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My name is Joline and I live in the mountains on the island of Sumatra....I am a Buddhist and donate my time to helping the poor and meditating...I hope to get off the karmic wheel soon.............peace....

  • Why can't we have personal icons anymore? It was a lot of fun to create icons with a humorous message.?

    And the display page of questions was made too short....without the icons as well.

    1 AnswerFacebook7 years ago
  • Why can't we have persoanl icons anymore? This new page style has no personality.?

    The old page style, with its identity icons was more entertaining and one could get a hint at the personality of the person by their icon. Why has Yahoo favored this new boring style?

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Why has Yahoo abandoned the old format and the Religion and Spirituality section ?

    I enjoyed immensely the icons of users and the easy navigating format....this new format is extremely restrictive and unimaginative.....I will no longer participate on this site ....

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products7 years ago
  • What happened to the spell checker on yahoo answers?

    I loved using it. It helped people to improve their skills. More than likely the powers that rule got rid of it to speed up Answers and to save memory space. Very sad. The absence of that feature will only encourage people not to improve their writing ability.

    1 AnswerCorporations8 years ago
  • Why this new ugly format? I hate it.?

    How can I see the answers of others? Without that ability I will quit coming here.

    3 AnswersDrama8 years ago
  • How do I import jpeg images into Blender ?

    I am brand new at using this I need a plug in ? Thanks a lot.

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • What is wrong with planetary society ?

    The world is in trouble everywhere. Socially, morally, financially, so it seems not what religion or no religion one subscribes, what is going on ?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Money used to be the root of all evil but today the root of all evil?

    TELEVISION IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL.... anyone convince me otherwise ?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Can anyone tell me how the story of Goldilocks....?

    relates to the habitual zone of a planet ?

    The Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears

    Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She went for a walk in the forest. Pretty soon, she came upon a house. She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked right in.

    At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of porridge. Goldilocks was hungry. She tasted the porridge from the first bowl.

    "This porridge is too hot!" she exclaimed.

    So, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl.

    "This porridge is too cold," she said

    So, she tasted the last bowl of porridge.

    "Ahhh, this porridge is just right," she said happily and she ate it all up.

    After she'd eaten the three bears' breakfasts she decided she was feeling a little tired. So, she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs. Goldilocks sat in the first chair to rest her feet.

    "This chair is too big!" she exclaimed.

    So she sat in the second chair.

    "This chair is too big, too!" she whined.

    So she tried the last and smallest chair.

    "Ahhh, this chair is just right," she sighed. But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces!

    Goldilocks was very tired by this time, so she went upstairs to the bedroom. She lay down in the first bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too soft. Then she lay down in the third bed and it was just right. Goldilocks fell asleep.

    As she was sleeping, the three bears came home.

    "Someone's been eating my porridge," growled the Papa bear.

    "Someone's been eating my porridge," said the Mama bear.

    "Someone's been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!" cried the Baby bear.

    "Someone's been sitting in my chair," growled the Papa bear.

    "Someone's been sitting in my chair," said the Mama bear.

    "Someone's been sitting in my chair and they've broken it all to pieces," cried the Baby bear.

    They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the bedroom, Papa bear growled, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed,"

    "Someone's been sleeping in my bed, too" said the Mama bear

    "Someone's been sleeping in my bed and she's still there!" exclaimed Baby bear.

    Just then, Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. She screamed, "Help!" And she jumped up and ran out of the room. Goldilocks ran down the stairs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest. And she never returned to the home of the three bears.


    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • Can anyone tell me how the story of Goldilocks....?

    relates to the habitual zone of a planet ?

    The Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears

    Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She went for a walk in the forest. Pretty soon, she came upon a house. She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked right in.

    At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of porridge. Goldilocks was hungry. She tasted the porridge from the first bowl.

    "This porridge is too hot!" she exclaimed.

    So, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl.

    "This porridge is too cold," she said

    So, she tasted the last bowl of porridge.

    "Ahhh, this porridge is just right," she said happily and she ate it all up.

    After she'd eaten the three bears' breakfasts she decided she was feeling a little tired. So, she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs. Goldilocks sat in the first chair to rest her feet.

    "This chair is too big!" she exclaimed.

    So she sat in the second chair.

    "This chair is too big, too!" she whined.

    So she tried the last and smallest chair.

    "Ahhh, this chair is just right," she sighed. But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces!

    Goldilocks was very tired by this time, so she went upstairs to the bedroom. She lay down in the first bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too soft. Then she lay down in the third bed and it was just right. Goldilocks fell asleep.

    As she was sleeping, the three bears came home.

    "Someone's been eating my porridge," growled the Papa bear.

    "Someone's been eating my porridge," said the Mama bear.

    "Someone's been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!" cried the Baby bear.

    "Someone's been sitting in my chair," growled the Papa bear.

    "Someone's been sitting in my chair," said the Mama bear.

    "Someone's been sitting in my chair and they've broken it all to pieces," cried the Baby bear.

    They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the bedroom, Papa bear growled, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed,"

    "Someone's been sleeping in my bed, too" said the Mama bear

    "Someone's been sleeping in my bed and she's still there!" exclaimed Baby bear.

    Just then, Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. She screamed, "Help!" And she jumped up and ran out of the room. Goldilocks ran down the stairs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest. And she never returned to the home of the three bears.


    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Why have I been suspended for six months.....?

    on YouTube, for posting movies already posted by other subscribers? One of the movies was "The Philadelphia Experiment," previously posted by many other users. I have ABSOLUTELY no intention of making money from my postings and at my late stage in life, creating and posting videos is my last fun activity remaining. And trying to contact anyone in control at that site is IMPOSSIBLE. So, can anyone tell me what great sin I have committed? I follow the rules in life so why am I being punished? Further, how is a person identified by YouTube? I see no crime committed by me. I am almost ready to sue YouTube myself. Maybe I will.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • I want to record scenes from GTA 3 with high video ...?

    do I do that ? I do it now but I have noticed that the uploads to YouTube are superior to mine. My problem is not DOWNLOADING VIDEOS.... it's creating my own videos from GTA 3 game scenes from my own computer. I want the best quality. Thanks for all those who tried to answer before.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years ago
  • How can I record GTA video action with the highest video quality.?

    I noticed some that are superior to mine on YouTube. How can I achieve good quality. What equipment do I need ?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Is using a camera the only way to record videos from the TV? And if so....?

    what camera yields the best picture ?

    2 AnswersYouTube8 years ago
  • Is using a camera the only way to record videos from the TV? And if so....?

    what camera yields the best picture ? Thanks

    3 AnswersCamcorders8 years ago