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Lv 44,990 points

Brittany Boo

Favorite Answers8%

Hey everyone,my name is Brittany and I live in FL. I love The Lord with all my heart and he is a big part of my life,without God,I wouldn't be here. I love Classic Rock Music and just plain Rock/Metal/Grunge. I'm really into The Lord Of The Rings and Harry Potter films. My fave band is Nirvana and I've been really into Nicki Minaj lately. I have 2 best friends who are really dear to me and they're Nicole and Charlie Boo. =) Love you guys!! <3

  • Why do I ALWAYS assume the worst about our friendship?

    Okay, I ALWAYS assume the worst when it comes to mine and my best friends friendship. My BFF lives 3 and a half hours from me so it's not like I can just go to his house when I feel this way. My BFF is never a txter. He doesnt like technology..he's always been this way. Sometimes I dont even know why he has a phone to begin with. I am always the one talking to him first and everytime he doesn't txt me back, I always think that I did something wrong to make him not txt back. I have really bad anxiety when it comes to my BFF. I love him to death but I always think the worst. I need to start thinking postitive. He started working too so most of the time that's why he doesnt txt back or talk to me. He's this way with everyone though (not talking back) it's not just to me. I like talking to him every day but he doesn't like talking every single day..I am trying to just talk to him on weekends since he works during the week. I also think it would give us more to talk about if I don't talk to him every day. But everytime he doesnt talk to me..I ALWAYS think the worst. :( Is there anything that can help me not assume things anymore and just be happy?

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • My best friend doesnt want to talk to anyone?

    I'm thinking my bff is depressed right now because he won't talk to me or anyone else. I've left him so many txts and calls..I even left him voicemails and I still haven't heard a word from him. I'm thinking the reason he is depressed is because his grandma is mad at him right now. She won't talk to him abt what he did over the weekend. Jessica (his sister-in-law) called me earlier and told me that he hasn't been talking to anyone. She asked him if he wanted to use her cell phone to call me since his phone is acting up but he just said he will talk to me later. Me and him have been bffs for a year now and I would think he would atleast talk to me about it but he won't. He's been depressed before so this isn't the first time. I'm just worried about him. Should I wait until he talks to me first? I can't force him to talk to me..I don't wanna make it worse. The last time we talked was 2 days ago and he hasn't talked to me since. :( I worry a lot about things too.

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • What does this mean? im getting worried.?

    I haven't heard anything from my bff all day and when I go to call his phone it will ring and then go to voicemail but when I call again it goes straight to voicemail. I don't get it and someone told me its because he blocked my number? I hope that isn't true. We've been bffs for a year now. I don't think he would actually do that. I'm hoping ill hear something from him tomorrow. :( I've been calling his phone and now it just rings and then goes to voicemail. I worry a lot abt things.

    4 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How do you know if someones phone is off?

    Would it go straight to voicemail or can it also keep on ringing?

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • When you press ignore on your cell phone when someone they know you ignored them?

    Like when someone calls and you don't really feel like talking and you press ignore..Would that person know you ignored them? Like does it cut them off when you press ignore?

    I have a friend who literally calls me like 5 times everyday and a lot of times I don't feel like talking. She calls me soo much because she's bored and she has nothing to do at the house. She's a she doesn't work. She has 3 kids and so she gets bored and calls me. I can understand her being bored and calling me..but damn she doesn't need to call all the time.

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Why do gay guys like to make out with girls while they're wasted but they don't like girls like that?

    Me and my gay bff have made out while we were wasted before. We made out like 3 times. And he's really he ONLY likes men. He will never like a girl that way..ever. But anyways he doesn't like making out when he's sober. He doesn't like making out with a girl but yet he does when he's totally wasted and if the girl asks first. I asked him while we were wasted and he was totally down for it..but the next time we got drunk..I asked him if we could again and he said no. I guess he wasnt wasted. lol.

    He obviously knows what he's doing right? He know's he's making out with me while we are drunk but he doesn't like girls. confusing.

  • Why do phone's mess up alot to where you can't recieve txts or anything?

    My best friend has a Pantech cell phone. I think it's a Pantech Crux or something like that. He has Verizon but he's had his phone for 2 years already because his grandma pays his phone bill and she won't allow him to upgrade to a new phone because he's already asked. But everytime I txt him..I don't get nothing back. I've even tried calling him like 3 times today and he didn't pick up. He keeps his phone always on vibrate now btw. But his phone has been known to mess up alot to where he doesn't get txt messages but wouldn't he atleast get my phone calls? Or have cell phones been known to not recieve phone calls either?

    He would never ignore me because I asked him if he would ever ignore my txts and he said no and I do believe him. He is honest. We've been bff's for a year now. We live 3 hours away from each other now and I like talking to him every day. He doesn't mind. But I get irritated sometimes when he never txts back..I'm assuming his phone is messing up again or his phone is on vibrate and he just doesnt know he's getting txts or calls from me. And plus he told me he HATES technology. He hates txting, internet..all that. He doesn't like phones or anything. I guess I can understand him not liking txting..alot of ppl hate txting. I'm a txter and always have been.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • How come you NEVER see Beavis and Buttheads parents?

    Did they die or something? And are Beavis and Butthead stepbrothers or just best friends?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What is Hookah? I've heard of it but I dont know exactly what it is.?

    I'm not into drugs at I'm dumb in that category.

    7 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits9 years ago
  • My BFF is sick and has allergies?

    He doesn't feel like txting at all today. How can allergies make you really sick? I've never had allergies yet and so idk what it feels like. He was sick yesterday but he txted me saying he's sicker today.

    3 AnswersAllergies9 years ago
  • Which Harry Potter movie is your favorite and which character is your favorite?

    I love Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Half-Blood Prince, and Deathly Hallows: Part 2. Which ones are your favorite? :) And I love Draco.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Dont you hate it when this happens?

    When you send a txt and the person only responds to the last question and leaves the first and middle part unanswered?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • How come my best friend isn't a txter or a caller?

    Okay..I have this best friend who doesn't like to txt or call. I'm also ALWAYS the one txting him first. We can't see each other a lot because he lives 3 hours away from me. I live in Panama City and he lives in Mobile. But everytime I txt him, I always got to wait for a txt and a lot of times I never get one unless I resend it or just send him another txt. He told me before that he hates txting, internet, talking on the phone..all that stuff. But there's absolutely no reason for him to not txt me back. Even if I txt him a simple question he doesn't respond. Maybe its because he's a guy and guys hate txting. Idk. He's the type that he loves to talk in person. Just not on a phone. I try not to take it personally but sometimes I can't help it. It makes me feel like he doesn't wanna talk to me when he doesn't respond back but I know its not true. He keeps his phone on vibrate all the time and maybe that's why he doesn't get my messages sometimes. He's also had his phone for like 2 years and so a lot of times it won't receive messages until later on in the day. I need to quit assuming though lol. When I assume on one thing I start to get mad and upset. :/

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Paycheck Plus credit card?

    I work at McDonalds and I get paid today. Its midnight here and when I called I still have $O balance on my card. How long does it take for the money to be on your card? I have plans later on today and I'm gonna be very upset if my money never makes it on my card today. Should I wait and call in an hour to check my balance again?

    1 AnswerFood Service9 years ago
  • I am getting my first tattoo monday after I get off work..and Im nervous?

    Im nervous because I hate needles but I REALLY want a tattoo. Im probably gonna have to hold on to my bff's hand lol. How bad does getting a tattoo hurt? I'm nervous and I would like to overcome this.

    3 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • Should I go to the club with my best friend this weekend?

    My best friend who is gay invited me to go clubbing with him this weekend at Fiesta. I'm not sure if I wanna go though. I don't like the way he gets drunk really and I know that he'll leave me and go dance with his other friends and whatnot. He'll also start looking for a hot guy to try and go home with. I don't want my Saturday night to be a bummer. I love my best friend dearly but I know him and I know that is probably what he'll do. Should I just stay home? I do have work on Sunday anyway. I go into work at 5pm but still. I don't really know what to do or what to tell him.

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • When should i get my 1st check from McDonalds?

    I just started working at McDonalds on March 24th. It's the 28th now. We get paid every other Monday. My mom told me that I should get a partial check this coming up Monday? I'm not sure if I do or not though. I remember working at Burger King last year and they held out an extra week for me and then I finally got my 1st check. Idk. I know that McDonalds and BK are different companies so they probably do stuff differently.


    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Would a 1987 Ford Thunderbird be considered a classic?

    My grandma who is gonna live with me and my family soon is wanting to give me her 1987 Ford Thunderbird. She kept very good care of her car. It still runs good and everything. Except the air stopped working and its got a minor oil leak but that's it. Would her car be considered a classic?x

    5 AnswersFord9 years ago