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senior citizen
Are Roth IRA stock tradin commissions tax-deductible?
7 AnswersUnited States2 years agoStill think George W. Bush gets his money from "Big Oil"?
Bush held a wide range of assets, including $2.95 million to $5.75 million in U.S. treasuries, his Texas ranch worth between $1 million to $5 million, a $844,000 stake in a tree farm and $123,715 in the GWB Rangers Corp -- the assets from when he was a co-owner of the Texas Rangers (Rueters, 5/15/08).
16 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoJohn McCain's "market based solutions to global warming"?
Isn't that just good common sense?
Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens, incidentally a Republican, just ordered 667 wind turbines ($2 billion dollars worth) from General Electric. He plans to have 2700 of them operating by 2011, the biggest field of wind turbines in the world, enough to power a million homes.
6 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade agoWhere does "Big Oil" go next to look for oil?
While our liberal Congress conducts kangaroo court over tax relief for oil exploration, tells us that the Russian Minister of Finance proposes new tax breaks for oil and gas exploration and production in Russia. American oil companies are more than welcome to help, along with anyone else who cares to do so. Add two new words to your vocabulary: Lukoil and Gazprom.
2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoDid Saddam deliberately INVITE the second U.S. invasion of Iraq?
Remember, old drums of chemical and biological WMD's were allowed to be seen and photographed, and trucks were allowed to be seen loading up "something" and leaving for Syria.
Saddam was known to be the "buffer" nation for the middle east against aggression by his enemy Iran. Did he FOOL the entire U.S. (Democrats as well as Republicans) into invading his country so that Iraq COULDN'T? As a secular leader, he HAD to prefer an American occupation to a likely war with Iran. The first American invasion (Desert Storm) didn't bother him or his regime at all, it just pushed back his military forces to Baghdad and left him to recouip and reimpose his power across the nation after we left..
4 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoDo you believe there were more than FOUR targets planned for 9/11?
In forty years or so, when the "Top Secret" classification comes off, you may learn that terrorist hijackers aborted several more attempts, and never boarded their planes.
Any guesses what the planned targets were?
I may come back with a hint but remember, It's still classified, so you get no "links".
8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoMORE corruption? What do you think?
FBI has just charged Anibal Vida, the elected Democrat Governor of Puerto Rico and collaborator in Barack Obama's election campaign, with 19 counts of campaign financial corruption and violation of U.S. federal elections laws. Isn't ANYONE clean? See reports on the Internet under "Anibal Vida".
12 AnswersElections1 decade agoFord says "Tata" to Jaguar and Land Rover?
The socialized Brits couldn't keep these firms alive and got rid of them years ago when Ford was still making a profit. Now the unions have killed Ford in the U.S., so Jag and Land Rover are bought up by Tata Corporation of India, where they still WORK for a living?
6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoTrouble ahead?
By MARTIN CRUTSINGER, AP Economics Writer, 3/25/08
WASHINGTON - Trustees warned Tuesday that Social Security and Medicare are facing "enormous challenges.
They said the resources in the Social Security trust fund will be depleted by 2041. The reserves in the Medicare fund that pays hospital benefits were projected to be wiped out by 2019. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, one of the trustees, warned that "Without change, rising costs will drive government spending to unprecedented levels, consume nearly all projected federal revenues and threaten America's future prosperity," Paulson said in releasing the new report. "Our nation needs a bipartisan effort to strengthen both programs for future retirees."
President Bush, who wanted to make overhauling Social Security his top domestic priority in his second term, tapped Paulson to lead that effort, but Paulson has been unable to forge a consensus with Democrats in control of Congress.
3 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoNow we find that Saddam really DID have major ties to radical Muslim terrorists?
Ken Timmerman report 3/18/08 (, supported by reputable international defense analysis organization that works directly for the Department of Defense.
10 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoNEW Democrat Governor of New York AND his wife already admit to extrmarital affairs?
Wow, can the Democrats pick them or what? This appeared in the Daily News, and no doubt will be repeated elsewhere.
3 AnswersElections1 decade agoIs prostitution supporting terrorism?
Federal surveillance of an international prostitution ring (which incidentally caught Governor Eliot Spitzer in the act) was surely being conducted for a more serious reason. The ring operated in New York, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, Miami, also LONDON and PARIS, both havens to both good and bad Muslims. Good chance the money was going overseas? And for what purpose?
10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoIs prostitution supporting terrorism?
Federal surveillance of an international prostitution ring (which incidentally caught Governor Eliot Spitzer in the act) was surely being conducted for a more serious reason. The ring operated in New York, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, Miami, also LONDON and PARIS, both havens to both good and bad Muslims. Good chance the money was going overseas? And for what purpose?
3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoIs prostitution supporting terrorism?
Federal surveillance of an international prostitution ring (which incidentally caught Governor Eliot Spitzer in the act) was surely being conducted for a more serious reason. The ring operated in New York, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, Miami, also LONDON and PARIS, both havens to both good and bad Muslims. Good chance the money was going overseas? And for what purpose?
2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoEliot Spitzers' money went to an INTERNATIONAL prostitution ring. Any ideas where it goes from there?
Possible suggestions (YOU choose):
#1 - Al Qaeda
#2 - Hamas
#3 - The Taliban
#4 - Some OTHER international terrorist organization
#5 - Columbian or other Drug Lords worldwide.
#6 - Any one of the "Mafia"-type organizations worldwide.
#7 - Somebody that doesn't like America. Venezuela?
3 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoEliot Spitzers' money went to an INTERNATIONAL prostitution ring. Any ideas where it goes from there?
Possible suggestions (YOU choose):
#1 - Al Qaeda
#2 - Hamas
#3 - The Taliban
#4 - Some OTHER international terrorist organization
#5 - Columbian or other Drug Lords worldwide.
#6 - Any one of the "Mafia"-type organizations worldwide.
#7 - Somebody that doesn't like America. Venezuela?
4 AnswersInternational Organizations1 decade agoHeavens! "Mr. Clean" (Governor Elliott Spitzer, D-NY) involved in prostitution?
Recently reported by the Los Angeles Times.
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoIs it time to recruit General Colin Powell for V.P. with John McCain?
Highly decorated war hero. Moderate conservative. Former Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Masters degree in Business Administration. Moderate major religion (Episcopalian). He could obviously step into the Presidency and, yes, we even noticed that he's Afro-American. A winner for EVERY American, regardless of party affiliation.
5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoIsn't it time to stop ranting about Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul?
They're not going to win the Presidency.
9 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoSomebody trying to harass law-abiding gun owners again?
Read on the Internet: Missouri Senate Bill SB1200, proposed by Senator Joan Bray (D-MO) would ban sale of any "uncoded" firearms ammunition by 2009 and possession by 2011. The bill would require registration and a storage database for every sale, including buyer's name, birthdate, ammo serial number, and date of sale. Every cartridge (even .22 rimfire) would have be stamped or etched with a serial number. Cost to establish and maintain the database would be borne by the purchaser in the form of a new "ammunition tax".
"Uncoded" military surplus ammo could not be sold after 2008. Target shooters and reloaders commonly buy surplus ammo up to 50 years old or more to keep their hobbies affordable.
Reloaders couldn't re-use empty cartridge cases because the "coding" would be deleted by repeated firing.
Criminals would jusr file off the numbers or get a distant "straw party" to buy ammunition for them, just as they do now with the firearms themselves. NOTHING GAINED.
11 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago