifications expire after a certain amount of time. I know it's wise to update a certification, but do they actually expire.

    I heard from somewhere (it was a while ago and I dont remember fact I could be misremembering) that the A+ certification used to be permanent, but they changed it. I also heard that you had to take the CCNA every 2 or every 4 years. I cant find any info online that says you need to retake any of them, so I'm confused.

    The certifications I am thinking about taking are








    I probably will take more but those are the ones I wanted to know about whether they expired.

    Are there any IT certs that expire, and if so which ones?


    2 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • Why does the Alternating series have two conditions?

    Okay so the two conditions are

    1) the terms are decreasing

    2) the limit as n approaches infinity the limit of a(sub n) = 0

    Then it's convergent

    But doesnt the nth term divergent test say that the limit must =0 or else it's divergent?

    It's this redundant?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Runescape: I have an old account wiath over an inventory full of disks of returning?

    Hey all. I recently got back into runesape and found out how much discs of returning were. Well I played RS back in 2001 and I made an account. For some reason I wanted to see if I could drop my disc, buy a new one, and pick it up and have 2. I think I did this for a full inventory load.

    Is there anyway I can get to the account. I have NOOOO idea what the password's been 10 years.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Hypothetically speaking, am I going to heaven?

    The worst way I could think to spend eternity is to spend it worshiping someone because he was kind enough to give me the chance to worship him.

    So since I dont believe in god, if I'm wrong does that mean I'll go to heaven. I mean it sounds like it's like a never ending session of church. That would be horrible to it would seem like an appropriate place to punish me.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Theists: What do you think of atheists?

    I often see questions on here like "HELP! I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! CHRISTIANS ONLY!!"

    This offends me. I feel as if they are telling me "you're opinion is invalid because we disagree about how/why we exist".

    Do some/most theists actually think a person who doesnt believe in god has nothing to say. Do they think we cant/dont want to help and give advice? I realize a lot of atheists are sarcastic and mean sometimes, but that doesnt mean we're bad people.

    Really what gives? Why is this belief so imporant? Well I get why it's important to theists, but does the belief really have anything to do with one's character?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How does this not prove the bible wrong?

    1) The Bible is the perfect word of god (If it's wrong in a single case, it's not perfect).

    2) We are all gods children

    3) Jesus is god's one and only son

    4) Boys exist today, and existed back in the times of the bible.

    One and only means one and only. We are all gods children means we are all gods children. You can't just intepret it and say "oh god really meant this". There is not metaphor translation guide that comes with the bible. If you interpret in such a way that what was said is not true, you are altering the word of god.

    If there are boys, and those boys are children of god, then they are his sons. But the bible states that jesus is his ONE AND ONLY son.

    These both cannot be true. Therefore this cannot be the perfect word of god.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Creationists, why do you believe in gravity?

    After all, it's just a theory.

    I hear creationists all the time say how the big bang/evolution are just theories. Look, in science, a "theory" is not "an educated guess". The guess is a hypothesis. When something is a theory, it's tested. It's demonstrable. It's true.

    Get over it. Theory does not mean opinion.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do creationists often say there is no evidence for evolution?

    It is extremely common I hear "show me a transitional me one bit of evidence....etc"

    Where did this come from? I particularly would like to hear from creationists....because I want to know where you are getting your information.

    Are all the people who say that trolls?

    Did they hear it from a troll or someone else online and that rumor spread like wildfire?

    Is your church telling you this?

    Seriously...I'm confused. For those who actually think there's no evidence....

    well It'd be like if I said "There's no evidence that objects fall at the same rate"

    I mean common...really?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Lucid Dreaming, Subconcious Interfering?

    I've really been into lucid dreaming. I don't sleep much, so I dont remember most of my dreams. When I was a kid, not only did I remember 5-6 dreams a night in detail, but I had at least 3 lucid dreams a week.

    I recently been focusing on try to lucid dream. I havent got a dream journal yet, but I will start one soon.

    The thing I always notice is that my subconcious, aka the other people in my dream, always seem to want to stop me. The last time I had a lucid dream, I realize there was a staircase in my dream that didnt actually exist in my house. I got really excited and I was going to teleport out of there. Before I noticed the stiarcase, I was following my parents and my sister up it. I stopped following them when I realized I was dreaming, and they called down and asked why I was taking so long. I snuck up the stairs, and peaked around the corner where they were. I heard them talking "I think he realizes him dreaming, we need to eliminate him". I teleported out of there when I heard that, and went to what I call my "lucid playground".

    A mroe recent example was when I was dreaming I was at a football game. The numbers on the scoreboard kept changing. I had a wife in this dream, and I tried to explain her that none of this was real. She was confused so I pointed out the scoreboard. I leaned in and whispered in her ear "We're dreaming, become lucid." After I said this she stabbed me in the back and I woke up.

    I heard before that you subconcious does not want you to become lucid. Is this true, and if so does anyone know why? Why does it always seem my subconcious is plotting against me...there malicious thoughts seem so real when I get to a lucid state. Anyone have any input?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Why is there a double standard?

    Hello creationists. If I'm generalizing please dont take it personally.

    What I seem to get is that creationists dont believe in evolution because "there's almost no evidence" or "there's absolutely no evidence" for evolution.

    Now for a second, I'm going to ignore the fact that both of those statements couldnt be further from being true, but lets just say for the sake of the argument, that there was no proof of evolution.

    So....why do you believe in god. Like....on one issue, no evidence=not true. When it comes to god, no evidence=true.

    This does not makes sense. Also why do most creationists say there is no this what the church is saying?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago