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Iv'e been in law enforcement since 1981. Started out as a small town city Officer. Graduated from Texas Dept. of Public Safety Academy in 1993. Am now a Texas Highway Patrol assigned to the Texas Gulf Coast region.

  • Why are the Democrats so arrogant?

    Almost everything that the Dems. are trying to push through the majority of the American public does not want. Do they think they are gods and we will just bow before them and take it up the rear end?

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Should David Letterman apologize to Ms. Palin and her Daughter for his comments?

    It seems like the Dem. supporters can say whatever they want about the Reps. But let one Rep. supporter say something and they are thrown under the bus.

    6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Do fellow LEO's work extra jobs to make ends meet?

    I was just wondering if officers in other states feel the need to work extra jobs to pay their bills and have some money set aside to for rainy days. Or are your salaries enough not to have to worry about. Here in Texas, most agencies pay fairly well but the officers still have to work extra jobs. I know some of them are tying to live above their means. Just looking for a little feedback. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Tell me what you think?

    A young hillbilly boy comes home from the war. He see his dad chopping firewood.and goes up to him. He gives him a hug and says I'm home from the war paw.

    They sit and talk and his dad asks him, " son what did you learn in that thar army? He pulls a hand grenade out of his duffel bag and tells his dad, well I was taught how to throw this here little green pineapple.

    He stands up pulls the pin and throws the grenade and it lands on top of the outhouse and explodes.

    His dad tells him, son you might not aught to have done that.

    By that time grandpa come walking out of the outhouse brushing himself off and cussing.

    He looks around and says that's the last time I will ever light my pipe and fart at the same time.

    8 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Why do some of you come here to trash Law Enforcement?

    Don't get me wrong, I like to come here and see what's being asked. But I also see a lot of you who don't have a clue as to what you are talking about. I come here to try to help people and answer thier questions to the best of my ability. Why don't you cop haters just chill a little. Someday you just may need one of our assistance in a matter. Bet you won't bad mouth us then.

    8 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Is there such a thing as reverse racism?

    Call me a racist, I don't care. Why can a black or hispanic person get welfare ie. food stamps, medicaid easier than a white person? Walk into any DHS ofice and see how many blacks and hispanics are in there. Hardly any whites. Why? I am sick and tired of blacks thinking we white people owe them something. They seem to always be looking for a Govt. handout. And they ussually get it. I feel things will only get worse because of the Pres.-elect. Like I said call me a racist I could care less because I know this is true.

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Why can't I get HD channels on my HD tv?

    I have a proscan HD TV and only a few of the hd channels come in. I have an HD antenna also. I have an analog tv with a converter box and HD antenna and get all the HD channels on it. Do I need another box even though I have an HD tv?

    3 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • Why can't I get the HD channels?

    I have a Proscan HD TV and I purchased an HD antenna. I still cannot get all of the HD channels that I should. What is wrong?

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • What is in store for the American farmer under Obama?

    The American farmer feeds and clothes this country. Will he get higher prices for his crops at a lower cost to produce them?

    If you don't like farmers don't talk with your mouth full.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Should Texas cecede from the Union?

    Texas is the only State that can legally leave the union. Texas should leave and show the union that the union needs Texas not Texas needs the union. Texas is the only state that can wave its flag at or above the height of the US flag. Texas was not annexed. It joined the union under a treaty. Texas would be better off as its own country.

    12 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan?

    It's a good thing this country was not led by the people of today back during WW2 because they would of wanted to pull out of Europe and Japan because there were a few thousand soldiers killed in one day (D-Day) If the us had the same mindset then as now HALF the country would be speaking German and the other half Japanese. Wake up people and stay the course.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Does a 1979 Mercedez 300D have an engine block heater?

    If so where is the plug located?

    3 AnswersMercedes-Benz1 decade ago
  • How long do you think it will be before someone like the KKK will try to hurt Obama?

    Sorry I ruffled some feathers with my last question.

    33 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are a lot of people downing Pres. Bush?

    At least he's white. What were you people thinking when a black man is Pres.? If you think it was bad then just wait.

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago