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  • Bar-tending Question.?

    I'm 18, and live in Virginia. I understand to serve and consume alcohol you have to be 21. But at my current age would i be able to go to bartending school, take mixology courses., and get my license.

    2 AnswersOther - Dining Out6 years ago
  • Do I have a reason to be upset with my friends?

    Well im 17 in college, i dont have a car, an i live on the borderline of two cities. My mother or sister take me back an forth between the campus i go to, which at most is like 20 minutes away if not less. My friends always asked me to hang out with them on campus or stay a little longer, but my sis, or mom wasnt allowing me because they didnt want to have to come back at a later time to pick me up. My friends have jobs, an im in the process of getting one. Anyhow after work they always, hang out with a friend at his house, an if their on call they either go to his place an hang out. Sometimes they would pick me up or take me back home but they got tired of the distance, so i paid them for gas, until i ran out of money. Now they know i want to hang out at the dudes house because, im always at home. I understand that the distance is kinda far, especially if they have to go to work, but im tired of them texting me an even had the audacity to send me a video/photo of them playing a video game with a friend who i barely even get the chance to hang out with or talk to. They know i cant drive or get over there, an yet they joke around like this. They do this all the time, constantly hanging out at his place like every week, while im at home. My relationship with them is good,because i see them all the time on campu, but the other guy i dont, an when i do its akward because, we dont hang out or talk often. I wouldnt care at all if they'd stop ttelling me what there doing.

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • I feel uncomfortable or out of place about this job, but I want to work.?

    I recently got an interview at a surf shop at Coastal Edge, and now I have a 2nd group interview I have to go attend at headquarters. But now that i think about it. I absolutely have none of their style of clothing. This would be my first job and im 17 in college, but since i was underage no job no money I'd always have to buy clothes, wherever store my mother happened to be in. Now, when i walk into the store, I feel so out of place, because i dont have that same style whatsoever or no clothes of the sort. I feel like i wouldn't belong their, an out of place. I want to work so badly, an i think i screwed up during the interview when i told the employee i wasnt familiar with some of their brand of clothes in the store. But yet i got a 2nd interview. I actually feel like the 2nd interview is just idk, some way of telling me that i didn't get the job. An even if i do wonderfully on the 2nd one. I just feel so out of place. 2 of my friends work their. I can socialize with customers etc. Idk, if its anxiety or what. If i worked their i wouldnt even know what to wear to work.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Would you (Hypothetically) purchase this car?

    I wanted to purchase a mustang, an overall the price was reasonable, but as for the mileage i was a bit concerned, as its 178K. I know sometimes, that mileage doesn't play a major factor, if the owner has taken great care of the car.

    From looking at the pictures, its looks well kept, an its said to be in excellent. I just dont know. This would be my first car, an I really have my eyes set on this one.

    An if not, is this car in particular, a better choice? I havn't chosen this one because its over budget.

    7 AnswersBuying & Selling7 years ago
  • Driving License HELP?

    I got my driving license recently, Im 17 years old, so i have to wait for a court date or whatever in the mail, in order to get the hard copy ID. But the thing is that im trying to apply to this job before the position is taken, an I need, no exception, the ID. Is their some way to get it faster, rather than just wait , its really important to me, to get this job,because it would have completely defeated the purpose of me paying so much money to take behind the wheel, when i couldv just gotten it for less an waited till i was 18. So is there anything i can do to get an immediate court date or what. *Chesapeake, Virginia*

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration7 years ago
  • Is their a faster way to get driver's license. (Hard Copy)?

    I've recently passed my road test an acquired my Temporary Driver's License. I wanted to apply to this job, an they said they needed a hard copy ID. I don't know how long it would take to get a court notice, to acquire my ID. Is their anything at all that I can do to get it, because I really, an desperately want to get this position at this job???

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration7 years ago
  • Applying for a Job, quick question. *Virginia?

    I'm 17 and want to apply to this job, however it requires one to have their drivers license in order to work there. I have my ID Driver's permit, an i passed behind the wheel, an got my Temporary Driver's License today, paper form not ID. Do I have to wait for my ID to come in the mail, or can I still go apply for the job. Because i know, the temporary license doesnt count as a form of identification. I'm sorry I hope I made sense.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • I dont know what I want to major in College?

    Ok I dont know what I want to major in so i was hoping that someone could give me a general idea based on my given characteristics. I love the world of fiction and anything of the artsy type. I dont know how to describe it but I love doing things that make me feel important or as if I am what either makes it or breaks it. Theres this artsy thing about my character where i wish to feel like im in power or have this aristocratic behavior. If I could sketch or draw I would want to become an animator or something but apparently im not good at that. I remember at one time I wanted to become a well known author but honestly I will need to get a job that makes alot of money. Im really confused and this post probably doesnt make sense, could someone help clear this up for me a pinpoint what would be a good major for me to go into. Because i have to decide quickly

  • Apartment Search help *Virginia?

    This is very important. Is their an apartment located in Virginia beach that can be rented for one month and comes *with* a agreement lease. A price at or below 300. Im not asking for a hotel or nothing of the sort. An APARTMENT that comes with a one month LEASE! Thank you for taking out your time.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Temporary guardianship to a close friend, How to get signed by judge.?

    Im going out of town for awhile due to family purposes and i want to give temporary guardianship to one of my closest friends due to not having any family in the area. But I need to get my son enrolled in this school for the summer an following school year, in this nearby district before I go. But in order to do that I read that you need to have the temporary guardianship form signed by a judge in order to do so, or the school wont accept it. HELP PLEASE this is urgent. I dont have alot of time. Thank you. This is the state of Virginia

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • How should I react to people?

    Ok i have friends and im a very kind hearted 15 year old boy and it takes alot to make me mad. But Im to the point where im about to snap on people. I mean others act as if they can talk to me in any kind of way but i tend to ignore it. Or when people are mean to me i tend to shrug it off and pay no attention. I mean its like if someone tells me to shut up then im like uhmmm.. I dont say anything back because I find it akward yelling back at my friend or so and so. For example this kid at lunch questioned my sexuality the first time and I was like no im straight. And he asked it front of a girl i liked and that to me seemed like an embarrasment. The first time he asked i was nice and didnt get mad or anything but he keeps questioning me the following days to the point where im annoyed. I just want to really tell people to @#$@#$ off but not make me look bad. Im to passive, and when i think about it at the end of the day i want to punch myself because i didnt speak @#$#@ back to them. But the thing is I dont want to look like the bad person in front of everyone. I'm reaching my limit and the nice demeanor is about to deteriorate because I've had enough with people talking @#$#@$ about me. I dont do anything im a neutral figure really. Im just there. What should I do from now on. Im tired of people getting over me even my mom called me gullible etc.. Because im no ones child and ur not speakin **** to me anymore

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • School out of district?

    Making this short...kk family just moved hate school i have my personal and educational reason so i dont want smart #$#%^^ answers T_T i am so irritated i do not care for your personal opinion i want options. My old school is closer than the one i have to attend and i would easily just take my friend address or someone i know a re-register over there but the problem is that my old schools guidance knows me and my moms face all to well. Is there any other loophole or something that i can do to get back into that old school. I talked to like many school not paying that expensive fee they dont allow u to go to a school out-of district in this state. It real annoying. I need options now i dont want to here no personal opinion or ohhh u have to deal with change BS and im tired of hearing it i want results. Could my mom just sign on a lease on a apartment my friends mom already had. Because im going to fail at that school im at for a fact, then i miss my friends. The school that im at is under rennovation and its just retarded and ghetto i have to breathe in all that fumes of construction etc. I WANT MY OLD SCHOOL NOT ANOTHER IN THIS DISTRICT D:<. NOOO PERSONAL OPINIONS OPTIONS THANKS >:D

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education10 years ago
  • Help with class teacher...?

    Ok moved to a new area meaning new school yey..>_> ok im currently taking the course of chemistry,honors english 11, Algebra 2,an creative writing for my first semester. Im passing creative writing and english 11 well because of course its common sense really. Chemistry was hard for me at the beginning to the point i was failing but i brought my grade up so im fine in that course for now. But now im having a problem in Algebra 2. Im failing the course so far because i honestly do not have a good teacher for me. One that rarely shows out the work for the problems and when i ask him questions he doesnt explain it right for me to get an understanding. When he rarely writes out problems he just goes through the steps he doesnt pause he just does it and then explain im like wtf wait a min. Now unlike my old school we had A and B day while this school has semesters meaning that i have the same classes everyday ooooh fun T_T. I am currently failing the class with a low E and i know it. I told my teacher and he was like go do some of the online work he has for the class. I for one dont know how to get on his stupid site so i go onto kahn academy instead and i cant retain the information the next day and its really annoying because i hate failing nor will i start and 11th grade really counts and i know it. I've passed geometry an algebra 1 with high B's but i cant even make a d on a test let alone a quiz. Im given constant HW i do everyday and that doesnt help. I shouldnt have to go to a tutor because it is just an inconvenience for me i am not stupid at all honestly if i can pass chemistry algebra 1 an geometry what is the deal with his class. i would say about 4 people in his class are having the same problem as i am. AND ALSO sense i am new to the school i didnt know the deadline i could switch the course with another an retake it later on in the school year which was too late when i had realized this. Now my 2 friends who had relocated to a new area are going to the same school as i am and they say that they have a decent algebra 2 teacher and i want their teacher and i was wondering if i had a good enough reason to switch teachers or not,because i had asked my guidance chancellor could i switch and she was liken nooo but i could hold like a parent teacher conference. T_T no no no no no i dont need a teacher to sully my name saying to my mother that i should do this an that because i dont want to go to the principal tommorow with my mom and make a fool out of ourselves. Then to make things worse this retarded schools 1st quarter ends what next week im like WTF so im supposed to accept a E on my report card really now D:< that is honestly not fair to both my 2 friends and me. I know sometimes people have to deal with problems such as these but i always like to do something about it. I really think i would be able to learn alot more with a different teacher honestly. So i ask you all what should i do when well if my mom and i go to the principal tommorow...what should i say,,,what is a good enough reason to let me switch with my teachers or fix my schedule is some kind of way because really i never in my in my short life received an E on a report card. REAL:LY im a freakin honor roll student what the @#$%@,,,,SRRY XD

    2 AnswersTeaching10 years ago
  • SCHOOL RELATED plz help about teacher?

    Ok im taking honors english 10,creative writing, Alg 2, and chemistry. Ok i only have a problem with one class an that is Alg 2. I simply do not like the way my teacher teachers at all. He doesnt show out the steps to the equation and when he does i can not seem to understand the way he explains. Its like he talks it out barely showing enough on the overhead T__T. The way he explain equations/variables etc. i just cant understand an by the end of the bell i find myself spacing out into the great unknown day dreaming if u will. I take my academics seriously because at first i struggled with chemistry now i think i got it pegged down. But with my Alg 2 teacher no no no i cant learn in that class. Just today we took a quiz in class and i couldnt answer any questions whatsoever on that quiz i even overheard from some of my peers that they could only answer a few question like 4 or 5 out of what 15 or 20 question. Im sitting here staring at the sheet and i dont know what to do. not even how to set it up T__T. I literally feel like im having to learn this on my own. He just gives us HW like the HW is teaching me instead of him. I do not know what to do on the HW at all. He gives us practice quizes to do online but no thats not helping. In general i cant seem to concentrate in that class at all like im there but im not learning anything. >_> this is my 11th grade year and this is very important to me. I asked my chancellor could i switch teachers but with an annoyed face she was like no u cant but she could call a conference with my mom an teacher to see what can be done. NO NO NO i dont want him as my teacher i want a new one end of story. My English teacher told me if i were to bring my mother down to the school i could get her to get me out of that class an into a new one. Because 1 im new to that school an i didnt know i couldv tooken the class my next semester instead until the last minute. But then again i dont want to stop takin the class i want to finish it out this semester. THE THING IS WHAT SHOULD I DO BECAUSE AS OF NOW I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT IM FAILING AN THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE. even my alg 2 teach said were a little behind so hese been finding ways to bombard us with quizzes an go onto the next chapter this is all review by the way to soooooooo...yeah im not getting good understanding blah blah etc.

    3 AnswersTeaching10 years ago
  • What should I do for this project?

    We had to do a recycling factory project in chem class. I finished the writing portion but i need to be creative what could i make to represent the project because i wanted to do something out of the box something different not just some poster or business card or T shirt I was thinking of doing an origami factory to represent the project but idk how to make one...In general Any out of the box ideas i could possibly do : O

    1 AnswerHomework Help10 years ago
  • I like this girl but O_o idk what to do or if i should actually >_>.?

    Shese 16 and I'm 15 an 1/2. Shese middle eastern and im black/latino etc. and i really like her. She is just beautiful in all sense of the word >:D long curly jet black hair fair skin and dark eyes etc. along with her awesome personality an accent.Also has brains unlike some girls i've come to know. But the thing is that I just met her > . < nor do i know if she likes me or if shese allowed to like me because i know the different restrictions cultures have. She wears whatever she wants to school and we seat near eachother only because we are new to a different school in the 11th grade. Sense we dont know anyone else me an her along with this other girl sit together at lunch an talk. I like her very much and I know im not repulsive or anything I would just love to get to know her a little more without some other guy getting in the way or something of that nature. Could I please get some advice of what I should or should not do on the matter at hand because I have absolutely no idea how to go about this sadly > . <. Or am i just out of my league completely. Then if possible to even get the chance to go out with her how am i suppose to know if she like me or not cause i dont want to go up to her and ask her out when I barely even know her etc. :( OR AM I JUST FANTASIZING ABOUT WHAT CAN NEVER BE LOL.

  • Just moved into apartment.?

    Moved into a apartment and need to register for a school in the area but how are you suppose to register without a bill of some sorts to show the people.

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education10 years ago
  • Is this a possible way out?

    We currently just moved to a different city right near the border from my old one. And as such i had to attend a different school within my district because my old school had found out due to my big mouth. My mother and father do not live with eachother (seperated) so im currently living with my mother. I was wondering if my father were to rent an apartment in the vicinity of my old school and i went there to live with him would i be able to attend that school. Because my mother has custody of me but i was also wondering if she signed the lease on the apartment with my father would i be able to go back to my old school. BEcause i cannot stand the school i have to attend. Everything about it is jus nooooo nor will i go into detail its just bad T__T ok. Would this work before we start looking for a place to rent. And if it would work how would i register back into my old school because i know u have to provide a bill of some kind and proof of residence etc. how would u show them those documents when u just moved into an apartment documents such as a bill PLZ reply this is important i dont want your opinions just facts thank you ^__^

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education10 years ago
  • I feel isolated and lonely!!!?

    I have recently moved into a different city and have been forced due to school policy to attend a ghetto *** school which i point blank hate. The place is filled with nothing but hoodrats,annoying preppy girls, pregnant women etc. Not to mention the school is fill with retarded African Americans and i say this being one myself no offense theres nothing special or diverse about the school there no no i know or want to know aka associate with, I have no reason to talk to these kids at all nor do i intend to make friends with them. I wish i could keep attending the school i was previously at before i moved its was clean diverse different fun everyone i knew was there my best friends were there i did sports everything u could think of to Academy and clubs but now at this new school theres nothing. Not to mention i hate the neigborhood we moved to its jus filled with snobby kids i dont like. Then my mother snapped and threw my sister out the house the only person i talk to around here. I cant keep up conversations with my friends online via facebook because its just to hard im a kind of person i need to talk to u directly have fun. I cant drive im in the 11th grade its just uhhh. My mom and dad are divorced its just unbearable. I cannot switch zones from my school nor can i attend my old school because its out of district unless my dad rents an apartment but i never put my trust in him because he just says things he would do but doesnt live up to them. IM so lonely around here not to mention how i dont like hanging out alot with my mom because one shese strict and cannot stand ignorance. Its like say one thing wrong and she goes off i know shese stressed after my mom and dads seperation but still i cant handle this. I cant go to school and enjoy myself they dont even have the classes i want to take in the future or nothing i dont even want to live as of this moment not like im going to kill myself lmao T__T but still its just too much. I cant go to school and concentrate on my work with everything that has occured nor can i go back to my old school again unless i live in that district nor do they offer open enrollment. The school system already knows me to well after i tried every single way to stay in the school and they would be all over my case so thats why i need a stable place like an apartment its just to much and i cant <-----handle it and by i cant i mean it not some it will be alright cause its not I have not enjoyed my childhood with any drama in it ever sense elementary when my mom and dad seperated its been annoying and hard. Nor do i like the thought of leaving someone whether it be friends,family, etc. i just cant stand it when people leave it hurts and of course i get all sad and emotional but not for anyone to see that. plus it makes it worse cause im a boy a 15 year old boy in the 11th T__T i guess my mom was right i act to much like a whiny ****** ***** sometimes hmmmmmmm i bet no one will reply to this long *** message ahahaha hmm >__> i thought i would at least enjoy my highschool years hah. Im attending a new school my mom forced me to skip a grade so i have even less time im only going to be 16 when i graduate :( i can honestly say i havnt enjoyed my childhood there were a few instances but still not to the fullest.

    2 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Urgent please help!!! Out of District (VIRGINIA)?

    Family recently moved into Chesapeake Virginia.I was withdrawn from the school i attended at Virginia Beach after guidance found out that we moved. They checked the house and saw that we didnt live there anymore. School policy doesnt allow out of district students. Now I'm currently not registered within any school in both districts and school is about to start. Im an honor roll student and my mother doesnt like the school that im zoned for here in chesapeake at all T__T.....nor do they offer the classes i wish to attend in the future. This is hurting me both socially and educationally Is their any way,loophole,possibility,any official like the superintendent who could change this for me to keep attending the school I recently was in. PLZ help no one in my family is an official or teacher Im an 11th grader. Is their anything I could do. This is very important to me...plz anyone besides the school board i can talk to. PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PS: STATE OF VIRGINIA something that will help plz helppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education10 years ago