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To what extent do Atheists have a say in spirituality?
The individual that lacks evidence of deity.
The concept of Deity was created by man.
The individual calls himself atheists, not knowing he formulated a belief based on another mans interpretation of the unexplained or inconceivable.
Every account the individual hears of this deity, he quickly uses all he KNOWS about deity and soon becomes enslaved to an outside thinking that was never his to begin with, a mindset he was born with is now tainted by a knowing he thinks he knows.
All this from the courage to accept another mans word. It has now become his destiny and gives himself a category amongst the list of others, on which had no foundation to begin with. Merely a trap that an insane man created, all the individual had to do was state his belief or lack of evidence to believe before he was enslaved to his own thinking and unknowingly promoted a doctrine produced on insanity by insane men.
All this because of pride, now two insane beliefs are common in the world, one accepting the insanity the other rejecting it but promoting it by doing so.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoHow do Atheists and Religious people understand the world?
It seems to me, these factions aren't near anything close to progress nor understanding. It always has something to do with believing or not believing.
KNOWING, has never been a factor. They both usually result from lack of evidence on both parties, or lack of understanding and using a point of view as a barrier.
Not one of these parties have formulated a sound doctrine, to which it can not only be proven, but actually demonstrated. Both believe in their own concept or it would not hold value to the individual.
In the full picture it not only appears that both parties are at war with each other, this alone can be proved on R&S, but that the very foundation of both parties view point was created for the purpose to annihilate the other. There was never an open forum in which the enclosed information was given open thought, only dispute and fear mongering has been achieved.
How do Atheists and Religious people understand the world?
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoHow aware are Atheists and creationists?
It seems to me they're both on the same side of the fence. They both recognize the Idea of God. Whether one party denies it and the other agrees, THEY BOTH RECOGNIZE THE IDEA OF A HIGHER FUNCTION, thus making the concept all the more real.
The denial or acceptance doesn't change the fact there's an indisputable problem in cognition. We're not aware of the smallest cell in our body, but to an extent its aware or at least knows its function in our body.
Likewise who are we to say there is or isn't a God, let alone put our feet down on it reassuringly. How aware are the non believers that God with was given characteristics by man, defined by man and enforced by man. All along man has been battling himself. Atheists are using religious logic to re enforce their point of view. Not knowing the point of view they're denying was insane to begin with!!! Identifying with an insane mans God then proceeding to use the insane mans logic against him, not only that use his logic to create your own viewpoint.
How aware are humans of what's really going on, rather than identifying with another mans insanity?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoWhy is the psychology section so depressing?
I feel like we're a society of whiners and no one knows how to solve their problems. I try so hard to answer questions, the serious ones i answer swiftly and give them paragraphs and steps. On the other hand some are just..... Like Zck a is the only person i love to read his answers, they're so raw and "cruel" at the same time so meaningful. He literally bashes your soul to the ground, but people take it the wrong way. Like hold your horses before you write an essay on your feelings.
Like.. if someone can't be real with you on YA Then i really don't know. People make their problems so real, rather than stepping outside their own existence and viewing it by pure awareness.
3 AnswersPsychology7 years agoWhat are the effects religious belief before conquering yourself?
If a human were associated with a religion, before they truly mastered their emotions, thought patterns. What happens when a human hasn't mastered their insecurities and fully grounded themselves, before proclaiming religion.
I'm seeking point of views because whatever made me ask this question is of higher degree of that which decides when i hunger, when i sleep, how i feel. It seems to me there is a fine instrument at hand, but 90% of its function are programmed and conditioned by another human who was alive before me.
The deeper i reach the more i realize most of my unnatural functions are rampant and in the silence of my being i'm aware of thoughts that i would NEVER in a million years act on, so are they mine?, i also receive clarification as if i'm downloading something from somewhere. Sometimes it feels as I'm tapping into another part of something that knows everything.
4 AnswersSpecial Education7 years agoHow unreal is this life?
How unreal can we make life?, and perhaps go with the wind. Every man has a doctrine but, who's to choose? From birth under a spell, some dispel it from their mind and maintain sanity to perceive greater clarity.
The realness of one mans mind has manifested our world. How unreal are we living life at the moment? Is their greater knowledge we're not perceiving?
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoI can't wait till Atheists burn in hell?
Although I personally Don't believe in hell, according to most doctrines that's where they're headed or similar place with equal or greater pain and suffering. Some doctrines even say this place is eternal.Yikes :( Given these conclusions Why should an Atheist go anywhere heavenly.
If reality seems real in a dream until you wake up, i can't imagine what the being does, when it's not aware of its personalized projections. I feel Both creationists and Atheists are on the right track because they both stem from the imagination, and not true logic.
TRUE as in for all, not from human perception.
10 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years agoWhy shouldn't God exist?
God created everything, even before the big bang "it" was always there, eternal. Pure intelligence. Non anthropomorphic. Why shouldn't Religion personalize God and interpret the nature in their own tongue? What problems do Atheists have against these people.
To me it seems Atheists really just people using their imagination. If i remembered correctly didn't Atheists also have to tap into this imagination to become atheists. I can easily say i believe in God just as an atheists who denies it. So i don't understand why Atheists are upset. There's obviously a grander plan and the effect is the world we see today, wars, genocide etc.. What did atheists think, that such a vast God non anthropomorphic, would allow pure holy ness only? It's just sad because right now Atheists are only attacking religious beliefs. Rather than restoring sanity. There will be a time a Religion would create a barbaric doctrine and Atheists might have missed their chance in restoring sanity.
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoHave Atheists lost their mind along with their religious counterpart?
I don't understand Atheism anymore. I know many atheists came from religious backgrounds. The energy and power that comes from being a creationists and going Atheists really requires one to drop all their beliefs for some time. In other words experiencing beyond the conditioned mind. One of the hardest things to achieve in humanity because it requires you to experience beyond a limit someone else put on you or you put on yourself.
Breaking this barrier begs the question why not restore it in the minds of those who are in need of it, instead of attacking other beliefs, because attack brings one to a conditioned mind-state, far worse than religious control mechanism. I find it unimaginable once free, to continue down a path with the same conditioning only named differently. Belief and non belief still hinders a clear perception regardless of what you're denying or accepting. I find it sad and a waste of wisdom, it also paints a bad image on the people who claim sanity but yet still identify/communicate with insanity. The only truth is we exist and that's the only truth i can believe for now. Anything more or less really just begs the question who are Atheists and Creationists you trying to prove a point to? It's such a stupid battle of he imagination.
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoHow does God keep reproducing and why do humans relate through anthropomorphic concepts?
Big bangs after Big bangs or conceptual dwellings. Who gives God this kind of power? Why does God die right after these creations, but yet very alive through them.
People talk about God as if They already know to believe or not to believe, seldom do we find men who realize the realization of God when not believing, but that knowledge has been connoted negative, and spawned an anthropomorphic being. Men speak of God but not knowing what is, nor the meanings of Paradoxes and Cause & effect. Let alone the pure willingness to control their own thoughts & actions which ultimately contributes to societies downfalls as an effect, but yet have the audacity to contest a realm beyond comprehension, and create its laws from our perception, with mere attributes we unknowingly acquired from its function.
The greatest clue God could've given man of God's existence was man himself, because without man God would be all that is left, and without God all that is left is Man.
I can't comprehend the transition from Man to God, besides death. As God to man was displayed clearly to us through the big bang/ 0 manifesting. How does the cycle continue, and are there limits?
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoIf the big bang, therefore God?
The finite level of reality is characterized by creature life and time-space limitations. Finite realities may not have endings, but they always have beginnings, they are created. The Deity level of Supremacy may be conceived as a FUNCTION in relation to finite existences.
Shouldn't God be more of a realization that Man isn't Man, but something much more grander and unexplained. Whatever effect this world is going through obviously has a cause which we can't comprehend.
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoHave atheists lost part of their minds?
I've noticed Atheists don't have a strong sense of SELF, but yet that's how they became one. Its hard to explain but most questions i ask come from non projected unbiased point of view, but the replies by some are really just... conditioned you know.. The unconditioned self is what really makes a christian turn atheists but it seems at that point its just a mindset of selfishness and denial, in a non insulting way.
Has anyone noticed this, they seem to behave in a more we have this much wisdom lets keep it to ourselves but yet attack other beliefs. Which is contradictory to begin with. The very act of being sane is to spread that sanity not insanity by identifying with fault then proceeding to correct it. For example a mother telling her child there's not ghost yet pointing at it while shes trying to restore sanity. The mother should simply turn on the light, not identifying with the ghost but simply overlooking the insanity of her daughter by turning on the light or walking in the closet. You know tactics like this,
But i don't know. Its weird i'm not trying to belittle atheists i just think the mindset that made one turn atheists is very pure and powerful, it can restore sanity but yet once they reach this level they go back to old ways, feels like a waste of such wisdom to me.
4 AnswersPsychology7 years agoWhy haven't Atheists restored sanctity yet?
It seems to me these people are the closest to God. Any spiritual person would understand what i mean ^ Disregard it if you can't comprehend.
Anyways with such sanity in their minds, why haven't they restored the sanity in their brethren's mind. The kind of Logic, Thinking, and energy that made one an atheists is actually quite powerful, because most of the ones i've encountered came from religious background or a cult. They experienced beyond the condition mind and they became closer to sanity not fully sane but extremely close to it.
My question is if Religion is causing this much havoc why are the atheists adding more fuel to the fire rather than overlooking the insanity altogether then proceed to cleanse.
It seems like Atheists don't really lack evidence of god or don't believe in a Deity, but rather having doubts that a mind is properly functioning in a religion persons head and their occidental factions. The Deity has been contained regardless of being an Atheist or Religion, It's contained. So why even identify with it?
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoHas anyone experienced the witness? what did he or she tell you?
The witness is always there, it knows when you're happy or sad, it knows everything in your mind, to cut it short. Although we identify with our bodies, career, name, education. the witness is always there, unbiased and composed. It allows you to do as you please.
The danger is, that He/She is the only witness you have. He/She discerns illusions from the past and only lives in "Now" The beauty about the witness is that he/she can recognize himself. I want to know your experiences with the witness.
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoWhat tactics other than attack have atheist formulated to restore sanity to creationist?
It seems the majority of questions asked by Creationists or Atheists always result in some sort of attack. The irony is Atheists should've known better when dealing with these people, because Atheism itself overlooks God completely, no belief in deities due to lack of evidence.
Creationist are creators, they have everything ready to combat anyone who discredits their doctrine. Whether conditioned or made up on the spot. What i don't understand is why Atheists keep using the same strategy. Pointing out flaws at the idea or concept of God, because that act itself meant you've identified with something to a degree it's become real so you want to correct it. You've identified with something you told yourself to overlook regardless, and created a debate. Before you know it God became real to the Atheists but more especially to the Creationists because they're now aware you're aware of the idea of God. Before you realize not only did the Atheist fall for the trap hes now using it as the basis of his notion, which becomes futile, all measure to restore sanity has been lost and the Creationist now gained stronger faith.
I'm just wondering if there any strategies Atheists have used other than attack and identifying with something that isn't real and proceeding to using that insane logic to correct the insanity in the person.
1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years agoWhat tactics other than attack have atheist formulated to restore sanity to creationist?
It seems the majority of questions asked by Creationists or Atheists always result in some sort of attack. The irony is Atheists should've known better when dealing with these people, because Atheism itself overlooks God completely, no belief in deities due to lack of evidence.
Creationist are creators, they have everything ready to combat anyone who discredits their doctrine. Whether conditioned or made up on the spot. What i don't understand is why Atheists keep using the same strategy. Pointing out flaws at the idea or concept of God, because that act itself meant you've identified with something to a degree it's become real so you want to correct it. You've identified with something you told yourself to overlook regardless, and created a debate. Before you know it God became real to the Atheists but more especially to the Creationists because they're now aware you're aware of the idea of God. Before you realize not only did the Atheist fall for the trap hes now using it as the basis of his notion, which becomes futile, all measure to restore sanity has been lost and the Creationist now gained stronger faith.
I'm just wondering if there any strategies Atheists have used other than attack and identifying with something that isn't real and proceeding to using that insane logic to correct the insanity in the person.
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoHas anyone experienced beyond the conditioned mind?
To me it seems Atheists and Creationist go by a script, rather than just experiencing. The two seem to combat it each other, but Atheists give creationists life by identifying with their insane logic, then proceeding to correct them with it. Which only results in an insane conclusion, a battle of who's imagination is more real, because that is the realm they both agreed on regardless of conclusion.
To get the point, has any experienced beyond their own belief or mindset? What i mean is, has anyone questioned their own thoughts to an extent you reached a more profound conclusion. One that didn't try to correct or change anything or find flaws in other peoples belief. Something that credits rather than discredits.
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoHow should an Atheist be one?
As a Christian, i often ask, how did we end up in this state. There are too many sub factions that the gospel became doctrine. The hierarchy has been established and meanings became loosely fabricated. At the same time Atheists seem to be the ones that enforce these behavior.
I have never met an atheist that simply was. A debate between a christian and Atheists. God always sparked raged and anger, but by identifying with God and using his arguments against him, God became real. Rather than overlooking God altogether, which is what atheism is. The atheist fell for the trap the moment he started attacking the christian, As i observed they were merely combating whos imagination was more real.
This is where the fault really lies. Correcting beliefs rather than restoring sanity. As a christian i was stunned at this point. Neither of them made sense but one of them was real.
Why didn't the atheist simply overlook God, then proceed to restoring the sanity? Mind you this atheist is the smartest person i know, he could've easily opened this Religious Christians eyes,but even he fell victim to realness. I didn't point out errors in their arguments because the argument from the beginning was already insane. The moment my friend started to identify with God he was finished, because no one won, what insane ending to identify with an insane person. Why wasn't he being an atheist?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoHow did Atheist stoop to the level of creationist?
I can prove God. That statement alone will receive attack. When i receive the attack it's because I've felt you've identified with God and tried to deny his/Its existence. That in itself contradicts everything, but yet 90% of Atheist seem to play this game well. The other 10% are simply restoring sanity and performing miracles.
How can such insane conclusions be reached if not the foundation of the conclusion was insane to begin with. This is a game no one wins. Literally all this is, is battle of the imaginations. Atheism is atheism, but when it identifies with God and then uses it as an attack towards Christianity That in itself is contradictory, but it also makes the belief all the more real for the christian. I've said it before, Christians and Atheist are far from reality but one of them is real. Attack is merely finding fault and trying to equalize, what an insane mindset for atheist. Why then enter the realm of God, when your belief is to over look it.
The atheist I've come across make God real rather than overlooking altogether, which truly is what atheism is. Battle of the imaginations make no sense, because it's not real, its insane. So why stoop to this level? Why not ignore the aspect of attack and simply restore sanity.
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoHow did God become so real? My Christian Point of VIEW?
I've witnessed it here. The moment i mention God, creationist defend and Atheist condemn its notion from any angle, especially realizing they've also made it real, denying God or Lack of evidence. You made something real the moment you attack or troll creationist. That attack itself manifests a different realm for Christianity, it proves their point because they're aware you're aware of the idea. But this idea is false and also at fault.
Attacking the flaws of religion proves it right. Regardless of whether the actions taken from the bible or modern day Christians is/were morally right or wrong, The act of ATTACKING it, THAT MAKES IT REAL. This is why i always say Atheism and Christianity are far from the truth, but only one of them is real. Real Atheist do not identify with God altogether, but is see that from so many Immature atheist here. This isn't the R&S i remembered 6 years ago when i was 15, Not one person has asked a question that challenged both views since I've returned last night.
The point of an atheist is to restore sanity to their Religious brethren. They're insane and you're sane. Attacking them proves their insanity real and identifies with whatever they believe in. It also proves it's real for you even though there is lack of evidence simply pointing at it then saying no is contradictory. You must overlook altogether, to restore sanity. You can't tell my sheepish brethren there is no ghost but at the same time point at it while denying its existence.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago