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Lv 44,463 points


Favorite Answers28%

Let's see... Where do we start? Well, I'm a nerd...A hardcore nerd! I love reading.. I love technical studies and math!! Whoo!! Math.. is a turn on! Calculus, Differential Equasions & Matrix Methods.. Physics is fun, Chemistry, and electronics-- but mainly particles, subatomic to the 18th power. <--- The Quantum level. I'd like to one day be a regional pilot-- and an aeronautical engineer. I'd like to work for NASA or Boeing. And then someday open up my own airline or 2.. or 3.. who knows.. I love animals, so I also wanna go to animal med school lol... Damn I'm a bookworm!! I love to think.. I'd say I think about 17 hours a day. Like extensive thinking... Other than that, I'm Rob.. and I'm concerned about my country and it's immigration problem. Other than that, I fear nuclear war, and or a secret invasion-- or both... Other than that, never take me seriouslly unless I'm thinking. Oh ya.. I'm a bad speller, but I think I'm easy to talk to.. :)~

  • Pulling the Relgion Card(s)?

    The majority of hispanics do not use birth control because the Catholic church tends to deny it's practice for it's objective ---as to prevent a pregnancy-- yet, hispanics pull the religion card out and lecture us on how they believe God will prevent a baby to be born if it is not meant to be....

    So, if hispanics are truly this religious, why are they to disregard one of the most common teachings of Christ himself-- as to wait till marriage before each partner engages in sexual acts?

    I'm just curious, as to why a group of people must blame their actions on a religion, and deny a common tradition of the Catholic church ---and Christianity for that matter-- simutaneously?

    --Rob :)

    9 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Online Dating... Why?

    I have read some "things" in dating that makes me laugh because I can't believe these (usually younger kids), play around with (i love you), and the simular of a chatroom as a relationship. People don't really think that "something" will form from an internet relationship do they?

    Is it just me or does it sound really cheesy or Corny; a waste of time?

    I can understand if it is two adults, who meet, share a nice chat, and then overtime, one is willing to relocate for a serious relationship.

    But, if there is no relocation, how can there be a REAL relationship. Wouldn't trust be of some importance?

    If I think about it, I couldn't do it. Because either she or I would be constantly lying to one another...It's either that or we wouldn't be completely honest, nor would I believe it were too healthy.

    I'm just trying to understand the foundation for which it's truly necessary if there is really no intention to relocate. What do some of you, men/ women think about this?


    23 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Christianity and Muslims Part II?

    Okay, so I just asked a question concerning what was "real." That is religion of course. I know that Christians are out there-- and Muslims-- sorry for misinterpreting your religion base, Islam. I was or still am in search for the meaning of each. What is deemed more correct than the other.

    I still don't know, and it does call for some major research, but I was trying to escape that and go for an easy answer-- which I didn't find.

    You can find this question here:

    Aside from this, yes, I know what I wrote-- whoever asked concerning my job.

    Now, since there are so many "potholes" in either religion, can we try to fish out on what both religions agree with and try to begin a trend as to respect one another? Or is that impossible?

    Abir, I'll have to read over your book in sections. Thank you for all that answered.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's Real? Christianity or Muslim?

    I don't understand Christians. I don't understand Muslims.. I don't understand religion in general. I am a political columnist. I write articles based on whoever pays me the most. If it's the Libs, my article will swing that way. If it's the cons, they'll get it.. Everything however is based on facts. But then again, it's all BS. I love my job, because I know what I write is full of caca. And when I read papers, I know that it too,is caca. Which is why I don't do research from the media.

    I get here, and I read a few statements, people base facts on the Bible or the Qu'ran. However, both state that they're facts, but disagree. Now which one is it? I would like to know or become familiar with one to possibly become either, but the difference is, I know what is politically correct and what isn't.

    When I face this topic, all I see are religions pointing fingers. Come on people. That looks rediculous. Which maybe a reason why some people haven't converted.

    I'd really like to know

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Like My Beer Truck Typing?

    Anyone like my beer truck drawing?

    |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|ll||| '''''''l ......|''''\

    | ..BEER TRUCK....... | l'l""""";,___.

    |_.._. _________= _|=| L__| ......_]

    "(@)'(@)""""""""(@) (@)*****(@)""

    --Rob :)~

    4 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • A Beer Question!! :)~?

    Do any of you happen to drive beer trucks?

    |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|ll||| '''''''l ......|''''\

    | ..BEER TRUCK....... | l'l""""";,___.

    |_.._. _________= _|=| L__| ......_]

    "(@)'(@)""""""""(@) (@)*****(@)""

    ................ Hmmm?????

    --Rob :)~

    11 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Does This Mean I'm Gonna Have Bad Luck Again?

    Okay... um, I'm Rob.. so hi..

    I've always have bad, will you please explain this to me if you can...

    Is it just pure coinsedence, or is there a reason behind the fact that I have answered 69 questions right... and have 666 others?


    11 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Finally, Someone With A Brain!?

    Just giving you guys a lil taste of whats going on in the House...

    Speaker Hastert: If We Can Protect Iraq's Borders…We Can Protect Our Own Borders:

    Last week Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R-IL) told a Chicago radio station, "What we need to do is seal our border. If someone is bleeding to death, first of all, you stop the bleeding. We need to stop the bleeding. We can seal the border." The Speaker confidently stated that the United States can stop illegal aliens from crossing the nation's borders. He also said that Congress needs to take immigration legislation one step at a time and that the priority should be protecting our borders. "I always say if we can protect Iraq's borders against Syria and Jordan, we can protect our own borders," said the Speaker.

    For more information, click here to review this past weeks performance on Capitol Hill...



    15 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Will You Take My Amnesty Deal Pros??

    I'll make a deal with you pro's... I'll support your amnesty on two conditions... ONLY

    1) You all receive felonies (after citizenship). Therefore you can't sponsor anyone for a legal residence. And you cannot vote. You can't be involved in federal programs either, until you're 30 year probation has ended. All your children must be put up for adoption.


    2) You must be nuetered or spayed


    --Rob :)

    10 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Lazy's and Their Questions?

    Why do people ask dumb questions?

    For real-- I'm being serious. For the short time that I've been here, I've noticed a lot of questions that could be easily looked up.

    One question I just noticed asked, "Does anyone know when the University of Texas' classes start?"

    (I'm thinking, well, if you're enrolled, you better find out-- most likely on their site)

    I'm wondering how they ever got accepted.

    Another example: "Does anyone know where I can buy jewelry?"

    (Uhh... the mall maybe? Perhaps a pond shop.. maybe a jewelry store?)

    I mean, do you really think it's that necessary to ask such questions? Or is it that some people are just plain lazy?


    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Kids and the Misinterpretation of "Sex."?

    Is it just me, or is it that sex really is overrated by far?

    Cus.. I've seen an awful lot of posts that are worded as if they are coming from kids...

    I don't know about you, but I'd sure tear my son/ daughter a new one if I found out they were on here saying this stuff!

    Actually, I have a hard time figuring out where these parents are...and if they really care? Speaking of which, why are kids tought sex is something...lower than it really is?

    Furthermore, concerning the "overrated sex" theory, who do we have to thank for that? Hollywood? The Entertainment Industry in general?


    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • A Corrupt United States?

    Two things...

    1) Is our government-- that is the United States government corrupt and behind a conspiracy?

    2) This conspiracy is not even supporting illegals-- it's down right criticizing them. Pros' and illegals alike can be easily persuaded that the government is favoring them--

    However, anybody that has their head on straight can see that this clearly isn't whats happening. Instead, they are looking down on illegals. The only ones to benefit from this, are the rich, while the poor becomes poorer, and the middle class pays higher taxes, and increases their workload for less profit.

    Illegals could be able to work at higher wages-- is it that they're not wanting the hassle, or is it that some of these people really don't want to be apart of America?

    If my Revolution did happen, and we waged war against our politicians or the govt. for being corrupt, and won-- could we then go about charges for each and sentencing them?

    I would think so... why not? Wouldn't you?

    13 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • An Advanced, Computational-Quantum Logic 409 Question!!!?

    I just asked a question a minute ago concerning a basic question----> (below);_ylt=AjxVh...

    How come all the pro-illegals will answer a question titled,

    "An Easy, Simple, Basic, 101 Question!!?,"

    but not any other question that requests some type of solid answer supported by meaningful logic?

    And if they do, they'll refer to race or how Americans won't do "those" jobs, etc...

    Please, I'd really like to know? And don't give me BS/ Hogwash rhetoric!


    9 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • An Easy, Simple, Basic, 101 Question!!?

    Why are pro-illegals / illegals so dog damn dumb?!?!


    14 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Patriots American Revolution II?

    I'm going to make a new party--- it is not below, to the side, or where the independent party sits... Mine is above the left and right, and sits to the left (to the left, only because the heart is on the left)

    --Believe me, if I could move a heart to the right-- I would, just so I wouldn't be labeled a Liberal!!

    But anyway, my new party is called the, "Patriots."

    And, if amnesty shall be granted to the criminals, I will publicly demonstrate the same-- and slap it in the face of America-- not the land, but it's leaders!

    And, I suggest the true Patriots lock' n load, because it won't be pretty when 200 million strong wage a revolution against our own. Mexico may defend the "politicians" but would our military actually commit genocide?

    Would the rest of the world show smypothy for the U.S.'s leaders? I think not... and I'm willing to bet my life on it-- that, we'd put our leaders in check!


    8 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Decisions, Decisions!!?

    Pro illegals, after Bush grants amnesty to these people, allowing all of them to apply for federal programs, etc... and watching your taxes skyrocket, to support these people--

    What are you going to do? .... Well.. because you know it will just happen all over again? When these illegals-- then citizens apply for anything and everything to ride the system, are now sponsoring every single family member from the south-- and the babies keep coming left and right, with yet another amnesty protest, and another tax increase, will you still stand pro?


    7 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • This Question Is For YOU!!?

    Hi.. I'm Rob hehe.. And I want to know everything!

    So.. give me a list of stuff to read up on and study.. Cus it looks like I've got a loooooooooooong way to go!

    Okay, just a couple things?

    --Rob =)~

    11 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Why is it that the Media is always Left-Wing?

    Why is almost every media left-wing? Such as immigration--- that is the most understressed issue going on...

    Please tell me, I'd really like to know....

    I'm glad I'm not an anchorman, because I'd for sure tell everyone what I thought...

    6 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • If I Were To Speed At 120 mph?????

    Tell me... If the illegals here, were to get amnesty... And say I drove 120 down the road.. and got pulled over, and slapped the 14th Ammendment in his face... and then a copy of the U.S. Constitution...

    Then went to court, and pleaded guilty-- but then requested amnesty and a trial by jury....

    What would happen? Cus I'm really thinking about doing this.. The government is really making me mad by not doing anything about it-- and letting these criminals get by...and practically be awarded with federal programs they have no right to....

    I am a USMC disabled veteran.. And I will not allow my country be stomped on by a bunch of jack***'s in office!


    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • If I Were To Speed At 120mph???

    Tell me... If the illegals here, were to get amnesty... And say I drove 120 down the road.. and got pulled over, and slapped the 14th Ammendment in his face... and then a copy of the U.S. Constitution...

    Then went to court, and pleaded guilty-- but then requested amnesty and a trial by jury....

    What would happen? Cus I'm really thinking about doing this.. The government is really making me mad by not doing anything about it-- and letting these criminals get by...and practically be awarded with federal programs they have no right to....


    9 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago