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Butter Peacan
Why is my car stalling?
OK! We're going to take the car to an actual mechanic tomorrow but I was curious to see if anyone had any similar issues with their car who may be able to shed a little light on what MIGHT be going on!
We have a car that started to shudder going up hill and then failed to start at all. We changed a rather dirty filter and the car ran just fine after for about 4 weeks.
Fast forward to this week and the car started shuddering again then cut out. We called someone to get us home and the car started up again (10 minutes later) with no problem. It drove about 5 minutes then the same happened again.
We thought it might be a filter problem again so we changed that to rule it out and it didn't help.
We suspect it to be a fuel issue of some sort because at one point DH had his foot to the floor and we weren't accelerating at all!!
Has anyone had anything similar happen, any suggestions on what it may be!?
Maybe I should start taking bets before I take it to the garage in the morning! *rolls eyes*
P.s. Anyone wanna tow it for me!? :D
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years agoCar keeps cutting out while driving...?
We have an 89 chevy celeb wagon, which was running just fine but once in a while wouldn't start on the first turn. Sunday night my husband accidentally left the keys in the ignition after closing the electric windows and we ended up trying to get in with a coat hanger because no one was available to come out on a Sunday and the one person that was wanted a couple of hundred for the privilidge.
Turns out neither of us were criminals in our previous lives so we couldn't open the door with the hanger and decided to leave it until the morning!
Morning came, we got a key cut at the dealers, got in to the car and the car wouldn't start! Had the car jumped and it started just find but by the next morning the battery was dead again and wouldn't hold a charge.
We replaced the battery and it started up no problems every time since - but now it cuts out while driving and I mean everything cuts out. Brakes, power stearing, lights....
Any suggestions on what might have happened? This car is giving me a headache!
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years agoDo I need to call the police after a minor accident resulting in a tiny scratch?
This morning i was pulling out of a parking spot and a guy came driving up next to me in the other lane. As I pulled out he was at the side of me and I stopped. He stopped. I didn't think i'd hit him so I moved my car - he then sped in front of me and stopped my car even though I was stopping and didn't think i'd actually hit him.
I went over to him and his car, I looked and there was no scratch on his car that I could see, but he claimed there was a scratch and that it was so tiny it was barely visible - fair enough, I'm not one to shirk my responsibilities when it comes to things like this and so I appologised and offered my details.
He said he was going to call the police, which is fair enough. That's what you're meant to do, right!?
He didn't have a pen and neither did I and he apparently didn't have a phone to put my number in either - which is strange because he said he was going to call the police!?!
I offered him my insurance card, to take with him, but he didn't take it. He asked for my address so I told him and he didn't write that anywhere either, obviously and he didn't give me ANY details about himself or his car.
I was late for work and didn't think much about it, seeing as it was the tiniest scratch in the world.
He got in his car and drove off, I got in my car and drove to work.
I got home and am now wondering if I need to call the police and report this myself, seeing as neither of us seemed to have a phone or anything on us at the scene and seeing as I have absolutely none of his details.
What is the state requirement in PA for reporting an accident to the police etc?! I am from out of state and so I don't know.
I am hoping that he will come by my house today and sort this out with me but I have no way of getting in contact with him if he doesn't and I don't need the cops showing up at my door.
Please advise?
4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoWhat is wrong with my snake?! Fat body, thin tail, crusty...?
We have a Garter snake and for the past few weeks it has been acting really weird.
It has been getting fatter, but its tail is stick thin, it looks like it has swallowed a brick or something, but hasn't!! We recently has a Garter Snake that was pregnant and we thought that this one was pregnant too, but this snake is acting completely different, doesn't want to respond to very much, won't eat.
Some days it seems better than others but we're now becoming concerned. The look of it is not typical and wondered if there is anything from the small description I have given, that it might be?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
3 AnswersReptiles1 decade agoIs there any way of knowing how big your dog will get?
of course, i mean weighs.....I can't type!
7 AnswersDogs1 decade agoHow do i remove the neck and giblets from a chicken?
OK! I feel foolish having to ask this question because i'm a very good cook 99% of the time, but its been YEARS since i've seen a chicken with a neck or giblets.
I's like to know how to remove the neck and the giblets from the bird!?
Also, is there a use for the giblets and neck once removed? A soup or broth or something!?
Ok, thanks!! Times tickin' I gotta have this one inthe oven in the next 20 minutes!! GO GO GO!!! :)
5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoIs there a place to play D&D in PA?
Just wondered....Im a nerd.
1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agoMy car starts shaking over 45mph, why?
Basically, the car runs smooth, it drives well, has great pick-up etc etc but when it hits 45mph it starts shaking furiously!!
Someone told me this might be becase it needs balancing of the tires.
I'm taking it to the garage this afternoon but wanted to know if anyone had experienced this and had it turn out to be some other reason, just so i don't look completely stupid when i take the car in?
Thanks xxx
8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoFurther Q on Education and Illegal Imigration ETC?
I asked a question earlier about the right to attend school for illegal and pending imigrants in the US and I was intrigued by the answer that it is in fact more detremental to illegals to not have their children in school than it is to enrole them! In other words, the schools have to take ALL children reguardless of their status. But, this now leads me to a second thought and question:
IF illegal alien children HAVE to go to school, and they DO go to school, are there not consequences for the illegal parents or the illegal child, themselvesm or is school simply a seperate process and not linked in any way to the illegality or status of a person/persons?
If I were a 10 year old child, enrolled in school, is there just nothing they could do about my situation other than allow me to just get that education!??!
(Im NOT a ten year old child, by the way, Im just really perplexed by the whole system and wonder why, in this day and age we can give education to everyone at any time yet it can take 6 to 10 years to issue some people with certain visas or to have them denied then deported - after that 10 years the child and family surely has too many tied to be deported and the deportation is almost child cruelty by default?!? Hence, shouldn't they just not be educated?!? Although, if they aren't thats cruelty too, i guess?!)
I dunno, I'm just babbling now!!!
3 AnswersImmigration1 decade agoIlligal immigrant school education and bithright citizenship?
If a child is in America, waiting on a VISA to stay, can he or she attend school while waiting, or without a visa, until the visa is accepted or declined?
Also, is it still the case that any child born on american soil, whether the parents are american or not, that the child is given citizenship via just being born here?!?!
I was just reading up on this after reading another question and I just wondered. I wonder if its those kind of rules and regulations that allow over population and an inflated imigrant migration practice to happen??
6 AnswersImmigration1 decade agoDo pet shops buy garter snakes and how much for?
It looks like our snake is pregnant, which is awesome, but this means she'll probably end up having babies in the middle of winter!! We can't let them go in winter, nor can we look after them if she ends up having 40 odd snakes like our last one did and successfully keep up with the feeding of them and looking after them etc, so we were thinking of selling them.
If we sell them, how much should we reasonably expect to sell them for?
4 AnswersReptiles1 decade agoWhat IS cruise control!?
I bought a Cutlass Ciera yesterday as a side project, noticed it has cruise control, what IS cruise control and how does it work?!
3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoDid i see people from OZ on TV the other night....?
Ok, I thought I saw something on TV the other night for like an awards show or soemthing, I don't know what it was, but it had a small skit thing from the cast members (some of them) from OZ (the TV Show) in it, but I can't remember what it was, what I was watching or which night it was - Friday, i think) but now its bothering me.
Maybe I dreampt it!?
1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade agowhere is my other 1%?
I have 88% other answers and 11% best answers, and i'm sure thats 99%, so where'd my other 1% go!?!?!
Answers on a postcard, please....
3 AnswersMy Yahoo1 decade agoTransferring a car Title (PA) Does the seller have to go?
When a car gets signed over to me in PA, do both myself and the seller need to go to the notary or does the seller sign it, give it to me, keep the plates and i take it to the notary? How does it work?
The seller can't make it down there with me tomorrow, but I can't go another day until next week!
1 AnswerInsurance & Registration1 decade agoOwnership and registration of a car in PA?
Another quick question about car ownership in PA:
Do I have to be insured on a car to be able to transfer the title over to my name? (If say i wanted to buy a car and then register it later).
(I already have a car, and i'm registered and I have a license etc etc etc, I just want to know).
1 AnswerInsurance & Registration1 decade agoCan i own a car in PA without a License?!?
Ok, long story short, if my license was suspended, in PA, could I legally buy and own a car, if i'm not going to be driving it!?
I have a license, i just wondered after talking to my friend today about a really complicated situation with her stupid car...
4 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agoPhoto Montage for the Desktop?
I have a whole bunch of photos that i'd like to make into one big desktop background - do you know which program is best to use for such a thing?! Dun dun dun...
1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade agoMy car keeps failing!!!?
P.S. I didn't mean to post this under insurance and registration, but i don't know how to change it!! Sorry!! DUH!
4 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago