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Any legal advise I give is just my two cents and is not an excuse to break the law. Any other advise I give should be taken with a grain of salt. I will express my views however I want and I don't care if I offend anyone. I will not be PC and I am usually sarcastic with my answers.

  • How to completely reset a PC without CD to sell?

    I have a dell Inspiron 9400 that was factory installed with windows XP. A few years ago, I wiped it clean and installed windows 7. I am wanting to sell the laptop and I only want it to have the OS and internet explorer. I want everything completely erased. I have transferred all important files to an external hard drive. I do not have the windows 7 install CD or key so I don't want to wipe the drive completely.

    How can I do the reset without restoring any of the programs or files?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Just polyurethaned hardwood floors and need to get smooth?

    I recently had my hardwood floors sanded down, stained, and 2 coats of polyurethane applied to them. They came out looking great but the polyurethane has small bubble spots all over the place and it is not a smooth finish. How do I buff that out? Can I wax these floors as well or do they just need polishing?

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • How to remove someone and their personal stuff from my personal property legally?

    I am not too sure where to find this information and a few google searches have turned up nothing. I am looking for resources that have the state law regarding what I can legally do to remove someone else's stuff from my personal property.

    Basically, there is a guy who has been doing home repairs on a property I own and he quit working 2 months ago because he was evicted from his house. I have been very considerate about it and let him take time to move and do other things. This whole time he has not worked at all on my property and I need to sell this property ASAP and hire somebody else. He is a hoarder and has tools and supplies inside and outside of the house everywhere. It would take at least 10 large trailer loads to remove everything. I gave him a 1 week deadline a month ago to be moved out and it looks like everything is still on the property.

    I need to know how to remove the individual and all of his property since he is unwilling to remove it himself and using my property as storage. I have been helping this person out but now he is taking advantage of me.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • What are the typical heater/defroster energy requirements for average and peak demands in a car?

    I would like to know the values in kW of the energy requirements, particularly in cold weather climates.

    What if there is no waste heat for the case of an EV (Electric Vehicle). I know there are heating elements that are going to be used but what are approximate values in kW?

    1 AnswerEngineering9 years ago
  • What are the typical heater/defroster energy requirements for average and peak demands in a car?

    I would like to know the values in kW of the energy requirements, particularly in cold weather climates.

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 years ago
  • Differential equation help?

    I have a differential equation:

    y = (TA/w)*cosh((w/TA)*x)+y0-(TA/w)

    with variables:






    I need to "Solve" for TA but more specifically the TA inside of the cosh function.

    I have already solved TA for the other two cases. For example:

    (1) TA = [(TA/w)*cosh((w/TA)*x)+y0-y] * w

    (2) TA = (y*w) / [cosh((w/TA)*x)+y0-TA/w]

    I am stuck on how to factor out the TA inside of the cosh function.

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • How to set up a "no foundation" Serta mattress?

    My Serta mattress is a "no foundation" mattress. I am assuming that this means you don't use it with a large box spring. I currently have a thin sheet of wood that sits under it to support it on the frame. Should I remove this and let it sit on the 4 1X4 supports or keep the wood sheet? I am a little confused as to how it supports itself without something under it. A foundation to me means that it is sitting on something.

    What is the proper way to put this mattress on the frame? I have tried a few google searches with no results. Even the Serta website has no mention of it.

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden9 years ago
  • Mine shaft and caving equipment?

    I would like to explore a mine shaft and the tunnel system at the bottom. I used to go rock climbing and had knowledge of how to use the equipment and safety gear but I am rusty at best in their use. I would need to be able to rapell down a single rope and then ascend back up. I have multiple tie off points at the opening and could descend straight down the center of the shaft. I would like to know what kind of equipment I would need or where to find information on how the rigging works.

    3 AnswersClimbing9 years ago
  • What is included in a proposal for a retail store to carry my product?

    I am needing to send a proposal to a retailer to have them carry my products. I am wondering if there are any sample proposals or an outline of what needs to be in that proposal. I am assuming some sort of info about the product, wholesale cost, and a contract?

    3 AnswersSmall Business10 years ago
  • In need of good knee high waterproof boots?

    I am going salmon fishing in Alaska next summer and I will be needing some water proof boots that are about knee high. I don't need full waders but just the boots.

    What is a good comfortable brand and where can I find them?

    1 AnswerFishing10 years ago
  • Anybody have any BF3 game play reviews?

    I played the beta for PS3 but there was quite a bit of glitches that took a fun experience and ruined it.

    Do people still fall through the maps? are there stupid laser lines that show up here and there that don't go away? Are there still players that respawn with a wall sticking out of them while they run around the map? These are things that were in almost every game I played and it sucked. There was also other stupid crap where I had run behind a wall or behind cover and still somehow managed to die. Some sort of lag issue.

    Anyway, what are the problems in the actual game and are the very minimal or present at least 50% of the time?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • What exactly are these 99% protestors protesting?

    I have heard some of the stupidest arguments made by some of them, and then some very intelligent arguments made by others. Then there are those that just seem to be there because they are hippies and want to socialize and smoke weed.

    What exactly are they trying to do?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Units of Force are not working out?

    I am using the equation Force equation for fluid flow:

    F=[(mass flow rate)*(delta v)] / (gravitational constant)

    Which equals: (density)*(Area)*(delta v) I think

    When I plug in the numbers (0.036 lbs/in^3)*(0.442in^2)*(4902.77in/s - 136.188in/s)

    I come up with the units of lbs/s which is not the units of Force.

    What am I missing in this equation or doing wrong?

    1 AnswerEngineering10 years ago
  • Older samsung cell phone is going crazy?

    Just in the past few days it started flipping the text backwards and would freeze up. Each letter of the text flips backwards and the words are backwards. To text, it is backwards and the text goes from right to left across the screen. It is basically a mirrored image of what it should be. This only happens a few times when I flip the phone open. The home screen and any menus are backwards. Even if I try using the camera, it is a flipped image and upside down! It is completely random too! Sometimes it is fine, and other times it goes crazy. The screen will sometimes be blank and just black, and other times it is a white noise where all the pixels are different colors that look like an old TV set when it looses signal. It is progressively getting worse. It is dropping texts as well.

    Any ideas on how to fix this? I have a micro SD card. Any way to backup my contacts and reset the phone?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • Have a water pressure and force question?

    I know that the water pressure of the residential area is 40 PSI. Assuming I attach a nozzle to the end of a garden hose, and the nozzel exit diameter is 1/8", what would the pressure be leaving the nozzle? Also, what would the force of the water be on say the surface of a car so many inches or feet away? Are there any general equations I can use for this? I need to know how to solve this problem given random variables and not just a numeric answer.

    3 AnswersEngineering10 years ago
  • Have some old homemade wine?

    My grandfather passed and left me with literally hundreds of bottles of homemade wine. Some of it is from 1970!! I opened a 1 gallon jug of white sparkling Zinfandel from 1999. It looks murky with some stuff at the bottom of the jug. I poured it into a few glasses and it was a light pink rose color but now pretty clear and not murky. It didn't taste vinigary but was pretty harsh due to an alcohol content of 13%. Is it still good? It was highly carbonated. All the other wines and champagne have stuff at the bottom or floating at the bottom but I don't think any are vinegary. Are these still safe?

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years ago
  • What is rooting and unrooting?

    I have a Toshiba thrive tablet running honeycomb. I have heard that you can root or unroot these to get Netflix working or other things like that. I know some about computers but not what this android lingo is

    3 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds10 years ago
  • Android Tablet PC's for class?

    What is the difference between version 2.2 and Honeycomb? I am on a budget of $250 for a tablet so I am very limited at what I look at. This is one I found:

    Is there anything else that has good ratings and still in my price range? I would like a capacative one that can use a stylus pen, record audio, and have some decent batter life. I am mainly using it to take notes, record lectures, and be able to use the internet via Wi-Fi and use E-books for college courses.

    2 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds10 years ago
  • Would a tablet PC be good for a college student for taking notes in class?

    I have a laptop but it is a little big to bring to class. It has a 17" display and is over an inch thick. It probably weighs a good 10 lbs. I had to buy a laptop bag for it because it doesn't fit in my oversized backpack! I also have a lot of books and other things so I need to reduce weight. Also, I ride my bike sometimes and it is almost impossible to do with a 50lb backpack and a laptop bag over the shoulder as well.

    I am taking a few easy lecture classes this semester that I know will be note heavy. I have taken my laptop to a few classes in the past but most of the classes were engineering, math, or physics with a lot of formulas and stuff that I can't easily type into a computer. I am wondering if a tablet PC would be a fix for this if I could write down equations and formulas and just take notes on it. One tablet could replace all my notebooks and the ability to have internet in class to look things up during the lecture would seem to maybe be beneficial? I am on a budget so should I get a tablet or just stay with the notebooks? Also, do tablets have the ability to record a lecture? Maybe just sound with high quality? I have trouble taking notes and paying attention to what the instructor is doing at the same time. I think a voice recorder built in would be awesome!

    Are these things worth the money? What kinds are available that would be perfect for a classroom setting? Do these things just come with a Wi-Fi card or do I need a subscription to a phone company for 3G? I would rather not have to pay a monthly subscription for internet when the campus internet is Wi-Fi, free, and over the entire campus.

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • What words can you make using these letter?

    A C D E F M T?

    They can be three or more letter words.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago