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Lv 44,696 points


Favorite Answers41%

I am a father of seven wonderful (most of the time) children and a beautiful and loving wife of almost 20 years. I like to think I am a jack of all trades and master of none but, am always interested in helping those who really need it. (when I can) I love the Lord and am not afraid to let it show.

  • Exactly what makes one a "top contributor"?

    I have seen some of the absolutely thoughtless answer posted to questions that people ask and the people giving these worthless answers are labeled as a "top contributor". Has our society become so dumb that we actually believe the dribble prattled off by these people are actually intelligent because someone sitting at a computer for 18 hours a day thinks that this child (most of our top contributors are children you know) is saying something intelligent or is it really just a matter of getting 15 friends to vote for your stupid answer so that you will seem smart by comparison?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Can Democrats really see the future?

    All I keep reading is how life is going to be so much better for us now that we have elected Obama as the new president. In fact, if we look back at history, no president (Republican or Democrat) has single handedly managed to keep any of the promises he has made due to the constant fight between the house, the senate, and the white house. I do know this. President elect Obama is headed straight into his first failure if he tries to pull the troops out of Iraq as fast as he claims he will. You don't come into a country, topple it's government and then pull out leaving them at the mercy of other countries like Iran and Syria. I stand with reservations and the suspicion (well founded) that nothing will change for us. I know that nothing will change for me. I will still struggle to feed my family and raise my children the way the Lord wants me to. So I ask again, can you as a Democrat see the future? If so, where can I get some of those happy drugs?

    27 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Okay, see if you can answer this?

    First of all, I believe that not all dreams mean something. They are memories held in our subconcious mind and released as we sleep but, I had this dream at the age of 2 years old and have never forgotten it. Before you go off about nobody remembers things from when they were 2, don't try it because I've heard it all before and yes, I remember a great deal of things that happened to me then. (I'm much older now)

    I was in a large bed with my 2 brothers and they were sleeping. I was in the middle of the bed and an uncle (I only know that he was an uncle but don't know which one because I never saw his face) was sitting in a chair beside the bed. As I looked to the foot of the bed a giant white rabbit jumped on the foot of the bed. Not giant as in man size but he was very big for a rabbit. he sat there and just looked at me and that was all there was to the dream. Any insight?

    9 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • This is a question for anyone who can answer regarding blind belief?

    I have seen so many people say that only stupid people believe things that other people tell them. Why does it make you stupid to believe other people?

    When I was a child, my parents told me that I will burn myself if I touch a hot stove. I believed them and did not touch it. Does the logic given by non believers tell them that they need to touch the hot stove before they know that it is hot? I am not saying to blindly believe everything you hear but, to search it out for yourselves. It is a man of wisdom who shows the faith of a child.

    I have a philosophy that I will believe what people tell me as the truth until they give me reason not to. At the same time, I am not ignorant and believe that because I have the Holy Ghost to guide me, I will not be led astray be the great deceiver that is Lucifer. To those who call me stupid because I believe in God please tell me what you base your opinion on or is it just pure hatred for anyone who doesn't think you're the smartest person around?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Am I the only one with a YA stalker?

    Apparently someone has decided they didn't like an answer I gave and has been stalking me and reporting my answers which has resulted in some of my answers to people being deleted. Am I the only one who has this problem and what did you do about it? I have tried communicating with YA and of course they do not respond. I believe I know who it may be but am not the vindictive person this person seems to be. If you don't agree with my answers please give a thumbs down and stop reporting me for giving factual answers with considerate opinion.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Are you young and pregnant and scared?

    I, as my moniker says, am a father of 7 beautiful children. 5 girls and 2 boys. They are my world! I come from a family of 18 children and both my parents came from families of 11 children. None of us have lived on welfare or relied on taxpayer for support so I have a hard time understanding why a young person would be so afraid and willing to abort this little miracle of life inside them. I got angry when one girl asked if she should "keep it or throw it away" and as a former police officer who had the sad misfortune of pulling a dead 3 day old infant from the trash, I take that kind of talk serious. I apologize to the girl for that. Please to all of you who are in that situation, it is not the end of the world. Don't be so quick to terminate this small life. Show your unborn child the true love of a mother and find it a loving home. I promise you that you will not be sorry. I want to know if any of you would consider what I have said and I want you to know that God will always love u

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why do so many people from other countries come to the US YA and spread hatred and discontent?

    I keep reading on the US Yahoo Answer site questions that are being answered by people from other countries and they are full of hatred and anger. If you hate us so bad, why do you want to be us?

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Is it true that America is the land of opportunity but, only if you aren't an American Citizen?

    As an American white male, I am constantly being told "I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do to help you unless you are female, a minority, or from another country." Can someone satisfy my curiosity as to why I should just tuck my tail between my legs and allow my government to give everything I worked for to all of the above named people?

    15 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Why is it that only famous or infamous people are able to ask intelligent questions worthy of a star?

    I read hundreds of questions on this site and it would seem that the average number of answers is about 10 0r 11. Whenever someone who has some notoriety asks a question, it gets thousands of answers and hundreds of stars. It's almost like we, the people, are saying Oh Mr. or Ms. famous person, that is such an intelligent question that I have to answer it and star it because you must be smart or you wouldn't be famous. No, I am not jealous. I am laughing at the lack of intelligence we are showing here on this site but, I am going to keep reading and occasionally answering and asking because #1, it's entertaining at times and #2, there are some people with legitimate questions that deserve a sound and intelligent answer.

    If you actually believe those celebrities are really asking those questions and really reading your answers, I have some property you might be interested in. It's right on the ocean in AZ. which will be oceanfront as soon as CA. sinks.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why does everyone seem to think that all problems must be treated with counseling?

    Every time someone asks a question or wants advice, I keep seeing people telling them to seek counseling. Are those people getting kick backs from the "counseling center"? It truly disgusts me that people think that if they have a minor problem, they need to go to a counselor for help. Other terms for counselor include Phsycologist, Therapist, Marriage Specialist, and Quack. You know, I once met a woman who claimed the title of "Marriage Specialist" and had never been married. Anyway, I think therapy is a waste of time in most cases and there are less expensive and more effective ways to make youself feel good about your life. I am just wondering if I am the only one who feels this way.

    I know that there will be a bunch of answers that will tell me how right I am (hoping for that "best answer") and about as many that will tell me to seek counseling. I just want to know if there is anyone who will actually put true thought into giving me an answer.

    33 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • When are people going to learn how to Communicate properly?

    I have read and answered several questions posed and am generally appalled by the apparant lack of proper spelling used by so many of the people on this site. I am not an english major and never went to college but, I can't believe how many illiterate people there seem to be. Especially in our young people. Am I the only one who sees this?

    14 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever heard of "Bayhorse and Denim"?

    Has anyone heard of a musical duo called Bayhorse and Denim? They are supposed to be a country contemperary and sound something like The Everly Brothers.

    2 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever heard of "Bayhorse and Denim"?

    Has anyone heard of a musical duo called Bayhorse and Denim? They are supposed to be a country contemperary and sound something like The Everly Brothers.

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago