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Hello (: I'm Julia, a spunky 17 year old. I love the beach, so feel free to invite me whenever! Hah. Have a good day (:

  • Where can I sell my reptiles?


    I live in Orange County, California to start.

    I have a sub adult veiled chameleon (male) and 2 ball pythons, one baby (female) and one sub adult (male). I don't know where to sell them - I've tried some websites online and have done some extensive research but I haven't found anything remotely helpful. I don't even want to sell them, much rather get rid of them. I'm offering to give them away completely free, cages and heat lamps and all, just so I don't have them anymore. I've tried posting an add on craigslist but that didn't go anywhere, I put it on facebook and instagram, but no one wants them... I talked to the local reptile store and they said they would take them but then I'd have all the lamps and containers to store in my I'd like to know that they owners who take them will give them care. I'm not saying someone needs to take all three reptiles of course, but I don't know what to do here.

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated. (:

    2 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • Does anyone know the name of this movie?

    when I was 16 my friend showed me this movie and we watched it together on her computer. (This was almost 2 years ago). She told me "this movie is makes you feel high even if you're not!" (which is true - I was completely sober and felt high as a kite during the film because it's so weird and confusing....)

    It's this artistic movie that has all different forms of animation from a bunch of different artists. I only watched it once but I remember it starts out with what seems like this little Mexican girl, and a little white boy, playing with one of those little paper games that you stick your fingers in, it's an elementary school game. She's explaining to him how to play it, then it just moves onto the next scene which is completely unrelated.

    Another scene i remember was this man and woman laying in bed together and she was talking (still animated although it looks sort of real) about her dreams and how you lay down for 2 minutes and your dream seemed like it lasted for hours.

    the only other scene I remember was a man (yes, still animated) that was an older teacher with silver hair talking into the audience basically and going on a rant about something but I don't remember what.

    All forms of animation are different but most are very similar. If anyone knows please let me know! (:

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • How do I clean up my PC?


    I have a Windows PC that I got as a gift for my last birthday, and I hardly ever use it. It's more of a waste of space rather than a useful tool. My 14 year old cousin wants it since I offered to mail it to her, and I want to completely clear out EVERYTHING so it's like a brand new computer! It's not that there's anything bad on it that I wouldn't want her to see, I just want it to be new and fun for her.

    any advice? Thanks!!

    3 AnswersPC7 years ago
  • Why won't my corn snake eat?

    I bought a baby corn snake two days ago. When the lady sold it to me, she said that today is feeding day, so when I get home i should put her in a container with the dead mouse and let her eat (for a few hours of over night.) I did so, and left her overnight, but she hasn't eaten. I decided she would be more comfortable with the mouse in her tank under her little hut where she hides, she for the past day and a half she still hasn't there anything else i can feed her or anything i can do?

    2 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • What's up with my hermit crab?

    I have 2 hermit crabs, 1 hermit crab molted it's entire exoskeleton. At first i thought it was the dead carcass but i later (about 4 days) realized it was still alive in its shell and that was its old skin. My other hermit crab on the other hand has been losing its arms and even its tiny claw and i'm scared because it isn't moving. I called Petco and told the guy what's up and he said it may be dying while my friend who grew up with hermit crabs told me that one of hers did the same thing and she burried it but then learned it was actually alive and just going through some weird hibernation stage and the legs would have grown back.

    I looked up some hermit crab molting stuff and it didn't say anything about losing limbs so i'm a little confused. Any further education on this situation would be super helpful and I'd appreciate it thoroughly :D

    2 AnswersOther - Pets10 years ago
  • what's a shadden, like the insult definition?

    see, i was watching this extraordinarily funny video on youtube as a parody for the snuggie, and it used a sentence with the word "shadden" in it. i didn't know what it meant, but by the context it sounded rude and derogetory, and i've heard it at school in an insulting manner, but when i looked it up online nothing made sense it claimed to have to do with shoewear and shoe products like wtf right? and then urban dictionary's answer that someone posted was quite obviously just bagging on their friend, not really giving me a good idea of what "shadden" means. i'm not sure if i spelled that right but you know what close enough because it sounds like it's spelled hopefully, unlike "gnome" or "comb".

    i would get great happiness if someone could answer this question thoroughly not like a 12 yr old who thinks they are cool because 12 yr olds are in middle school.

    thank u so much (:

    have a good one now.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • what should i do.....hmm. ?

    i don't celebrate valentines day because i personally think it's a stupid made up crappy excuse of a holiday, but apparently my boyfriend thinks otherwise. i told him it's nothing and he doesnt have to get or make me anything but knowing him he will (lol) so is there anything i should do in return? he's probably gonna make me a bracelet (like i suggested when he protested) so i dont want to go full out.

    any suggestions?

    he's 14, white, youngest of three boys, isnt too huge into video games, and is a soccer player.


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is the conversion from K to MM?

    i feel like an idiot because i had this down and i'm totally drawing a blank!! I'm doing my science HW and forgot what it is it's like K D M L Cm Mm or something weird like that (yah, i'm way off with that example....)

    Thanks so much :)

    3 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • is she a Virgin lips?

    My friend can't get on yahoo because her computer is broken, so i'm asking for her:

    she hasn't had a kiss in ten years. Does that make her a virgin lips?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What does this mean...?

    This guy just told me, "Dude! We totally have chemistry!!" i had no clue what that means or what he's saying. Any help?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How the heck can i get rid of the frekin dick?

    OMG my friends and i just started highschool recently. then like my one friend met this guy and has become a TOTAL slut like on the first date (after only knowing hfor 8 days) she let him feel her boobs and like thats totally wrong. Then like they always sneak away during lunch and makeout and stuff like that. Yesterday my friends stalked them and because of that she punched me in the face! :O she's totally lost it and we ALL know he only lusts her but doesn't love her..but she doesn't believe us. We just want her not to become a whore but shes totally going down that path. She is seriously the only person in the school that even remotely cares about him because he has no friends AND he has like tons of acne! EW! We are all (my friends and i) trying to get rid of him so he doesnt use our friend but its not working. what should we do???

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does the particle size affect the rate of solvation?

    I'm in high school and am doing a science project and therefore have to answer this question. But, to start the project of course i will need research. Sadly, i've been to Google and Ask but nothing i search works because it can't figure out what i need. (And i don't trust Wikipedia so there's no chance of that happening) I even tried youtube and searched it but once again no videos came up.

    Can anyone help me? :D

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • What is the happy hour for Ra Sushi in the Tustin District, California?

    dude holy crap im with my grandma and we want sushi for dinner but we frekin forgot when the happy hour is and google isnt helping LIKE ITS SUPPOSED TO. Do you...know????

    Los Angeles1 decade ago
  • When is the next blue moon?

    i need to know for extra credit in my science class but i can't figure it out. help?

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • omg special ed kid likes me how do i let him down easily?

    i was at school (im 13 in 8th grade) and then this kid came up to me wit ha special ed kid behind him. hes like, he liked you. can he have your number nad go on a date with him? adn i was like, oh crap how do i respond to that.

    so then (although i can date whoever i want whenever i want) i lied nad said, "I can't date until im 14...sorry. but i'll give you my number when u give me a paper and a pencil"

    so lately the not special kid has been nagging me at school, but i dont know how to let the special kid down easily. like, he asked me, "when ur 14 next year in highschool would you date him?"

    i simply told him that i owuld give him a chance unless i had a bf by then.

    NOW I FEEL BAD!!! how can i tell him no?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • does the type of soda affect the height of the geyser when mentos are added?

    When I did this experiment, i did it with three sodas: Mountain dew, Root beer, and of course, Diet coke. with seven mentos for each soda the diet coke definitely went the highest. the mountain dew was literally only like, one foot high. Now i want to know why.

    2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago