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  • What forces run really run our U.S. Economy?

    The people of America are looking to the President to help us out of the economic crisis. Though, doesn't Wall Street, trade export & import, and big business guide the US Economy? I'm confused b/c I think that the President really doesn't have total influence over the strength of our economy.

    2 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Will John McCain get Hillary Clinton voters w/ his VP Pick?

    It seems that the Republicans will do anything to win this election. But thinking that picking a women to run with John McCain will get him Clinton supporters is smart but can backfire. Why would those who support Clinton, support a Neo-Con like Palin. I guess they figure that women just vote for women b/c they're women and never consider political ideology. Just like Black people voting for a Black person b/c their Black. Remember Alan Keyes against Obama in the Senate race in '04 and not that many Black folk like Clarence Thompson?????

    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • The Dark Knight????

    With all the success of this movie do you think they'll do a third installment? I'm sure the Nolan brothers wanted another Joker story. Which villian will they put into this new approach on the Batman franchise. The Nolan's like the realistic take on the characters would be hard to bring bat baddies to the big screen? And who will out do the Heath Legder's Joker??...maybe Catwoman or Bane???

    3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Is C.M. Punk gonna be champion long?

    Will John Cena beat him and everybody else for the title?? Cena sucks! Go Punk!

    18 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • My friend hook up with my Ex What would you do?

    This girl I dated last year we had a very instense relationship. She and I broke up after her mistreatment of me. I really had strong emotionally attachment to this young lady. I had a friend who always admired her from afar he would tell me how fine she was. I told him all about the pitfalls of our relationship. Well yesterday I heard from both of them that they hooked up last month. My friend suprised me b/c he's always been shy and reserve. I never saw this coming, and I think that if they start dating I'll have to removed myself from them. What would you do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Will Obama chose Hillary Clinton as a Vice President?

    I know Clinton supporters are still stunned and many project McCain as our new President of The U.S. But who or what will Obama do for a VP??? Will it be Hillary? What do you think?

    2 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with John McCain?

    I can't believe this guy is agianst providing Vets with more educational benefits! I respect his service and the fact he was a POW. So how can a man with his military record be against giving soldiers anything that would help them out. His reasoning is that more people will get out of the service after one term! That's silly, maybe if the Republicans who are so pro-war and always telling us to support the troops actually kept their word they'd win elections! First the Walter Reed Fiasco, 15 month long deployments, stop-lost, crappy VA service, and lack of equiment on the battlefield, and the list goes on. Maybe these are reasons there is low retainment in the military, not potentially more VA benefits. IT seems the Republicans with thier outrageous defense budget can't support our troops! John McCain supporters feel free to defend your guy and party...signing off one angry Vet!

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • The New Joker for The Dark Knight Movie?

    My friends not to happy with the new interpretation of the Joker in the upcoming movie. He's saying that this new Joker is not the Joker from the famous animated series or the different comic book verisons we've seen in the past. I disagree with him on this I feel that this is only a darker approach. What does the comic book and true Batman fans think. Hate the new Joker or interested?

    8 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • I feel like such a jerk!?

    It's this wonderful girl who after two weeks is really into me, but I don't feel the same way at the moment and I don't think I will for a long time. I told her how I felt last night. Yet she still wants to be around me. I can't understand why I don't like her as much as she likes me. It makes me feel like such a asshole! Because I've been the one in a sitaution where I like the girl more than she liked me. I said I'd never do that to a person but I'm doing right now! Is there something wrong with me???

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Ladies need your opinion?

    I asked my BIG crush out a couple of weeks ago. She said ok and gave her number. I called her and she never called back. i waited a few days and left her a voicemail. Well she never called back I figured I got blown off and I didn't take it personal. That was about two weeks ago. Well, yesterday morning I ran into her and I wasn't going to ask her about it. i just said "Hi" to her. But then she said sorry for not calling me back, then said she was busy with mid-terms, and then asked to hang out this weekend. She said call her. So what's up with this young lady?? P.S. I really have a BIG crush on her, not just trying to score.

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I think I got blown off by my crush?

    I finally ask this girl I had a huge crush out on Monday. She give me her number and said it wasn't a problem if we chilled. Well i called her on Tuesday night we talk for a couple of minutes and she said she'd call me back after work. Well she never did.

    I think I could be over-reacting or she blow me off. It that's the case why didn't she just make an excuse like having a BF or that she doesn't give out her #?

    She gave me her number and said it was cool we chill, then she hasn't hit me back up! I think that sucks and worse of all I really had a crush on this girl plus, I wasn't trying to just get laid.

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Ladies what's the deal??

    Today I finally asked my BIG crush could we chill. She said okay and glady gave me her number. A female friend of mine told me she saw my crush at Wal-Mart w/ her long term BF. She also told me he treats her shitty and he's a jerk! She didn't mention her BF when I asked her out at all! What's up? Is she just testing the waters??(Side Note) She works at the gym and I visit there often we've only chit-chatted at her job or my job at the University Bookstore while we were working.

    30 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What do guys think about the Obama slams?

    The photo, the lies about speechs, being a muslim, and not having experience??? I really like Obama and I'd still vote for him if he was even a Muslim. We Americans should be smart enough to know that Muslims doesn't equal Terrorist! They can't find anything true about him the make him look bad. What do you think about this smear campaign by Fox news, and his haters?

    14 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • School shootings? Why do they happen?

    I'm a student from NIU and I witnessed the mayhem caused by the school shooting here. I'm one of the lucky ones, my fellow classmates were not. My heart goes out to them and their families. But why do they happen so much and what should be done to prevent them?

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Please explain the process of the electoral college??

    What is the purpose and how does it relate to the popular vote???

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • Should I see her??

    My ex wants to see me tonight but she's my ex...I dumped her b/c she tried to play me and she cheated on me also. Now she say's she wants to talk and more...I haven't spoken to her in over three weeks since I told her face to face it's done. Isn't ex sex bad a bad idea?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Would you date someone you work with???

    I've liked this girl at my job for like three months but I'm confused about dating someone I see at work! What if it ends bad or she disses me? Would that make it weird??

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • A negative view of relationship?

    I had a long talk w/ a person very close to me. He's had a lot of women in his lifetime and his view of American women in relationship's is not so great. He feels most women say they want a good guy to treat them right but when they get that they get bored. He said they like a challenge and love fallin' for the ones that are jerks, dead beat dad's, etc. He feels that women like those games and being a goods guy means you're gonna get played. I don't want to believe him, so what do you guys think? Is true love dead?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago