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  • Messed up life: sex, exes and love?

    Hey guys.

    I can already hear some eyes rolling back in their sockets at this question but here goes nothing.

    In one of my last posts, I was talking about how my boyfriend and myself were having a rough time. Well it got better for a while, we moved in together and made plans for the future and things were getting good again. We made it for another year almost and then he decided to end it and I had to move out. That was 8 months ago. Basically it ended because it was just too hard to work on a relationship when we were both struggling career wise and I was having very bad family issues that had me depressed, etc. We were not in a good place and he needed an out. I was heart broken for ages: I had lost my lover, my best-friend, my home, my friends,.. But I got back up: got a small apartment, got a job three months ago.. but still I missed him crazy.

    Now here is where it gets messed up. Please understand that my new job makes me very unhappy and that I have to wait 3 more months to quit; that I am alone and struggling... I feel empty all the time. Except when I'm with him. Which I have been for a few months now. Hanging out, having fun and sleeping together. When I say it out loud, it sounds wrong... every piece of research I've made says it's wrong but for the short times when we're together, I'm alive again.

    Anyway, (I'm out of room) is there anyway it could not end badly or will I crash and burn regardless?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • When is my cat going to get used to his new home?

    Hi guys!

    So I've just moved in with my boyfriend's family for a while and so has my cat. This is only the second time he's moved so I'm not sure if I'm handling it correctly.

    What you should all know is that he went from being an outdoor cat living in a farmer's village, very quiet but surrounded by other animals; to living in one big room with two other cats in a town house with a tiny garden unfortunately guarded by two huge dogs which made him very scared and paranoid and reluctant to wander around freely. I have now moved to the capital so yet another town house with a small garden. There is one other cat here and a small dog who is friendly, maybe a little too much.

    I started by leaving the cat in one room, the room where I work from (the top floor where there aren't too many people coming and going). Then I gave him access to the hallway but barred access to the stairwell. So at the moment, over one week since he's moved, he has access to the entire floor (which is really not a big space) and 'his' room but he does not seem to want to explore! He just stays in the one room, hiding under a table, wandering a little when he goes to eat or poop or scratch at something but otherwise he just stays put. Is this normal behavior? Shouldn't he be trying to get downstairs by now or wanting to explore other rooms on the same floor? He's not even old yet...

    What is the next step? Should I leave him be though the plan was not to keep him in this room once he got to wandering about? Should I force him a little? Lock him out in the hallway? :s I know he turned very cowardly because of the dogs at the other place but is he ever going to forget them??

    Thank you for your advice.


    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • I might have to break up with my boyfriend but my heart says no?

    I've been with my boyfriend for over two years (I'm 22) though it has been a bumpy ride for a few months now. We keep arguing about silly things and we just seem to not get along anymore. The little things that were okay at the time just make me mad now such as him being 25 and spending most of his time playing computer games. He has no job, as he just quit college but doesn't do anything about it while I'm working small jobs and at the same time searching for a real career. We were supposed to move in together but with how things are going I doubt he'll be able to afford anything unless he keeps on living on his parent's money. Also with the way things are between us two at the moment, I don't think moving in is the books.

    I used to be okay with everything when we were both students but now I feel like he might be pulling me back. We see each other every weekend if I'm the one who goes to his student flat or at his parents but we spend most of it either doing nothing or more recently, arguing.

    The worst thing is that I'm not allowed to say ANYTHING otherwise everything goes to hell. I can't even use the 'g' word: 'geek'. I'm on thin air.

    I feel sad a lot these days but I love him (and hate him). I want to believe that it can work out and go back to the way things were but my logical side says that it's over. Should I listen to my mind and my heart?

    He's a great guy, he gets me, we laugh together, we talk about things.. but I've just had it and don't know what to do. I don't want to break up (I'm also good friends with his family and friends), I like having someone around and I get really lonely and I do love him. Just thinking about facing a break up hurts.

    I am completely lost. I can't concentrate on anything, I don't know what to do.

    Please help. Please please please.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What would you use to get this colouring technique?

    Hey guys,

    I have a new project for class and I want to use a colouring technique similar to this one (link below)

    I'm aware that this was made with a photoshop type program with pen pressure brushes or opacity changes buuut because I don't use photoshop very often, I pretty much suck at it and don't feel confident trying to do the same.

    So my question to you is: what would you use to obtain this colouring technique? Moreover, which type paint: gouache? acrylic? (those are my guesses). What would you do?


    1 AnswerPainting10 years ago
  • How do medical studies work?

    Hi, I'm doing some research for a script I'm writing for a project. I'd like to know how medical studies work: Do you have a few years of general studying and then choose your specialization? How many years? For example if one would like to get into forensics how would one do? Also (yes, I have watched those in-hospital soap operas) when you join a hospital as a student is it after having chosen you specialization? Like general medicine? I'm trying to figure the whole system out, be aware that I don't know anything so if anyone could start from the beginning that would be great.

    Thanks for your time.

    Ps: So far one character would like to specialize in forensics, the other in pediatrics.

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • How to get a Nikon Coolpix P80 into continuous mode?

    Hey there, I'm using a Nikon Coolpix P80 in manual mode and I can't figure out how to use the continuous mode (to capture a series of photos quickly). I see it in the menu but I can't get to it, the cursor just skips over it when I try to select it. I've changed the image quality to Normal and the image size to 10M as suggested in the manual but it still doesn't work.

    Any ideas?

    Please help!


    3 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Showing up at an ex's party?

    Long story short: my boyfriend broke up with me four days ago but we're now in a "was it right?" phase where we're just thinking about the next step. We said we'd come up with an answer once the exams over. That was today but I expect the 'conversation' will take place next week. Until then we're not really talking to each other and it gets weird when we're in the same room together (as in we don't make eye contact and ignore each other, nothing TOO weird).

    Here's the thing: my ex is hosting a farewell party for one of our classmates (exchange student) who is leaving tomorrow. Now technically the whole class is invited but since this is a last minute thing, the invites are more like the person who hears invites the next and so on so it's not a direct invite. I don't know if I should show up! I might make things awkward for some and on the other hand it seems rude not to go eventhough I was invited through the she said he said method.

    It's getting too late to go now but should I have gone? My ex. use to say that I should be more straightforward with my decisions but I just can't seem to make one. I have no idea if this was the occasion to prove him wrong. Ugh. This is way too complicated, I think I'll give up, avoid being the party crasher and hope I don't seem rude.

    Tell me what you think :/

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Embarrassed to use the bathroom in new apartment?

    This is silly but I was hoping that others were in the same situation as I am and had found ways around it.

    I've just moved in my new apartment with a classmate (guy). Everything is fine except that the toilet is in front of our rooms and that the walls are really thin. We're both too shy to go number two and I personally haven't 'gone' yet. Each time I sit on the toilet I just can't go.

    This is really embarrassing and I suppose things will get better with time but I can't each time wait for him to go out to use the bathroom. He doesn't even go out much.

    Aaah! XD

    10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Here's another stupid friendship/relationship problem?

    I need an exterior outlook on this. When I talk to my friends they stay 'loyal' to me and say how he's a jerk, that I ought to forget him, etc. But inside... I just want him back and I just can't admit this to them or to him because it's just pathetic.

    So in a nutshell: I've know him for 13 years but only became good friends a few years ago. One day during a hugging session we found out that we had a lot sexual chemistry between us and decided to become friends with benefits. We put that status to the test about two weeks ago and it was bad. Bad sex if you can even call it sex. Everything from A to Z was just so bad, me included... the chemistry was gone, it was all too technical,... Anyway, it could have been a medical exam. That's how much of a disaster it was. It left both of us humiliated (idk about him but I certainly was). That's the last time I saw him. Two weeks ago.

    I knew we weren't going to be speaking for a while but I personally got over it like a week ago. I would be fine if we were to just forget the whole thing and went back to being 'normal' friends. But I don't know how to tell him that. I can't call him because he doesn't have a phone -he's always been the one to call me from a random friend's cellphone. And I don't want to send an email... it's so impersonal and the wait for an answer would be just as unbearable as the wait I'm going through now.

    I just can't loose him. You loose too many friends overtime, friends from school that just fade away,... I've known him so long now. Why can't he call me? Was I nothing to him?

    I need to get this out of my head, it's driving me insane -I've been jumping on the phone at each ring. I'm not like that. I shouldn't be so pathetic, I hate this.

    Anyway, guess I over-vented again. But this goes on in my head all the time... a confrontation of my logistics and my emotions.

    So much for friendship.



    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Unexplainable bleeding during sex?

    I really don't understand what happened.

    I'm no longer a virgin but today, when having sex with a new guy I bled! He wasn't that 'big' either but could I still have had remains of my hymen even though I've had intercourse before? I'm still young (18) and am relatively new at this but I have had partners and I haven't bled before. And it didn't even hurt; I mean a little because I wasn't fully wet but not the same pain as the real first time.

    It was really humiliating. The guy was repulsed and thought he had taken my virginity, said he didn't want the responsibility of it whatever that means. I'm probably not going to ever see him again all because of this unexplainable thing that happened.

    Is there a chance it will happen again? It wasn't a huge amount of blood and it definitely wasn't my period since I've had them like 5 days ago.

    Help anyone?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Friends with benefits........?

    Hey there.

    Today I almost crossed the physical barrier with one of my close guy friends. It was so amazing and free that we decided to try it again soon enough. We're quickly becoming friends with benefits (FF's) and there's no doubt that that physical barrier will be crossed next time.

    I really don't see us dating and we've made it clear that we will not be an item.

    The only thing I'm scared of is that with our lines and limits blurred, we might eventually loose each other. As specially if one of us gets into a serious relationship at some point.

    Anyway. I'm probably going forward with this but I just wanted to hear if any of you had some experience with this and how it all went down.



    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • A little help for the script that I need to write?


    I have to rewrite a piece of my script for class and there's one part where I'm struggling so I thought I'd ask for an exterior opinion. Oh, and it's a script for a visual illustrated story like a comic (what I'm studying).


    - Girl takes the train, she's on the phone with her friend when a huge guy walks up and we learn from her conversation that she sees him everyday, that he's a disgusting person that always finds ways to sit next to her in the train. She manages to find a seat in another wagon but she barely has time to breathe in relief when the fat guy is back holding a bag of pastries. He of course sits opposite the girl.

    - The girls knows what to expect since she has to endure this every single day: the guy will eat his croissant in the rudest manner, spraying pieces everywhere including on the girl.

    -Eventually the girls can't take it anymore: she's hangs up her phone, grabs the pastry wrapper, climbs on top of the guy and shoves the wrapper into his mouth.

    => this is the part where I'm stuck. The girl needs to talk to the guy as she's attacking him. It needs to be seriously angry since it illustrates her rage and hate against this guy that has been doing this for ages. I had a dialog that went like this:

    "Every single day it's the same thing with you and your food!"

    "Look how filthy you are! Look at me! It's disgusting!"

    "If you like eating this much then eat this too!" (she shoves the wrapper in his mouth).

    The teachers thought it wasn't angry enough and the dialog resembled the one that existed between the girl and her friend on the phone.

    What would you do to make it more explosive/angrier though keeping in mind that it's for class. Too much swearing will bring the quality down.


    1 AnswerTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Caring for a belly button piercing?

    Hey, quick question... the answer probably obvious but better safe than sorry right?

    Got my navel pierced about... 11 days ago and I'm following the piercer's instructions by the word.

    So the piercing has been really itchy (no scratching, no touching - I know :p) does this mean that it's healing well or is it too early?

    Also today I think I might have irritated the top part of it with my coat zipper because the skin is pinkish. It doesn't hurt and the skin isn't hot so I don't think it's an infection but I just want to know if I should worry about it. :/ I treated it with saline water as soon as I got home.

    Gaah, itchy! :p

    Thanks :D

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Friend stranded in Rome and I'm trying to help her home. Help?

    I'm trying to get her from Rome to Brussels.

    As you probably know, flying is not an option :(

    Do you know anyway to do this by train??

    We're desperate! She's low on phone credit, has no internet access and has already extended her stay.


    5 AnswersBelgium1 decade ago
  • Is my friend gay? Could he be in denial?

    All signs point to a yes but he says he isn't. I know perfectly well that it's none of my business but I need to know that when he hugs me and kisses me (on the cheek), is he doing so as a close 'girlfriend' type of thing or more as a 'score!' type of thing...

    He's really effeminate in his actions and physically too... kind of. He feels uncomfortable around guys so only hangs out with a bunch of girls, the way he talks is just - really weird, like just hyper and sped up like the chattiest of girls. A lot of hand swooshing too. Also attention to detail, clothes, shoes,... Great care of his image like he does a lot of treatments to stay beautiful (because he is... beautiful XD). All those signs point to fabulously gay! And he has fallen in love with boys before (not dated). So how can he talk about having a secret crush on our class delegate who is a guy and still continue to vehemently say that he is absolutely not gay. What he does admit though is the fact that he is effeminate and that he would fit better in a girls body... but other than that, he says he's straight.

    Is the typical pattern of a boy in the closet? Is this denial?

    I need to know what the hell these sudden hugs/kisses mean.


  • Pimples: making them fade away fast?

    Hey! :)

    I don't get pimples often but when I do, they stick around for a while after they have popped... like a pimple scar or something. They can sometimes take over a month to completely fade out.

    I currently have two pimples that I need to make go away fast: one in the middle of my eyebrows. It's just the 'scar' that's left but it's been almost two weeks and it's really irritating XD The second one appeared yesterday just below my nose, above my upper lip - right in the middle where it's hard to get. It sorta popped but since the skin there is sensitive I don't want to mess with it.

    So the question is: do you have any good remedies (natural remedies preferred) to make these pimples fade out faster? I have a major event in two weeks and those spots are just too visible. :/

    Thanks :D

    8 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • I have two lumps on my head. Should I do something about them?

    They feel like big pimples. One at the back of my head and one on the top. I have the feeling that I've something similar before but I don't know what I did about them.

    Should I just leave it be or try squeezing them? Any other option?

    I lead quite a busy lifestyle at the moment so I can't take time off to see a doctor. I've googled it but it hasn't really helped so far.

    They don't bother me too much, maybe just the one on the top of my head that I may have scratched by mistake because it's a little sore.

    I just want them to go away; I keep running my hand through my hair and touching them. It's distracting me from my work.


    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Luggage restrictions when flying?


    I'm flying to America (LA) from England this summer. This is the first time I'm flying to the States. I haven't been a plane for over 11 years and at that time my parents were packing my bags. :p

    I know a lot of things have changed over the years, as specially with security. I've already read a few things but I thought that I'd ask here and see if I could get a clear answer.

    Can you put just about anything in your checked luggage? Is there a risk of shampoo exploding and stuff? XD

    And more importantly are the restrictions on the carry one bag. What was it? No liquid, no sharp things (do pens count as sharp? lol)...?

    What about weight? Luggage is like 20kg I think and the carry on..?

    Okay thanks for any info!

    Oh: and if your carry on is your purse, do you have to store it above you in the plane?

    Sorry for all the questions, I'm just really nervous. :p

    2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Luggage restrictions when flying?


    I'm flying to America (LA) from England this summer. This is the first time I'm flying to the States. I haven't been a plane for over 11 years and at that time my parents were packing my bags. :p

    I know a lot of things have changed over the years, as specially with security. I've already read a few things but I thought that I'd ask here and see if I could get a clear answer.

    Can you put just about anything in your checked luggage? Is there a risk of shampoo exploding and stuff? XD

    And more importantly are the restrictions on the carry one bag. What was it? No liquid, no sharp things (do pens count as sharp? lol)...?

    What about weight? Luggage is like 20kg I think and the carry on..?

    Okay thanks for any info!

    Oh: and if your carry on is your purse, do you have to store it above you in the plane?

    Sorry for all the questions, I'm just really nervous. :p

    2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • What should I get my dad for father's day?

    I just need to find a small gift for him. The problem is that he already has a lot of stuff. I already gave him a personalized gift a few months ago for his birthday so I need something I can buy. I've searched in catalogs and everything! Help please!!!

    (Ps: Father's day is this week here :/)

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago