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  • Broken condom? Possible pregnancy?

    So had sex and finished in one condom, wiped everything off and then changed to another condom, that second condom broke, did not finish the second time, and actually wasn’t broken long. I know there is a chance but should I really worry about it?

    3 AnswersPregnancy2 years ago
  • Girlfriend cheated What now?

    My girlfriend had cheated about a month ago, not physically but emotionally, she planned to leave me for another guy but then they both decided not to do it. Now she’s saying she wants to get back with me and that she’s done everything I’ve asked of her since it happened. She called me crying saying how much she’s going through and that’s she’s desperately trying to show how remorseful she is, should I try and work through this with her, or should I cut it off with her?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Girlfriend emotionally cheated What should I do?

    We had been dating for 4 years, all through college and we lived in separate cities 2 hours away from each other. I would spend 3 days at her place every 3 weeks

    After graduation we both got jobs and have been working a lot. So on September 19th her and I got into a massive fight, where she says that she wants to break up and she wants to get to know this guy that is at her work more.we end up talking through the fight and I went over and spent time with her at her place that weekend and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

    the very week after I had a gut feeling she was hiding something as she started saying she loves me every 5 mins. she said she met her friend kayla out for lunch (it wasn't her) and she just stopped texting me.

    fast forward to Wednesday a week after I had the gut feeling she calls me and tells me the following "this guy and her started flirting at work and started to make plans and hang out, he was telling her emotional things like (ill take all your problems and ill take care of you) things like that. She said for a week she had been planning to leave me for this guy, but last moment they both decided not to do it. her reasoning was that I didn't look right (attractive) and that there was distance between us and that's why she did it.( I said it was because she wanted a bf for convenience but she didn't admit it to me or say I was right about it until 2 days ago.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago