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I have a great interest in medicine in particular Women's Health and also trying to help those who have chronic pain. The reason for the interest is due to personal experiences, friends that have experience in these areas, information from my doctors, articles I have read on the various subjects (such as when I have had to do research) I am a Medical Secretary. (the info only applies to health categories) Even though I give the information based on the categories listed above, and am also a Medical Secretary the information I give does not replace consultations with a physician.

  • Does anyone know about this Betty Grable movie?

    The movie I am trying to find out about is where she played a secretary and went to live in a place that was like a boarding house. The movie was made somewhere in the 1930s. My mom thought that this movie was called something like "The Secretary" or "The Typewriter" but I can't find the movie under either of those titles. Thank you for any help you can give me.

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • When watching a match do you ever talk to your tv?

    I did just now while watching the match between Jankovic and Dellacqua by telling Casey to let the ball drop before hitting it.

    18 AnswersTennis1 decade ago
  • Roddick vs Nadal in the Quarterfinal who do you like?

    I am currently watching Andy Roddick's match on ESPN 2 and they were talking about the possibility of Roddick and Nadal meeting in the Quarterfinal. I pick Nadal over Roddick in that match if they got that far.

    16 AnswersTennis1 decade ago
  • Is anyone familiar with an old GE radio from around the 1930s?

    The GE radio I need help with is a model GE K-126. I need to know if someone can give my mom (I'm asking this on her behalf) more specific information about when this radio was made. Please e-mail me at:

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Which x-ray procedure is better for checking nerves: MRI or PET Scan?

    I am interested in finding out which one is the better quality test for checking nerves after having been told that a PET Scan might actually show up the nerves better. I'm asking this because I'm in the process of trying to figure out what is going on with a pain situation I've had going on for the last 3 months.

    8 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago