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  • Pet insurance refuses to pay claim because they say it's a preexisting condition, but it's not!?

    I have pet insurance on my dog and got it a 2 months after I adopted him back when he was a year old. Now 7 years later he has developed lameness in his paw, the insurance is refusing to pay any of the claims saying it's a pre-existing condition because the earliest records they have is from when he was a year old and that he could have had issues before that, although there is nothing in the 7 years of history or vet notes to suggest that. Do I have any legal remedies for this?

    6 AnswersInsurance5 years ago
  • How to rescue a dog from out-of-state? (From Cali)?

    I have seen how bad the shelter situation is in/around LA and I wanted to rescue a dog. Living in IL pets have much better chances of getting adopted here so I wanted to get a dog from an open admission shelter in LA. The problem is I have no idea where to start without going to LA myself. Any advice is appreciated. TIA!

    3 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Should we pay for our neighbor's vet bill?

    The back story is over a year ago we had a chain-link fence installed around our back yard prior to adopting our large dog. A few months ago our neighbors on the other side of the fence have adopted a small dog as well. The small dog is really dog aggressive and the first time it met our dog it attacked him, even breaking out of the collar just to keep running after us and biting our dog. Since then every time we have seen the little dog it goes crazy and tries to start a fight. When they are walking we usually cross the street and walk away. The problem is that our neighbors sometimes let their dog our in the backyard at the same time that we have our dog out there too. A few times the dogs would run up to the fence and they start going at each other across the fence until either us or our neighbors pull the dogs away. Several days ago this happened again and before we had a chance to grab our dog the neighbor's dog must have stuck it's foot through the chain link and it's possibly got bit on the foot, because the dog started screaming and now for the past 2 days hasn't stepped on that foot. Legally I don't think we are liable for this since the fence is well on our property and the neighbors know their dog instigates all dogs. However our dog is about 100lbs while theirs is probably 15. I feel bad about what happened but I am not sure what is the right way to handle this. I don't think it's our fault but I don't want bad blood with the neighbors either. Advice?

    5 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Tenant keeping a dog against the lease?

    Thanks to the real-estate crash in 08 I became an accidental landlord of my condo. I currently have a tenant living there whose lease states that dogs are not allowed to stay in the condo. When she was starting the lease she asked about a dog since the building allows it but when I told her that there would be a small monthly fee she said in that case she wouldn t have a dog. Well yesterday I was coming over with a repairman to do some work she wanted but we ended up getting there before she did because she got stuck somewhere. Because of that it seems that she didn t have the chance to hide the dog that we discovered. When we came in there was urine and feces in multiple places on the floor (mind you this is a nicely updated condo with hardwood) and a 4-6 month old puppy. My tenant claims it s her boyfriend s dog and that she was just watching him for a few hours while her boyfriend had an appointment. I am confident that she is lying because she had a slew of dog toys a dog bed, bowls and a huge stash of puppy pads all laying around. She insists that she brought all of that just for today but I know it s not true, besides her boyfriend is possibly living in the condo as well based on all the times we have had to come in. I told her we can amend the lease to include the dog for a fee but she again insists that today was an exception. Short of staging a stakeout how do I prove that the dog is living there?

    13 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Staggered Kitchen Cabinets Yey or Ney?

    We are starting a remodeling project on our kitchen and the designer is strongly pushing us towards staggered kitchen cabinets (see image for example of what that means) because we have 10 foot ceilings.

    According to her this is "what most people want but can't have with regular height ceilings". I am sort of on the fence. I wanted to do a contemporary style kitchen and I am not sure how well this fits with that idea. On the other hand if this is really going to make the kitchen look more upscale maybe it's worth doing since we may be selling the house in 5 years or so. What are your thoughts?

    7 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    What kind of a dog is this?

    She is about 9 weeks old, 15 lbs, has a completely black tongue and dew claws on her back feet. Any ideas about the breeds involved here?

    1 AnswerDogs7 years ago
  • Can tenant insist to be present during small repairs?

    Recently a new tenant signed the lease on my condo. During the signing I noticed that the old tenant left a rip in the patio screen door. I have called a service to come out in 3 days to repair the screen and let the tenant know. However the tenant wants to be present during the repair, the problem is that she doesn't know when she may be available until sometime the day before the service is supposed to come out. Should I wait for her availability and have to possibly reschedule (and re-plan my own time)or simply enter the unit considering I have given her ample notice?

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Why is my dog mouthing me?

    I know I need to teach him to stop but I am still curious why does he play mouth me? He is very gentle when he does it so I know it's play mouthing but he only does it with me and no one else, including my husband.

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Dog transport from out of state?

    I have been looking to adopt a dog and accidentally came across a site for animal control in California. There are sooo many gorgeous dogs there on death row days from being put down. I live in Illinois and around here there are much fewer dogs like this and they get snatched up right away. I would rather get a dog that's about to be put down but I would need a transport. I don't know anything about how to do something like that. Has anyone used a dog transport and if so what do I need to know/do?

    2 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Dog transport from out of state?

    I have been looking to adopt a dog and accidentally came across a site for animal control in California. There are sooo many gorgeous dogs there on death row days from being put down. I live in Illinois and around here there are much fewer dogs like this and they get snatched up right away. I would rather get a dog that's about to be put down but I would need a transport. I don't know anything about how to do something like that. Has anyone used a dog transport and if so what do I need to know/do?

    1 AnswerDogs7 years ago
  • Adopt a dog that has been returned to the shelter?

    A few weeks ago we found a gorgeous dog on at a rescue that I instantly wanted to meet. We set up an appointment but were warned that someone was in line to meet him before us. The day we were supposed to go meet the dog the rescue told us he was adopted. For the last 2 weeks I have been disappointed because for some reason I really had my heart set on this particular one when suddenly I see him pop back on the petfinder site.

    I quickly called the rescue and they told me that the family that adopted him was returning him. The story the shelter told me is that this dog is great with other dogs but that this family felt that he was too big and scary for their other timid dog (who is by the way the same breed and therefore similar size) and they thought he was going to hurt their existing dog while playing. We have a dog who is smaller than this breed that will be staying with us on occasion.

    I almost jumped at the chance to put a non-refundable deposit to reserve the dog (an option that the rescue offers) but then started coming to my senses. I am worried if a family that has this kind of dog returned him if there is a high likelyhood that he has much bigger issues that the rescue is not disclosing (BTW the reason he was given to the rescue was because his owner was very elderly and couldn't take care of a 94lb dog). I am also worried that likely I won't discover the issues until I have the dog at home. Any advice on what I should do? Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • How do I know if the dog is prone to drooling?

    I am looking to adopt a puppy. Its a Border Collie & Newfoundland mix. Newfies are known droolers and Border Collies are not. While I don't mind the occasional drool when something tasty is close by or it's dinner time I really don't want a dog that will be constantly splattering the house with thick trails of drool. Is there a way to see based on the dogs lips if its prone to a large amount of drooling?

    1 AnswerDogs7 years ago
  • Relist the apartment for more money?

    So I am very new to being a landlord (and never expected to be one but the market is forcing my hand). I looked around and priced my condo for what the going rate seemed to be. I then got bombarded by requests to see and rent the condo, when I really dug into it I realized that there are a few condos in my building which are actually in worse condition that are listed for more money that are getting snatched up.

    I already have several people lined up to see the condo and one that submitted an application. I am not sure if I should just refund the application fee to the one person that applied let everyone know and list the place for a higher price or bite the bullet and stick with it.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Do I need a backup sump pump for crawl?

    We have just purchased a home in the Chicago area and last night after the big flood we came home to 4 inches of water covering the floor of the crawl space. Turns out for whatever reason the sump pump didn't kick on until I touched the cover of the pit, at which point it just turned on for no apparent reason and within an hour the water in the crawl was gone, however that being said we want to get a more reliable pump since we don't know how old this one is nor why it malfunctioned.

    When I started looking I saw that there are some combo pumps with a battery backup, but considering we are not planning on using the crawl for storage is it worth the extra money to get a whole battery backup for the crawl?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Badly resized engagement ring?

    I got engaged 3 weeks ago and the ring that my FH got was one size too big. The jeweler offered a free resizing. When we brought it there they told us we could pick it up that night but we had to be somewhere else so had to leave it for 2 days. Apparently 2 days later when my FH went to get it they asked him to come back in anohter 20 mins (we believe they hadn't done the ring at all till then). When he brought home the ring I think they did a very poor job. (attaching pic), not to mention that there are also now 4 small dips inside the ring, I believe from holding the ring with the tweezers they use. Is it unreasonable to ask them to fix this kind of thing and even the small dips inside the ring (not sure if that can even be fixed, some are right over the 14k stamp)?

    4 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • Recoup cost on Chicago Bears Tickets?

    I had just purchased tickets for the Chicago Bears game in Novemeber, then found out I will be unable to attend it. I know I can resell the tickets but realistically how much of the value should I be able to recoup?

    1 AnswerFootball (American)9 years ago
  • Got called by an ex's name from 7 years ago?

    Last night we were out with friends and were about to leave. My boyfriend who has been living with me for over 5 months now tells a bunch of his friends. "Molly (not my name) and I are gunna go grab her friends and leave". What makes it worse is that he hasn't been with Molly in over 7 years. Does this mean he subconsciously still wants to be with her?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Can a neighbor nail things to my fence?

    Recently we decided to change the fence that we share with the neighbors who in the past have caused trouble for us (throwing cigarette buds and trash at our property, once watched one of their guests hit our car and drive off, etc) Reguardless when we told them we would be replacing the old broken fence with a new one they said that the old fence that was there before we even moved in is a couple of inches on their property (which in turn meant we had to put up 12 extra feet of fence since the old fence used the garage as a part of the division. We went ahaed, paid for a property assesment and built the fence 2 inches into our property (12 extra feet and all). Well today we come out to see that the neighbors put up another fence on their side but it is nailed to OUR fence! Which is now on our property. Can we force them to take it down?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago