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  • Will Marcus Smart be a top PG in the NBA?

    Personally I have watched him play many games and we all know he lost his cool that one day and he seems to be even better now after his suspension.

    He is an all round threat (assists/rebounds/steals/blocks/points) as long as he can keep his attitude in check I see him being one of the top PG's in the NBA in a few years

    3 AnswersBasketball7 years ago
  • Why do people keep hating on WM 30?

    We have a Triple Threat match which will most likely be much better then people expect seeing how either HHH or Bryan will be in the match (we all know Bryan makes anyone good) but what people need to understand is HHH has not been in the Ring in a while and will over perform as he always does making it a good match.

    Bryan vs HHH (i heard something about Bryan being hurt?) what ever until I see WWE make the changes this match is on and will be insane you have to be stupid to think otherwise. Most likely match of the night

    Understaker vs Lesnar (fans love taker) I think this match will be boring but whatever fans love taker

    Bray Wyatt vs Cena (cena has been performing better lately) I can't wait to see this match wow I have not said that about Cena since he faught Punk in Chicago at MITB. Bray Wyatt is great so expect a good match especially since Wyatt will win, we all know Cena does not go down easy especially when he said he is fighting for his legacy.

    The Battle Royal (in honor of Andre the Giant) people seem to be overlooking this, this is gonna be a traditional match so WWE needs to make it interesting. Expect some suprises maybe a return or 2 and expect Kofi to pull some crazy crap.

    The shield (everyone says triple threat match) maybe if they're forced into a match vs eachother because of the way they have been rebeling... But once again it seems fans are wrong and the shield is turning face so I do not know what the shield is doing at WM.

    7 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • Should the Big Show win the Rumble at WM30?

    Personally I can't think of anyone better to have win.... Big men rarely ever win Rumbles especially now a days when in reality they would win, we know it is fake though and I understand rumbles are meant to push people (sadly they chose Batista this year).

    This is the first ever Rumble honoring Andre the Giant and I really think there is no man who should win other then Big Show. He is not as big as Andre was but he is still freaking huge and has done a lot for the business. I think he deserves to win the first ever Battle Royal honoring Andre the Giant.

    9 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • I need APT insurance.. Who is the best?

    Just found out I need apartment insurance before I get the keys at my new place April 1st.. Wondering who is the best I have been looking into Cibc and TD bank quotes but that is all so far.

    3 AnswersInsurance7 years ago
  • Why do people want Taker to never lose at WM?

    I personally would like to see the streak live on... The Undertaker cannot go on forever though

    I would like to see him lose or keep the streak I don't mind either way I just think they could make the streak live on, the only way to do so is have someone replace The Undertaker and I don't mean take his name and try and replace him literally. I think having Bray Wyatt beat Cena and then next year beat The Undertaker is a great idea this way he can continue the streak by having his own streak. It would only be at 2 after beating Taker but that is a good start he is very young and could go to 20 as well if healthy.

    Whatever I just don't know why people want the streak to not end, why not push a young superstar. I guess The Undertakers name may lose crediblillity without staying undefeated.

    2 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • Why do you complain about spoilers?

    I understand if it happens randomly it can be annoying...

    But this is a wrestling section meant to answer questions and during live shows obviously people wanna talk about it. You know you will see spoilers here so it is your fault, might as well just go to and complain lol.

    I just don't get it you see spoilers because of you it is your fault so why get mad... Whats next you gonna follow WWE on facebook and get mad when they spoil things?

    4 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • Should Bray Wyatt beat Taker at WM31?

    I know most likely Taker will retire undefeated at WM that is not the point here though.

    If someone was to beat The UnderTaker would Bray Wyatt be the best choice?

    Personally I think there is no better choice Bray Wyatt plays the role amazing and is very young this would be the push his career really needs. The deadman vs the Reaper seems like best for business and damn the storyline leading to WM would be awesome.

    Either way just a thought

    8 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • How good is Damian Lillard?

    Honestly this guy if you watch him just looks like one of the greats all ready in his 2nd season.

    Do you think he is the next big thing? Honestly looking at him play I do not see why he could not put up 28+ per game right now the only reason is Portland has such a full team he does not need to do everything alone and he still is averaging 20+ and seems to be in a good spot to win a title seriously 3 Originals and one in mathews pretty much an original he only played one year in utah

    BQ: Do you think Portland will win a title in the next 3 years?

    -we have Batum,Aldridge,Lillard who are all Originals and all beast players we have Mathews and Lopez who are 2 more young players who are doing nothing but get better in Portland.

    -Clearly these 5 players have created a bond and the fans are eating it up and I am loving it I have been a fan since Brandon Roy came into town so I do not know what it is like for fans who lived watched the Jail Blazers and how happy you must be. I think Portland will win the west next year and possibly even this year it is still possible and I truely believe we win a title in the next 3 years.

    9 AnswersBasketball7 years ago
  • Why Miami Heat Won't 3peat?

    Right now we have 7 teams with 40+ wins and 4 teams with 32+ wins this means there are many teams that could beat Miami.

    We all know Miami only has to play 2 teams but that is not entirely true with the emergence of Toronto maybe they could sting Miami abit and make their trip to the finals harder that is if Miami plays Toronto and Indiana two teams who play hard and tough defense will bang any team up making the finals all that much harder versus who knows.

    Miami's 3peat is gonna be tough I do not see it happening

    9 AnswersBasketball7 years ago
  • John cena injured? New WM Card?

    Are we going to now see Wyatts vs The shield in a TLC match? Or some crazy match

    6 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • Did Dean Ambrose get hurt?

    When he and bray wyatt went over the barricade they botched it and he went into the barricade hard and awkwardly into his ribs...

    They faught swinging for a second then cut out and we did not see Dean again so my question is do you think he got hurt? And hopefully not bad if he did

    3 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • Cena Vs Orton Vs Batista WM 30?

    I am done questioning it... It is almost 100%

    Cena needs a match really you think if this was not gonna happen WWE wouldn't have something for him? Unless WWE throws in a twis and has Cena vs Taker instead of Lesnar vs Taker

    I think Cena vs Batista vs Orton is best for business and really Batista vs Orton or Batista vs Cena will be boring so why not add a twist in and have two of Batistas biggest rivals from the past face him at WM 30

    9 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • Why do people care about Hulk Hogan?

    I understand his past he is one of the greatest of all time but thats done... His time in TNA was a joke yet people love to just see him?

    The undertaker is coming to Raw this week and then I hear Hulk Hogan as well and I think awwwwww.... If we have Hulk come in and Confront taker in anyways then Takers Return is ruined by boring Hulkster

    10 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • Ambrose being pushed?

    Everyone keeps saying Reigns is being pushed.... We all know this lol but it seems being a face and being pushed gets you no where now a days look a Bryan how is he not the Champ??

    I think Ambrose and Reigns are being pushed and if you watched their interview on Raw Reigns and Ambrose just starred at eachother with hate in their eyes so WWE is most likely gonna have Reigns vs Ambrose and I bet Reigns wins because he is face...

    My point of all of this is Ambrose and Reigns are both being pushed... But I bet Ambrose gets the bigger push because he is Heel.

    1 AnswerWrestling7 years ago
  • Is John Cena finally getting better?

    WWE usually makes Cena matches boring predictable and really just slow..

    Lately Cena has been pushing the bars up imo atleasg his match vs Orton was better then his two PPV matches vs Orton his match vs Cesaro was great.

    I have never been a Cena fan but if he continues to put on good matches I might stop skipping his air time.

    7 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • When will CM Punk return guesses?

    We have heard many reasons why he has left and honestly who the hell knows.. CM punk may have walked out because hes sick of the way things are going the fans have been cheering CM Punk to let WWE know they want Punk back. WWE needs to get Punk back before March when they go to Chicago, the fans will destroy the show with Punk chants and that is the road the WM so WWE needs Raw to be good.

    My guess is Punk returns soon

    11 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • Mae Young the Greatest of all time?

    I mean woman and men I know Ric Flair is up there and so are many other amazing Hall of Famers.

    Mae Young had an amazing Career and to be honest at the age she was being powerbombed off a stage through a table really really really seriously really the ****? She is the craziest WWE fan ever she is the Best to ever be part of the WWE the love she had for it she would have died for it

    6 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • Would you all stop hating of WWE got rid of PG?

    Everyone keeps hating on WWE for one thing or another.. Really how can you hate on Wrestlers with this PG rating they're very limited and that goes for storywriters too

    The Authority Sucks... Honestly if this was not PG they would be much more interesting

    Cena Sucks... Well I agree

    Batista sucks... He is much better then Cena so who cares

    9 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • Could Daniel Bryan make Santino look good?

    Cena bores the hell out of me and Bryan had a great match with him

    Could Bryan make Santino look like a star too?

    9 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • Who is better Bray Wyatt or Roman Reigns?

    Honestly I cannot think of any newcomers being pushed like Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns are being pushed. We have all seen them both show their talent although Reigns has done much more, I am a fan of both but one wrestler is better.

    Roman Reigns shows a lot of Promise he has the look and has been pushed heavilly lately... His spear may be the best we have ever seen but we have still yet to see him in a full singles match other then against CM punk which was not that long.

    Bray Wyatt we know may be the best actor in the WWE and he is amazing on the Mic, for months people trashed him saying he could not wrestle. He proved everyone wrong when he finally got his chance to have a real match vs Bryan that match was amazing.

    Who is better? I say Bray Wyatt

    10 AnswersWrestling7 years ago