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  • Uploading photos to Facebook?

    I have an iPhone that I recently updated to ios6. I went on Facebook and accidentally denied my photo album access. Now I can't fix it. I see a message saying "This app does not have access to your photos or videos. You can enable access in Privacy Settings." I go into privacy settings, and I don't see where I can allow my photo album. Please help!

    1 AnswerFacebook9 years ago
  • How do I remove songs from an iPhone 4?

    Help!! I bought a bunch of Christmas songs on my iPhone through iTunes. Now that Christmas is well past, I want them off! I tried manually managing my music and I tried unchecking the Christmas songs, but when I sync, they're still there. What can I do to remove them? I don't want to listen to Christmas music all year.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • So I bought this shampoo?

    It says it's for extra dry hair. So I let my hair dry really well, and I used it. Well, now I have this white goopy stuff in my hair that I can't get out. I thought about using water, but then my hair won't be extra dry. What do I do? Please help!?!

    5 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Which e-reader do you think is best?

    And why? What do you like about it? What don't you like? How's the battery life?

    I'm thinking about buying one for my son as a birthday present. I think I know which one I'd like to get, but I've never used one and I want to know what people really think of them in general. The Amazon Kindle is off my list because you can't borrow library books on the Kindle, but I'm open to just about anything else. My budget is $250 or less.

    Thanks for your thoughts!

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics10 years ago
  • Did you install the iPhone version 4.0.2 update?

    I recently installed this update on my iPhone 3G. Ever since the install, my phone has been slow and I haven't had more than 3 bars of service (I had 5 almost everywhere before the update). I'm also having issues with quite a few of my apps (getting stuck, not saving things, etc.). Has anyone else installed the update and had the same problems? Is there a fix for this or a way to uninstall and go back to my old version?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Renting a movie on iTunes for iPhone?

    I've never rented a movie on iTunes but I'm considering renting one for my trip to Florida so I have something to do on the plane. If I rent a movie, how long do I have to watch it? And can I watch it without an internet connection?

    5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Monday Night Football?

    I live on the East Coast where the broadcast starts at 8:30pm Eastern Time. Is the broadcast on a time delay in other time zones? Or does it start when the game actually starts? I am specifically interested in the broadcast time in Arizona. Thanks!

    6 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have any good recipes?

    My boyfriend and I eat lunch together every day at work, and we are running out of ideas. We have only a fridge and a microwave at our disposal, but we often cook our food the night before and just heat it up at work. But it's getting to the point where it's the same old thing, and we want new ideas. I don't eat seafood of any kind, and he has to limit green vegetables because of the medication he's taking, so that limits us even further. Can you help us out by sharing your best quick and easy recipes? Thanks!

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Why is everyone always so anxious to crucify car dealers?

    I just read an article that seemed to indicate that new car dealers are unscrupulous because they try to make a profit. What is the deal with that? Isn't that the nature of business, to make money? What is wrong with a business trying to maximize its profit? Most of the time dealerships don't try to rip people off. They are simply trying to make money. Why do people feel like they deserve to get more for a trade-in vehicle than what it's worth? Why does everyone think they should be eligible for the best financing, even if they have mediocre or poor credit? If you owned a business, wouldn't you be offended if people expected you to give away your merchandise at a loss (or at the very least without making a profit) ?

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • For people who are against the auto bailout?

    Were you also against the bailout of the financial sector? How about the stimulus checks we all received this spring/summer? If you are against the auto bailout but were for the financial bailout, why? In your opinion, what makes the financial sector so much more important than the auto industry?

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Does your grade-schooler wear a uniform?

    My son's school has a "standard of dress" but it's really a uniform. The kids have to wear golf shirts or button down shirts in one of 5 colors, pants in one of 3 colors, and sweaters or sweatshirts in one of 5 colors. The clothes cannot have any logos or pockets (except for normal pants pockets), and have to be a solid color. I do like the uniforms in a way, but I personally find them to be much more costly than regular clothes. This is due in part to the fact that the school doesn't provide a place to purchase uniform clothing, and I have a hard time finding things in his size in regular stores. He's a 7 year old boy, so he's pretty rough on clothes. I tend to overcompensate when I do find something, and therefore spend a lot on uniform clothes.

    So, if your grade schooler wears a uniform:

    What kind of uniform does your child have to wear?

    Do you find it more costly or less costly to put your child in a uniform for school?

    What do you think of uniforms for elementary school students?

    Can you purchase uniforms through the school? If the school doesn't provide a means to purchase the uniform, where do you buy your child's uniforms? Who has the least expensive, best quality uniforms?

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • My child is a packrat?

    My 7 year old son is unnaturally attached to his toys. He has so many toys that there is literally nowhere to put them all. His room is full of toys, our family room is full of toys, and there are a few scattered in other places. The problem is that he has far outgrown many of these toys, but will not get rid of them.

    At first, I told him that we were going to donate them to children who couldn't afford toys. His answer to that was that we should grow flowers, sell the flowers, and donate our profits to those kids. Then I tried telling him that he wouldn't get any new toys if he didn't make some room. He hasn't had any new toys in almost a year, but still won't get rid of anything. I've even told him that we could just pack them up in totes and put them in the attic for later. This still wasn't good enough. I've gone as far as sending him out with Grandma and getting rid of stuff on my own. I chose toys that I hadn't seen him play with in a year or more, but when he got home, he knew they were gone. He is still asking for some of them. Now, with Christmas coming, I've told him that Santa can't bring him any toys because he has nowhere to put them, and he still won't get rid of anything.

    I've tried being tough, and insisting that he get rid of some anyway. Every time I try that approach, he breaks down like someone died. He barricades himself in his room and sobs for an hour or more. He is truly devastated at the thought of getting rid of some of his toys. I can't bear to force him to get rid of some after he breaks down like that.

    So, has anyone else had problems like this getting rid of old toys? If so, how did you handle it? What worked for you? Please help. If I can't get him to get rid of some toys, I'm soon going to have to move out of my house!

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Why did I bother? (sorry, a little bit of a rant)?

    I admit, I've always been really disinterested in politics until this election. I registered to vote and voted for the first time in my life (I'm in my mid-30s). Well, as of right now, my chosen candidate is only 2% behind in popular vote, yet gets 0% of the electoral vote. Does anyone else feel cheated because the candidate that they voted for failed to win their state? What's the point of voting? My vote counted for NOTHING!!!! Because 51% of the people in my state liked the other guy better, my vote counts for nothing. That totally doesn't seem right to me. Does anyone feel the same? Wouldn't it be better if electoral votes were split in roughly the same percentage as the popular vote?

    I know ranting doesn't change anything, but thanks for listening, and thanks for your responses to my questions. I just want to know that I'm not the only one who feels outraged.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is there a hidden meaning in this?

    Is Y!A silently endorsing John McCain for President? Why doesn't the Y!A spell check pick up McCain as incorrect, but whenever you type Obama, it wants you to change it to "Osama". Is there a hidden meaning behind this?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How creative are you?

    I wish I were creative, but I'm not. Can you help me out? My second grader has to make a diorama, and he has chosen the rainforest as his theme. We want to have trees, vines, flowers, and rainforest animals. My problem, since I am so not creative, is that the only thing I can figure out how to make is the vines (green yarn). Does anyone know an easy way to make rainforest trees, flowers, and animals?

    Thanks for your help!

    3 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Do you think that if we manage to recover from the current financial crisis...?

    That we will have learned our lesson about borrowing money we cannot afford to pay back and spending beyond our means? Do you think the American people as a whole will still continue to struggle to "keep up with the Joneses" or will we go back to buying only what we can afford? Will people stop relying on credit cards so much to buy what they cannot afford? Will schools start teaching our children how to create a budget and live within that budget?

    I, for one, really hope that we can recover and return to a time where spending was not out of control. I don't make a lot of money, and I'm a single mom who doesn't receive child support. I don't rely on government services to pay for anything, and I don't spend what I don't have. I even manage to save a good bit of money. If I can do this making what little money I make, why can't the majority of the American people do this? Greed is not good.

    4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Is it rude to say something?

    A coworker recently had surgery to remove four of her front bottom teeth, and had the partial remade for her front upper teeth. She is not yet able to wear the lower plate because her gums are still healing from surgery, but the new upper plate looks horrible. She looks like a beaver, and my coworkers and I find ourselves unable to look at her when she is talking. She told us when she first got the upper partial, her children told her she looked weird, but she told them she looks fine and they'll get used to it. But it doesn't look fine and I don't think it's something anyone will get used to. So, the question is, is it rude to say something to her (in the nicest way possible) about how terrible her teeth look?

    11 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How can they charge so much??

    I recently had to take my son to our local ER to have a cut on his head glued back together. The doctor spent a total of 5 minutes or less with my son, used a little bit of saline solution, and a little bit of glue. The bill from just the hospital itself was $611.00. I have yet to receive the bill from the physician (they bill separate from the hospital) but I've heard their typical bill is around $300.00. How can it be possible that it actually costs the hospital almost $1000.00 to spend 5 minutes putting glue on someone's head???

    4 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • My son's feet won't grow?

    My son has always had small feet. When he turned 4 years old, he was wearing a toddler size 11. The problem is that he is now 6 1/2 years old, and still wearing a toddler size 11. He's normal in every other area of growth, and the doctor says it's normal, but I think it's a little strange that a kid's feet haven't grown in 2 1/2 years. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it normal?

    5 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago