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Phineas Bogg
I like math and enjoy trying to answer math questions on Yahoo! Answers. I had a brief teaching gig, though I lacked the passion/dedication to make it a career. I admire folks who have passion/dedication for teaching. I don't consider myself a mathematician, but I once had pizza with Erdos =)
Would McCain be doing better in the polls if he had picked Olympia Snowe as running mate?
Here is a bit of background on her.
Olympia Jean Bouchles Snowe McKernan (born February 21, 1947) is the senior United States Senator from Maine.
A moderate Republican, Snowe has become widely known for her ability to influence the outcome of close votes and Senatorial filibusters, in part making her one of the most influential modern U.S. Senators. [1]
In 2006, she was named one of "America's Top Ten Senators" by Time Magazine.[2] Congressional Quarterly noted that her presence at the negotiating table in the 107th Congress was "nearly a necessity." Her political popularity in her home state is the highest of any current U.S. Senator; as of November 22, 2006, she enjoyed a 79 percent approval rating in her home state of Maine.[3]
Committee assignments
* Committee on Finance
o Subcommittee on Health Care
o Subcommittee on International Trade and Global Competitiveness
o Subcommittee on Taxation, IRS Oversight, and Long-term Growth
* Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship (Ranking Member)
* Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
o Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security
o Subcommittee on Interstate Commerce, Trade, and Tourism
o Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard (Ranking Member)
* Select Committee on Intelligence
9 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhat does it take for an individual to redeem himself for past bad acts?
If he serves time is he forgiven by society when he finishes his sentence? What if he is not convicted, or even prosecuted?
In the case of Bill Ayers,, are we more or less likely to forgive him because he was not prosecuted? Do his charitable works redeem him in your eyes?
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhat do you think of Ayers winning Chicago's 1997 Citizen of the Year award? ?
Does it make you think more of Obama or less of Chicago?
10 AnswersElections1 decade agoCan you describe a scenario where Obama becomes president and Palin becomes vice president?
If that happened, would you worry about a repeat of what happened in 1881?
1 AnswerElections1 decade agoHow would the McCain/Palin presidentcy change the Supreme court? What decisions will the new court make?
Liberal justices Stevens and Ginsberg are likely to retire and McCain has said he will pick justices in the model of Alito and Roberts.
Will the resulting court overturn RoeVWade?
14 AnswersElections1 decade agoIn what ways will the McCain/Palin presidentcy change America for the better?
What do you predict will be the major changes to the US?
Thanks for your replies!
7 AnswersElections1 decade agoDo you know how your tax bill will change if McCain's or Obama's tax plans are implemented?
If not, check out this link
According to it:
If you make less than $112,000, Obama will cut your taxes more than McCain will.
If you make between $112,000 and $227,000, both McCain and Obama will cut your taxes, but McCain will cut them by more.
If you make over $227,000 Obama will raise you taxes, but McCain will cut them.
4 AnswersElections1 decade agoWould Carter have won in 1980 if he had accused Reagan of being unpatriotic, anti-american, and inexperienced?
Back then Carter, not only had experience as Governor and President, but was also a Navy vet.
In contrast, Reagan's WWII service was limited to making movies in liberal Hollywood (unpatriotic, anti-american), and Reagan only had 8 years of political experience (fewer even than Obama's paltry 11 years), and 0 years of foreign policy experience!
Since those kind of attacks seem to be working well for McCain against Obama -- wouldn't they have worked well for Carter?
29 AnswersElections1 decade agoWould Gore have won in 2000 if he had kept repeating "Bush is not qualified to be president"?
I ask because back then Al Gore had tons more experience and also because McCain seems to be gaining in the polls by saying it about Obama.
9 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhy does America seemed to be lacking of a lot of the themes and color of the 1970's?
In the 1970's when you went to a drive through you got to say your order into a cartoon characters face, when you went to play minigolf there were windmills and castles and animals to hit the ball through, and at amusement parks were filled with cartoony themes. Now it seems like except for Disneyland, pretty much all of that neat stuff is gone. Why is that? Will it be back?
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoWhy do some people accuse Obama of lacking substance and being inarticulate without a teleprompter?
Here is the transcript of the Saddleback Forum.
He goes into quite a bit of depth in his replies and was without a teleprompter for the entire hour.
10 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhy do people sometimes call McCain a liberal -- when he voted with Bush more often than any Senator in 1995?
According to
"The publication Congressional Quarterly analyzes party unity votes each year to determine how often U.S. senators and representatives voted with a majority of their party and how often they opposed their party. In 2007, CQ found that McCain voted with his party 90 percent of the time. Also, McCain voted in support of President Bush’s position on legislation 95 percent of the time, the top presidential-support score in the Senate."
7 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhat did Obama mean by "above my pay grade"?
Here is the context. At the Saddleback forum on Saturday evening, he was asked:
"at what point does a baby get human rights, in your view?"
Obama replied:
"Well, I think that whether you're looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade."
What did he mean by this?
14 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhat operations could a non doctor perform if they had phone contact with a doctor?
What operations could a non doctor perform if they had phone contact with a doctor? I ask because occasionally on tv, you see a nondoctor performing an operation (like a tracheotomy or even an appendectomy) being performed by a non doctor who is getting phone advice from a doctor. Is this at all possible?
I should say that I promise never to try this!
7 AnswersMedicine1 decade agoHow many 5 year olds would it take to beat up Arnold Schwarzenegger?
How many 5 year olds would it take to beat up Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Now let:
x = # of 5 year olds it takes to beat up the average adult male
y = # of average adult males it takes to beat up Arnold Schwarzenegger
z = # of 5 year olds it takes to beat up Arnold Schwarzenegger
Is x*y = z? Why or why not?
If you prefer you can substitute some other strong person for Arnold Schwarzenegger, like say Mike Tyson.
Thanks for your replies!
5 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoHow many US presidiential debates are typically held each election year?
I have been watching presidential debates since 1984 and I cannot seem to remember seeing more that three in a given year. Have I been missing some? I ask because McCain has been saying Obama has been ducking debates, but if he agrees to the usual number, how is that ducking?
5 AnswersElections1 decade ago