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Zenas Walter
Muslims ...?
Just really curious as to the answers I get from the Muslim religion ... if you all so much believe in love and tolerance and so many of you keep telling me ... why are people blowing themselves up in the name of Alla and killing innocents?
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoVA Small Business Loan?
My boss is getting ready to close shop ... I want to and need to keep it open ... only option .... VA loan ... where do I go what website , etc etc or what office in my area ... no clue here don't believe in unemployment payments and all that ... there's jobs everywhere ... but this is one I love and am willing to pay to keep it
2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade agoWhat is the best way to remove ticks from a pet with a lot of hair?
Have a 6 month old puppy, and she picked up a couple of ticks while we were out on our walk today, and want to remove them with out causing her any pain if possible (or as little as possible)
13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago1997 Toyota Avalon?
I just replaced an engine in a customers car ... took one from a wrecked vehicle that he bought at an auction, and put it in his wifes car ... however ... the alarm system is engaged ... he does not have the pad to deactivate it, have called the dealership, read the owners manual, and tried everything ... I can't finish checking the vehicle ... can't even start it with the alarm system shutting everything down ... does anyone know how to deactivate the alarm system for this vehicle and what might be causing it to do what it is doing so I can at least give him an answer or fix the problem for him ... they really need the vehicle ... any help or advice would be great ... thanks (oh ... its a factory installed alarm system)
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoNeed some reference help ...?
I am taking a 3.4 out of a 95 Camero, and putting in a 3.8 from a 96 Firebird ... know I'm going to have to change the wiring harness, does anyone know how many of the components I will NOT have to change, or am I going to have to change everything? Thank you for your help.
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoQuestion, for everyone, including the Yahoo Team ...?
Who else has had a question pulled, for a said violation, and when replying back to the link to contest the said violation, get a run off at the mouth answer about how WE investigate which answers to pull, but do not give you an answer as to why your questions was pulled? This happened to me last week (took them a week to give me that ingenious answer), I wanted to know what everyone thought of a clip I had found on the net that was a spoof of Lord of the Rings (the cartoon), and I thought it was hilarious (no blood, no cussing, nothing, and not copywrited), but my question was pulled ... I'm still trying to figure out why ... any ideas?
9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoWas just told this the other day ...?
the daughter of one of my best friends (and he's worked very hard for what he has), was arrested for the death of her 2 year old son (two months ago). Don't know all the details, but know he loved his grandson with all his heart, any idea's/suggestions on how to consol him in this new grief?
8 AnswersFriends1 decade agoWhat should Paris Hilton do next ... ?
Love the woman and her courage to stand out there, myself personally ... I would like to see her take a trip to the ISS (international space station) .... what do you think she should do next?
26 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoA question for Talented*Elegance ....?
I was just wondering ... are you really as stuck on yourself like you act, or are you really in truthfullness a rather nice person :P
Just wondering :) Have a good day :)
1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade agoTreason ............ ?
Have the Bush's committed treason? They have both used our military (our sons and daughters) to progress themselve in my mind. I don't call for empeachment, I would like to see a full military investigation into treason. Both, lied about the situation, lied about information given to them. Under military law, treason is punishable by death. Treason is defined as going against your country or decieving your country to help another ... both are involved in oil, and each time they have been in office, the price of oil has increased. I would seriously think about looking at this, and as Commander in Chief, present and past, they are punishable under UCMJ. Niether has done much for this country, except put us at war, and put us at odds with the rest of the world and they have profitted, to me ... this is treason, they were not serving their country, they were using the country for their own purposes. Lives.
Just my opinion, what is yours?
15 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoIran ............?
Have been following the situation between us (the US) and Iran for over a year ... and have known that we were talking chit ... do I think Iran sponsors terrorist (undecided ... but don't think they would if they really knew their plans), do I think that they are seriously looking for the economic value of nuclear energy ... yes, why should we, as a nation dictate or even try to dictate which countries can develope nuclear energey for just that ... energy purposes. I don't side with Iran on its political views, but I do side with them for their right to develope their country as they see fit. We are not the police of the world, nor do we have the right to be. I am a Republican ... but am very tired of what the people that I helped put in office have done to the country that I served for 15 years ... why I am going to vote for a Democrat or anyone else this year that I feel is better than what is there. just my view ... what is yours?
5 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoOkay ... this is really annoying ....?
I answered a question way back when, but have taken this only seriously for the past week ... I'm at level 3 and was only allowed to answer 18 questions (less then level one) ... and there were 5 questions that I seriously did have the answer to ... and the answers that the people were getting were bs ... and I couldn't put my answer up because of a glitch in the system ... has this happened to you ... and how can it be fixed?
2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoHas this ever happened to you ... ?
Don't really know where to put this ... so put it here ... had the chit scared out of me ... was talking to a friend and saw something out of the corner of my eye ... and then a bird hit the window (from the inside), then turned around hovered for a few seconds squacking (almost as if it was blaming me) then turned around and flew out the window it had come in. Felt sorry for the poor thing, but was glad it was okay .. because it hit the window at a fast pace ... but gave me one heck of a start lol ... when it was hovering and squacking at me it was about 5 inches from my face ... I had to drop the phone ... lol (yeah ... Tweety scared me lol)
2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agommm this is just a question for fun... have fun with it ...?
Sex at times has been called a 'Sport' ... if you believe it is a 'Sport' ... do you think it should be considered for an Olympic event ?
Just a yes,yes, or yes/no, or no/no will be acceptable ... however, the most humorous answer (within reason ... don't get sick on us peeps ... please), will be awarded the best answer. Have a good day :)
4 AnswersOlympics1 decade agoWhy is it ...?
Why is that so many people on here, have no problem bad mouthing someones question or suggestion, yet do not have their email linked to their name (email addresses are not seen, so privacy is guarunteed) ... are they afraid that they may receive input back from the person that they tried to put down?
7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoSteve Irwin .....?
For all you sick o's out there ... heres the video ...
17 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade agoA Question for EVERYONE!!!?
Okay ... here's what I'm looking for, I'm a Christian, but what I'm looking for is something to draw us all together. What is the one main thing that you believe in (the one that comes from your heart), please, no versuses, 'fact', etc etc, ... just the simple why you believe in your belief ... like I said, please, no versuses, or any religion bashing ... we all have enough to deal with ... lets start learning from each other ... if you want to know my point of view ... email me :) ... but here ... we are all trying to learn ... no religion bashing or anything like that ... I just want to know what you believe and why ... actions speak louder than words :) Don't speak negative about someone else please ... ruins the fun of the argument (and yes ... I love to argue), just tell me what you believe in ... simple ... good luck
40 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoA question for Atheists ....?
This is not a question to put anyone down, but a question to find what you really believe the answer to be ... if there is no God, or higher being, and there was nothing before the Big Bang, how did the materials involved in the Big Bang come about? Just curious, and for any religious bullies out there, if you can't make an answer without criticizing others answers ... please do not answer. I am a Christian, and I do believe that God created the world as we know it, but I also believe that there was such a thing as the Big Bang, as this would signal the start of time from whence God first said let there be light. Thank you for your input :)
23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAny ideas as to the meaning of this dream?
just serious answers please, if their not going to be serious, at least make them fun to read :)
Okay heres the dream, its a rather long one ...
I was working at my job as a mechanic, and this person and his wife came in and asked me to do something for them, I did, they paid me and left. A few days later, I was helping someone alongside the road, and the couple stopped by this time, to see if there was anything that they could get me that might help me help this person out a little easier, I was almost finished and said no thanks, finished what I was doing, and sent the person on their way without collecting any money (it was a quick simple fix from my point of view in the dream), turned around and the couple was still there only now holding their twin baby daughters. They introduced me to them, and then asked if I needed a ride back to my shop, which I did, they gave, and while dropping me off at the shop he asked if I could do some more work on his car that weekend (this is where
6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago