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I have walked with God all of my life and was blessed with Jesus Christ actually manifesting himself to me: having filled with the holy ghost as in the book of acts, I am intensely passionate about opening peoples eyes to what the Bible "REALLY" says not what they have been told. As such I never present any of my "beliefs" I only state facts and what the Bible plainly says: So if anyone disagrees they are disagreeing with God because I'm merely quoting the Bible I didn't write the Bible.

  • Ramadan: Is bowing in worship an act of muslim?

    In the Koran I read about observing the holy days of obligation and of submission to allah, and that if one does these he has nothing to fear of the next life etc. So when President Obama kneels in prayer in a mosque or when Hilary Clinton Celebrated Ramadan are they being good Muslim? Or submitting to the will of god? Or would Muslims just consider these actions empty or valid?

    6 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Evolutionist/Athiests; Can you answer what Dawkins could not?

    Dawkins was on a debate where the point of irreducible complexity was brought up; The idea that there are systems so complex and yet interdependant that it is impossible for them to slowly evolve or even evolve at all as every component must exist and work perfectly to survive.

    The debater mentioned a story in a science journal stating that for a single cell to divide it required the perfect synthesis of over 4000 protiens in perfect chemical order or the cell could not replicate.

    Dawkins answer?? avoidance! and deception. He replied; I can disprove this point and that point you made in a second and blah blah blah-----he never did, he just said he could, but never gave any argumeent or proof.

    Of course he avoided this because Darwin himself was afraid of irreducible complexity because if something could be proved to be such it shatters Evilution entirely.

    Like the billions of sequenced events required to concieve and produce a human baby could not just "Pop into being" nor slowly develop over time. If one person "Evolved" a fully functioning penis with viable sperm-and all; How many billions of years could that man wait for a human counterpart to arrive with a fully functional vagina that somehow manages to be exactly compatable with the male human penis? They could not wait more than 100 years. or the man would be dead, Then the woman would have to wait billions of more years for a fully functional man to re-appear by random chance.) YEAH RIGHT and this 4000 protiens to divide a cell? Try banging on your computer keyboard to accidently get your password of just 8 characters let alone 4000 in exact sequence come on!

    7 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • For the so called intelectual Ahtiest/evolutionists out there: Riddle me this:?

    If everything just popped into existence from nothing with no God and no inteligence directing it: Which evolved first: the blood or the circulatory system inc. the heart and artetries.

    If Blood came first how did it get around for millions of years before the heart and the system to carry it through any body?

    If the heart and circulatory system magically popped into being with no direction and no God and no blue print What did it do for millions of years until blood accidently started flowing through it?

    And oh by the way the heart needs the blood circulating through it to live.

    And all organisms that have blood need both to live.


    tell me how "INTELIGENT" is it to believe they just made themselves and found each other after billions of years of chance accidents finnaly threw them into proximity How did these life forms live without either for millions of years before the two finnally accidenty met?

    (Sounds like Evolution is the belief based entirely on faith in the face of the obvious absence of Scientific facts.)

    10 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Historically speaking: Did Muhamed really...?

    According to islamic texts I have heard that they say Muhammed married a girl at age six and consumated his marriage when she was only nine? is this a common practice now or for those times?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians: Are WE measuring up? Are we real if we cannot heal?

    Jesus said In Mark: These signs shall follow them that believe; They shall lay hands on the sick they shall cast out devils etc.

    Now you would expect if this is the sign of a "TRUE" believer three things would happen:

    1.Since God is not with unbelievers; the signs would not follow.

    2. If the signs didn't follow; and they want to pass themselves off as believers they would come up with an excuse as to why this verse no longer applies to them; As in the gifts passed away with the Apostles, etc.

    3. They would deny the verse completely citing evidence-newly found that the verse dosen't belong in scripture; and produce bibles that have removed the convicting sign.

    But this is also found in John where Jesus says: "He that believth on me the works that I do shall he do also and GREATER WORKS shall he do because I go to my Father."

    And also the Apostle Paul said repeatedly that WE the Church are the BODY of CHRIST therefore if WE as the BODY cannot HEAL are we NOT REAL? Because Jesus can always heal; And he healed ALL that were sick, and ALL that came to him.

    And he said WE should do GREATER works than HE did?

    I think we are falling far far short; What do you think?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you think healing is for today/or passed away with the Apostles?

    I met a man who was telling EVERYBODY in the mall about his son an his incurable disease. I immediately spotted the man as getting off on playing the martyr. Being the do something about it or quit whinning type I inttroduced myself as a minister and asked if I could pray for the boy. The man replied he was also a minister and didn't believe in that stuff! Well I asked a loaded question: Do you think God COULD heal your son IF HE WANTED TO? (everyone thinks God could do anything IF HE WANTED TO.) So I said; Why on earth as a minister would you think God would'nt want to? He gave his only Son to die for us when we were yet his enemies. Why would he withhold healing from a little child? Well he got embarassed and left.

    What do you think? Do you agree with some who say the miracles were only needed to validate the message of the early church to get it going. Or do you see the gift of healing as something God gave us because he loves us and it's just as needful today as then?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If everyone has an immortal soul why did God kill his Son to give us immortality?

    Why would God sacrifice his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

    If everyone already has a spirit that cannot die. Then you are saying God is a fool and sacrificed his son to give is something EVERYONE ALREADY HAS!??! And newsflash it says; "HAVE" everlasting life.

    IT does not say; GO TO; heaven. Zoe means life it is a thing not a place.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has anyone seen the Video: Obama says thank you satan, strange but true. On youtube?

    It's really creepy play his speeches backwards and its' people chanting serve satan thank you satna. eerie! This is worse than the beatles album.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How could Jesus' death on the cross pay for an eternity in hell? A physical body for a spiritual eternity?

    I believe the Bible is true. I know Jesus died on the cross for our sins. And that it is paid for thereby: I question the FALSE DOCTRINE that says; Punishment for sin is to live a burning fiery hell.

    How could the death of a physical fleshly mortal body pay the price for a souls spiritual eternity?

    Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death.

    Logically; If the wages of sin really is "death" then it makes sense that Jesus died on the cross because that would pay the exact change of the wages of sin. But if as the churches teach the wages of sin is eternal hell fire: then a physial mortal body paying for billions of immortal spirits makes no sense: but ehhh you can't find this teaching in the bible anyway.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If the soul can never die: Why does the Bible say Jesus's did?

    The prophesy of Isaiah says: "because he hath POURED OUT HIS SOUL UNTO DEATH: which means that not even Jesus' soul was immoral so how is everyone elses if even the Son of God's wasn't?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If man has an "immortal soul" that cannot die; why does the Bible say the exact opposite so often?

    Ezekiel 18: 4 The soul that sinneth it shall die.

    Ezekiel 18:4 The soul that sinneth it shall die.

    Josh 10:35 all the souls he utterly destroyed.

    Josh 10:39 "he utterly destroyed ALL THE SOULS

    Josh 11:11 They smote ALL the souls with the edgfe of the sword, utterly destroying them:

    Psa 49:8 The redemption of their soul is preciouus and it CEASETH FOREVER.

    Psa 78:50 "He spared not their soul from death"

    Psa 89:48 What man is he that liveth and shall not see death? Shall he deliver his SOUL from the hand of the GRAVE?

    And even Jesus Soul died:

    Isaiah 53:12 "because he hath poured out his soul to death.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If death is "seperation from God" How could Jesus be seperated from God if he is God?

    I hear this garbage that death really means "seperation from God" when ever you point people at Romans 6:23 which says; "The wages of Sin is DEATH, (notice not eternal torment in a burning fiery hell but death) so they spout this garbage that the words do not REALLY mean what they say: the word death REALLY means "SEPERATION FROM GOD" which REALLY means LIVING FOREVER... ....ER IN THE FLAMES OF A BURNING HELL. So please tell me how Jesus who is God According to John 1:1 could be Seperated from God when he himself is God? or the doctrine of eternal hell is false and that is why it makes no sense even to nominally rational people?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If the body is not the real you. Why did Jesus need to raise his from the dead?

    IIf the body is just a shell, and not the "REAL YOU" why would he need or want to raise a dead shell? Why could he not just go straight to heaven?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why Christians don't really believe Jesus is the only way to heaven.?

    Now the Bible says Jesus is the only way. And does not teach that you go instantly to heaven or a burning fiery hell the second you die.

    But for those who do not know the Bible who call themselves


    If Jesus is the only way to heaven then everyone of the old Testament Saints from Abraham to Moses and David and Isaiah etc all of them are in hell burning for all eternity. Acts 2 says clearly that David did not go to heaven. Hebrews lists all the Old Testament Saints saying tht they desired a heavenly country but these ALL DIED IN FAITH NOT RECIEVING THAT PROMISE. So if they are not in heaven according to you they are in hell burning forever and remember Acts and Hebrews were written long after Jesus died rose and ascended to heaven.

    All babies who died without "accepting Jesus as their personal savior"

    Must be burning in Hell forever in torment a what a Loving merciful God you present the world! Yes ladies whio have had abortions or sorry miscarriages(I went through this) These must tell you that the miscarried baby is burning in hell forever.

    Oh no tricks Romans says plainly there is none righteous no NOT EVEN ONE. If as you will hem and haw and lie tocover this horrible blasphemy against God and try to say babies are not accountable they are inocent, God does not hold them accountable? The Bible says the wages of sin is DEATH. and i am referring to babies that have died. Get it! sin passed on them too, that's why they died.

    Either you abandon this heresy and accept that all who die are dead and no one lives without Jesus raising them from the dead and no one lives forever but He to whom Jesus gives eternal life. Then there is no problem as the dead before christ and the dead in christ both await the resurection.

    Or YOU make god a liar and a fool of yourself as you try everymeans of mental gymnastics to fit the OT saints and babies into heaven without Jesus without the cross and without the Blood!

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why did Jesus say that ALL dead people righteous and unrighteous ARE IN THE GRAVE?

    Jesus Said:"Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming in the which ALL THAT ARE IN THEIR GRAVES SHALL HEAR HIS VOICE.

    29 And shall come forth; THEY THAT HAVE DONE GOOD, unto the resurection of life; and THEY THAT HAVE DONE EVIL, unto the resurection of damnation.

    Jesus Christ himself said they are all in the grave both good and evil just as Ecclesiastes 3 says all go to one place all are of the dust and all return to dust again.

    Those who believe they have a soul or spirit that leaves their physical body at death not only make Jesus a liar: he says they are in the grave> but thay also make him a fool for speaking about raising the dead when according to them they are not dead but in heaven. how do they then hear from their graves and come forth from their graves? Do they; already having immortality and already being in heaven need a resurection so that they can be made immortal and live forever in heaven where thay have already been? I Thessalonians 3 also says the dead in christ shall RISE FIRST(resurection) it does not say they shall descend first so that they can enter their dead bodies and then rise.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Bringing Jesus again from the dead?: Why does God hate revival?

    The word revival means literally to bring back from the dead. And according to I Corinthians 12:27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

    9 "KNOWING THAT CHRIST being raised from the dead DIETH NO MORE! death hath no more dominion over him.

    10 For in that HE DIED HE DIED UNTO SIN ONCE, but in that he liveth he liveth unto God.Romans 6:9,10

    Since christains are called the body of Christ and the word also says christ dieth no more. Looking for a revival is admitting that the body is dead and in need of revival. I bring this up because it is a sure sign of a false version of Christainity because The real Jesus is not dead: and neither is his real body. But as it is written in James: As the body without the spirit is dead." This also is a confession on their part that they have not the spirit. and as written in Romans: If any have not the spirit of Christ he is none of his. So it is written.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where in the Bible does it say that death is seperation from God?

    This is used quite a bit when people try to actually prove that the dead are are not dead but alive, bacause they cannot come up with a single verse to prove this from the bible, they have to resort to twisting the meaning of the words so they can use all the verses that say you are dead and tell us that they really mean that you are more alive when you are dead than when you were alive( a minister on the radio actually said this) and if this sounds like confusing gobbldegook: HEY YOU AN ME BOTH BROTHER!

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who told you that you would go to heaven when you die?

    Now before you even think about quoting John 14:1 I Go to prepare a place for you. First of all Jesus never said We would go to heaven anywhere in the Bible. He says in John 14 that HE WILL COME AGAIN and recieve US. Jesus also said in John 3 :13 "And no man hath ascended to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the SOn of man, which is in heaven. Further Jesus qiute clearly told people that they could not go to heaven, John 7:33-34 Then said Jesus unto them, Yet a little while I am with you, and then I go to him that sent me

    34Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me: and WHERE I AM THITHER YE CANNOT COME. And John 8: 21 Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: WHITHER I GO YE CANNOT COME. And finally in John 13 just before he says the I go to prepare(remember the original gospel had no chapters); he tells his disciples: John 13:33 "Little children, yet a little while I am with you, YE SHALL SEEK ME: AND AS I SAID UNTO THE JEWS, WITHER I GO YE CANNOT COME; SO NOW I SAY TO YOU.

    And do not say: "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord" BECAUSE YOU WOULD BE LYING: that is not what the Bible says; you have been taught a lie, that can only be proved through twisting the scripture.

    What it really says is II Corinthians 5:6 Therefore we are always confident knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord.

    7 (for we walk by faith and not by sight)

    8 We are confident I say and WILLING RATHER to be absent from the body AND to be present with the Lord.

    He is stating a preference and In I Corinthians 15 he gives the method of that absence from this body as the resurection from the dead. Paul makes clear that the only way to immortality is that we must ALL BE changed that this mortal(not having an immortal soul or spirit) MUST PUT ON IMMORTALITY. This he says: Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God neither doth coruption(death) inherit incoruption(immortality) YOU MUST BE CHANGED< Paul says first is the natural body and then the spiritual body, he makes the spiritual body something we must put on, therefore we do not now have it neither are we spirits but flesh, That is what Jesus meant when he said to the Jews in John 8:23 When the Jews murmered about his saying that they could not come where he was going he explained why: "And he said unto them, YE ARE FROM BENEATH: I AM FROM ABOVE: YE ARE OF THIS WORLD I AM NOT OF THIS WORLD.

    This is what he meant in john 13:36 to Simon Peter He said Whither I go thou canst follow me now; but thou shalt follow me afterwards. As Peter offered to die with Him, but Jesus was saying exactly what Paul was saying in I Corinthians 15:44-55 We are mortal He was heavenly, If Peter had died with him Jesus would have risen from the dead and Peter would BE DEAD. As Corruption cannot inherit incoruption. and as I Cor 15:20-23 But now is Christ risen from the dead and become the firstfruits of them that slept.

    21 For since by man came death, by man came also the ressurection from the dead.

    22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.


    As it says also in Job 14:10-15 But man dieth and giveth up the ghost and where is he?

    11 As the waters fail from the sea and the flood decayeth and dryeth up:


    13Oh that thou wouldest hide me in the grave, that thou wouldest keep ,me secret till thy wrath be past, THAT THOU WOULDEST APPOINT ME A SET TIME, AND REMEMBER ME!


    15 Thou shalt call and, I will answer thee, thou wilt have a desire to the work of thy hands(John 5:28-29 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in their graves(Jesus says all the dead are in their graves not heaven not hell) shall hear his voice,

    29 And shall come forth; they that have done good to the resurection of life:(I Thesalonians 4:15-17 The dead in Christ are asleep until they hear his voice, they rise with us to MEET the Lord: if they were in heaven it would say: we will rise to meet christ and the dead coming to us. Which it does not say.

    Therefore it is not so and He(Jesus) has told you.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What would you do christians?

    I have walked with God all of my life.

    I have have actually seen Jesus the Christ.

    I have cast out devils.

    Healed the sick.

    Stopped storms with a word.

    Kept it from raining until the ground was catching fire.

    performed other miracles all in the name of Jesus.

    but everytime I get a job I get laid off.

    I feel like anything othr than mimnistry is robbing me of time I could be serving God.

    The last job I was at was a good job. Until I was telling someone about all the answered prayers I have had and I was threatened by my boss for 'Shoving religion down EVERYBODY"S throat, (which I never do - honest all i did was talk to one guy who brought the subject up to me first! I wasn't talking religion He was taliking about the book the secret( how faith brings results) and I just said well that isn't a secret all that stuf is in the Bible. and I almost get fired! Yet I had to listen in the lunch room about a guy hiring 5 dollar hookers and some vile things he was going to do. Yet say God answered my prayers? and I almost get fired? So I said God yu gotta get me outta this godless place wher I can't even say you are great. Boom two days later I'm laid off. and every job I get laid off. I can command the wind and the seas but how do I pay the bills?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago