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  • To vaccinate or not to vaccinate, that is my question!?

    There is so much controversy, to vaccinate or not to vaccinate. I have been bringing my cats for vaccinations since they were kittens, my oldest is going to be 5 this year. I have been doing lots of reading and a rescue group I work with talks a lot about over vaccination. They recommend vaccines when they are kittens and at the one year mark but that's it, they say this will give them immunity for the rest of their lives. I mean, we don't go for boosters every year.... Should they?

    Are your cats vaccinated annually. Do they live shorter life spans? My guys are due for their annual vaccinations but I'm hesitant to take them in. I then worry that if they ever do need a procedure (dental cleanings, etc), the vet won't take them cause they haven't been vaccinated. Would appreciate your experience with this.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My one cat is not eating, now another is not eating... help?

    I'm going to ask what may seem like an odd (stupid) question but is it possible that my one cat won't eat cause it's best buddy is not eating?

    My one cat who is 2 hasn't eaten in a little over a day so I took her to the vet yesterday and turns out she has pancreatitis, she was given some fluids and medicine and I brought her home and gave her more medicine and she managed to finally eat a bit when we got home, vet said with a high fiber diet this will correct itself and gave me feeding instructions. Then last night she wouldn't eat nor this morning. Her best buddy in the house is a 6 month old kitten with a voracious appetite and last night and this morning he didn't eat either. Is it possible that he's not eating cause he's upset that she is not well? I am going to see if he eats tonight and if not I will call the vet and go in tomorrow but I don't know what's going on. I have 4 cats in total, the other 2 are fine, this bonded pair though is not... help?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Regular supermarket cat food vs all natural cat food. I think I might be wasting my money... help?

    My cats are currently eating Weruva and Merricks cat food. They only eat wet food and due to crystals in the bladder, my vet advised to no longer feed dry food. In the next few months, I will be going through a move and job change that will change my financial status and buying Weruva and Merricks may no longer be possible financially. 3 of my 4 cats love Friskies, I bought some to try it out and they love it, my one cat does not but maybe with time she will.

    The question is… is there really a huge difference in their health/life span between all natural and regular cat food? My vet told me that as long as it’s AAFCO approved then it’s fine. I though still fed them Weruva and Merricks. Do you feed your cats Friskies or 9Lives or a common commercial cat foods? My friends have cats who have lived close to 20 years with no health problems and they ate regular cat food that was picked up at the supermarket. I’m wondering if I’m doing a bad thing switching their all natural cat food to the more affordable commerical cat food?

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Kitten throwing up and not eating...?

    My 4 month old kitten has a very hearty appetite and ate well this morning then when I got home from work he pawed at his food to "bury" it and didn't eat which I found odd but figured he would go back to it. Then he was relaxing on the couch with my other cats a bit more than usual although he would purr if I pet him. He then threw up a little bit of what looked like food, the little pile was maybe a little bigger than a silver dollar and then about 20 mins later threw up some yellowish bile. I tried playing with him and he seemed to want to play but I'm letting him rest for now. How long before I totally panic? Should I just wait and see how he does with breakfast before I freak out and rush him to the vet? I did tons of googling and everything said that missing a meal/vomiting just once isn't anything to be too concerned about unless it happens more than once. Advice? Suggestions?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Chunky wet cat food? Which brands?

    My 3 kitties are on a wet food only diet. They are finicky kitties and only like chunky wet cat food meaning they won't eat any classic pate style food, they refuse to even try it! Currently I only feed them high quality foods and they have been eating Weruva for about a year now... unfortunately they are getting a bit bored of the flavors. Since they won't eat pate style I feel a bit limited to brands and often you can't tell from the cat if it's chunky or pate so I often end up wasting money just to find out it's pate style.

    Do you have high quality chunky cat food that your kitty likes? If so, please tell me what brand so I can go shopping! Thanks!

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Feeding strays in the winter... suggestions?

    I have a few stray cats in my neighborhood that I leave food out for. Most of the year I leave out a very big dish of wet food in the evening and pick it up in the morning and all the food is gone.

    Now with the cold weather, the wet food froze once so I did some reading and switched to dry food but with the dry food I have to leave out water as well, unfortunately, I live in New York City and we don't have a lot of spots to put food out so where I am able to place the food there are no outlets if I wanted to get a heated water bowl and it seems that all of them have to be plugged in. I added some sugar to the water which was supposed to keep it from freezing but that didn't help. I put a hot water bottle against the large tupperware container today with the water hoping that helps but I won't know until morning, I do also already start off with warm water in the container as well to slow down the freezing process but I'm curious if anyone has any suggestions as to how I can keep the water from freezing. I was even thinking of getting 2 hot water bottles and tying them around the tupperware container to see if that works.

    Unfortunately, they also won't eat with me around, they are quite scared of humans so I will often see them eating but from a distance so I can't bring the water down hoping they eat and drink while I'm there so I leave the food at like 8pm and by 6am it's gone.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!! Thanks!

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Cat has soft poop on a wet food only diet...?

    I put my cats on a wet food only diet as per the vet back in September due to all 3 of them having severe UTI's in the past due to the dry food. They are all perfectly healthy now but I do notice that they do have wet poop more often than they used to. My one cat will have periods of very wet poop and after tons of testing at the vet, she's perfectly healthy so I'm thinking it must be the wet food. I do notice that they do pee alot more now which makes sense and I'm thinking the wet poop makes sense too, when I tried adding some psyllium husk into their food, it gave the cat with the wet poop more solid poop but the cats with the normal poop got a bit of diarrhea and it's impossible to only give one the psyllium cause they do tend to "share" out of each others dishes so I discontinued the psyllium use, the one cat only occasionally has soft poop now. Anyone else experience this?

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Cat has diarrhea for 2 weeks now... vet is stumped...?

    I have a 1 1/2 year old spayed female cat that I adopted while living in Singapore and brought back to the states with me last December, she was 6 weeks old when I got her. Recently she started experiencing diarrhea so for a few days I just monitored her and when it didn't clear up, I brought her to the vet, my vet is a cat specialist for over 25 years and only has feline patients. He examined her and said she was in excellent health, her coat is shiny, her stomach felt fine and sent me home with some anti-diarrhea medicine. After a week her diarrhea did not get better at all, it got worse, it's nasty stinky watery stool but there is no blood in the stool. I brought her back to the vet and he ran a standard fecal test and a giardia test and she is negative for parasites. He has given me centrine which aids in digestion and wants me to monitor her further. If she is not better in a week then it's back for my extensive testing. She is up to date on her shots as well. She is on a wet food only diet due to the fact that dry food has caused UTI issues in her as well as my other 2 cats (they are not experiencing any diarrhea) in the past. The vet suggests that just for a week, put her on a dry food only diet to see if it makes it better... this will be hard with 2 cats who are on wet food only but I'll figure something out.

    I'm curious if anyone else has gone through something similar with their cat? If so, I would love if you could tell me how it was treated. Thanks!

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Changed cats diet from wet and dry food to wet food only and noticing more pee, anyone else experienced this?

    Several weeks ago, I changed my cats diets from free feed dry food and wet food once a day to no more dry food and wet food twice a day as per vets orders. My kitties have all at one point or another suffered from UTI's and I have to say that since I have changed their diet... they are all so much healthier. While I am so happy that they are doing well... I have been noticing that I have to clean the litter box alot more often, I do my usual scooping twice a day but I find that there is ALOT more pee clumps, I run out of litter quickly and am changing the litter and washing the box once a week instead of every other week. I want to clarify that this is not another UTI, they are all peeing normally, just alot more. Has anyone else experienced this once changing your kitties diet? It seems normal since they are having more water intake with the wet food and no more dry but just curious if this has happened to anyone else.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Weaned kittens but still have mom, when can I return them to her?

    I fostered a mom cat with 3 kittens, they were 2 weeks old when I got them, they were weaned at 6 weeks old due to the mom having medical issues that could not be treated while she was nursing so as per the advice of my vet, he asked me to wean the kittens which I did simply by making sure they could eat solids and just separating them from mom. They are in a separate room now.

    During this fostering, I have decided to keep the mom and one of her kittens. They have been away from her for 2 weeks now, she has been spayed and her milk seems to have completely dried up (I'm not positive though). Can the kittens be returned to her as she is quite lonely now, 2 of the kittens are up for adoption but that may take a while. I have tried to put them together and everyone is happy but they do attempt to nurse... I don't know if anything is coming out as I pull them away. If they attempt to nurse... will this trigger her to produce milk? I don't want her to produce milk. I really would appreciate any experience you have had in this... thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Leaving my cats for long weekend... HELP!?

    My cats are quite attached to me, since getting my oldest, she's a very clingy female 1 1/2 years old, I haven't gone on vacation since I got her cause I have felt bad leaving her cause she does follow me around like a puppy dog and I would miss her, about 3 months ago I adopted a male (both are fixed), he is a sweet 9 month old... they get along great, cuddle and are the best of friends but both still are quite attached to me. For the first time in over a year I am going away for 3 nights and will have someone come in twice a day to feed them and clean the litter boxes but they are shy to people other than me so they may not approach her for some playing and petting, she has met them but they did not approach her. Will they be okay?? My heart is breaking about leaving them. Can you share your experiences please about leaving your cat(s) alone for the first time.

    15 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My current cat is hissing at the new kitten... help!?

    I have a 1 1/2 year old female spayed cat who has been with me since she was 3 months old and I got a 6 month old male neutered kitten. I have done it by the book, switched their bedding, petted one the kitten then my cat and groomed them with the same brush to get them used to each other scents. I have the male kitten isolated in the guest bedroom so today I put him in a carrier and brought her into that bedroom and she walked around and sniffed and then when she noticed him she was spooked and hid under the bed and I consoled her and eventually came out and just kept growling and hissing at him, he didn't do anything but eventually started hissing back. I took my girl and brought her out of the room and comforted her and she's back to her normal self then went back and comforted the kitten and he's back to his normal self. I already love my new kitty and would hate to have to find him a new home, do you think they can ever get along?? How long before they can adjust?

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Need a vet for my cat... help?

    I have been to 2 vets here and honestly I'm quite unhappy with them. I am American and need to get my cat sterilised but one vet almost killed her and the other refused to do it after finding out the first vet almost killed her. Is there a good reputable vet that might actually care about cats??

    2 AnswersSingapore1 decade ago
  • Help... thinking about getting another cat but not sure!?

    I have a female unspayed (she's allergic to anesthesia - found out the hard way) cat who just turned 1 in June. I live alone in a pretty large apartment and it's just the 2 of us and she's very attached to me. She will follow me around, sleep with me, cry for affection when I get home from work, wake me to cuddle and really is just the cutest cat but she does fear strangers or people who come into the house, pretty much fears anyone who isn't me. Because she's so attached to me as I am to her, I feel absolutely guilty if I work late and I haven't taken a vacation since I got her either because I don't want her to get lonely. I want to get another cat to keep her company and I just love cats but some say it's a bad idea while others think it's a good idea. Need your advice with prior experience. Thanks.

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Hair rebonding... any salon recommendations?

    I want to get my hair rebonded, I need a cut and color as well, I have gotten it done before but not in Singapore... any salon recommendations?

    1 AnswerSingapore1 decade ago
  • Cat food... low fat but my cat's not fat?

    My cat loves to eat since she was a little kitten she gets so excited and just loves to eat and is very healthy and active. She's a perfect weight but would feeding her low fat be okay?? I figure she can keep enjoying her food and I don't have to worry about her getting to an unhealthy weight and then having to restrict her food... is this a good idea??

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My cats eating habits have changed... could it be cause she's older?

    My cat just turned 1 a few weeks ago and as a kitten she ate like a beast - I left her dry food 24 hours and I would give her a small can of cat food in the morning and one in the evening and she would eat them quickly and like sometime ask for more. She's a very healthy cat, very active, perfect weight and I notice that she will eat much less now, she will have a little then go back for it - I know this is normal cat behavior but was never her behavior. Is this normal because now she's no longer a kitten? She is not spayed - she is allergic to anesthesia (I found that out the hard way), she is an indoor cat that can't get out and she is a rescued stray - I've had her since 3 months old.

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My cat just passed some string - help?!>?

    I walked into my bedroom to find something on the carpet - it was string and either vomit or poo, it was brown but in a big splat so I'm assuming vomit (her dry food is brown), there was a bunch of string like made into a figure 8. I'm not sure where the string came home, I have to examine the whole house now, my sewing kit is inaccessible and so is my clothing so honestly I don't know where the string came home and I'm thankful she passed it - I know this can be deadly but should I take her to a vet for some x-rays to see if there is more string?? Please help - serious answers only.

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Moving to new apartment. How can I make my cat most comfortable?

    My cat has been in my current apartment since I got her, she's 1 years old but within a few weeks I'm moving to a new apartment. I have read that cats try to run away and get upset with a move, how can I make her most comfortable in the new place? The apartment is also double the size, should I limit her to one room at a time at first? How do I handle such a situation - help!

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Calorie shifting diet?

    I just saw something online about the calorie shifting diet, does anyone have any details on it. I know it consists of eating very low calories and higher calories during different periods during the week to help boost weight loss. Anyone have any details??

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago