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Lv 613,953 points

Nikolas S

Favorite Answers18%
  • Could a concerted worldwide revolution against the greedy capitalism do it?

    “I would like very much to change the world in a logical but doable way, so that people could live in it permanently in peace. Would a bold determination alone suffice? And if not, how else could I attain my goal?”

    4 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago

    Why the media does allow this obnoxiously disgusting, narcissistic and arrogant Prima Donna, Donald Trump to pollute the airwaves with his self-serving and fake rhetoric that is music to the myopic Birthers’ ears? What are the useful solutions that he is offering to the overall problems facing the nation? Does he really believe that all Americans are the kind of idiots as those to whom he is addressing his harmful crapology? Is this why he claims to be the smart patriot as he says he is?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why should we let them disservice us and the country any longer?

    As we all have observed within the last few years, the congress has not being doing its job. And since “WE THE PEOPLE” are supposed to be their employer, my question is: If you (any and all of us out there) were a real world employer would you retain any of your nonproductive employees on the payroll of your business? I surely would not!!!

    So my other question is, I don’t know if our constitution provides for that, but why are we keeping any of them employed and not firing them by carrying out a national referendum??? And the sooner the better!!!

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago

    I am sick and tired hearing the American Media, from end to end and left to right, spending all this time, effort, airwaves and $$$ “promoting” the sick ideas of the idiotic Birthers and of the Tea Party fascists. The media knows very well that all of these parasitic elements are a bunch of racists and far out extremists and not any different than those of McCarthyism, Bircher-ism, Neo-Nazism and of K K K-ism. The problem with those sick radicals is not because Obama is doing a bad job as a Democrat President but because he is “BLACK” and I can’t put it any plainer than that. The media’s political correctness is not working, so why are they using it? Why are they going around the bush and why aren’t the speaking the truth? Why are they letting this obnoxious, narcissistic, arrogant and disgusting Prima Donna Donald Trump off the hook? But again, money talks; so what’s new?

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Peoples inanity, What's wrong?

    With all the problems that are menacing our world, Wars, Natural catastrophes, man-made nuclear tragedies, Hunger, hardships, privations, etc. etc., why in the world the American media and most Americans have gone bananas with the royal wedding in England? Don’t they have anything better to think or care about? And on the other hand, who cares????I surely don’t!!!!

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • MONITOR MALFUNCTIONING: Is it the monitor, the video card, windows or something else?


    1. Monitor: hp pavilion vf17

    2. OS, Win. XP Pro

    3. RAM, 1 Gig

    4. Card: nVIDIA GeForce FX5200


    4. PC is powered on

    5. Monitor has been set to go to sleep after 10 minutes

    6. Hard Drive has been set to go off after 15 minutes

    7. Hibernation is not enabled


    When, after certain time, I get back to my PC and move the mouse to wake it up the monitor opens up and immediately go dark. When I turn the Monitor power off and turn it on again, the monitor comes on; sometimes however, I have to do this exercise more than once in order for the monitor to stay on.


    Is it the monitor, the video card, windows or something else that causes this problem?

    I did some checking of the Monitor and card settings but I did not find anything suspicious.

    An informed recommendation would be appreciated.

    Thank you,


    3 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • Is it the monitor, the video card or something else that causes this problem? ?


    1. OS, Win. XP Pro

    2. RAM, 1 Gig

    2. PC is powered on

    3. Monitor has been set to go to sleep after 10 minutes

    4. Hard Drive has been set to go off after 15 minutes

    5. Hibernation is not enabled


    When, after certain time, I get back to my PC and move the mouse to wake it up the monitor opens up and immediately goes dark. When I turn the Monitor power off and turn on again, the monitor comes on and stays on. Sometimes I have to do this exercise more than once but thus far it has worked.


    Is it the monitor, the video card or something else that causes this problem?

    I did check the settings of both (Monitor and card) but I did not find anything suspicious.

    An informed advice would be appreciated.

    Thank you,


    3 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • Windows and/or internet explorer problem!?


    1. Two PC’s and a laptop connected to home network

    2. OS windows XP Pro.

    3. Main PC connected to router via Ethernet cable.


    Regardless on what machine I am on, when I am connected to internet and try to go to Word or any other program the internet explorer freezes and knocks off my network. So I turn off all machines, disconnect the power cables from the modem and router, connect the power cables back (one at a time) to each device wait a couple of minutes for each device, turn on one machine at a time and the network is back on. This procedure may happen one to three times per day and it’s getting to be a pain. Any way, when I have the main PC turned off and work on the other PC or laptop, the problem does not happen. So, I suspect that there is something wrong in and/or with the main PC. Probably something with the browser add-ons or the windows itself but before I start playing with the windows I would like to have some “sound suggestions” from experienced answerers.

    Thank you


    5 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Country first? how about Hypocrisy first?

    I strongly believe that the reason that John McCain selected Sarah Palin, a completely unqualified and totally unprepared to become president if need be, is because he puts “Country First” as his fraudulent campaign slogan suggests! What a shame?

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why should the American consumer be forced to pay for the transition from analog to digital TV?


    I am referring to the old “low-tech” household fixture that used to be in the living room for the family’s quality time, entertainment, information, education, and other such beneficial to the family services.

    No, I am not talking of today’s “high tech” idiot box that is found in every room of a house and it has been transformed into an exclusive accomplice of commercial advertisements, deception, violence, porn and vulgarity; let alone of being the prime brainwashing agent for the exploitative corporate America as well as for the public’s deception by the two major political parties.

    Now, as if this detrimental evolution of an instrument that was for the benefit of the family was not enough, the corporate greed is forcing the American public to convert it into something totally unnecessary for the consumer but a lot more profitable for any and all of those who control and manipulate the nation’s TV industry fields.

    In closing, my question is:

    Since in my opinion, the digital transformation of this once useful electronic home appliance is nothing more than just a face lift that benefits only the TV corporate America and not at all the public, why should the American consumer be forced to pay for the transition to digital from analog? Why not the real beneficiaries (The TV industry manipulators) pay for it?

    Thank you,

    N. D. S.

    9 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • My four-part question to any and all (Black and White) Americans is:?

    1. Why Obama is viewed by both races as black and not bi-racial?

    2. Why is he claimed by the blacks as black and not by the whites as white?

    3. Why does he (Obama) consider himself as black and not as white?

    4. And last but not least…Who said that America’s biracial divisiveness belongs to the past and that Americans are colorblind?

    Serious, intelligent and informative answers only please.

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What is the problem with Microsoft's latest Windows updates?

    I have been trying for three days now to get on the web and I get the Microsoft “Sorry error” “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage.” Any thing that I have tried to remedy the problem won’t work. After talking to my ISP I found out that the problem is well spread allover the PC ownership and it started after the download of the 02/11/05 windows updates. Anyone knows anyone in Ma Microsoft’s headquarters to get the problem fixed?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Is my sound card dead? Do I need to replace it? Or there is another way of fixing the problem?

    After a Windows/Creative “Sound Bluster” update I lost sound totally; the volume tab of the “SOUND AND AUDIO DEVICES” window is completely dead with the volume indicator on the low side, not being able to move it to high side. I troubleshot it thoroughly but I am unable to fix the problem. I also uninstalled and reinstalled the sound bluster program but to no avail.

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Shoud Bush tax Stupidity?

    I know that republicans do not believe in raising taxes but in your opinion, what would be the percentage of Americans who would support the taxation of apathy, ignorance and stupidity that menace the country?

    Now, be real careful how you answer the question and keep in mind that this kind of tax would be the only effectual resource that would enable Bush to balance the budget and eradicate the deficit prior to leaving office and before he places the country in complete bankruptcy.

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • A historian I am not but history has a funny way in repeating itself. So, what are your views about my opinion


    “As per the old saying: “Whoever cultivates winds harvests hurricanes,” a country which was settled by violence, instituted by violence, expended and thrived by violence, lives in violence and exports covert violence, will die in violence!”

    There is absolutely no question about it, in my mind. I only hope that its citizenry will wake up before letting their self appointed imbecile Emperor and his myopic Court to completely destroy what has been built with rivers of precious naive blood!

    By: N. D. S.

    4/ 14/ 07

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Should consideration be considered?

    Thoughtfulness and appreciation cost no points, so wouldn’t it be at least proper for the questioner to consider choosing the best answer from the responses given to his/her inquiry? After all, etiquette, next to points, is what makes the Yahoo questions/answers world go around!

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why Yahoo is so egger to send violation notes to answerers and not to the askers?

    Why Yahoo cannot see that the real cause for answers/responses given is the structure, the form and the authenticity or lack of it of the question asked?

    Why Yahoo is ignoring the fact that only a small percentage of questions asked are truly genuine questions that disserve a legitimate answer?

    Why Yahoo considers instigating comments and/or incomprehensible and incomplete phrases with a question mark at the end as actual questions?

    Why Yahoo ignores the fact that the answerer is not obligated to respond with a suitable answer when the question in itself is not a legitimate one?

    Why Yahoo is so egger to send violation notes to answerers and not to the askers?

    Why most askers, with their deficient questions, expect the answerer to be a mind reader?

    Why most askers don’t furnish the basic information/data needed in order for a question to be properly answered?

    Why askers don’t bother to learn how to ask and/or to convey a clear question?

    Why some askers report the answerer when the response given reflects the stupid query asked?

    Why should answerers bother to properly answer a question when the question itself violates any and all grammatical and etiquette rules?

    Why should the answerer try to help while he/she is not being helped to help?

    And finally, why should one continue his/her participation in this thankless jungle?

    N. D. S.


    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Should the pharmaceutical corporate sharks and their co-conspiring marketing hyenas be allowed to continue...?


    Should the pharmaceutical corporate sharks and their co-conspiring marketing hyenas be allowed to continue promoting prescription medicine via the open public media or should they be limited to promote their prescription products only to the prescribing medical profession?

    I do believe that prescription medicine ought to be introduced, promoted and advertised directly to medical professionals and not to the layman. Patients do not prescribe medicine, they only use what is prescribed by order of their doctors’, so why the pharmaceutical industry is allowed to advertise its prescription products, via the public electronic and printed media? Why should be allowed to brainwashing a defenseless, in this respect, public? Why not the money spent on advertising is used towards lower medicine prices? Why not the industry’s lobbying is stopped and prevented from buying out our so “Honorably” elected crooked officials?

    I would like very much to get some serious, constructive and unbiased views on this matter.

    Thank you,

    NDS (12/1/06)

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What would party followers would say about that?

    Wouldn’t be the perfect and most effective civic practice for getting Washington refreshed and cleaned by simply voting out any dead meat politician, every two years, regardless of party lines? What would the myopic party brainwashed extremists have to say about that?


    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How can I get rid of "web beta" and get back to the old one?

    I made the mistake to change from the old Yahoo "My Web" to the new "Beta." Now I can't find anything I had saved in there as well as I can't find my way back to the old one. Does any one know how I can get back to my old familiar "My Web"?


    2 AnswersYahoo Toolbar1 decade ago