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  • What is the best method to kill weeds?

    Looking for something that is environmentally friendly. I've heard everything from vinegar to boiling water. Has anyone had success with these methods?

    10 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Why buy? I need a pros and con list to help make the decision..?

    I'm single with a daughter who is in her last year of highschool. I currently rent since I'll be moving when she graduates. When I move, I will probably stay in that area for the rest of my life. I have no plans to marry or have any more children so it will be me and my two dogs. I hate yard work and enjoy the convenience of having a maintenance person to do all the repairs. Does it make sense to buy a house? What are the pros of owning a house over renting?

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Summer's almost here! What's your favorite summer time drink?

    I love sitting outside on a Sunday morning with a tall glass of iced coffee.

    25 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Parents, have you witnessed or experienced this problem?

    Helicopter parents. More and more parents are doing things for their children instead of GUIDING them and letting them learn and experience for themselves. I know parents who do their child's homework, who get involved in school yard drama; I had a mother call my child and yell at her because she supposedly gave her child a "dirty look". That's the closest I've ever came to violence against another human being. I told her kids have tiffs and falling outs all the time and unless someone is being harmed, let them work it out. My daughter went to her first prom this year and she said parents were AT THE PROM, video taping, taking pictures, and telling their children how to pose. My daughter got her first job this year and there were parents in the interview with their children. What the heck is going on here? What happened to guiding children and letting them learn from their mistakes? Do any of you see this happening?

    19 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How Do I Get Rid of Rust Stains On Cast Iron Cookware?

    And no "scrub with a potato", it does not work on heavy stains.

    12 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Does It Bother You?

    I went to the store yesterday. A young woman and man were ahead of me in line. She had in her cart diapers, baby wipes, groceries, a couple of toys. She was dressed in Air Jordans and Lucky Jeans, her hair was nicely done, gold jewelry, and fake nails. To pay for her items she used a EBT (food stamp) card. She had to pay 20 in cash so the man opened his wallet which was loaded and pulled out $100 bill to pay. How can she afford to dress the way she did if she's on food stamps? I'm really trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe her clothes were from a thrift store, maybe they were knock offs, maybe she saved to buy them. The cheapest I've paid for Lucky Jeans is $55 and that was a huge sale. Nail tips cost $35-40. I work hard for my money and for the things that I have. If you can afford things like that how are you eligible for gov't assistance? I guess what I'm asking is does this bother you when you see something like this? Am I wrong for feeling this way?

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Eating Habits For Night Shift Workers?

    When working nights (10-6, 11-7) should you eat a full meal as though you were eating lunch? I have one co-worker who says you shouldn't eat after 8 pm regardless what shift you work and only eat healthy snacks (fruit or veggie) if you get hungry. Another co-worker says since you are sleeping during the day you should eat the same way you would if you were working days, breakfast when you wake up, lunch at night. Which way is healthier for you?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What's the lamest pick up line you've heard?

    Just finished answering a question about Restless Leg Syndrome. Someone posted "Baby you bring those restless legs over here and lessee if we can do something with them... " LOL, How lame!" So what's the worst you've heard?

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you agree with NBCs decision to release video of Cho?

    The article also mentions photos from Abu Ghraib. Do you think we have a right to know? Is it disrepectful to the victims?

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Tell me about the cute (or annoying) things your pet does?

    I have a Pug and a Bassador (1/2 lab 1/2 basset hound). My pug looks like a grumpy old man but he's really sweet, IF he likes you. He doesn't care for children because they try to pull his tail. My Bassador is a goof ball and always looks like he's grinning. He's the mischievous one. He opens the oven door so he can see what's on the stove top. He also slides the kitchen chair to the counters to see if there are any goodies there. Once he ate two pans of Buffalo wings. I had left them on the stove top under foil. I ran to the store to get Blue Cheese dressing to go with. I came back and everything was gone. I was so afraid he would get sick but with his lead stomach all he did was produce toxic poop for a couple of days. Both my pups are really sweet and very protective of my family and of each other. They love to sit with me while I watch tv. They lay their heads on my lap and fall asleep. What about your pet?

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • What's in your cereal bowl?

    This morning I feel like releasing the kid in me so I'm having a bowl of Fruity Cheerios

    12 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • How do you handle a co-worker who constantly makes jokes with sexual innuendos?

    I have a co-worker ( a supervisor but not mine) who annoys the hell out of me. She can turn any comment into a sexual innuendo. For example. My friend Jimmy owns his a business. He was hired by my company to install new lighting. I said to him "Hey Jimmy, I hate my job. Will you hire me?" He said "what are your skills?" I said "I could follow you around and hold your ladder." She said "She could hold your ladder alright, hehehe" Someone could say "I'm going to play a basketball after work" She will say "Oh, you're going go play with your balls! hehehe" SO ANNOYING!! This goes on all day. What is the best way to handle this woman?

    13 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Which is the best way to handle my teenagers financial irresponsibility?

    My 17 year old has overdrawn her checking account. She basically "nickled and dimed herself" as my father would say. She didn't balance her check book properly, thought she had more money. She uses her debit card for everything. $1.29 for a soda, no money in the bank equals a $22.00 service fee. All told she's overdrawn by only about $40.00 but the service fees for each transaction has brought the total to $357.00. I'm not rescuing her from this. She has to pay back every dime herself. I made her cancel her spring break trip and she asked her boss for extra hours to pay this off. Here's my question. Should I make her cancel her checking account? My idea is to have only a savings account and take out spending money every week. I think that she may not be mature enough to handle a checking account. Or should I allow her to continue having a checking account and just monitor it more closely?

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago