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I am a young transwoman and I fight for logic and reason, for social equality, for a laugh. I'm a bit of an abstract thinker, a bit of an artist and a collector of multimedia.

  • What kind of music did you listen to as a teenager that makes you cringe when you think about it today, and what do you listen to nowadays?

    When I was 13-16 years old, I used to be obsessed with three genres and three genres only: Progressive Metal, Folk Metal and Power Metal. I used to LOVE Dream Theater and Blind Guardian and Korpiklaani and Ensiferum and... well, any music that wasn't like that just sucked. I HATED electronic music and Hip-Hop in particular... Because of course I did...

    This sort of dissolved into a brief period of Post-Rock somehow. I dunno, Godspeed are just hypnotic, y'know? But during that phase I also somehow acquired a taste for some select electronica, including Aphex Twin and Radiohead. Which makes up the bulk of what I listen to now; cool electronica, indie and alt music, and like, unusual pop music like Crystal Castles and CHVRCHES and Grimes.

    Because of this genre rollercoaster I've gone through over these past few years (I'm currently 19, so all this wasn't long ago) I have a pretty solid appreciation of all kinds of music. I even got into Hip-Hop eventually and now I can enjoy it (unless it's Lil Wayne... yick). But I'm not even saying those bands I used to listen to during the metal phase are bad, but I cringe when I think of my metal phase because of the sheer degree of fangirlishness I had for these ridiculous and frankly pretentious bands (yeah, I was an outcast throughout highschool...). I can only listen to SOME prog metal these days sometimes, and wont even poke power metal or folk metal with a ten-foot pole unless it's to have a good laugh at it.

    Hows about you?

    21 AnswersRock and Pop6 years ago
  • Why doesn't Eminem release albums under the name Slim Shady instead?

    He never refers to himself as Eminem, always as Slim Shady. So why does he release albums and perform under the name "Eminem" when he clearly feels he should be doing it as "Slim Shady". Ridiculous

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop6 years ago
  • Why does the most popular music tend to be mediocre at best, terrible at worst?

    Popular music today, we have Taylor Swift, she's 'alright' I suppose, not exactly a musical genius. We have Nicki Minaj, a trashbag who insults the medium of music with her mere presence and has released some of the worst music ever. We have Eminem, who's pretty decent but who I would definitely not put on a list of greatest rappers even though he's sold a LOT more than ATCQ ever did. We have Lil Wayne, a man who makes my ears bleed, and whom I'd be amused if they turned up dead in an alleyway somewhere. One has to wonder why the media pushes bad music on us.

    5 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop6 years ago
  • What is it about Glam metal that people enjoy?

    Or "puss metal" as I like to call it. What is it about listening to misogynistic lyrics sung over lazy generic hard rock tunes performed by a bunch of smackheads dressed like drag queens that gets people so invested? I know people who can't get enough of Motley Crue or KISS and I just don't understand why. I've heard people compare them to Led Zeppelin and The Beatles as though they have a legitimate place among the greats of rock history. I know that it's all subjective, but I just find this kind of music is just so lacklustre and offensive it just... It annoys me. Why do people enjoy this stuff?

    5 AnswersRock and Pop6 years ago
  • What's the deal with people who wont listen to anything made after 1989?

    Like, seriously, I know pop music is horrendous these days, but to say "I only listen to music from the 60's, 70's, and 80's" is to miss out on so much good music.

    3 AnswersOther - Music6 years ago
  • How do people take the GOP seriously?

    Everything about them is insane. They're actively trying to screw us over for benefit of themselves and the 1% (Net neutrality, TTIP and healthcare, for example). They're trying to start unnecessary wars (The current situation with Iran). And they're actively halting scientific and social progress (Creationism and prayer in schools, marijuana reform and same-sex marriage). Fox News is a vessel for them to broadcast their propaganda and it's well known that everything claimed on it is a lie. Why oh why do people vote for those lunatics?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation6 years ago
  • What makes America "the greatest country in the world"?

    A popular outside opinion is that America is in fact a deluded, backwards nation. So tell me, based on your insider knowledge, what makes America

    "the greatest country in the world"?

    356 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Why is everyone so scared of Communism?

    Seriously, it just means sharing. It just means that people aren't allowed to have ridiculously disproportionate amount of money and hoard it for themselves. It's treated like some kind of curse word. It's common for the right wing to call people who disagree with them "Commie bstards" or something to that effect. I doubt most people who say it even know what Communism actually is. Seriously, Karl Marx was a genious and just because Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong did it wrong doesn't make Communism a bad thing. I'd argue that America's doing Capitalism wrong. If you think that Communism is the only political system prone to corruption then you're seriously mistaken.

    92 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • How much do you know about Buddhism and what do you think of it?

    Buddhism is a very unique religion in a lot of ways, and I believe it's one the best states of mind anyone can have. What's your opinion of Buddhism?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Atheists. Do you really think that your behavior is any better than the Christians? Do you not recognize how toxic your own words can be?

    It's well established that a fairly large number of Christians feel themselves superior to those of alternate beliefs. These behaviors can be traced back to the doctrine itself. When Christians go around telling people that they're not good enough, especially on such a large scale as they do, it causes huge issues for a lot of people. Namely those who are regarded as sinful such as homosexuals. We all know this.

    Atheists like to fight back, and argue their own point. They argue that Christian beliefs are unscientific, etc. And that's all well and good. They say their opinion, it's only fair that you get to say your own. But then it goes too far, with people saying things that are downright inappropriate. "Religious people are all stupid morons with psychological issues. They're clearly brain dead and can't see the truth" How is that any less arrogant than some of the things said by Christians?

    Sure, you can argue that "They've hurt more people than atheists have", "We have more evidence for our side of the argument than they do", "Religion is the cause of so many of the world's problems". But even if those things are true, how does that justify this behavior. You've become the very thing you hate.

    Religion is a very personal part of many people's lives. Many people find their inner peace and their life's meaning through religion, and that should be respected. Sure, maybe there are a lot of religious people who don't see that. But don't be just like them

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How does anyone take Fox News and especially Bill O'Reiley seriously?

    When I hear Bill O'Reiley speak, it makes something inside me break. It's like everything he says is scripted to be as backwards and unintelligent as possible. And it's the same with the rest of Fox News. It's all just a propaganda machine spreading the moronic ideas of the 20th century. Do you honestly believe the things they say on the channel?

    22 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Do many people still play World of Warcraft?

    I haven't played since the Wrath of The Lich King days. The game is turning 10 years old this year and with many other MMOs which are more advanced and quite frankly better out (Guild Wars 2), the question of WoW's playerbase comes to mind. How many people are still playing that game?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Why can't the Governor General just get rid of Tony Abbott?

    Seriously, this man is actually going to ruin the country and the Governor General and Her Majesty have the right to kick his **** out on to the streets. But they aren't. They just... aren't. Why the hell not? Tony Abbott is NOT fit to run Australia. Everybody knows it, everybody agrees, Tony Abbott must go.

    2 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why do you expect people to respect religious values, yet you show no respect in return?

    Many Christian republicans have taken issue with the opinions and ways of other people, be it issues with race, culture, politics or otherwise. This can be proven not only from the extreme discrimination seen from such people towards minorities in the past. But also from the way they tend to think it's their business to intrude on other people's rights by keeping same-sex marriage illegal, trying to criminalize abortions, and some people are even trying to criminalize interracial marriage again.

    These are but a small number on the ever-growing list of offences to be committed in the name of "God and traditional family values". And none of them are anyone's business except the involved parties. Nobody should dictate whether you can or can't get married, or believe in a different God. If you could mind your own business that be nice, but unfortunately it seems you can't. Then whenever someone tries to call them out on their unfair, self-centered viewpoints, nothing seems to get through.

    I don't know if you've seen the psychologist about your superiority complex, but you probably should if you're anything like the above. Nobody is trying to get ban Christianity, nobody is trying to tell you that you can't do what you do in your private life, that you can't pray, but you feel like it's your business to push other people around and act like they're the bad guys. Seriously, how do you get off being so high and mighty? What makes you feel that you have the right?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why does it cost money to get hurt in America? (why is your healthcare so terrible?)?

    Ambulance costs money, hospital stays cost money, surgery costs money, everything costs money, to the point where you could be hurt more by the bill than by your poor health. Why does America maintain this terrible system? Just about every other first world country has free healthcare, and their governments usually spend far, far less on healthcare than the United State. Why do you maintain such a backwards system?

    11 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why can't the Governor General just get rid of Tony Abbott?

    Seriously, this man is actually going to ruin the country and the Governor General and Her Majesty have the right to kick his *** out on to the streets. But they aren't. They just... aren't. Why the hell not? Tony Abbott is NOT fit to run Australia. Everybody knows it, everybody agrees, Tony Abbott must go.

    2 AnswersGovernment7 years ago