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  • How do I sleep when I dread the next morning?

    I've always had trouble sleeping, and the biggest part of that is that mornings suck and I want to avoid them. I do so by staying awake the night before. more sleep doesn't make the morning suck less. so how do I make the morning more appealing so I sleep better?

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • How can atheists believe in pre-destiny?

    Atheists(as opposed to agnostics) don't have a belief in any underlying guiding power in the universe, but some believe in pre-destiny, and do not believe in free will. I'm not saying it's wrong or judging atheists, I am just curious as to why this is.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How long will the Tegra 3(Google Nexus 7) run new google play store games before it's obsolete?

    I need a 7" tablet that runs games good... Will a Google Nexus 7/Tegra 3 get it done? if not, is there an android tablet around $200 to $250(maybe even $300) that will? No, I don't want an ipad.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Doing anything hurts too much due to psych issues, do I have any options but suicide?

    After 20 years of therapy and meds for MDD(chronic depression) and GAD(chronic anxiety), I still just can't stand to do anything. But being alive means I have to do things. Is it time to end my life so that I really never have to do anything ever again, or are there other ways to avoid the unbearable pain I feel whenever I have to do things? I'm happy to pursue either option, but I would also like suggestions on how to act on or fulfill whatever option you suggest. I no longer believe there is any effective treatment, and I also believe that people will spend the rest of my life calling me lazy and claiming I just don't want to do anything. Fortunately, I don't care what other people call me or what insulting things they say about me. I just need to stop the unbearable pain.

    What are my options?

    I am over 30 so this isn't exactly a teen suicide, I have a good idea of what I'm getting into and have thought it through. I also know there are other options, but I am running out of them. Quickly.

    Thanks for reading!

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Is a tablet worth buying just for the games?

    The question says it all.

    I am talking about a Tegra 3 tablet.

    I am also open to "more powerful" gaming-wise tablets if they are under $300.

    Please let me know, thanks!

    BTW, I have PC/XBox/Wii for the "console" games.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Will the Wii U and/or Ouya do better than the Atari Jaguar?

    I had an Atari Jaguar back in the day.

    It SUCKED.

    Can I expect the Ouya or Wii U to have more games and more players? I dont' want to buy something that's a total dead-end.

    Even if the Wii U only does as well as the Gamecube, that's good enough... I like the Nintendo games, and have a PC for fps games.


    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Ouya, android tablet, ipad touch, or Wii U?

    Which will provide me with the best gaming experience?

    The graphics are weak on the Ouya/android, but the Wii U doesn't have the games there.

    I will not consider the xbox one or PS4. Too much $$$.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What phone is the best upgrade from a Samsung Galaxy S 4G(as in, Galaxy S1)?

    Lovin the HTC One and the Nexus 4 but... $500?!?! No. But still, I need an upgrade from my Samsung Galaxy S, which I believe was released in June of 2010? it also has a single 1GHz CPU. Slow!

    I need a phone that:

    A) Runs everything in the google play store *decently*(doesn't have to be a tegra3 here)

    B) Has enough RAM(say 1GB) that it never, or at least rarely, crashes due to memory leaks

    C) Has at least a 4.5" screen

    D) Can take an internal(or preferable) microsd card.

    *a flash on it's camera would be great too

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Can I get 200hp out of my 173hp kia forte without using nos/turbo/super charger?

    That's a 15% increase... Can it be done, and if so, how? Intake, exhaust, ecu?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Are there games for tablets/smart phones that just aren't as good on pc or console?

    Are there any android or ios games you wouldn't prefer to play on PC, wii, or Xbox 360(if you could)? and if there are games that are better on a tablet(or even smart phone) than PC or console, why are they better? I feel Angry Birds plays better on a PC with a mouse, for instance. Any driving is better on a console, any fps is better on a PC, games like Sim City are better on PC. Are there any games that you couldn't play on a PC or console the way you can play them on a tablet?

    Or is it just a matter of being able to play similar games more conveniently?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Are there games for tablets/smart phones that just aren't as good on pc or console?

    angry birds is actually better with a mouse.

    Are there any android or ios games you wouldn't prefer to play on PC, wii, or Xbox 360(if you could)? and if there are games that are better on a tablet(or even smart phone) than PC or console, why are they better?

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Gear8 years ago
  • Google Nexus 7 used for $125 or Ouya for $100 for games?

    I am looking for a device for the sole pupose of playing games from the google play store, especially the cheap or free ones(which is all of them)...

    I just saw a used Google Nexus for $125 and I was very tempted. But then I remembered that the Ouya will be out soon. They use very similar hardware, run on very similar software, and play very similar games. What I am trying to decide is which would serve me better as a cheap gaming device.

    The Ouya isn't portable and has many less games, but it has better controls than a touch screen for more traditional games. The Nexus 7 probably runs every single game in the google play store decently, but a real controller would cost extra, and may be very impractical unless I use the HDMI(which as I understand slows it down, bad news for a game-specific machine).

    I already have an android smart phone(but it can't really run 3D games or even particularly complex 2D ones), and I already have an XBox360 and a Wii as dedicated game consoles.

    If you believe that I would be better off buying $5-$10 used wii or xbox360 games than buying google play store android games, please elaborate, as that would save me a LOT of money!

    Ditto PC games. Yes I have a PC with a 3D card for the really heavy stuff lol


    I know the Ouya's not out yet, but it's close enough that I need to take it into consideration.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • used Google Nexus 7($125) or Ouya($100)?

    I am looking for a device for the sole pupose of playing games from the google play store, especially the cheap or free ones(which is all of them)...

    I just saw a used Google Nexus for $125 and I was very tempted. But then I remembered that the Ouya will be out soon. They use very similar hardware, run on very similar software, and play very similar games. What I am trying to decide is which would serve me better as a cheap gaming device.

    The Ouya isn't portable and has many less games, but it has better controls than a touch screen for more traditional games. The Nexus 7 probably runs every single game in the google play store decently, but a real controller would cost extra, and may be very impractical unless I use the HDMI(which as I understand slows it down, bad news for a game-specific machine).

    I already have an android smart phone(but it can't really run 3D games or even particularly complex 2D ones), and I already have an XBox360 and a Wii as dedicated game consoles.

    If you believe that I would be better off buying $5-$10 used wii or xbox360 games than buying google play store android games, please elaborate, as that would save me a LOT of money!

    Ditto PC games. Yes I have a PC with a 3D card for the really heavy stuff lol


    I know the Ouya's not out yet, but it's close enough that I need to take it into consideration.

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Gear8 years ago
  • Will self-harm cause awareness of my psychiatric issues?

    I have horrible psychiatric issues (anxiety and depression) and I feel like they are not being addressed. Do I need to cut myself or something(self harm) to get the message across? To get people to stop talking me into doing things that make it worse? I feel like my words, even symptoms are completely meaningless.

    5 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Why do Formula 1 cars use 14" rims?

    Most cars these days use 16" or 17" rims, many use bigger than that, a few of the cheapest ones use 15", but I don't know of any current car that uses 14"... so why do the fastest cars(F1) use 14"?

    Heat? Fragility? Weight?

    Sorry if I'm wrong about current cars not using 14", or F1 being fastest, but the question still stands.


    5 AnswersFormula One8 years ago
  • How different is Ontario, Canada from Ohio, U.S.?

    I was thinking about a short vacation there because my passport expires next year and I have a perfect opportunity now. For a vacation, it's basically a few hours to the border. I am especially interested in how different the people are on the other side of the border.

    3 AnswersOther - Canada8 years ago
  • For games, do you recommend a laptop or a tablet with keyboard?

    It seems I can't get the 'google play' store apps(or similar) for PC, even though I'd prefer a laptop.

    A laptop is a PC, which uses the old "pay $20-$60 up front" model, as opposed to the freemium/pay if you like it android/app store/google play model. As I understand it, Windows 8 has an app store? Just not that many apps?

    So do I get a tablet with a keyboard or a laptop?

    Bear in mind this is JUSt for GAMES, and NOT expensive hardcore games: I have an XBOX360 for that.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • how do I do HDR without a camera that has bracketting?

    I would like to do HDR at a museum and some other places, but I have the D3100 which has no auto-bracketting. I try to lock down the tripod tight enough that when I twist the control to change shutter speed the camera doesn't budge, but it always budges a teeny bit, and I think that throws the HDR completely out of whack, making the composite image look worse than the center exposure.

    Any advice?

    3 AnswersPhotography8 years ago
  • IPad, Android tablet, or other for portable gaming?

    Cost is a factor: 

    My phone is too slow. 

    Number and quality of games are also a factor. 

    What do you recommend? 

    I hope to get an answer soon so I can make a purchase today. 

    If I got a tablet, it would be a google nexus 7 or an iPad mini... I know these do more, but this device would focus on games. I also know ps vita is powerful, but games are expensive! And probably require physical media for each?


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago