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  • Deceived about divorce & remarrage?

    Many are deceived into thinking that because of adultery they can divorce & remarry, I can prove thats not true. you can divorce, but the Bible tells us the only reason for remarrage, is because fornication. If you have been married, you cannot commit fornication, because fornication is sex before marriage. when we marry most of us know if the one we chose to marry have had sex or not, so we cannot get divorced and remarried if thats the case, if we were deceived and married thinking we were marrying a virgin then we have the right to put them away and remarry.if we divorce because of adultery or any other reason, and marry again we have joined ourself to a harlot, because we took vows when we married, we became one, and we said till death do we part. If your living for God, or not. we are to go by the laws of the land inless they go against the Bible, the laws of the land, you can remarry all you want for any cause. NOT so in the Bible, and that is what counts in the end..

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Divorce & remarriage?

    The Bible tells us In Matthew Chapter 19, verse 9 the only way, you can remarry is if your spouse had committed Fornication, NOT ADULTERY, and look at 1st Corinthians chapter 6, verse 9 and 10, it tells us those who committ fornication, and adultery etc there is a differance

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • According to 1st Corinthians?

    Chapter 9 and 10, can you remarry, if your spouse Is still living? you better read it, and understand it, before you put an answer on here.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Animals in Heaven?

    Where In the Bible does tell us there are animals in heaven? first one to get this right will get 10 points.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Fornication.?

    Did you know, that fornication,can not be done after you marry, and the Bible teaches that fornication, Is the only way one can remarry, and it is not adultery, SO why do so many teach, that adultery is the only lawful way , to divorce, and remarry, thats not what the Bible teaches.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Sin, and Abomination?

    whats the difference between sin, and an abomination, , which is worse, and why?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Mentor, Ohio?

    anyone know,anything, or anyone around the Bellemeadow drive area ,in Mentor Ohio?

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • Campbell`s In Mentor Ohio?

    Anyone know any Campbell`s in mentor Ohio?

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Where In the Bible, have you ever seen,?

    Where men could marry men, and women could marry women, or were married to them? The Bible says that Fornication[which is sex before marriage] Is a sin, and men did not marry,men nor women marry women, So the act of Homosexuality, at any time had to be a sin. Because marrage between same sex was not honored.

  • Divorced Men please answer.?

    When you divorced your wife, first wife, if you had more then 2, do you ever still think of them and how often, have you ever wanted to go back to your first wife, and do you still have feelings for them? please answer everyone of the questions, honestly, and nice, thank you so much.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Divorced Men please answer.?

    When you divorced your wife, first wife, if you had more then 2, do you ever still think of them and how often, have you ever wanted to go back to your first wife, and do you still have feelings for them? please answer everyone of the questions, honestly, and nice, thank you so much.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Kefer39 Asked a question why?

    Why does northern people, call southern people Ignorant. I lived Up North for 10 years, and in those 10 years, I noticed ,they speak a fine language, BUT hardly do they know their neighbor, they are unfriendly, most are not taught morals, or about God, They think they are rich, when they haven`t got a clue, what rich is, when I visited the south, I didn`t need a sign, to tell me when I got there, I knew because, everyone waved, even though they didn`t know you, they were friendly,its called southern hospitality, something Northern people,or most , know nothing about, And the answers Kefer39 got was, even about the Southern cooking, well the reason the southern people cook so much, Is because they know, most of the time someone will show up, and they want to make sure there is enough food to feed ,anyone that comes to their home hungry, they are the most friendly people you will find anywhere, and the most caring, NOT The case In other places I have been to.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • him and his wife were always close, he would tell?

    her he loved her all the time, always kissing on her, then one day he leaves, and takes money from the bank account, goes to casino and gambles it all away, then his wife finds out he had been gambling online, and lost a lot of money, and this was why he left, well now the guy is telling me he don`t love his wife and thats why he left, but i seen how he treated her, do you think he is really over her, and should i trust him, he tells me he loves me now, or does he love her, what do you think?

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Even before Scientest knew?

    there were once Giants on earth, God had already told us there were in his word.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Homosexuals Believe God is talking about rape,?

    when the men came to JOBS house, and wanted the 2 Angels so they could have them sexually, BUT JOB offered his daughters, to them, to keep them from doing that aweful thing to the MEN, If it was wrong for them to RAPE the MEN, It is wrong to RAPE the women, right? SO it wasen`t just the RAPE it was the Homosexual act itself.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why would you not want God to Judge people?

    If your family was killed by a murder, do you think he should go free? If someone stole something of yours, do you think the judge should let them go, to do it to someone else? If your child was molested, and the courts said big deal, forgive them and let them live, how would that make you feel? If God allowed the people that do these things, and to continue to do these things, to Inter into heaven, how would that be a fair Judgement? here on earth we want people to be punished for these things, Why Is that?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • guys who sent me email, wanting to know more about GOD?

    I know you were hoping I would reply, and I will right here, If you want to know about GOD look in his book, If you see people dieing, this has always been the plan, every since satan begiled Eve into the forbidden fruit, Sinners want to blame God for everything that wrong in the world, WELL guess what , the prince of this world is satan, so maybe you should ask your leader, which is satan, why he is doing these things to you, and your loved ones, you have been faithful to him, shouldn`t he be willing to help you in your times of trouble? MY GOD DOES.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Please can someone tell me?

    Is there anyone ,other then State ,that I can contact ,when I know that the nursing home near me, Is not doing a good job with the patients there? These Elderly people are not being cared for. please the state, has done nothing to make a differance, these people are put there to die, why can`t they die with a little dignity, they are abused, they deserve better then this, do you know anyone I can contact to help the elderly in my county?

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Calling ALL Christians?

    We are not opening anyones eyes here, they will not listen, God said to shake the very dust off of your shoes, if they will not listen, they only want to try and upset you, an make God a lie, which they cannot do. SO I say we stick together, do not answer silly questions,Give no place for the devil. tell satan to get behind you, where he should be anyways. Help true seekers, with honest answers. Will you help with those that truly seek God?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago