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  • Quit job because of bald tires on dump truck?

    I quit my job last month, I think I did the right thing. I drove for the same company for 3 yrs. This yr was bad. Usually they supplied pre trip tickets and replaced anything wrong in a timely matter. This yr they did not supply pre trips and we were told to drive until the tires popped. In early sept. I had 2 completely bald tires (no thread, wires showing), another tire with recap splitting and another one with a gouge in sidewall. I drove a tri axle and all 4 bad tires on left side. I complained constantly saying they were NOT safe. I got the old" if you don't drive it someone else will". On Sept 15th a friday I went into work hoping for gd tires, NO TIRES! I Told my supervisor my truck was sitting until I got tires , He agreed I did the right thing. He said he had been telling the mechanics daily. Even the mechanics knew the tires were bad, but was told" not until they blow". While 2 tires were being replaced the owner came out screaming at me and degrading me in front of fellow workers. To put it bluntly, I quit! Now I am facing unemployment ( turned down once) I explained this Situation in detail., I have never quit a job, im 53 and pretty set in life financially. Driving a dump truck with 20 tons and 4 bald tires is illegal and unsafe for myself and other pedestrians. Did I do the right thing, I think I did? will I get my unemployment. On the appeal I had another truck driver who quit explain in detail about our tire situation this year. Also he had pre trips of his own showing for weeks he drove on bald tires!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • growing grapes, I need major help? lol?

    I planted a concorde grape vine 2 yrs ago. I built an arbor and the vine has grown beautiful, about 7 ft tall. I noticed lots of small bb size grapes coming on, and most just disappeared. They are coming back on by the hundreds. do I trim some off and let the others grow or just let them go? I heard it takes 3 yrs to actually produce a nice harvest, How's it work, if anyone knows?

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • whose responsible for a ruined engine!!?

    A friend of mine was changing spark plugs and broke two off, how I am not sure. broke at stem. He decided to take it to a local mechanic, the mechanic said" no problem, I' ve done it many times". The next day he calls and says quote" I got the two broken ones out and also had to replace fuel pump" (fuel pump was replaced by same mechanic less than a yr. prior) anyways..he says to my friend" evidently I didn't get all the parts out and pieces went in your cylinder walls and your engine is toast, you might as well junk your truck"! I drove the truck many times , truck was a good truck. He said after starting it, it pinged really loud, so I scoped it and can see pieces'. I say IF he wasn't sure he got it all out he should have scoped it before starting it and ruining motor. Instead of saying he is responsible he handed my friend a 569 dollar bill!! I say he owes my friend a new motor, who is correct? btw, no parts could have got in motor when they broke first time, they were still threaded, only the neck broke off! fuel pump was under warranty but he didn't want to honor it! his exact words" Evidently I didn't get all the parts out, that's what ruined motor". I was there!!

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Why people think the Keystone xl pipeline would help the United States in any for or fashion?

    The pipeline would not help U.S.. dependency on oil or gas prices. Would not give any long term jobs, in fact only 11% of jobs in South Dakota would be temporary and low pay. The pipeline would transport Canadian Oil to American Refineries for OVERSEAS MARKET! So I think Obama made the correct decision and I'm not an Obama fan!

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Bank of mafia (america ) strikes again?

    I switched to bank of america 2 years ago, so that I could lower the interest rates on 2 other cards my ex wife had ( long story ) . the balance transfer from her account to mine was around 4000 dollars.

    I noticed on my last statement it says balance transfer owed is 0$ but my cash advance went up the amount I still owe on the original transfers. This changes the interest to go up 3%... I have never missed a payment yet they keep changing things to benefit them. when I called they had no explanation, what can I do?

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • That's not the answer we are looking for!?

    My mom received a survey call from California last night about immigration. they said it was a recorded call and she agreed to answer questions. First question was about immigration and her thoughts on it. My moms response was" if they have a green card I have no problem with them working in the united states , however I disagree with illegal" before she could finish answering the question , the girl says" sorry, that is not the answer we are looking for" and hung up! wow, what kinda crap is that? Is california really that lost and desperate? your thoughts?

    7 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • 2001 astro van problem?

    my 2001 astro van, 4.3 engine is giving me a head ache.. it starts perfectly between 12 noon and 2 am.( no kidding) Ok i am getting fuel, can hear pump come on and I smell gas. ( doesn't start using ether) turns over strong but does not fire. replaced dist cap and rotor ( somewhat corroded) and it started fine for 4 days, and it is doing it again.weird part is when it starts i can drive all day long, let it sit for hours and fires right up, go home and park it over night, turns over, doesn't fire. all plugs and wires are new, coil is new! I heard they have a problem with condensation.. but why starts and runs perfect after a certain time of the day ( ok stop laughing I am serious) lol.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • would this be a good president?

    definitely, guess who said this, he has my vote! 1 for english is banned, speak english or wait at the border till you can.

    2.we will immediately go into a isolation posture for 2 years. no imports, no exports, if we don't have it here, you don't need it.

    3.when we allow imports back a 100% import tax will be waiting

    4.immediate personnel on observation towers on our borders. stiff rules not to shoot at south bound aliens.

    5. SSI goes back to natural plan, if you don't put in, you ain't getting nothing out( including government)

    6.welfare checks will be handed out on friday after a 40 school week and a drug test!

    7.professional athletes, fail a drug test including steroids and you are banned for life!

    8.crime: if you steal you lose a hand, if you murder, no life are going to die the same way you killed..knife gun, whatever!

    9.we will export wheat only, the world needs to eat. a bushel of wheat is the same price as a barrel of oil!

    10. no more foreign aid. aid will be voted on by the citizens, not the government!

    11. pledge of allegiance back in schools and congress

    12. national anthem at all sporting events, outings and ceremonies.

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • who wants to bet this happens if illegals get amnesty?

    We have watched our jobs go over seas for lower wages. We have watched 12 dollar an hour jobs close and reopen paying 9. If 12 million illegals get amnesty, how many jobs will do the same. Companies are greedy , they don;'t care about their employees, you are pretty much a number to them. a 12 dollar an hour factory worker will have to compete with someone who will do the same job for 9. Think about how many roofers, carpenters, waitresses, maids , road crews etc are doing this right now with illegals, what would stop our factories from doing the same , only legally?

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • listen to yourselves!!!!?

    my god, this is a religous forum and most of you sound like a political party.. LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE.. christians fighting over religous views, catholics, jews, atheists, jehovas, you all should be ashamed. if there is only one god, why is there so many dfferant faiths, and who is right?

    I believe anyone who believes in a god, that jesus died for my sins and that anyone regardless of faith will be in heaven.. no question here just hope you all stop bickering and start praying for forgiveness, you sound horrible on here..thanks.. btw I know good catholics, jehovas, atheists, babtists, pentacostal, lutherans and the list goes on, I also know many crooks hiding behind there chosen faith..just saying!

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • honda verses harley davidson?

    I had this reply to someone bad mouthing Harley Davidson and it's price but when he got the answer he was looking for he resolved the question (like most people afraid to look at all answers instead of just the one he is looking for). so here goes! I am a pretty big guy, 6'6" 265 plus lbs. and very limited to what I can ride, without the bike sticking in my as- cheeks when I stand

    So this person was bad mouthing harleys prices and some other idiotic claim. I only did 2 searches

    so the 2 were gold wings and Harley ultra classic. starting price on standard and the limited.


    2010 Gold wing standard starts at $22,500

    2010 gold wing limited with airbag ( good god) starts at $27,999


    2010 harley electra glide standard starts at $18,999

    2010 harley electra glide ultra limited starts at $24,699


    granted I didn't shop around and granted I am only looking at 2 Bikes but what the heck was he whining about? My harley has 50,000 miles on it, never left me stranded ever, and when it hits 100,000 miles I will still be on it! Another great point is I have a very hot little blonde babe that would not even look at a gold wing more less ride one. Lets comapare prices on a 1998 harley road king with 50,000 on it with any 1998 gold wing with the same miles.. I don't disagree with the old

    Harleys being trouble , today they are very reliable. I think the guy just got turned down on a loan and realized he will be stuck on his vespa another and by the way I ride with a few guys on jap bikes, I don't slam theirs and they don't slam mine, it's called being in the wind. question is...

    Why ask people if you are jus going to resolve it when you get the answer you were looking for?

    1 AnswerMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Government borrowing from SSI. in big trouble!?

    for the first time since the 80s ssi will be paying out more than it collects this year. This budget year

    ending in sept.the payout will be 706 billion, will only collect 677 billion. The government has trust fund certificates and 120 billion owed for interest for what it borrowed, is being cashed in. The government has raided ssi by both parties over the years to hide budget deficits.

    OUR government now owes 12.5 trillion dollars (mostly china) and is talking about borrowing again to keep ssi going, currently the government owes 2.5 trillion to ssi, that's 42,000 dollars for every

    man woman and child in the united states! BOTH parties are responsible , my question is why

    did or would anyone think that this was a good plan> And how can we keep borrowing from abroad and think it will work itself out? Today I read China is worried about the american dollar face value because they have so much invested, can you blame them?

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • catholics and gay parents?

    I read today that a catholic school is not going to let a student come back next enrollment because her parents are lesbians. Isn't that like calling the kettle black with all the controversy on pedophiles

    in the priesthood. I would let a lesbian watch my kid's before a priest!

    Now I am not saying all priests are pedophiles or that gay people are good parents , but after the church hid these pedophiles by moving them to different perishes instead of putting them behind bars where they belong, I would think they would be the last to point fingers! So what's your opinion?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • should my kid buy me a mercedes benz or a lexus?

    my 25 yr old kid came into some money and I am 50, how can I convince him to buy me a new car?

    I work hard and have always been there for him. what ya think?

    7 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • chinking a log cabin?

    I made my living room and dining room look like a log cabin. I used cedar boards

    with a gap.I put beams in the ceiling, even used drift wood to make my railing

    coming down the steps.Turned out better than I expected. Now I need to chink

    between the cedar boards to finish itoff. Anyone know of a inexpensive solution.

    I did watch another guy use lime, sand and cement. Im looking for inexpensive

    solution that will last?

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • how many people are tired of the U.S. helping every country that farts sideways?

    It seems to me the u.s. jumps right in every other countries business and wants to show them how to do it, yet they can't fix anything in the U.S. we have a poor economy, illegal immigration, wars that cost us billions per day, politicians and financial institutions that are as corrupt as the mafia, yet we pay out to help other countries. I know im peeing in the wind but our government has lost the war helping its own!

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago