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  • What does this sentence mean?

    What does the following setence mean in plain english: 'You will derive exquisite pleasure in the study of creation and the proper placing of selfish pleasures.' Thanks :)

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Documents To Go problem (blackberry app)?

    I have a BB 9360 and I use the Documents To Go app a lot. But everytime I change something on some of my files and save it, a pop up will come that says 'This file is currently in use'. I don't really understand coz when I exit the file after editing it the app asks me if I want to save any changes then I say click yes. Then it does the saving but the pop up comes. Its so annoying please help.

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds8 years ago
  • Problem with my right ear?

    listen to music a lot on my earphones but I don't think this could be the cause coz I've have been listening 2 it a lot of times. When I was eat chips today I noticed that I could only ear the crunching in my left ear and partially in my right. I also hear that sound u your hear when u block it the ur index finger but I'm not even blocking it. I didn't have a flu or anything. Please help

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • What does this sentence mean?

    What does this sentence mean, 'You are soon to have promising news from the absent.'

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Do I have a brain tumor?

    When I feel the headache coming then drink a glass of water then just relax. Then I get fine then later I feel it coming again then drink another glass then go do a task. Then when I'm done I have this huge headache then I just rest in my bed then it slowly goes away. Whenever I do a task like run or play then it come back then I have to rest again. Are these one of the symptoms of a brain tumor? I know it may be a migraine but can they be cause by brain tumors? Do I posibly have a brain tumor?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • Will there be enough space for Sims3?

    I'm planning on buying Sims 3 Late Night, Generations and Sims3 seasons. I currently have 126 gb left of my computer. Will that be enough?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Am I gay or am I not?

    I'm a guy. I'm not the toughest guy around. I have sharp canines which I think make me look gay but I like them. I also am attracted to women, a few crushes I've had on them. But when I see a good looking male, I actually say in my mind "Cool, he looks good". Then from then I feel I want to be their friend or just get to know them (I actually start liking them abit). When the guy walks by I don't feel anything. I don't have any sexual attraction. But it just worries me because my mind complements on their appearance and I waana know if is that gay? I have no further feelings for guys. You're suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

  • What should I do in ths awkward situation?

    I have a girlfriend, her names Karmin. I love her very much, I'm very close with her, even sometimes lie in bed with her. I'm 14 now and I'm loving life. I also have my best friend Andrew, which I'm very close with. We know almost everything about each other and we talk non-stop just like my gf. On Saturday, I invited him to my house. We played Xbox, PSP, ate junk drank frizzzy drinks, took pics and had so much fun. Then late at midnight, we were gonna sleep, we took out our phones starting talking on bbm with other friends. Then I said I'm tired beyond belief then he said you not the only one then we had a good laugh. Then I rested my head on my pillow with my left arm on the bed in front of my face. I closed my eyes then I felt his hand rest on mine. I looked at him, he looked at me. We gazed into each others eyes. Then I said good night then he said goodnight back. Then I woke up with my hand on his back and his on mine. I really dunno what to do? I know both of us aren't gay but its just we so close. Should we talk bout it? If so how?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What should I do in this awkward situation?

    I have a girlfriend, her names Karmin. I love her very much, I'm very close with her, even sometimes lie in bed with her. I'm 14 now and I'm loving life. I also have my best friend Andrew, which I'm very close with. We know almost everything about each other and we talk non-stop just like my gf. On Saturday, I invited him to my house. We played Xbox, PSP, ate junk drank frizzzy drinks, took pics and had so much fun. Then late at midnight, we were gonna sleep, we took out our phones starting talking on bbm with other friends. Then I said I'm tired beyond belief then he said you not the only one then we had a good laugh. Then I rested my head on my pillow with my left arm on the bed in front of my face. I closed my eyes then I felt his hand rest on mine. I looked at him, he looked at me. We gazed into each others eyes. Then I said good night then he said goodnight back. Then I woke up with my hand on his back and his on mine. I really dunno what to do? I know both of us aren't gay but its just we so close. Should we talk bout it? If so how?

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Why do I like white girls?

    I'm not trying to be mean or anything. I'm a mixture of African and Italian. I really like white girls and I look at pics of them on dp's and they look beautiful. Yes, I will say a black girl is beautiful but I won't like her. But some black girls like me and when they find out I like white girls more, they get offended n stuff. I don't want to hurt them, I care for all races but some pure-african boys and girls judge me and I don't like it. I saw a white girl from another school and I was blown away. I saw her the beggining of last year and still remember her and dreamed about her. I'm very caring but I just wanna know. Is it because I'm a mixture of African and Italian? Your suggestions will be of huge help.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • French kissing, please help?

    Those of you who have french kissed before, was it awkward the first time? I want to be prepared when the moment comes becuase I've never done it before. Does it just come naturally? Your advice will be of a huge help.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • My friend passed, why am thinking of him now only?

    My friend, Josh passed away about when about when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. My father wanted us to he's boss' son which was Josh. Then we went to go visit by their house and I met Josh. We spoke about dogs and his toys,, I even played with some dinosaur toy, coz he was a way wealthier than us. We had really awesome kiddy boy chat then we definetly became friends, he was a lil older than us. In that year, he had cancer and had a few months to live in which my dad wanted us to meet him which ment a lot to his boss. A few weeks later my dad told me he passed, I didn't wanna make like I remembered him coz I didn't wanna believe it but my dad knew that I remembered. A few mins later I did and accepted it but I think I did cry a lil and get sad. Now I am in 8th grade, constantly I think of him. I think of how much of good friends we would be. I feel a lil bad that I'm only thinking of him now. I even dreamt of this boy wanting to be my friend and asking questions about me in which I found really nice.I really miss him. I wanna communicate with him. Why am I only thinking of him now?

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • Friend passed, please help? (10points)?

    My friend, Josh passed away about when about when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. My father wanted us to he's boss' son which was Josh. Then we went to go visit by their house and I met Josh. We spoke about dogs and his toys,, I even played with some dinosaur toy, coz he was a way wealthier than us. We had really awesome kiddy boy chat then we definetly became friends, he was a lil older than us. In that year, he had cancer and had a few months to live in which my dad wanted us to meet him which ment a lot to his boss. A few weeks later my dad told me he passed, I didn't wanna make like I remembered him coz I didn't wanna believe it but my dad knew that I remembered. A few mins later I did and accepted it but I think I did cry a lil and get sad. Now I am in 8th grade, constantly I think of him. I think of how much of good friends we would be. I feel a lil bad that I'm only thinking of him now. I even dreamt of this boy wanting to be my friend and asking questions about me in which I found really nice.I really miss him. I wanna communicate with him. Why am I only thinking of him now?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Why am I losing my groin hair?

    g my groin hair?

    Everytime I go to the toilet I pull my hair and a hole punch comes out. I have black curly groin hair and I'm a male. I also leak after I've gone to the toilet why??. I also have this thing floating in my vision. Its like strings. I know they are called floaters but can they do something to my eyes? I mostly wanna know why I'm losing my groin hair?

    2 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago
  • Why is Yahoo like this?

    Everytime I give someone best answer and submit it goes back to the question allowing me to choose best answer?? Why?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products8 years ago
  • Why do I feel like this?

    It's my birthday today, many people wished me which made me happy but just something is missing. My presents. My friend gave me his other game which requires an internet connection to play which I don't have at the moment. I wanted to get headphones and three sims 3 expansion packs on my b-day but I couldn't coz my mother said she'll buy it for me on 20 September. Now I'm really sad because I never wanted my birthday to be boring. I wanted it to be fulled with exitement those games would give me. Now I want to know, if it is the right way to act because honestly I understand that my mom can't buy it now but I really wanted it ON my b-day :( would u be sad if this happened to u? Ur suggestions will be great! :D thanks :)

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Should I ask my mom for something for my 14th birthday?

    My birthday is on September the 6th. I'm pretty nervous to ask for something because my mother was moaning about money problems a few days ago and I don't want to put her in an awkward situation. But now I'm confused because today it's the 1st September and she said "Whoop whoop my twins birthdays coming up!!!". She sounds excited so should I ask or..shouldn't I? My twin n I want The Sims 3 Late, Sims 3 Generations, Sims 3 Seasons and headphones for both of us. I am one of twins and last year my mother bought me a BB 9360 n my twin a BB 9300 3G. Don't worry coz those were the phones we wanted. I wanna be happy on my b-day. Should I ask or..? Your thoughts would be great, best answer will also be chosen by me ;) Have a great day :)

    3 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Must I ignore my friend any longer?

    I was ignoring him because he said another friend replaced me with him and to me, it wasn't bout replacing of friends or anything. He was telling me what a bad friend I am and he would get out of my life n stuff. That really hurt me. And now he's been msging me saying if I'm gonna STILL ignore him. Then he said I must stop being childish. He did send a msg earlier on in which I couldn't respond to coz I was busy. I read the msg but couldn't respond so he thinks I ignored him. Now he msged me again saying "hey" now I don't know if I should ignore him any longer. Your opinons would be appreciated :)

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • What must I do with this bird?

    We have a little tree in our front yard and this bird keeps coming in and out of the tree. I tried to scare it away but it just flew on my roof and waited for me to go away. Is it making a nest? I don't want to scare the bird or anything but the tree is right next to my mailbox and I don't want to have a problem when I get my mail. Should I just leave it there or should I scare it away. If so, how must I scare it away?

    2 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • Am I a mixture of African and Italian?

    My great grandma was a full Italian then she married an half African guy who was half Italian with the surname of Banzi. Then they had my grandma who had my dad. Then my dad married my mom who had me n my twin brother. Suggestions will be appriciated! :). Have a good day! :)

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago