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  • Which is the must-have anti aging ingredient on the market today?


    I'm going to get some anti aging cream for my Mum. She doesn't drink or smoke, and she doesn't go in the sun. I think she looks great for her age, but she feels that she could do with some extra help. I want to get her something really good - money no object - to show how much she means to me.

    I'm a complete novice when it comes to beauty products. What ingredients should I look out for in an anti-aging cream when I'm out shopping? Are the creams that are available only online or through beauty salons (eg. Environ, Dermalogica) really better than the generic L'Oreal, Roc and Ulay/Olay/Olaz ones available in drug stores?

    It feels to me that the "in" ingredient is changing faster than I can keep up! Retinol, Q10, Lycopene, I'm sure there are more. What are the pros and cons of each? Is there something new that I haven't come across yet?

    Thanks for your advice. Your experience will really help me out!

    1 AnswerMakeup1 decade ago
  • POLL: Should cigarette health warnings be update to reflect society's attitude towards smoking?

    The BBC have recently protected the use of "gay" against P.C. idiots when used to mean rubbish. Fags is British slang for cigarettes. To feel queer means to feel ill.

    So, now that smoking is banned in most public places, and smokers are made to gather outside like a colony of lepers in the rain sucking off fags, perhaps cigarette health warnings should be updated to reflect this change in our attitude towards smoking and smokers?

    It is known that smokers start smoking because of a character flaw. They think smoking will make them look cool, or hard, or it will make them stay slim, i.e. they believe they will be admired if they smoke.

    Patently, society no longer admires smokers nor smoking.

    So perhaps we should change the health warning messages on cigarette packets to reflect that smoking and smokers are no longer admired.

    Smoking causes serious damage to health becomes:

    Sucking off fags queers you up

    Cigarettes are rubbish:

    Fags are gay

    What other warnings might work?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • POLL: Smokers - why did you start smoking?

    Now that smoking has been banned in most enclosed public places and all places of work, has that made you more honest to yourself about the real reason you started smoking?

    Do you now accept it as a character flaw?

    Since society has made it clear that it does not admire your habit, will you finally admit to yourself that the real reason you started smoking was to be admired? (for being hard, or cool, or rebellious, or thin).

    Do you feel like even more of a rebel now that you have to "sneak out the back to quickly suck off a f4g"? (Note to Yahoo - f4g is British slang for cigarette).

    Since you can't smoke in public, do you subject your children to even more passive smoke at home? Doesn't that make you feel guilty, or does it make you feel like even more of a hero?

    35 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What are those attractive lines smokers get on their lips and around their eyes?

    I find them really attractive (NOT!!) and need to know what they are called!!

    14 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • POLL: Why did you start smoking?

    Now that smoking has been banned in most enclosed public places and all places of work, has that made you more honest to yourself about the real reason you started smoking?

    Do you now accept it as a character flaw?

    Since society has made it clear that it does not admire your habit, will you finally admit to yourself that the real reason you started smoking was to be admired? (for being hard, or cool, or rebellious, or thin).

    Do you feel like even more of a rebel now that you have to "sneak out the back for a quick suck off a f4g"? (Note to Yahoo - f4g is British slang for cigarette).

    Since you can't smoke in public, do you subject your children to even more passive smoke at home? Doesn't that make you feel guilty, or does it make you feel like even more of a hero?

    24 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Should cigarette health warnings be updated with common slang to reflect society's attitude towards smoking?

    The BBC have recently protected the use of "gay" against PC morons when used to mean rubbish. Fags is British slang for cigarettes. To feel queer means to feel ill.

    So, now that smoking is banned in most public places, and smokers are made to crouch outside in the rain sucking off fags, perhaps cigarette health warnings should be updated to reflect this change in our attitude towards smoking and smokers?

    It is known that smokers start smoking because of a character flaw. They think smoking will make them look cool, or hard, or it will make them stay slim, i.e. they believe they will be admired if they smoke.

    Patently, society does not admire smokers nor smoking, as smoking is now banned in enclosed public places and places of work.

    So perhaps we should change the health warning messages on cigarette packets to reflect that smoking and smokers are no longer admired.

    Smoking causes serious damage to health becomes:

    Fags queer you up


    Fags are gay

    What other warnings might work?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why Is Yahoo UK less secure than Yahoo US?

    Yahoo UK make a great deal of their security features such as anti-virus.

    But is there any point, when their standard login page sends your details unencrypted over an unsecure link, so that anyone with the right knowledge in the right place could read your login details and take over your account?

    Yahoo US use secure encryption on their login page by default, so it is valid to ask why Yahoo UK choose to be less secure.

    What are your thoughts?

    6 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Has Cordin Bleu (High School Musical) finally got the Michelin star he always wanted?

    I saw a question yesterday about Corbon Bleu dancing in Leon's performance on the X-Factor, and that got me wondering if, now that he's got his Michelin star, he's lost his way, much like Marco Pierre White admitted to doing when he received his first Michelin star?

    Has Cordon given up on being a chef now? Is that why he was dancing on the X-Factor? Does that mean he won't be in Culinary High School Musical 3?

    4 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Sudanese teacher in UK teddy bear question, urgent answer needed!?

    Hello, I hope you can help me!

    I am a Sudanese-born primary school teacher in the UK.

    The children want to name their class teddy bear after a famous historical person, and I want to check whether the names they have suggested are legal, in the light of current events. The names they have chosen are:




    John The Baptist

    What is your favourite?

    Thanks for your help!

    27 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is it safe?

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why is the UK media pro-Palestinian muslim & anti-Israeli (Jewish & Christian), in complete denial of history?

    Nowadays, we don't say "Oh, poor Germans, they lost the war, poor poor dears, let's give them French, Polish and Balkan land".

    However, in effect, the above is the propaganda being touted by the UK press when it comes to Palestinians (muslims).

    The real fact is, after the formation of Israel by UN resolution, the Palestanis were legally entitled to sell their properties to the Israelis. However, most of them chose not to, and encouraged by Egypt, Syria and Jordan, they left their homes and went to "temporary" refugee camps in Syria and Jordan in preparation for joining forces with Egypt, Syria and Jordan, along with troops from Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Algeria, in a vain attempt to remove Israel from the map in what is now known as the 1967 Six-Day War.

    After losing the Six-Day War, Egypt sensibly signed a peace treaty with Israel. However, to this day Lebanon and Syria refuse to give citizenship to the Palestanis - that's right, not even the Lebanese and Syrians want them!

    15 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What is a jam rag?

    I've heard the expression "jam rag", but can't work out what it might be.

    One guess is that a "jam rag" is used to wipe up jam spillages off breakfast tables in seaside bed and breakfasts.

    Historically it was used in Victorian households and can be found in antique shops as part of a set including a silver jam pot and silver spoon. In those days, tea and jam was an expensive treat reserved for only the rich, and the maids would rinse out the jam rag and drink the resulting pinkish water to get all the jammy goodness. This is how fruit teas originated. The remaining hard lumps would be picked off and were sucked as a remedy for a sore throat.

    On occasion, due to its perceived value the jam rag would be stolen by the waiting staff, and this would greatly incense their employers as the whole set would have to be replaced, hence the expression "losing your jam rag", now shortened to "losing your rag".

    Does anyone else have anecdotal stories as to the origin of the term "jam rag"?

    17 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What's your favourite kind of jam?

    Do you love strawberry, raspberry, ginger, blackcurrant, cherry, apricot, peach, pineapple, quince, "pearl", or "toe"?

    Do you prefer it with seeds, lumps, bits of fruit, or would you rather have smooth "jelly" types?

    My favourite is strawberry jam with lumps of fruit, but my wife prefers smooth raspberry jelly without any pips!

    What's yours?

    27 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Secret Celebrity Wrestling Names Revealed?

    Tom "Zillion" Cruise, Micky "Killian" Murphy, Jeff "Squillion" Goldblum, Gary "Google" Newman, David "Yahoo" Bowie and Gary "Gazillion" Oldman are but a few from the long list of celebrities who have chosen secret WWF-style wrestling names in a bid to bring themselves fame and fortune.

    It is widely believed in music and Hollywood circles that a secret wrestling moniker that is a very large number will bestow great fortune on the celebrity.

    However, by publicly using his secret wrestling name instead of his real name, Micky Murphy is gambling with dangerous forces, for although this has brought him immediate fame, he could suffer infamy and isolation later in his career.

    Note: Although "Google" is a very large number, "Google" Newman only had a brief period of fame, now only remembered for his song "Cars". "Yahoo" Bowie may have been on some mind-altering substance when he chose his wrestling name, yet evidently it has not harmed his career.

    Meaningless superstition? You decide!

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Place these meals in the correct order: breakfast, elevenses, lunch, high tea, dinner, supper?

    There seems to be some confusion as to the correct order of lunch, tea, dinner and supper. I think the only meal timing everyone agrees with is breakfast.

    Surely there must be some definitive answer to this riddle!

    16 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Do you have "tea", "dinner" or "supper" as your evening meal?

    I'm always getting confused when people say they're having tea for dinner, and would like your help in providing clarification!

    If you are one of those who has their tea at dinner time, don't you get hungry after such an insubstantial meal? and what do you have instead at tea time?

    If you have supper at dinner time, do you go to bed shortly afterwards? If you stay up after supper, what do you have as a late evening snack (and what do you call it)?

    Do you sometimes have dinner at lunch time? If so, do you have lunch instead of elevenses? and do you find yourself snacking in the evening because you had dinner so early in the day?

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is "toe" actually a flavour of jam?

    I've heard of the term, but have never been able to find it in the shops!

    This has always intrigued me - can anyone give a definitive answer? If it does exist, can you tell me where I can get some?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Marmite, Vegemite or Bovril?

    Marmite, you either love it or hate it! Or perhaps you love Vegemite, or even Bovril!

    Which is your favourite and why?

    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Jam, marmalade or Marmite - which is your favourite?

    Are you one of those have nothing but strawberry jam on their toast in the morning?

    Is anything other than Golden Shred marmalade on their toast is heresy for you? Or maybe you have a sneaky dram disguised in those miniature liqueur marmalades you can get?

    Or are you one of the growing minority (immortalised in the movie The Minority Report) who love nothing but Marmite soldiers with a boiled egg to get you going first thing?

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago